HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 165, October 16, 1928N,,. 165 Proceedings of BOARD OF COMMI:'•SIONERS City of Paducah, Kr1MrcKY, OCTOBER 16th,1028 - At a Call Meeting of the Board of t;ommission-rs held in the Commissioners' Char..bor in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at tan o'clock A.M., on the 16th day of October, 1928, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradehaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey,•(5). Mayor Lackey statedreason for call, to -wit: For the purpose of opening bids for the improvement of Broadway Street and North Thirteenth Street, and such other business as may come before the Board: Bids oponed Commissionor Bradshaw offered the following motion: I move that the ort urfnace- following bids for the construction of the driveway on Broadway Street from the west Broadway 25th t8 property line of 25th Street to the East property line of 32nd Street, and on Horth 32nd k N.13th St. 13th Street, from the East property line of Willett Sttect to the East property line of Palm Street, and on the Cairo Road from the East property lino of Palm Street to Atkins Avenue, be received and filed and that the certified checks accompaning same be delivered to the Commissioner of Public Finance to be hold subject to the further orders of the Board of Commissioners: D.J.Ryan Construction Company Southern Roads Comnany The Hogan Construction Company And I further move that said Board of Commissioners now recess until 3 o'clock P.M., on this date. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelsen, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). ' T+feeting re -convened at three o'clock P.T.I., on this date, pursuant to the foregoing motion. Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing to the Broadway. satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners that sheet asphalt in the most suitable 25 to 32nd Karl urfnce materisl for the surfacing of Broad•;ray Street from 25th Street to 32nd Street, under contract to be aw•rded for avid improvement, and it being the judgment of said Board of Commissioners that it ::ould be to the beat interest, both of the City of Paducah and of the abutting property oanera that said street be surfaced with said building mntorlal under contract to be lot today, and which contract is to be referred to as Contract iTo.6, I now move that the construction of said street be mado by the use of a cement concrete base with gravel aggregate, according to the plans and specl- ficatiano sc-ompnning the bid, and that the surface thereof consist of a layer 1i Inches thick, known an a binder course with stone aggregate, covered �•rith a surface cause of ahec-t acp;nit 1, iri }hca thick, all of which is referred to in the proposal Sr. the bi•-t sheet as consisting of 3 inch nhcot asphalt pavement, in accordance with the specificntions and other defieriytive mntter ncrompan.ing the btds for said tirork. Adoeted on tl:a call of `i:e roll: Yeos; Co.m;r.insto ,urs hradahaw, H:innin, Nelaon, Rutter ar.:i. "aye: Lackey, (5). Cc ai^sic :sr Brada'is,v offered the following motion: It nunenring from the exa�ina,icn of a? of t:^.e cids on si,.eet asphalt, witch is Lf3roiuy declared to be the Contract *varied most siitshle r-.terlal f,.r the con3tructi1n of t'r,e driva<vay on Brsu.+,laay .^,treat, from F Cny for hare- 25th :•trent to 3i r.2 :,.Peet, un -..r Contract.9, t^.st ,ta bivi pr the ;'outho:m Ronti3 surface on gSR.Ot4'.,.' _ COT--azy :s `0 levoat an". best ---I! for sr:id work, I now move ti,at the pro,,)sal --Ind bid on semi Contract No.4, s:cti.t+:ed y '._.. aat-ern Fonds 04,rn7,ery, to hardeurf,ce said Proceedings of BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS No._..- 166 City of Paducah OCTOBER 16TH, .1928 street on n cement concrete base, under the plans and specifications submitted with and attached to the bid, erith 3 inch sheet asphalt pavement, consisting of a 4 inch binder course with stone ag•rogate and 1j inches of sheet asphalt on top theroo£, and all other items in said.proposal or bid, as shown in the proposal, specifications and bid of the Southern Roads Company, be accepted; and I further move that the Mayor be authorized, empowered and instructed to enter into a contract with the said Southern Roads Company for the construction of said street in accordance with the plans and specifications and in accordance with the terms of the ordinance providing for said improvement; and that the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned to them. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners that sheet asphalt is the most suitable material for the surfacing of North Thirteenth Street, from the East II113th St., property line of Willett Street to the East prope ty lihe of Palm Street, and on the Cairo Road, from the East property line of Palm Street to Atkins Avenue, under contract to be a arded for said improvement, and it being the judgment of said Board of Commissioners that it would be to the best interast, both of the City of Paducah and of the abutting property ormers that said street be surfaced with said building material under contract to be let today, and which contract is to be referred to as Contract No.5, I now move that the construction of said street be made by the use of a cement concrete base with gravel aggregate, accord- ing to the plans and specifications accompaning the bid, and that the surface thereof consist of a layer 1•_� inches thick, known as a binder course, with stone aggregate, covered with a surface course of sheet asphalt 1j inches thick; all of which is referred to in the proposal in the bid sheet as consisting of 3 inch sheet asphalt pavement, in accordance with the specifications and other des- criptive matter accompaning the bids for said work. Adopted on the call of the toll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshwa, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that it apponring from the ardaurface St., contract examination for hof all of the bids on sheet asphalt, rhich is hereby declared to be for a awarded '-R.Com pony the most suitable material for the construction of the driveway on North 13th Street, from the East property line of Willett Street to t'e East property line of Palm Street, and on the Cairo Road, .from the East propebty line of Pnlm Street to Atkins ;',venue, under conbract No.5, that the bid of the :southern Roads Cow -any is the lowest and best bid for said work, I new move that the nroposal ani bid o8 said contract No';5, submitted by the Southern Roads Company, to hard- surfAce said atroet on a cement concrete base, under the plena and apeclficatlons sub_;itteT :lith and Attorhed to said bid, with 3 inch sheet asphalt pavement, consisting of a 1i Snob binder corm a with stone ag regato and li inches of sheet saphalt on top thereof, enrl all other St'etas 1n said proposal, or bid, no st.orn in the pror.coal, apecificatlono and bid of the southern Roads Company, be ac>>epted; sr,,i 1 furt':cr moves tint t}:a ?'ayor 1:a authorized, empowered and instructed to tater into a o.,,tract al th the aald Southern roads �'ompany for the construction of said ar.r.^et in ac arCe,r,ce ;alta the plana aW specifications, and in accordnn" with the to:^aa of the Ordinance providing for amid improvement; and that the certifier` c'necks Of the ur13'1cc153fiil biiders be returned to thea. Adopted on t2.a ca;l of ti:" roll: Yeas;<^,o3';lssionrrs 'bra:ahaw,Hannix.Welson,Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (.G.;. ,. No. 167 Proceedings of BO,',RD OF COURR7,I0NERZ City of Paducah ,KF.IITUCKY, OCTOBER 16th,1928 Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the dead of conveyance from Deed to Mas Lillian Foreman (nee Fiske), to John Dipple to Lot 1 2 3, Block K. and being the lot in Oak Grove same lot that v:as convoyed to Lillian Fiske by Robert L. Eley in Oak Grove Cemetery n Mrs Fore- man to Padueah, McCracken County, Kentucky, subject to the conditions o£ said dead and Jno.Dinple ratified subject to the rales and regulations of said cemetery, be now ratified and approved by the Board of Commissionors. Adopted on the Call of the roll: Yean; Com- missioners Bradsha.:, Hannin, Nelson, Futter and mayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED C/�t�lof�-/�-- 2 _1928 APPROVED ..ayor PR0-t < 7 ty er � y