HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 144, September 18, 1928No.. _. 144
Proceedings of._ . BN, ' ; OP CO`T IF:"IOri":E: ; City of Paducah
,.t % Call ?Looting of the Board of .'ocvnisslonera held in the
Cor_misclonerst Chnmber in the City Hall Bulldin[:. in the City of Paducah,
Kentucky at 2 o'clocl; P.M., on the 18th day of September, 1928, 1.layor Lnckoy
presided end upon cell of the roll the following answered to their names:
Commissionors Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and 'n;ror Lnckey, (5).
itayor Lackey st^itod tooson for call to=: -it: For the purpose of
receiving street paving on Jo.ffcrnon Stroet, from .19th Street to 25th Etrcot,
and Itch othcr brsinens ns may come before the Board,
Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: The Southern 1:ond.s
.Company, Contractors, having completes' the construction of the driveway on
Jefferson St.,19th to
25th St.,driveway J-.-Mrson treet, from the Fast property line of 19th Street to the 7lost nroporty
line of 25th btr.ot•and notice having heretofore been siven on the 12th dny of
:eptomber, 1928 that the Bonrd of Commissioners would in the fore noon on
Tuesday, Septcmber 18, 1928 inspect orid street and drivoany and all work incident
thereto and aould be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 18th cl:y of September, j
1928 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Ilnll Building in the City of
Psducrh, Kentucky to hear any complaints or protests with reference to the doing
and acceptance of said work and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and
aair Board of Commissioners having so inspected said work and finding some has been
completed in accordance -^ith c id contract, I now move th.".t said street and all
work done in connection therewith be accepted; aeme being known as Street raving
Contract 11o.3, gout-,im fonds Connany contractors, end that the 1:ngincer's estimeted
cost of same be confirmed and that sni,' esti,-.,tea be turned over to the Com-
miscioncr of Public Flinnnce for collection, and that the City Solicitor be
instntcted to nrepnre an ordinance assessing the property as ahoem by the
=rtglneer's o5timntos. But no settlement shall be mndo -,ith the contrnator
until he has executed maintenance bond ns required in "Information to Bidders:' A"Opt
on V., -.e coil oi' the roll:Yc,s;ConLrjcsionc.r•snn:in,tlel^en,Ftutter and "ayor"(
Commissioner Bradshaw offered the follewint, motion: I move the
adoption of an ordi::erco entitled, "Alf OM,IPA17CF ASST: FITIG "Ii:: I111', ING P"0"' rTY
ssrcr: rrt orlin—co0T1 I:C -1.; C SlPC'ON :.1, l•:T, PPOl? 91a' I'S: T I'I'oi4(MY LTNJ' OR 19TH STRS'•T
J�f` r:on 't.,19th
to 251h (-t. 0 '. i: 0 ` i .._' 1'EM 0" 25TH f.'1'i;-ET Ili TA" CITY Of CUCI:FI, HcCR;:Cir, I1
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No. 145
Proceedings of_r:i .r , <. or; -a`: I"~."':: -City of Paducah ; t idc;;Y, r':P'.r a+'r:_18,1928
and F .< i'nr comrleto, boinv Codol GF -6-4298 snd said equipment hnvinl; been tooted by
t e ;rm;uciy .ctuarisl Bureau and said Actuarial Buroau havin^ certified t'1!nt said
equipment is in All resects in accordance ,^'th the rexluiremcnts of said Lureau and
the General !.'Anufacturing Company hnvin7corinlied with the. requirements of the city,
as c. -ell As with the repnirements of the Kentucky Actunrial Bureau, in all the tests
roc ired,.I no,- move treat cnid eauipment or unit of fire apparatus be received under
ana in nccordrnce Ith the contract heretofore entere" into under ordinance duly
adopted by the amity of Wueah, and ti,nt the Mayor be And ho is hereby Authorized
to accept said -quipment for An on bohnlf of the City of Paducah by signing and
attnening the City's seal to the acceptance form tendered by the Genernl 1.lsnufacturinB
Cwmrany. And I further move that a- id acceptance be executes', in duplicate and that
one copy tb-rco_' be filed w1th this motion and the other dolivrrr•c to the General
ii-,nnfacturin- Co•rnany. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Conriissionors
Brs�sT•:ar:, Jie.niin, 1101son, Rutter and ;ror Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: I move the adoption
of nn ordinance entitled, "Ai,' ORl'I7G:'CE rT,-r '.L11TG +•.It Or."IiT:T?CTE r77TITL7,D,"A11 ORDIMME
p^r:_+nom 's0 " T -:^rix n•TE TA_ P?.FKIJ1G OF V-HICLE£ ON B' OAD.'.'f•.Y P.TFT--QT, B7,.T'r7N C'"COND STRELT
7 :"CF," '.7HIC1': 1LOPTED BY T::: B%p, OF Co2fiISFI0t7^RS ON SLFi?,BL•R 17TN
1928. "
ror;if: Toner:' Icon offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled,
-"' -• ";i. O:. r ^r; -:n•'r 1'� ,rh.. F",1:11:1 OF Vail?ICL'.., OIi BP.01-i'.'AY '.TBUT,
S-_.•_-- _.__ ;'_C . Ili TH7 CITY Or PAu'JCAH, K_i'_lJC1, i•.NL� PR.SCP.IBI1dG
OF. Adopted on the call of the roll: Year;
e -as ioncrs Brn,:shn , ':n.nnin, Nelson, Ru, ter And !.1Aya• ''acicoy, (5).
On motion i.etinr; Adjourned.
_7zv a Z 1928
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