HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 47, April 7, 1924No. Coq ioajers' .Pr..oe.aed.Tngg-;-: ity-:of--PHd-ucffh= - -- _ 192_. i3OCz,::DIIlCS 02 4H : Cj-- 0. .. '..__.._ I'ni.:;CAII :Y.r APRIL Tari, 1921. tin_ of t -he Board of Aldermen, h ld on the. Third Floor of the Hall, in the City of Paducah, Xentucky, April the 7th, 1924, Lhe meetin 7!as called to order by Prr•�;id.ent :enl--edy. � Upon the .._ll o- the roll the followin, an:;aered to their namea: It:•t;nedy, Alliston, Brnokc, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (7). Minutes of ti_a to-etin of March the 17th, 1923, :'iere adonted.as read. Llinutes o i,h0 c. -.,Il meeting of Larch the ::8th, 192i, were adonted read. I.:ember _:ieke offered motion that the .,ity Purch}sinIz :rent be authorised ;;o zi,n a contract- for i:adze Lamps "'ith Mitchell nlecrric Company. Adopr.,Id upon the _ rs. Yee:: c -Il o- the roll by the follo'::ine vote: aennedy, Alliston, Brooks, Coehr: moi, Cole, :ieke and Yopp. 7). Member Rieke read a resolution entitled "A.RE80LUTIO_J TH_,T Tri?' ILLI:i0I8 Y B' __ ROh ._.D i0=,ai'C': .41. U!„3r.iLLr. SHAD OVwr^^. THE - .J.. ..�__ 0_1 D CO.:..._:Yn. _.... UNIONb'i'r`_'IOid. AL,0 Oil _'h: .AUi'H-.�.;Li:��.,Y. w -.-T600' ._.._ 7:7011. On motion of same said resolution :rss ; !%—on fir. t ra;:aae x. .. e:11 o;: a _ roll b; the follo-.'in. vote: Yeas: Kennedy, .Llli6ton, Brooks, n, Cole, Ric, and Yopp. (7). Member Cochr_n offered motion that the salary of I.:r. Bradlay be increased a One Hundrod(100.00)Dollars per month, ai,d the City Bn ineer be aathorizod to employ j u-:.,ination Clerk ,.nd ctano rapher at a salary not to exceed 2-i{hty(80.00)D0llars -:,r-:ort;h. adopted on :he call of the roll by the follo:•in vote: Yeas: Zenuedy, 'lis:tori, Broor_o, Cochran, Cole, Ria a and Yopp. (7). i Member Cochran offered the follo:iint: motion: That E. ii. Hardin;, Confp;ny, r. •off . t Chi:L'.:CIi:iaL lOn of the Board of Public' Works and Joint Dewar Committea, be pi.id j —ive Thziusand( ,25000.00) Dollars on accorutt of No. 3 A 5e:, r Contrz;ct,mt: of oust o* 15w ref=ined by the City from the contractors, E. Hardin,- Company. )!.-,,--q •non zoaF call of the roll by th> follvaln> roto: Y :.: .__n, Cole, Rieke and Yoi . (7). ..I Co,-nr Fn ❑i-,:te motion t}'!C.. i. :-he- City zolicitei' ve iTl3t:'Pcteti Lo it, :e. 1 li")n e.ur rhe ref!:ud and pcy:n•ra ci' .19::7.17 hoerLI.oa0 i i r. Zile Boar•i of d^..,:Lion. 1!1.. . 0nnt of i ;,oirrell Boulc.ard in franL or be inoLrl.ictad in , t: event ,.. _ ,i. :.0, to -i11,; suit Lo c•:its.t _c.::, r,fend and Ji a.i ".L'. J-•}, 1D.i ded'.ct Ut:rh irollnt i Z, Lict:Ion last on th, c:+ll of fila No. ( c»i�n�issi��nersy Frgceedingss_Gi -y gf_Paducal> 192'1• .. ,Y_^T_L 71x,. off( -rod motion 60 rel^er to the Ordinance Col:mlittee a rcuoluti Un ; �omoila6ion and publication of ordinances of the City of :adncuh. i.._1 Oa t'hr roll b^ the =0110:': illi vw;a: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, :ale: :elld'_'.ie e. 16). Nays; Yopp.('). I Yopp of:iered r::otion that the resitnation of H. Stinson, Dol' Catehex, c t;ea, ::i.'. 3ond order a�ncelled snd the Clerl, be instrl:cted to notify the Bondiz? ,Udit01 be instructed t0 see that thr u..:id Comnany r.=fund th.: unearned coition —opted on the call o`_ the roll b,; the follo )in - vote: Yea:;: annedy, Cocars•1, Cole, Ria`, :;.nd Yopp. ( 7). ._....zcr Yopp offore1 -.:otion as Follous: The City Buver is aut:'.orized to ._n '.1 -',m: of ''Tropical '6treet 1.'Sriltlf Paint, aliu to have ;painted th1 _.. lia _iUc, '.o be charC.ed to Police Department. =1:e cost of same o:. r J.15 _ _len , , v. Paducah. _doptUd on th.: call of the roll by _L , la Yo,,; _..._..,Cly, nllistoa, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Ri(: e end Yop_o. Cole offered motion that thy' City bolicitor be instructed to b'rin i --'n :.:it to purchase 66 feet of ,round on the Eaat tide of bouth 19th btrce' ).!, o. :_t Cl .r:. ztrCet can be opened From 17th --trees to 19t:. street. ,darted loll by the follo-.-inz vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Brooks, -nd Yopp. (7). o f r -d motion to coneur in the Board of Councilmen in i=; as '•u .-_,._ _ 3_;:�,_ �.,;.;..:r,_; ...;y,ll on Oontr-ct No. 2 for Street Cons trl:ctioil, es ta 'do. 1. Adopted oll tl:.. c -ll. u.z thr roll by the 70'..': Y _... _-ilne:dy, Allieto'n, Brooks, COC_r,n, C-)Ic, 3i?i:? and. Yoop.(7). 'iffered motion t0 ?onnur in i.ho :a�:%ion of Bo --rd of .. 7 Yur_cy c ;ohnaon, Contr,cters, :x.835.^1.3 on Contr;u:t in En, inear'c ti:r::t ;;o. 5. :.lop' d on 'tt:... .. ............................. .............................. L_tz;.00 ,140.00 .............................. 8:10.00 57.50 ..........11 ........................ 100.00 ...................................... 141.66 ............... 281.68 ........................................ 41,00 .................................... 207.00 ..................... I....... 0.31 ................................... iu ............................... ..................................... 7.G0 • ................................... '7 02 17::..:10 ................................ '.7./. .:. . .................................. 194 iiia n Cotx� i rssignel. ; I?t:flc e n City of Paducah '.PRIL ",H, 192,1 h�.'G :!1i):lrl. :1110":3iCU: � I .............. ..770.00 alo ......... 100.00 ......................... :1.00 .... .... ............................. 8:.00 .. I, .. .................... 10P.00 y. ., .. ,... .. ......�................... ".i. 300.0:7 1J0:1.00 Crri_ i.x!.ahon............................. 1.00 ..-.. �..•• •....• • II ............. .i'i.00 ..................... . -00 .................. uG.25 Ji i ... 12.08 .....................200.40 ....................... 2.00 �_.. _i•i _ _ i' Co. Ord", 50.10 $f445.83 Adopted o': :... c: _1 o :-.. _'DIA by `ollo in,- vot, Y.._:_. ::eamody, aistoll, Brooks, r .:r.T, Col,,, i Li6L:G e.r Ria" -e offE:red motion to co'—, i in the action o: Zile Bo -'rd of _.. _c ._r1 '.:0 11J/:i:e, Harair;i Coi:;pany, ou Oontract No. 3f. for So -.,vers, ?r:;ulc Line 400 _, ti?r Se :va r s .... ............ ,123 72.31 ?, L Triming Ext . . ............... 2120.76 Extra Work ................... 84.00 `,14877.07 +ont,:d on tr.. call oi: the roll by the Poll __ sote: Yea:;: Irer;nedy, n?lis ton, ! Cock; '_.n, Cola, Rieke and Yopp. (7). i i L:' ... offered motion to concur in the action 011 tt.. 3c --,.Id of Co::n:•il -r: Lo '_.. ._.i:a c.-..;r`s fund ex,,,ndtid during' thl month of Idtrch 19�r, �ew�.ntin_ �%: ll of th•: roll o th•- falloixr• vote: Y....... ...-•ni y 6,11.1, Rieke snd Yopp. (7). 1 a': r^.J. '.'),;ion to :onour ir. %1 ac:;lon 01 t..a -o-.rd -if i .onncilrn,n ie: 1io in, the Bo>r•: or Education 'A9.90, th it proportion of t• cos colloctcd o= in 1942 and 1583. ".:.:d upon the 11 o" ... toll by the follo:•ang vote: Y --Ivo ..i'..,. _nd Yopp. (7). • i Ca r:.. _.. ... I. to concur in the action of thr; Bo-rfl of 1, 'rimed to tr'wnaer -'y10,000.00 f.oa ci:::o a .p Li..: rLct 8e":eer Fund to pa,v !. 11.!L; 1: No. aL). of Paducah .�PRIL '7TH, -192 1.iio wutrr oi., :street li;ht from llt^ --rr, - '13lic *�- -::�; be r� ff. id to the Bear:; of i� u 1t e "ll ol' the roll ,y I,ho follo:,irt vote:: Yf'uS: jl, Cole, Riek.e. and Yopp. (7). offered mo'.jon to con(;,ur in i.hf­ action of the Board of to tl:­Ieferrillf. one-half of Lot No. 112911, Block In Oak h. 1,orE.,n to >rtrur L. Dunn, be authorized. Adopted on the o: 7'.hn toll by t1he fo11(r.111j, voze:Zcinnedy, Alliston, Brooks, coc'icx�n, Cole, YoPT.0). w' ­ ".,I o,-'f,-r,JI motion to concur in th6 _,ctioli o:c the. Board Of in L' rd to City ol E--vir.-:.1l conveyillf by 1¢'1;it Claim Deed to Visna Lot 1,'-,,."28"in BlocIz No. "l -l", Of Grove Cc.,-,jc,.tc,.ry New Addition, for the --_-ty(90.00). Do!'--rs ; and thc�t ,hn City Mark be instructed anid outh prized 9-,,)76.r entry of baici cojjvoyanco in the Cemetery Deod.Book. on 11 of ',.hn roll bir the follo:iin' vote: Kcnnfdy, Alliotoll, 3rooks' 'ionp. (7). o'fered otion to concrr i!t the. action of the Board of - -r' Cit? of TIlomNon, convey b.y i�it Claim Deed to Carl R. I --lock Oat: Grove Cere.tery, 11-,%, Addition, for the s -m of $95.00, r-Ziv, L,)IL t",�,t City Clarl: be insi�.ructed anCi aiiz,?�or.zf-d to -ei-,n " trocar entry of said convey iice in Ccm-.It:-ry Deed Book. ;dotted .._ii roll bythe foll,.-,in-- vote:_,.i.nedy. Alliston, Brooks, Co6ir n, Yore. (7). 'I Ria.,o. offered motion to concur in file action Of Board Of Y_;: ca:: cony y 'u,,j quit Claim deed to C. 3. Mobley Lot Aiij, jon, Oa:: Grove Co.,w zary, :'or Zuni of $90.00 !"illt'ty be instrre.t3c anti authorized to .Ij )I de,'ek nd Book. Adopted on tIv: u-11 of in C-metcry Derd Boo rotc... Yeas,. Xrrinedy, Alliston, Brooks, Coo-aran, 7). to i!: The action Of tho Board cf -y ily !aim Deed to Vida i' -t, Lot Fi."LA 50.00) I n n: id dead J i.,, :t o, t,h. roll 1' y n:11..'.. Brooka, G,)c:' 1'..11, Cole, No. 5.1, Commissioners' Proceeding,5,; City of Paducah r:I�- 7.i: _192.1-r Game Of' i ro.i :.:O'•iO3: to _-:L i:r Li CLion of Lh :0.114 of Uo'mn+ i U:; -il lli'.hinr t;1e: 1fi'i.:e of CLPr.: for the City Judi,:':: o'iJoe. be deferred e. t0 next: - meetln,: -,. iii referred to Jndici'ary Committee. ,Wopted olt i;hr' call Of t^, aol_ folla:•in vote: Yn,uo. ::annv.dy, llici•on, Broocs, Cochr�ll, Cole, Aie e, _nu Yopu. (7). Same offered motion to concur in ;;ia:: action o the Boe:rd of Coumil+.+Fn I. i'. ir;;.+rds to ieforrin to the Hospital, Serer wid Sanitation Committ-e, Lh•: :�.i :::Lion f oal the board of Health as::int City to furnish tr.ns'cort,Llon for health _iia:-:. :.dorte:i on the call of the roll by the. 'follo-iint vote: Ye.a: i .Llli::•on, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Fie>e wad Yopn. (7). i lie.::eer Rieke offs --red motion th.:t the !natter of huvin, stop sil-na'_s made i for Al boulav_rds, be referred to the Public IT.provement Committee to investi:_tc i I _Ili riw ort 9t next mentina, ndOLt.:d On the C:7.11 Of file TO11 by the. i•0110'7.111F vote: nred;r, ylli;.ton, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Hiike and Youn. (7). :ie:riuer Rie.ke offered motion to concur in the •action of the Board of Councilmen in rcZ;erd to automobiles beinf prohibited from turnip,.: aromld at '2nd u Bro-dri_y. aotion lost neon the call of the roll by the: follocrin:_ vote:Yeas: Cole.(1). bays: ellnrd: , :?ti:5i.on, Broo.cs, Ciochr.i.11, Rieke and Yoer,. (d). 5;;.,..e offered motion to concur in t;,l:^ -o'ion of the Bo.. -,-d of Cohn+ilmen i:! retard to all al!tomobiles beinf allowed t0 pars not over .`ifteen uii.niites bot:^.eP.ri _ c:Dnd mid Sixth Streets on Broad^ray. '.otion lost upon call of z;-, roll by the foll0:7in& 70te: Yea.^-.• Cole (1). IlLyo: .Pnnody, nllioton, SrOOi_H, Coc:^.r�n, Rieke, �wi Yotp. (u). 6- -- offered !notion to concur in t:h., action o:f the Board of Co :1 L'.. of the Police :orae, except the Chief of Police, in :.hr: ..1'e !orb ldu en t0 F'0 OU LSide 0:. the Cit 'i Limits exceUt in the pi 1 1.,. i..otion lost upon thr: c-11 0 c:. roll by the folio:. -iii- vof :. (2). Rays: Brooks, Coehr_n, Cole, :nd Yopp. ( _). o_. _-d, notion to c:mcl:r in t'na ection o�' r.hr Bo�ru of Jo in, - i:. . r; .._ . I,, lir. ':n-.i.'.z:' _ or liconvo refund b,t r,-feer/Pd to Citg . Poll by `lo Le: You:; $ennedy, All i.i. .. brooks off -ren r:!oe•ion to concur in :rs in City Hall be rnf. rz _ i,, : ro L:, c-11 of the roll b TI, Cole. (5). iisy:: •.113 ., U . .' 1 Na . ,. (-��nan�issic�ners':Pracee-dings,: My of: Paducah .I, ,.;�_. .192 .. .. a - '. .�; •0 = 11. ,, _?:. ?.. �'.r. Board of G,,,,mC i line 11 L:liit ei2Ch p'r nil:-,ItJ '1 tt'a 7101'::. i1Uti0I1 o-. _ ii, B oo.:o, QoC :r. n, dolt:, RIGIV, o w;; ion to i;Onc:ur in .,_ ,.O tion of L'he Board of tounc I1mO11 in rnard I I n __llo nd :,,MOO per month for chrrity, oeine rai'erred to the City y I nt..: w. Z, ',':. '_.J. c.'_l of tae roll by the follo;•1inL vote: Yews: YOgro. (1). d<:ys: Cole,and Rieke. (u). 0:: ,.:ion -min; aijonrned. p(rgaltnl /tun ..o% G'owncrzIIiC$. Cite CW11