HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 471, August 15, 1927No.__�_-_--- Proceedings of---Board-of-Aldermen-----__-City of Paducah ___Augus.t-15,1927, At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the third floor of the City Hall in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, August 15, 1927, President Hannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Ilannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Rieke and Tyree. (7). Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. " Payrolls. Member Rieke offered motion that payrolls for 79076.33 be allowed. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Claims. Same offered motion that claims for 78952.27 be allowed. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to allow bills payed through the Cashier's Fund for Cashier's Fund. $138.07. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to allow Street Improvement Bonds & Coupons:canoelled St. Improv. Bonds & in the amount of 7143.40. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas k7). i Coupons' elled)Same offered motion to allow Koller Plumbing (cancCo. 7224.22 collected in Zones . Koller No. 4 and 5, same charged to Delinquent Sewer Assessment Fund. Adopted upon call of Plumb. Co. the roll: Yeas (7). 'same offered motion to allow the Treasurer to transfer $1500.00 from the Special._ General Fund to the Special Street Improvement bland. "dopted upon call of roll: Year,(7). Fund.Impr. FunSame offered motion that the Treasurer's report of collections and ten year McKelvey agreements secured on the McKelvey Construction company's Conbined Sewers Contract Const. Co. No. 7. be accepted and the Treasurer authorized to effect final settlement upon -sale of the 'ponds covering the 10 year agreements, also, that the Mayor and Treasurer be authorized to have printed, executed and sell such Bonds in the amount of $14,486.61 in accordance with precedure as set forth in 'entucky Statutes governing 10 year agreement. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the Treasurer's report on the sale of Caldwell street Caldwell St. Improv. Improvement Bonds and final settlement made with D. T. Ryan Sonstruction ebe accepted. p Bonds. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the Treasurer's report on the sale of 13th -12th and 13th -12th and Monroe Monroe streets Improvement Bonds and settlement made with the D. J. Ryan Construction Bonds. ondsCo. be accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (6). Member Cole not voting. Same offergd.70tioit that the Treasurer's report on the Koller Plumbing Co's Koller sewer contract for Zone No. 2 be accepted and $1091.03 collections due the contractor Plumbing Company. be allowed. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same read a resolution entitled: " A RESOLUTION AU'i'HOPIZINr THE MAYOR AND THE CITY TRFASTJRF.R OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KE1tTUCKY TO BO' -'01." AA'OT'NTS AGG?EGATING THE Borrowing STJM OF $75,000.00, AS THE SAM[i: IiAV Bim; Rti:Q:TIRED TO MEET TPE N17EDS OF SAID CITY, AND TO Money. T'KECU TE NOTE OR NOTES THEREFOR ON BEHALF OF.SAID CITY." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll' Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same o.ff,ered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Board of Public Accenting "^orks in accenting street Navin; on Tennessee st. from 2nd to 3rd sts., Fifteen at., paving on Tenn. from from Broadway to Ky. avenue and High at. from Broadway tc Jefferson streets, provided 2 -3rd sts. Hi,ah st. the Contractor will. repair imperfection in High st. Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas (7). frr_m Brway to Jeff. etc. �7a . Proceedings of___Board-of AldermenCity of Paducah.__A"guat 15, 1927. Member Cole offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the City I i'rs liar B y Solicitor in not changing the assess valuation o8 the property of Mss. Mary B. Campbell. Campbell. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the Board of Public Works be instructed to put North 23rd at. North 23rd street, from Hinkleville rd, to Mildred St. in Rood condition at an eark from Hinkleville rd, to Vildeed date. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). St. to be nut in good Gond. Same offered motion that the Supt. of Streets be instructed to cut weeds Supt. of Sts. in old street car right-of-way on Jefferson street, at once. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the Mayor, Chief of Police and City Solicitor I.C.R.R. Co. notify the I.•C:R.R. Comrany.that it must give the public immediately relief in to eive public relief from blocking, street: crossings at Broadway, Jefferson, &onroe, Y°adison, Harrison and blocking sts. Clay streets. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas i7). Same .read a resolution tntitled: " A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE IM - Resolution: PR•OVEMENT OF BAUMER. AVENUE OR "A" STREET, FRO14 THE NORTH PROPERTY LINF' OF i'iIFELER Grading & ADDITION TO THE PdEST CURB LINE OF 16TH STRE'T, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, 'raveling Baumer ave. BY 'HE GRADING AND GRAVELING OF SAME, TOGETHER C:ITH ALL NECESSARY rANHOLFS, IN - from ':'rheeler addition to TAKES, Cf+TCH BASINS AND SEFJER PIPE CONNECTIONS, IPI ACCORDANCE WITH TH1 PLANS AND 16th St. SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY F,NGINFER, AT THF, COST OF THE A3UTTING PROPERTY 0+lNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION I.-AY!4E PAID IE ACCORDANCE; WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas G (7). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). � On motion sa.-e was given,second and final passage upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). i Member Dunbar read an ordinance entitled: " AN ORDINANCE ASSESSII;O THE Ordinance: AFVTTTING PROPERTY ON. BOTH SIDES OF TENNESSEE STREET FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE Hard surfacing OF 3RD STREET TO THE'IIEST PROPERTY.LINEOF 2ND STREET; AND ON BOTH SIDES OF HIGH Tenn. St. from 3rd St. to. 2nd.STREET FROM THE NO'iTH PROPERTY LINE OF ^HOADI"1Av STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE High St. from OF JEFFERSON STREET; AND ON BOTH SIDES OF 15TH STREET F4'OM THE SOUTH PPOPFuTY LINE Broadway to .Teff. OF BROADlAY STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINT, OF KENTUCKY AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF 15th St. from PAD[ICAH, KhNTUCKY, FOR THE COST OF.CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROAIR9AY, TO- Bdway to Ky. ave. GETHER WITH CURBS .AND GUTTERS AS SHOD. ON PLANS, AND ALSO 19ITH ALL NECESSARY MAN- HOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DPIVL'L"AYS AND SEWER PIPE CONNECTIONS, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITv OF PADiC1:1, AS REQT'IRED BY LAW, AND PROVIDING THF.T SAID COST MAY BE PAID IN TEN ANNUAL• INSTALLMENTS IN ACCORDANCE V.'ITH TIIF. PROVISIONS OF THE KLNT.'CKY STA`TTES APPLICABLE THERETO." On motion same was given first passage upon the cell of the roll: Yeas(7) On motion the rules were suspended and ordinanee,� -ead by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon cell of roll: Yeas) Member Bell offered motion that the Ky. "titlities Co, be authorized to Ky. YJti$ities place Street Lights at the following intersections: Goebel ave. and 16th street, Comnany. Clark Street and 16th Street. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (71. Same of"ered motion to refer to the Light and Water Committee communica- Padgcah ".later tion from the Paducah ""titer Co, under date of Aug. 15, 1927, relative to 44 fire- Comnany. Plugs to be placed on water mains in newly annexed territory of the City. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). No_ _.247_ Proceedings of—Board—of=Aldc-rmen--- __ --____-City of Paducah August 15,_.1927 Member Bell offered motion to refer to the Ordinance Committee an ordinance Ordinance: entitled: "AT; ORDI7ANCE REGULATING THS OPERATION OF 1, RADIO BROADCASTING STATION Radios AND RADIO rrCEIVING SETS AND LICENSING SAME IN THE CITY OF PADJCAH." Adopted upon Iroadcast ing, station.call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Council - Frank 4 men relative to uermitting.Frank Block to connect with sewer laterals in Sewer Zone ' Block. No. 4. Adopted upon cal� of the roll: Yeas (7). Member.Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Council- Maide B. men in referring to the City Solicitor and Sewer Committee communications from Maide Murray & Annie B. B. Murray and Annie B. Miller, relative to sewer assessment against their property Miller. lying between 19th and 22nd streets, and Monroe and Madison streets. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referring to the City Solicitor sewer assessment against Dr. J. T. Gilbert with in - Dr. J. T. Gilbert. structions to collect penalty. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen authori- Overdrawal _zing the Mayor to overdraw Contingent Fund to pay for strip of ground bought from the of Contin- gent Fund I.C.R.R. Company. Adopted upon cull of the roll: Yeas, Hannin, Bell, Davis, Rieke to nay I. C.R.R. Co. and Tyree (6). Nays Cole (1). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen refer - Coil bids, ring to the Mayor and Special Committee with power to act, coal bids from Rest Ky. '':est Ky Coal Co. Coal Co. and Bradley Bros. Adopted unon call of the boll: Yeas (7). Bradley B. Same Offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen, re - Southern ceiving and filing communication from the Mayor relative to making contract with the Roads Co. Southern Roads Co. for hard surfacing Jefferson street from 17th to 19th streets. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in Black & receiving and filing communication from the Mayor relative to making contract with Veatch. ` Black & Veatch for engineering the hard surfacing Jeff. street, from 17th to 19th sts. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilman re- ferring to the Finance Committee communication from the Mayor relatiell- to oity not Insufficient find for having sufficient funds for hard surfacing Meyer street from Broad St. to Clements St. hard sur- facing Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Ryer St. Member Davis 6ffered motion that the recommendation of the Board of Public Geo. M. 'forks awarding contract for painting Island Creek Bridge to Geo. M. Overstreet be Overstreet. concurred in providing said Geo. m, Overstreet carries Workman's Compensation Ins. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member '�ieke offered motion to concur in the Board of Councilmen receiving and J. I".. filing communication from the Mayor relative to making contract with J. M. Rouse Rouse. for building sidewalks on Greer street, Bridge street, etc. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). ' Member Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Petition in referring to the Light & -atrr Committee petition for water main on Adams street, .7atermains Adams St. from 32nd street to Lovelaceville Road. i,dopted upon call of the .o l: Yeas- (7). from 32nd to Lovel. Rd. Same offered motion to conc�ir in the action of the Board of Councilmen re- ferring to the Light & ".later Committee petition for water mains on 271h street from Mater mains 27th, Jack -Jackson to Jones streets. bdonted upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). -?one s its. Proceedings of__.sonrd_of_Aldermen_ No. —_City of Paducah .___August 151 1927. Member Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Report of Paducah ':'rater Councilmen in receiving and filing annual report of the Paducah Tater Co. Adopted Company. upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Report of Paducah 17at.er in referring to the City'Lngineer and Fine Chief the report of the Paducah Water Co_ Comnany. under date of Aug. 15, 1927, of water mains laid and fire plugs located. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). ()[ember Cole offered motion that the City Solicitor be .instructed to in- Investi¢ation vestigate the condition for right-of-way of West oefferson street, from 25th to of right-of- way of "'est 32nd streets and report at next meeting what is necessary to clear up same for the .Teff. from 25th to 32nd. purpose for opening up this street. Adorted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Coun— Construct side- oilmen authorizing the City Engineer to construct sidewalk around tree at 1508 walk aroundtree at 1508 North North 12th atand also around tree across the street. Adopted upon call of the 12th at. roll: Yeas (7). Member Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Coun- Renort of cilmen in receiving and filing report of the Riverside Hospital. Adopted upon the Riverside Hospital. call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Cole offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Coun- Railroad cros- cilmen instructing the City Solicitor to bring in an ordinance causing all rail - sings of anned- ed terr. City road crossings in the newly annexed territory to the City being considered as City Blowing w . crossings and all trains to cease the blowing of whistles as per ordinancecovering Blowing whistles. City Crossings. Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Coun- Claude Fields', cilmen in deeding* Lot. No. 7 in Block No. 14, in Oak Grove Cemetery, to Claude Deed. Fields. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Hattie Fralley in deeding West half of Lot. No. 9, in Block No. 14, in Oak Grove Cemetery to Deed. Hattie Fralley. adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Coun- street Inso. cilmen instructing the Street Inspector to cut all weeds on streets, sidewalks and public property. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Tyree and Davis excused from meetin§. Member Dunbar read a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTIOr CR}.'j.TIJiG SE!':ER Resolution. ZONE 7-B, IN SUB -DIVISION "A"? OF Sj.NITARY SE'r1ER DISTRICT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF Drainage of PhDJCAH KENTUCKY; TO PROVIDE FOR THE DRAIN GE OF STORI:7ATER AND SANITARY SEI"iERS storm �.vater and � sanitarsewers in Zone;7-A IN COM LINED FORM THEREIN; DRCLiIP,ING THE CONSTRUCTIONOF STORK". WATER AND 56NITARY sub -div. "A". SF.'iERS IN SAID ZONE 7-H TO BE A NECESSITY, AND SETTING OUT IN GFNFRAL TP'Rms THE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRtrCTION." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas 5 on motion the rules were suspended and -esolution read by title, upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5). On motion same was given second and final passage upon call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion that the Sewer Drain at 10th & Finley st. be trap - Trapping of Cewer drain ped to take car of Sewer Gas forming. adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (5). 10th & Finley. On motion meeting a3ourned. Adopted 1927. ity Clerk. Approved Pres. Board of Aldermen.