HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 110, July 16, 1928Ne. !=
Proceedings of T' ." "" -. -City of Paducah T=' 16,1^"
:1t a re_mxlar mooting of t;.v Forrd of %.-,...A,.,ionur� '„•.1�1 .-_ ' c.. -
:.115 lo.-., vs I
:aic.io::,rsI Char.,bor in tl:c City !,il Puil•'.in�% in tho ri ,-- _.. ,,.cr•7., -U,
at two o'clock P.M., on the l6t'n day of July, 1028, WRtyor Lac'ccy procldod and
upon call of tl:o roll Vile follccaing ans'.rered to fi:air namco: Cof::-:iscionera
Bradsl:wa, IIannin, 1lclson, Puttor and ;ayor Lacl:cy, (5).
I.inutos of the provious mccting '..ere adonte1”: an read.
Colmaicsioner Brodahwa ofrorcd izotion that the c=m. nicntion fro.r. the :•ronert':
or: r. rf on l:th 'troct relative to petition for an asphalt --treat be rccolvcd and
on 1Sth ctr• �t 111cd. .%doptod on t`,o call of the roll: Yea--; Cornissionar . l.rr,dsl,a'.., Tlannin,
Hoic,on, Putter and T:ayor Lackey, (5)';
Comnlisnionor Putter offered the follo:rin, notion: 2 move that claims for
Claim for brick the *urchaso of 17000 brick used in the construction of the Practic Tower in the
for T`r111 Tu rar
Pirc :`cnartment amGuntiri6 to x.51.00 and duly a"nroved by the Colaainsioncr of
PaD'_io Property be allowed and the Corcisciener of hiblie ?inanco be authorized
to pay same ana charge to the Contingent '_'tux;. Ac,optcd rn the ca' 1 of the
roll: Yeas; Co.- nicsionerz 1'radshaer, Fannin, I'olcon, P -,tier anti "ayor Lackey, (5):
Comssissioner Rutter offered motion t',at the report of collections and
rnd disburcc-menL'a for the :tenth of Julie, 1028 be received ?nci filed, Adopted on the
fo Sune,l?23 call o" c_: roll: Yeas; Cc ,annloners bradbha::, 11-nnin, Holacn, Putter and ; aror
�o .__. Putter offered motion t, 17 th.e report of tlx ;JGeial "treat
".retial "t FTMand Pune' &I !:,t for• c .T:ule, 10^8 be f.tled., :.;aoptod on tb.c
necount for "uno
ca11 of Lliz Poll: YGaa;
Ce:.1.10^ic::er Rattcr offlared not'on t'.•.t -
Cinirns for Julie
be a11c.Totl in t;;e -.punt of ':11650 'C ; • r �^ ;! '_ic
c.. .:....iL.., to par nare. ".,A o; on C:,�, c- ....., .all: Hca:,
-,. ..., .. .,nit, Ii.:'L. c.:n, ;tat•tc: . - .�. (li).
i_r..ionor Ruticr offorc'. of
-..-. -r offered the follo:l, ] ao:.ion:
as an official deposi : ;'y of .4: ci' .3Ct61 In
y. ✓' _ _ , ion • tisfactor^ to ...t C-ity of :C•.i:, _ ro
. ... .... , .. .. i•- t ::e
i<0C a^SCa rtat ev' ti;J r:.,kr
&. :r t1: Gs ,. ,. ate 1 ::ov,4rry of
satiafaef,r•3y to tt:o ,ity of
Vay'oi' J on. aiti:d rc3111
No. * ; -
Proceedings of , re:=- :'T' _7 City of Paducah 0-.3
feraj jr.otiol., .:, t uj;c, pro Lion oi, 11-j�! I
pozi y
7:*- j: ,' -Cc 1,111- Co:7.psLny proposit-k, to inf.cmnify the City for any dtvnaf,7o
dla- ln;; of Rymar.ah ,vonuo from tho ITorth "do of Oliva
t" nol "-'y to Ic., -, .i",oturinL; pl- nt of the Fa6aoah Tee
Adopte-' on t.hc call of tbG r311.- Ycaz; Com-
U-cr , ",yor Lackey, (5).
':clson, P L� -nd
—it an ordinance entitle,
ti vi offered mol -Ion t'
7 T:,, - U I '�'-'U i'
I'Uj'� ...y .7.:" nf�C, -Y." be inL--Uducc-
,,n A,7,optod on the oz. I o" roll: Iroac; Co.mniz-'iollurz Br16311m,:'
7 a :and :'ayor LiaLe7, (3)'
!s::ionor Hmnin offered motion that a street li_ght be place' at
he int :c: on of the Bland'villo & Lovelaceville Pond adopted on the otill of th3
roll: Y� 'o. 7.-sioncra Frad3havi, Hanan, Putter ona !,q or
nelson, n �y , R L C a Lackey,
dorioavr !Tannin offered ).;,tion tnnt J.' ..:allaoo be granted dcoa to
T -1 Ciu,
2. Bloc!, 1,�-, i Grove Cemeter7, after havin,7 pciid to the Comai3siollor of
1 CPublic 7imuice the sum of ""95.00. Adopted on L e;cA or the roll: Yeas; Cora -
Bra Fxqn.An, Nelcon and "ayor Lackey, (5)'
dz , Rutter
Y�yor 1-nekey off,,,rd motion t-, , t MIc report of the I.duord, Mater Company
;.doDted on t!Lo call of .he roll: Year; Comr.,.-,izslonem
iter Co
"rt 1'r- i: 7z, nutter and '7a-yC;r T'ICI:O-Y' (S)
vd.1cur, ed.
1928 ;,PPr,0!T.D