HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 202, December 17, 1928Proceedings of_ BOaFr rn r.- '*T5 City of Paducah DEC .'13T'R 17, 192&' I At a RoFulnr of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comeissioneral Chamber in the City 11n11 lullding in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.'%' on the 17th dal; of I'ecember, 1928, ','n;.,1or Lackey presided and upon cnil of the roll the following onswored to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Putter and Mayor Lackey, (5). "!I Utes of the previous meeting viere adopted so read. Comhissioner Iinnnin offered the following motion: I move that 10 street lights be installed by the Kentucky Utilities Company at points designated by street Tights the Commissioner of Public Property in the City of Paducah. Enid lights to be placed as follows: 3 on 28th Street 2 on 21st Street 1 at the mouth end of 9th Street at point approximately opposite where George Street woula intersect if extended, 1 in Littleville - 1 at 18th A Adkins 1 at 23rd and Cloy 1 at 5th and Ohio Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and T'syor Lackey, (50. ' Commissianer Hannin offered the following motion: I move that the deed Deed from Emma Smith of convt:yance from Emma Smith, widow, to More. Hughes, to property on the North to Mora Fughes-Lot in CeL Grove aide of mord Avenue, and between Chamblin Street and Foreman Street and being the West three -fourth (3/4) of Lot Ho.78, Block No.5 in Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken Uounty, Kentucky, subject to the conaitions of o,ld deed and subject to the r lea and regulations of said cemotory, be now ratified and npproved by the i'oard of Co,missioners. Adopted on the call of the roil: Yens: Co",issioners Eraftbi7, Tinnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Comrdsnion,r Nelson offered the following motion: I move that the 7onpoi'tedPoard np- co-municntion from the ':,;nyor advising of the appointment of Ed. P. Thurman, G. Rennin and Ann 1. Baker as members of the City Plnnr,ing end -oning :c nis-.ion, be r,-coived and filed. A0opted on +hc cell of thr roll: Yens; tnsion rs Lrn,(--ham, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and M,yor Lscltcy, (5). ;rrr,i ,inner Ruttor offered the following motion: I move t1•nt the Vr,','• Era_ issien of lC; due Brad y Ste:•rt, Back Tax Collector, on special Smprove7ent bill cnllrctionn from June tat to November 30th, 1928, which amounts to 7.17, i. n, lowed and Uh, t the Com•aissionor of Public .'inrnce be authorized rnl ch^.rge to the proper .fund. Adopted on the call of the cionc•ra Bra c=}:c^, }Innnin, 11olson, Futter and "nyor Tnekr:y, irnnr ::utter orf(:red motion t'lint the clnima for t -he month of llowed in *..J!e a•rount of 49.101.05, rn 1 the C•oavain. ionor of ace sut: (:rize•-i to Tny aamo. P'Iontfl on the callof the 1011. Ye"'. a Fra;s`a , ''c:nn1n, 1161een, Futtor ani Veyo), Lnekey, 1 per p,a'ter nffcred motion rr,9t the report n^ Oie ollar ftE .'tent T'und for t'cc ah of h/0v07ber,lW78, Lc receive3 and z 7te:! r,r. € •, c-•' ] 11; Yaa. Conr.ia: ionrrs i rr.,it,aw, .tinr,rin, Lackey, {). Proceedings of B�'''' cc T z,;'; :: City of Paducah " :wax, cF 1lr.R i�, -1928 Com--i:,rioner Ruttor offered notion•thnt the report of ttie-pecial :erect "retial 17.orove-,int :und for the month of November, 1928, be roceived and filed. Adopted .Impv. T"Ind for on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshnm, 1lannin, Nelson, Rutter and 1'ov.1928 tmyor T..ackey, (5). Conmissicner Rutter offered 'motion, Lb -9t the report of collections and Col F_ disbursements for" the month of November, 1928, be received and filed. Adopted on ir:urse- c-�:ts ibr the call of the roll: Yeas; Corxissioners Brndshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and !.!q,or ov.1988 Lnckey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the reports of the McCracken County Public "%,'!rncken 7,:alth League for the months of £aptember, October and Tiovcmber, 1928, be received Co.Fublic :-cnith and filed.. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Co:ir.issioners Bradshaw, Hannin, report Nelson, Rutter and !"'ayor Lackey, (5). ?'ayor Lackey offered motion trnt the communication from the McCracken McCracken County Tublie Realth League addressed to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners, Co.Public Fenith expressing thanks to the Board for their cooperation in the sale of tuberculosis Tengue C0._ Christmas seals, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Cor.�dssioners Bradshaw, Rannin, Nolson, Rutter and Nayor Lackey, (5). Paducah Vnyor Lackey offere•s motion thnt the report of the Paducah Water 1.7orks '::rater '.;1-s o.repo,.t Comnnny on mains and fire plugs lnid and completed, bearing date of December 3, 1928, be received and filed. Adopters on the call of the roll: Yens; Co-rnissioners Brndchn-, Fsnnin, Nelson, Rutter and "nyor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion ttot the report of the Paducah Plater ':Forks -:ter :'ks Conrory on mains ant fire plugs laid and completed, bearing date of December 15, 1928, resort be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll- Yeas.; Commissionors Prv,lshn:,i, Hnnnin, Nelson, Itutter and ':ayor Lnckey, (5). Yayor Lsckey offered the following. motion: I move the adoption of nn ordinance entitled, "All 01" I:'A?TCE P.OVIDING FOR TI!£ 711FGFCI-M!'11T :.'I[TIII IRE CITY OF P. !.UCAB, Crci, nce pzs_ �1-g ':UCi:Y 0. LCT OF 1,11E G'W,V.^,T. "T''ET.Y OF 711F TATE OF K"!IUCRY %D0TT'E!. ITT 1928, ening r.et ^.... '%IL'_' :'TIC -11 'AT �^'P`-.n ^.'0 ^ "Ti- CITY PLAN)IIlIG A'.ID 'ZONING I:A;1: Adopted IT' ',1W c• ll of t'^e roll: Yer.c; "o- nionlon rs Bradaha• , linnnin, Nelson, Rutter and ,•e:r I.n.ckey, (5). On 7notion meeting adjourned. nrrrov'_n��