HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 101, July 2, 1928Proceedings of T`- „ City of Paducah,,=-11'I"ir•�s,JrrLx_ 0,1928 !At a regular meetin;; of tb0 hoard of t:ommissi ners held in the assionors' chamber in the City Hall building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M-, on the 2nd day of July, 1928, mnyor Lackey puecided and upon call of the roll the follo-ains anz,:ered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, 7,utter and favor Lackey, (5):i/ " 7Sinutes'of the pr vicus noeting gore adopted an read'. Co:muisslonor Rutter Offered motion tint the Commissioner of rublio Finance be authorized to pay the Street Improvemont 77arront for amount of 0483.53 °`- idsued George 17. Katterjohn & Son, amount of collections on street im0rovmont to j0 n lmpv.': contract 710.5, and to draw check on the Special Street Improvement Fund. Adopted on tie call of the roll: Yeaz; Connaisaloners Bradshaw:, Hannin, 1lelson, Rutter and Payor Lackey, (5)'. Comrnissionor Rutter offered motion that the Commissioner of Iublic I Finance be authorized to draw a check on the General Fund for the amount of 067.97 to _ cover city's part of the costs for street improvements bn the G.'7.TSatterjolm &Son contract HO.5, and de^osit same in the Special Street improvement Fund: Adopted on the or.'I of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter •:nd '.payor Lackey, ('5)'. commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Dist. Finance be authorized to pay the interest coupons for 6 months 'on 3rd District Sevier er Bonds due July 10,1928 nds. Outstanding 060,000.00 Interest rate 5 Annual interest 30,000.00 Semi-annual interest 15,000.00 Banks' collection charge 37`50. Payable throu;;h the City National Bank, Paducah, for romittsnco to the U.B.T.ortgage Zc Srz,t Company, 11va York, I1.Y. on or before July 10, 1928: Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradoha:^, Hannin, 71olnon, Ruttor and I'nyor Lackey, (5)'. Comaissioner Ratter offered the folloring motion: I move tient the -ay t. _ -c nt of '195,000.00, riacit the " rowednyor and Comunissionor of rubllc rina•aeo wore v money aut'orized to borrorr, b0 nilo:ved aid the Commissioner of Public Pin nice bo nat]torized to psy enure on r!•,te of mat,trity, July 5, 1928. Citizann "avings Bank 070,000.00 ty :ln.ti0nal " 40,000.00 First Nationnl " 70,000.00 ",c anise ^rust 8, Ca,ingn bank 10,%C0.00 ''eoPlc ., t:i ..al i:arlt 5 000.00 of the roll: Yna: ; 7o:u:;:::1Or,Orn Bradnha:., : swain, hel, on, Putter :.n orr...,, i i,,otl-.n t •,t: uic i•ocor•t of Tom Sing, 'it7 Zwller, 1. 1.9:8, be :'e:m°_vod and filad. VlopteI n the cull of roll: Yeas; t`a_ is aw, I:en.nln, Itelsan, Put'.er and "ayor i.i.akey Co e- .isla :er `.:elaon cf€'srGd ,motion t. !,t two renort of Ous Rogers, -on .z r..f JjJ16,1?2A be receive'. ami .. - +. `he Proceedings of _ DCARL or coT°rtls zG tT:Rs . -_-City of Paducah _ JULY 2,1228_ Cowwni3sloner Bradshaw offered the following motion: I movo that the com- Chicsgo Paving mmmicntion from the Chicago Paving Laboratory, bearing drte of Julie $,1328, in laboratory •-hich the s^id Chical.o Paving Laboratory submits a proposal coveri:,g tents i and inspection services on sheet asplinit psw--mont•s and proposes for said services to coo said work at tl�e -ate or 30 per square yard of pnvement laid, be received, filed and accepted and concurred in:it that the Cormnissioner of Public :"orks be authorized and instructed to notify the Chicago Paving Laboratory of the acceptance of s'iid proposal so contained in said communication aforesaid, and to snake the i necessary arrangement for carrying into effect the terms of said proposal, and I further move thnt the 1'cnor be authorized and instructed to sign said accepted proposal on behalf of the City of Paducah; Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Comnissioners Dradsha•:, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter nd Mayor Lackey, (5)'. Mayor Lackey offered motion tent the report of the Board of Health for the Boary of Tlealth month of Junn, 1328 be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: report Yens; Commissioners Brar:sbwa, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Payor Lackey, (5)'. Commissioner Bradshaw offered :notion that an ordinance entitled, "Ail S-wer lone Four "A" 0-! I'."'___C� PHOVIPING POR TIT? COTISTFUC':IOT1 0' STORK "'A -ER ATD 2AIIITARY SP -TRS III ordinance intro, gk,•,� 2:07TE FOUR "A" :l'IT;TIN TIT* CITY OF PALUCAH, FINTUCIa AT THP COST 01' THL P7OP,TP'IY 0''1+FRS TIIPRrIN, ATL. PROVIDI IG THAT S".i :'-RS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON TTI1 T`11 Y°AR PAY:U'NT PL.RI AND TIA,,TING TIM STRI-_T:TS, ALLFYi AND OTH'R t?AYS ALONG, � U'1B5P '.'TD THROUGH C:71ICH S".IP ST -"'FPS SHALL BE CONCTRUCTED, !.I. -,D SrT:ING OUT IN 0-:TEML TMINS THE PROPERTY BEIMPITl'T...D TIIDRFBY IND SUBdGCT TO THF. rl,1 'F1TT OF THE, � C0°T OF SALT:" be introd,zcod and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and liayor Lnckoy, (5)_. Commissioner Rutter offeredthe following motion: I move that, the mintaly £out°'ern Ponds Co, estimate for work done during the month of June, 1328 on contract No.2 for rcnt^ly estimate street paving, curb, gutter and driveways constructed by Southern heads Cocr,nny be received and filed and that the Corrnnissicner of Public •''orks be Instructed to I Issue Imnrove'ment `,!arrant therefor for the mun of ^3302;86. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; CorFmrissonera P_rnuol,a:•r, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and ?'syor I Lackey, (5). Coianiscioner Futter offered the following motion: I move thnt the montaly j for ---0--;C ,'one c'urinp; the month or June, 1028, on contract 1lo.1 for l i feet*^rrn Reade Co, roving, curb, nutter and drive^rays constructed by :'outl:m•n Rocas Cora,ralr ircrt' iy estirn.te ::ivad -nd filed and :;hat the Cormain,,ioner cf I.rLlic Finoneo be instructed •.r, 1. -;o in-.eov, :eat ""ar:'nnt therefor in the sum of x3838.40. A,'optod on tl:o call roll: Yean; Paraii.cicm:rs Bra,lsha r, Hnnnin, Vilson, 1 ut"or an' ` r,yor (5). motion tLnt the :lanthly e:,ti�.nte for wark done 's r -'T.,. rr -'ane 1928 on , iw.vtwt Ib;l for side:: n" . ..._ , ...c, driveways, curb rend ^,tac9 by ,: t'c roeoiv+ I nn•7 11e:1 ,,t 04e Com- 1 t:o +l.ni, Lr.p a ant therc.Por r , 'e, ,aiaslow"rr ..:tion f. -.'l 1(6 r;, .. ._ .. ,i:.. r. ., .:�,-. ;;c .• .... .... .sled, .,i. ... .y' "sF: L. ... , .. ....: ., u. - ....� _.... ., ... .. •1071:. No. 103 -- Proceedings of_. Ber;-'r. "� " z` T^;`: ;t City of Paducah,lalmic=Y,-XJLY 2,19'a Co-mnissloner Rannin offorod the following T'ot:lon: Mrs 1:111lism Eullette hnvin, np^lied for a deed to Lot no.71 in flock 5 on "nikntreet bet-acen Ford I move that decd be iaauod to her upon the £ullette r.nt !7snnin ZStrocts in Oal: Grove Cemetery, r.at in O.nk Grove pa;njcnt to the Coruniscionor of Public Finance ofthe aura of 037.50. Adontod on the cnll of the roll: Yons; Com.,is-1 oners Bradshaw, Ilannin, Nelson, Putter and Mayor Lnclicy,. (5): On motion mcctlnp ndjourned. iiFFPOV-7D