HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 198, December 7, 1928Ll
No._ 198
Proceedings of_ z - City of Paducah .:,m. 7,19-
a Cell !."Ceting of the Board of Comm oionf-rs held. in the
Coriiisrionrrsl Chmiibpr in the City 1101 UIj,)IjWin the 0 P.Jty Of I'AdUC^b,
Kentucky at t,.*Io oiclock P.m., on the 7th day of Decomber, 1028, !',Yor I-ekey
pi-rr-leW -rd upon cnil of the roll the follr-.-Ting ann,mrored to their names:
Co%,Pissioners 11rinnin, :'Olson, Furter and. ,,yor T,^.Olkoy, (5).
• I N.syor Lackey stated reason for cull, tooit- Por the ri,jrnole of
accepting Work done by Yrincy Brothers find G.71.Krittprjohn & Son, and adopting
rissesr-ent ordinances for drieevin7s, curb a d gutter and grnvel streets, and
such otb.-r business as may come before the Board.
Comminsioncr 13rsdshavi offered the following motion: G. .'.Kitterjohn &
Eon, Contractors, having completed the conotruction of driveaayz, curb end utter
Contrnct 11o.3 for
on both sides of Caldwell Street from the property line of Seventh :treat to
curb &
,atter on ^.nl�:Tell
the _ast curb line of Eighth Street, and on both sides of Seventh Street
,St. and 7th St.
from the North property line of Misbrinds Stre<t to the Louth curb line of Caldwell
Street, and notice hriving heretofore been given on the lat day of December, 19281
t',,ot the 'card of Commirsioners would in the fore noon on Thursday, December
6, 1928 inspect said driveways, curb and gutter and all %-ork incident thereto,
and woul,! be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 6th day of December, 1928 in
the Commissioners' Chamber in the City 111sli Building in the City of Paducah,
nnt:ick7, to hear any complaint or protest with reference to the doing and
acceptance of sr -id -ork, and the coat Hereof ns tet out In said notice, rind
said Board of Gorimissionors having so inspected oni"! ork and. finding same has
been completed in accordance with said contract, rind no one having made or
lodged any complaint or protest :with reference thereto as provided in said
notice, or at all, and said Board of Com, insioners having foiled to act upon said
matter at 2 o'clock P.11., on the 6th day of ",,comber, 1028, 1 no,., .cove that Said
dr4vc,.,,rayc, curb and gutter 9nd all cork done in co,inection tboreolith be ricreptel;
sin:e,�eing known Ps Contr,ct No.3, G.-!.Fxttcrjohn & Son, Contract.ora; end I
further move that the Y)igineorts o-Itirreited cost of some be confirmed, and that
Sn id qCtiMItGs be turned over to the Com!iI:;,, Ioner of li'l-lic Finance for col-
lection, and tl,-,nt the City Solicitor be inritructeJ to nvcnqre an or Ii-isnee
nnsPnsing the rrouert7 no shown by the 75nuinoor's �ntltnq. :dote,! on the
cp'l Of the roll: Yeas; Coniforionctro r-rndohaw, 1t-;nnln, lel,_on, Ilutter and
-70 r ck ey
^o,7inlc,cionFr Bradshaw offered the follnwin, motion: I T.,iv,- 1 the
1 n�nce entitled,
!JC Tu'! 01
'No. __0
Proceedings of. i- 7, i , 2 City of Paducah-:'',TUu.Y, r"c' , r :,.7, 1Va8 .-
-t^ _._ ... - tT:G !t',,. :TD I: ,/.'.,;IIT, ',1107.1II nY THE
_...._,•, ,.-.-. T': '•P 'i C"'� '.�'. !'C:"'1'i1FI011�C Os �'i:'rIC 'i/0 K5, 'IPJ=rf,Vt: rICG
. _ ..'Y 3' ID I:: II � -..•-L I:`:...'.r.`. -1:TE, BPL.• r�i., r^,CII YFAR
` P I:S." Adopted on the c^11of the roll: Yeas; Com -
:•inners Prr•'rl:n":, Pnnnin, :ielson, ruttrr and ?"eyor.Laa ey, (5).
Commissioner Bradshaw -offered the following motion: Yancy Brothers,
,;ontrnctors, having completed the construction of gravel street on '.'ashington Street,
Ynncy fro- the ;vest oroperty .line of 19th street to the east curb line of 21st street, and
1 ''er notice ',n ing heretofore been given on the lst dny of December, 1928, that the Board
grrvel 8t..
on *ash- of Co=issioners would in the forenoon on Thursday, December Gth, 1928, inspect
inter Et.
ncocpted said grn7el street and all :'ork incident thereto, and ^:ould.be 1n session at 2 o'clock
on the 6th day of December, 1928, in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City
.1,111 Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to hear any compinint or protest with
rc^,rence to the ,-'oing and acceptance of said work, and the cost thereof as set out in
said entice, and said Board of Cotnmissioners having s6 insrrected said nark and finding
same hss bren completed in accordance -Ith said contract and no one having made or
lodged any complaint or protest with reference thereto as provided in slid_notice, or
at all, and said ;.oard of Comnissioners hnvint5 foiled to act upon said matter at 2
o'clock P.r., on the 6th day of December, 1928, I no,.-,, move that sold gravel street and
all. work done in connection therewith be accepted; same being known as Contract :`o.1, Y'
Yrn^y 1rothers,Contractors; and I further move that the P.n�ineerts estimated cost of
ssr_e be confirmed, and that said estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of
Public Iinanee for collection, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare
an ordlnnnce assecoing the property as shorn by the lingineer's estimates. Adopted
on the cnl' of the roll: Yoss; Commissioners Aradshar, hannin, i'elson, Rutter and
"�yor Lackey, (5). ..
^om7i -ionor Brndshan orforeri the following motion: I move the adoption
of an or''lnnnee entitled, "AN OP S*'rt'C` t'ING 91 ATIITTING PrOP—TY ON POTII SIDPS
n t,
,... ... .,_ ...".. fTY '.T''' OF IiT.Ip.F: ,7;}I �.�.r.,.:.T "0 'rY7: p1F'T
.IRCr.1I, h1eCPACi1,'.ill r0i)?iTY, KT1dIUCKY,
t -r.. ..
!:- '1 17
I• "' I^R, a,75 I" P' ,: Iii :I TIC, FT.
& '11':Pr'OTI011, '0.061493549 P-13
` r...
rclir„vi:ut ,,'Lion: I .nr,vo '',nt the nroractti�,n
aa;; !sank, bearing d•,te of _•�cr.'^Lar '�, ).':%1'fl, Le received, filed and
F- .^t to the rrornsl!.icr. z:do t'.'e'reln t',,t tie Cttyaccept the
nk t. ••,_ ne he aid le on ec^aunt of the
'at^ -
-ink *Md $r!• ting„ z rcE•'. ,,er airway c:• •'i..+rtcay a^,t ^Cwt. to ha
1ed 1.. yolk, _. t ,. .
1'. rr-
Proceedings of
Na_ "40 ,--
-City of Paducah _' r . r. 7, 1:"8
Casualty 'Comnany no curoty In a bond execut(d in the nonnl cum of 1.5,000.00
ly tho City National Palk of T'aducah as principal and thn :'oryland Casualty
Company of rniti*.lore, i`nrylnnd, as surety, to the City of Poehlosh on the 12th
d^y of July, 1910, be, and the some is hereby reloased from all further
lirt.ility on snid bond, and by reason of the acceptance of the nronosition
of thc'City "ntl nal Bank, besrinr cl•,to of Locember 7, 1928,.tint the said
bond bearing date of July 12th, .1910, be, and the snme is hereby ennceled. and
for naught from and after this dere. Adonted on the call of the roll:
,cgs; Conmiesioners Rradshn--, 1Tnnn'n, !Tolson, Rutter anO "eyor Lnckey, (5).
On motion moetin- adjourned.
D. J — 1928