HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 74, June 16, 1924Proceedings of _.-B4.RD_aa8_A%3A City of Paducah __ JTRT 16. 192_4• At a regular meeting of the Board of 4dermen held on June the 15th 1924, President Kennedy calicd thc: meeting to order. Upon the call of the roll the following ans::ered to their names: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcroft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and YODD. (8). On motion the minutes of the meeting,. of June the 2nd, 1924, were adopted as read. Member Cochran offered motion that the matter of damages to stock of Hamilton Harnilton clurniture Company be referred to the Relief Committee. Adopted on call of Furniture Com pang. the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion that the report of -Riverside Hospital for the Ilonth Report of Riverside of ?,ay, 1924, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). _ospi`^.1. t'a), 1924. Member Rieke offered motion- "Whereas there :rill become due on July 1st, 1924, bonds and coupons for street improvements in various amounts according to Bon1s and n.lmerous issues. I move that the Treasurer be authorized to pay out of the special coupons _^or street Impr.street improvement fund, and to tape up and cancel such bonds and coupons as they will be presented for collection to the City National Bank, and to report details of same to the General Council at its next regular meeting. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to allow interest on the New Orleans and Ohio Railroad Int1:r=-at on "o'n Company bonds that will become due on July the let, 1924, as follows: Grl-,ins and Ohio Railroad Outstanding bonds .....................)38000.00 Co. Bon -13. Interest 4 1/2)a ....................... 1710.00 Dae semi-annually ..................... 855.00 Plus commissions ...................... 2-.14 Total :,857.14 ani the Clerk be aurhorize:d to issue proper warrant on Treasurer for same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Asheraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp• (8). notes. Same offered motion to allow nb•tes to be paid that will become due July the lst, at local banks, as follows: Citizens Savings Bank.................�;1:000.00 l:ec'ranics '_rust & Savings Bank...... 5000.00 City National Bank...................15000.00 and that the Clerk be authorized to is.:ue proper warrant do the Yreauu.c. to take up such notes Mhcn due. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yous: Kennedy, Allicton, Ashc:af,, Eros.. '.;ochr�n, Cole, Rie;.e and Yopp. (8). o_: a :: notion to instruct the Treasurer to transfer 04000.00 ;�• n . r :ro. r< 6+n f;-_ r., 84nkin;; Fund, beim one-half of the amount apno:tioned i." .,.+i .4,)pt•3d On the Call 07 the Toll: YOa3 .:,.i -.o '.ion to inatruct the Tre=asurer to transfer from the 'Onerul rur,_i to t.. :,istric'; hearer aorta t.inkinp, �unaj the cum of .3090.43, same :ai1n One-h'I Ol _.. .. _.. apportioned for trip y,;, -.r and uue Juno the 30th, 1'J:.i. i -n01.9_ "liraA'lo5te1 on. %h* cz.11 O. tr.,, roll: Yens(6). Dist. Sever Son- Sink, --o.ior. to 1nstruot the :reaanrer to tranu:'er from the ia'WW. General Ford to the :;cho,l L:.Frov<:::er:t --on9 .._:-:;cin;7 rano, a:; a, $76k5.00, uuma 'Frans:' p ''7&2a.' one-half of the &=ount apuoitiored _or the year ora due Juno thea )Oth. 1924. 0..^. tLJ Call O: ti.6 1011: Ybua (1J. .YGti OL t2_t tut% ae C': .AL o: 1.:_o btualard Oil S OmeanY to ¢said Gnu, char«e3 LG 0ontir'a:•tnt .und. Adopted on the, call ...y• of tha :.c -.1"7, A3hcxa<t, :-Mia'on, Brnric.i, -_;,, •olF,�, :.Ibke un_1 Yopp.(8). No.__75._ Proceedings of-._BO_%RD_9E_ADEIug J .City of Paducah.._ JUNE 16, 192 °• Same offered motion to allow the bill of: 4.00 from the Settlement House for three weeks and 2 days board for Charles Thomas Rudolph and Lewis Edwards Rudolph, and Settlement House. charge same to 6harity Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in Cashier's Fund. allowing the claim of the Cashier's Fund for the last half of May and the first half of June, in the amount of `426.79. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens: Kennedy, Alliaton, Asheraft, urooks, uochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to allowing the report of the Finance Committee as follows: Sarni -Monthly Pay Claims against Departments ...............:„x11643.12 roll and Claims Semi -Monthly Pay Boll .................... 6268.98 against Depts. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp.(8). Member Cole offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Board of Yancey & Johnson, P Contrset No. 3. ublic "Works and Joint Street Committee regarding the acceptance of Contract Do. 3, of Yancy & Johnson. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Game offered faction that Yancy & Johnson be granted an extension of time to Extension of tiro July the 20th, 1924, for the completion of street contract. Adopted on the call of granted to lance;; and Jognson. the roll: Yeas (8). Nember Cole read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABU7_-2I11G Ordinance,: Assess -PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF FOLLO.':II13, I1AMED STREETS IN iiiE CITY OF PADUO::H, : 'iI^'C::Y, ing abutting pro- perty on bot:side,?0-17IT: iOURTH STREET FROM THE IORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MOURGE STREET TO '_UE Z)OUTH of 4th nt.from S. property line of PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREET; 4TH STREET FROM 'THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JASHINGTOR L'«rceVto S. line of::adi,on; STREET TO iH i:ORiT3 PROPERTY LINE OF CLARK STREET; '/WASHINGTON STREET FR01.= TH7 ,EST from row S. line of 7+ashirgton to UzOFERTY LI 7. OF 5TH STREET '_0 THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 6TH STR WT; MOIIROE STREET No, line of Clark;-- 7Wa3inr� frem W. n n n - pJ ,• F STREET n n en y_ line of 5th to -ROM THE :TEST rr.0_^'RTY LII.. 0_ STH STREET TO TH7 EAST PROPERTY LINT. OF 6TH STREET; line of 6th; Ton. ONROE STREET FROM Ti'--' ':VEST PROP :"TY LINE OF 6TH STREET 'TO `rHE.EASr __ :!r.:=.t_ INE OF n , n , V LINE fro-: line of 6tt -_"15."of _7='E S=i3: 'i; 'KEIITUCKY AVENUE. FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 9TH STR=En_ TO THE EAST 7'.:. A o. fro._ - o£ 3 to ci:' FRTY LIN 0: 10TH STREET, OR I_fURRELL BOULEVARD; TENNESSEE STREET FR01I THE :VEST c, 1^ LIKE Oc I,UR ELL BOULEVARD, OR 10TH STREET, TO THE 1758T PROPERTY LINT: OF 12"H _: 0_3itOrTR E_ 0_ T.._. S1EST c0_ -_3i'Y LINE OF 9TH STRPET TO A LIKE PAIlk L C :__L, F?:": F::i:n_ 7=71ARDLY FROM THi:C^T.i`_''. OF THE _AST TRACK OF TH” I. C. R. R. C01.IPANY 3 10'.H ^_ ; 1202 0E SCR EE^ FROL A LINE PARALLEL TO AND FIVE FEET 'll :S^::ARDLY FROM TRACX Ov T - I. C. H. R. COMPi.NY, IM -12 10:H S'iR='. T, ':0 t LI:1 0: 11'T'!? 3TREi:T, UND FRO:: THE 7JF'ST PROPERTY I; 0. 111M STR::ET 1,I17? Oil 1c :1I SMHET; 22ID STREET FROI1 TIM SOU":' --. _''RTY LILT: OF '.I';1: c,7:: '1 :: y:`rii .il"' ".:.'.'f :.IIV:i OF CLAR' STREET; 3RD 6TRt­ TEE NORTH: _ 0. t:O L .f: P 0 ..`siY LIiiE 0`•` ... L. ? IIP> :.Y 9961.6% I:;:: I J ... . ..D11 0. ,.1.85697.4 F';':i .:' '. . Ili; _'; 0 0;( _ --- ;:.Y RTO:.._. .. L i:::C ...... .... 61L Y ..51b1.810 .._..? ..,._ _..'.`:. :=�..... ti -r. _.. .J:..:. ,:I:. '!::'I(:.:, .21D I•I:(1M,IN'3 '.: ,,aL - BFM ONE EACH YS•'.... POir A No. Proceedings of °= "" ° "`-"" City of Paducah al m,. 16,. _. ___ ---192..4. On motion of same, same was given first passage 11pon the call of the ,oll: Yeas: %enn,.dy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (e). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, vole, Rieke alld Yopp. (8). L:ember Cole read an ordinance entitled "Aid ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IML 0: :i_ BY H CONSTRUC^.IOId OF CONCH_ -1 SID CALKS, GUTTERS, :iTD CURB,s.' OF ::ITH=R Ordinance; COI.CF. _:: 'R 'JR:::ITE, AS MY BE DB'T'Ei?.IliT D UPON RECEIPT OF BIDS, INCLUDING ALL INTER- Imnr. con- crete side-=^.CTIO::z ::O r-,-.-OFORE CONSTRUCTED, AS PA_RTICUL?RLY SHOSIN BY THE PLANS OF THE CITY walks, rutty^s add ru,nit r7,- of =i3 ':'r ll_:•'OR, ''TOGETHER TITH ALL ITECESSPRY I.LI:ITHOLES, INTAn.,S, CATCH BASINS, SmTn of gra;rite - or concrete PIPE COUNECTIONS MID CAST IRON DR IIT PIPES, III ACCORDANCE LITE THE PLAITS AND SPECIFICATIONS including all Snter- = g;ZSH7D BY H' CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY, OF THE FOLLOt'TIITG NAMED 'STREETS; BOTH sections. ZI -'_ 02 13M STRE7T FRO''..i THE ITOP.TH CURB LIME OF TENNESSEE STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF JACKSON STREET; BOTH SIDES OF TENNESSEE STREET FROM THE "LEST CURB LINE OF 16TH. STR T TO : iE NORTH CURB LIT: OF GUTHRIE AVENUE; BOTH SIDES OF NORTH 11^_H STREET FROiI I.M.NORTH PROPERTY LIidE of Id DISOU STTREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET; PO_3 SIDES OF MONROE STREET FROI.: THE ,.EST PROPERTY LIME' OF FOUNT::IN AV^::UE (17TH STREP^T) ^_0 THE EAST CURB LIME OF 19TH STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 20^s'H STREET, 21ST STR ET, 22IID 23rD STREEET, 24TH STREET AND- 25111h STREET O_'i '_i E EAST SIZE ONLY, FROM THE NORTH .::i _.. OF BROADWAY STR'ET TO THE SOUTE PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET; BOTH OF .:I OIT AIID fiLRE16Oid STREETS FROM: THE '.7E5T _RO-Z RTY LINE' OF 12^19 STREET TO :.INE OF HA?RAF_AN BOULEVARD (15TH STREET) ; BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH 5TH :.. : OU':'H CURB I:: OF JACZ. 011 STRs ET 20 THE NORTH CURB LINE OF NORTON __ SG is G:e0.'r' ^_?- ? FRot: THE SOUTH P_.OPER`T'Y LIKE OF BROADWAY 20 YHE i;_:; 'L _,`,:!UE; BOTH SIDE5 OF NORTH 6TH STREET !I'D NORTH 7TH --- __. ::0::'.A: :::5 ?:::::' ::_IT OU STREET TO THF SOUTH CURB LIVE- OF l._'_.-. OF CLAY b THE 9TEST CURB LIN 0:' 19TH STREET TO THE EAST ALL IN THE CITY OF PALUCAH, ._ i±TUC'x Y, AT THE ND PROVIDING THAT l' T .`.'Iii.LL 'tis CONS'c'RUCT-M 10 Y::nii Cr. motion of oame,, same was F-iven first pas ago upon tho call of the roll: ._ .. nlli: ,On, F',.hcraft, BI'ooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (6). On y.otio:l of s;:ma Lice Tuba Sera suspended and ordinance lead by title upon of tr:a .ell: Ye&s: 86niMy, .11i0ton, Ashcraft, Brooke, Cochran, Cole, Yo*.c. (''). 0:: .,'.ion eame was given second r:.. :'ir:•:l r :,.as„ upon the call of the roll: ! as; K•: „l,, _-.1:.,tau:, .. cora:'t, rrcor.:, ....,.:n, C%:•, Rioko and Yopp. (e). i.:. .. O.Tered notion CO •. ;r Sc: :.1.. ,••GS 4n qi' ;:i:o !'u . ..•:e Committea br.in — il: :_.•. oz .:n L I,r+ VIVIIA'IYl 11'v ., .. ei.'.aegl of di_ _ . >;' 1. lots^r :., '. mbar A1646 of_.:a 1... -i"' -Iota tGL't' tae r ,1; ::Oj or :o -t Cl!iYt�i;.-4 ZO • ,-rcfPi2-,d to v7 Bo:6r.: 'i: wijblic •�orkc Lotion that tar: S.dSS3CSb_S1Sff 2:1 .. .....,:,._'.:tion o2 ..aST6Lcn curb, .-..-•._.. �?.7 •_!.`, on Oetn Jefferson „troat __..:r..,•-tr*c•t 3 on the No.. 77. -- Proceedings of BOA10 O .',LD-_�__t__.__-___ City of Paducah- —_ nim 16, .- -_1924• Elrod Engineering Company. ::uisance. Hollow behin3 Ti%ghmaun Fi3h Sell. C. R. Isewan. Seagrave Coxpany of Colu-.bus. Member Cochran offered motion to c.)ncnr in the action of the Board of Councilman in regard to the employment of the Elrod Engineering Company, as recomended by tho Li ht and 'Water Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (a). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilman in regard to the City Engineer and Sanitary Inspector relieving the unsanitary condition in the hollow behind Tilghman High School. Adopted on the call of the -roll: Yeas (6). Member Yopp offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Police and Fire Committee to authorize the Mayor to enter into contract with C. R. Iseman for the improvement of Fire Station at 10th & Clay Streets, at a cost not to exceed j2865.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeast Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran and Yopp.(6). Nays: Cole and Rieke (2). Same offered motion that the contract '.lith the Seagrave Company of Uolumbus, Ohio, for the purchase of a pumper, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referrinC to the Board of Health, the matter of Guthrie Pit. Adopted on the call of Guthrie Pit. the roll: Yeas (6). !.,ember Cochran offered motion that ae go into joint session for the purpose A. ::. Leigh. of receiving the resignation of A. :i. Leigh and electing a Chief of Police. Adopted I on the call of the roll: Yeas(8). Lember Ashcraft offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Co::neilmen in regard to deduct ;x805.00 from the assessed valuation of Yax Bill 2062 of Dorothy Koger. Dorothy Loper. .;domed on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to referring Tax Bill IIo.3868 of Myrtle l7alker to the City Solicitor and hyrtle :talker. Auditor for correction. ,adopted on the call of the. roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in authorizing the City ,Auditor to take the personal property from tax bill of 'd. R. R. Holland. Holland, c. .L.1. Adopted on the call of tae. roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to refund A. I.I. house ;x2.40, same being the amount naia by him on assessment of Mrs. Adah H. Rouse, on a Ford car she claims she door not A. M. oan. :adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Sams offorod motion to loner assessment on personal property of Gars. nuth Bonus from ka1400.00 to :800.00, due to assessing 1922 Model Studebaker car too high.. i'.ra. Ruta Tor:c Adoptod on the call of the <oll: Yeas (8). Scare offered motion to lower assessment on property of G. V. Lydon 1.. the sum of $200.00, due to the Equalization Board notifying tax payer of a raise of C. F. Lydon. $580.00 ani raisin. oL!_e $780.00. Adopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (8). Su.-ne ofzared motion to eonanr in the action of the Board of Couneilmon ,epardirlex rill No.1031of 5.H.Loob's asu:a merit b-dnf lowered ;900.00. Aaoptod S. 11. Lnet:. on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). ' Member Yopp oifered taction shut Uru. C1�-ru Marsoll's clt,im for reduction =ax 2111 ?io. 2347, bet refe1'red to the City solicitor. .aaocated on the ca11 o:' tho 41ae•s .,. roll: 'teats (8). . e=6r Bier, Of:,,red n4,1:1n zn:zt tf" aJ'L f:3r:•^Nis Of ... Toon OA :ax li 2. :ca:i Bill :, . 3764), oe retrrze: tat ..:: .. fci,,.. A:r,Oted on tail ,...1. C.: Ye -;u (b). *t;c A� pests offered matioca to :nn: r it tee actiOr. a: tr°.e Boaid of in retar. to the Belief �;oearit.ee _:: City [iclicito's,co_.:.;u:aa,tian of :=3optea on toe, call Of _.._ Proceedins of of Paducah-_- _ _ JU9- 16j- - -_192 h. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in reL.ard to Tax Bill 3492, of Luella and Adah Smith, being reduced 030.00 of the assessed valuation. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: 'Kennedy, Alliston, hera_`t, Brooks, Cochran, Rieke and Yopp.(?). _lays*- Cole W. L"ember Rieke offered motion that an additional stenographer be employed .:&.ii'ional for one month at a salary not to exceed ;100.00 per months to assist in the work Stenographcras recom:aendad by the City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). for City Solicitor. Member Brooks offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to the Paducah Charity Association being allowed to have Bob Bob aorton'� orton,s Circus from July the 7th to 12th, but there was no action taken. Circus. Paducah °.=emoer Rieke offered motion that the request of the Paducah Charity Charity As3n. Association be granteu privilege of holding circus, but no games of chance are to be Paducah allo!ed, and the police are to be notified. to enforce this rule. Adopted on the call Charity As30ciation.0_ the roll: Yeas:$ennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole and liieke(7). nays: Yopp (1). Liember Brooks offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in granting permission to the Chautaugua Association to hold a Chautauqua Chauta�:qua from July the 4th to July the 9th. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas:Kennedy, Asnoclation.Llliston, Acheraft, Brooks, Cochran, Rieke and Yopp. (7). Member Cole did not vote. Liember Rieke offered the following motion: "C"nereas, there is now an ordinance 'which vests in the City Commissioners the discretion in the matter of issueing licrnse to carnivals and street fairs, and a subsequent license ordinance fixing a Carnivals license tax for same- That upon all applications for such license hereafter, the same and Street Fairs. be referred to the General Council for a»proval or disapproval, and that the City Clerk and City Treasurer be notified to act accordingly. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Brooks offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of PlaC3 oral Councilmen in authorizing the Mayor to buy flags from the American Legion, as per :'lar, staffs ris recorx, ndation.. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Ammerican. i:ngion. Lieaber Ashcraft offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referring to the Public Improvement Committee, with power to act, the Inclnc: aor: atter of fixin,_ or ouildine a coal house at the Incinerator, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(8). l:-mber �oc'rran oiz'ered motion to concur in the action of the Board of in assessment Councilmen in allaeine a re•isctionAof,:8555.00 in tax bill 023 of Herman Friedmann Herman :ration ioct upon tn, e.11 of t_ne roll: .:nye (5). Frie4man. ke!LLer _iefe offernl motion ta_t t::e exton of Oa Grove Cemetery OakOak(.r .'::(; t7 level. all �-rave:u in public bu yin` t'i'nuni, m arkars to �rem,,in, ::nd GV4J " Cemtet^ry• f. •.:( :,i: '1h C'' , v^F: :i1 Lf. iany o":'nor Ob jrC Li!: , Lh6 G,QxtOn i;3 a0 i', 1:r ..eve a.ing ........ 0.. .. .... ._. .. is _ ... i.. .... ..... .. .. - i !�.... ,,'1 iii' Yreve o. t, .:r .c --.•_ , _.. , _ , .i., _,, «i ... yak :ie. ... -. .. ..,:..:._ tri 1 .. rt3 lot. of Councilmen in ratifyiW tYr deed o7 u t :.1: ...:: .;in an�'. 7, No--- 79.. - - ---- Proceedings of._ 30._2D 02 UD_P.i7:;. City of Paducah—__..jUNv_r6,..._-____._192 4. L:ember Hieke offered motion that tho City Purchasing .q:ent oc authorized to Typewriter for buy a tyr.swriter for the engineering Department. Adopted on the call of Lite roll: Engineorino Dept. Yeas (8). !!ember Cochran offered motion to concur in the.action of the Board of Councilmen in _egard to refcrrin,: to the Board of Health, with request for relief, 111kisance on Powell Street. the matter of water standing on Sowell Street. Adopted on the call of the roil: Yeas� (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in Act of larch regard to .eceiving and filing communication from the Mayor regardinf the Act of 19th, 1920. Ky. Statutes. Larch 19th, 1920, of the tientucky Statutes. Adopted on the call of the ro 11: Yeas(8). Board recessed at 10:45 P.:L[., and re -convened at 11:20 P. M. On motion meeting adjourned. • .r1PVr .iJG1 L Attest. --•--•-......... �"".�{.���'- .�..--...�.-•-•_• City Cl..k .O�.u.e�--/�-�'�✓''7� .a� .