HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 205, December 24, 1928Proceedingsof T City of Paducah 24T11, 192a
1' �r.a�rn
At a P.eguler meeting of the lionre'. of Uor:-Ji!rioncrs ?,old in the Com-
missioners' Chambcr in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kontucky at
2 o'clock p.m., or. the 29th day o'' Docoriber, 1928, i.:nyor Lackey presided ane
u:ron cA11 of tho roll the Pollovin;; nnswcrod to cb.r-ir n,.mos: Cnmmisriooer•s Brndshwr,
IL•:nnin, ?Fzttex• ard3.:ayor Lackey, (4).
'inutes of the rrovious me, ting mere ndopted as read. -�
Commissioner Hanrin offered the following motion: Agnes Fields having
).,_.nes Flo' -I n -plied for need to Lot No.5, Block Ro,3 in Onk Grove Cemetery in Paduenh,
decd to
lot in 0. cOracken County, Kentucky, I move that deed be issued to the seid Agnes Fields to
Lot No.5, Block 11o.3, in Oak Grove Cemetery upon payment to the Commissioner of
Biblio `Innnce the sum of 11;40.00. %douted on the call of the roll: Yeas;
Co—issioners Brndalhaw, Fannin, Rutter and "nyor Lackey, (4).
Co^nissioner Fannin offered the following motion; L?rs Ida Adams
T'ra Ids hnvirC applied for dn—1 to Lot 31o.34),x, lection 1 in Onk Grove Cemetnry in Paducah,
r d—a decd
to lot in '.7c^r-cT;en County, Aentncky, I move thnt ^cod be issued to the said ;'rs Ida Adalps
C'ek Greve
to Lot 77o.34Y, -Section 1 in Oak Grove Cemotery upon payment to the Coninissioner of
Public Finnnco the sum of :100.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas;
Commissioners Bradshaw, Rannin, Rutter and --yor Lackey, (4).
Commissior-er Rutter offered the follovring notion: I rrve that the
C,P,l.owery Co nis,,ioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay C.H. Lowery, Back Tae Collector,
comrlsrion '
for court costs *65.15, and commission ;39.60, total arount ;'104.75 in the action
of City of Palucah vs. Robert T?, Scott for purchase of property at 9th and Burnett
Stra:cts said to satisfy rewer Bill 3688, Koller Plumbing Company Contract in
fe-r- '^ne #5 for r396.07, and charge same to costs and suits fund. need for same
on file in City Clerk's office. Adopted on the call of the roll: Year;
Cr,- 1.c^icners Pr*Vnha-x Hannin, Rutter and L'ayor Lackey, (4).
Commissioner Rutter offered -notion tFot the interest on note at First
_ :oral 1%ink for •;;26,05 due December 31st, 1928, be allorred and the Coimissioner
-n* ':n
ro't^ nt o .'.:-3c Finance be nut'-.orizod to pay same. Adontod on the cr,ll of the roll:
fa• :0-r:iasicr.ers rn_aila , i?nanin, Futter and '.'nyor Lackey, (4),
,ommicrionar Futter offered the following motion.: I move that the
's ' t;'s Innrt, r„e the cost for intersections for ccnztruction of gravel strr:cts on the
_ icy Bros, 7cntra.ct :.o.l, on -asrin Lon ."troca, 19th to 21st streets for an:cunt
„tJ o" ,;.65.:%6 to nllc7ce-
!n1'..rnvz• of PAxi•1ic Finance be authorized to „^y a'me frorl
'2:.:it in the special street Improvement ?und in order to
r,i: r nCnr it opted on the c-11 0'_' the roll:
uttcx and 'Ayor Lackey, (4).
"c1lcvil ; motion; I sovo t.hnt the cost
I?'.eys or. -. ^ n r ' nn aontreet 1:0.3 for constriction of
t, 'ar . tint of
ce be: au Y. ..:.cd. to pr.y sere from
rvr nt. :'unci in circler to
_ _ i/, {,.
W -2-:O6-
4 Proceedings of ;''': F c Tf r" r; _City of Paducah
Co=iseioncr nutter offered the follo•7in5 moti:.n: I move that the
Commissioner of Fublic Finance be authorized to pny int -rest coupons for Dix
r,onths on the
Int. counonn on
ILC.".:'.F. ^.0. & o.r.R.R. 1926 nefunding Bonds :;31000.00 (4-1/2%)C97.50
I;efunding Bonds �; of lr collection charge 1.75.
Total f9?i.e5�
Payable through the City llationcl Dank, Paducah, for r,:mittnnco
to the Hanover National Bnnk, 11orl York, on or before January lct, 1929. Adopted
on the call of the roll: Yonc; Commissioners Bradohaw, Rannin, Rutter. and "nyor
Lnckcy, (4).
Commissioner Rutter offered the folln•:ing moiion: I move V'rt the
Co^pis^ ionor of Public Fi.rnnee be authorized to transfer on December 318t, 1928
'or•.ey transferred
to liferent hinds to the
3rd District Serer liond Sinking Fund 1;3100.00
2nd " relief .ewer bond Linking Fund 1247.50
11 -rd Surface St. & Right of ¢•ay Bond Sinking Fund 1993.50
I^Iand Creek Bridge Bond Sinking Fund 998.00
chool,Improvemcnt Bonds- 1920 Sinking Fund 5625.00
11 " " 1926 " " 4422.00
Arcr,eia School Bonds " " 1416.75
General Sinking Fund 4234.61
TOW -L _73MOV a6
The amount due to be set aside each six months to retire bonds at maturity.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Rutter
and i'ayor Lackey, (4).
Cn motiosmectin� nd,journed.
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