HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 41, March 17, 1924No. 41. XHOCE`Di"'�M Oil OFILDRRMM, ol,,y 01, ­:Tvlr!AH, I 'i V. 17T, , 1924. At a regular TD--ti1r, of the Board of Aldermen, held on the, Third Floor of the 0ity Hall, In the City Of Paducah, on Yonday, parch the 17th, 1924. The meeting was called to order by President 1:ennedy. Upon call of the roll the fol3oaing ananvared to thoir names: J:eunedy, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Cole and Yopp.(6). On -ot ion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Member Cochran read an ordinance entitled "All ORD111,1110E C'.1:1.ATIFG A BOARD OF PLUIMR on motion said ordinance was placed upon its first passage. o'. 71�11­ L i;Otion lost upon the call or the roll by the following veto: Yeas: Cochran 11njs: "onredy, Alliston, Brooks, and Cole. (4). Yopp not voting. same rend an ortlinance entitled "All ORDIIHITQ7, CR,�rING TIE 07110E OF IMM'BER A17) 3!..11:.1B`1 1N1),71.C"01 .17.) OTTY PLU11B!"i UNDER THR SUPEWISTOTI OF T'L' CITY On motion the above ordinance was Given first paszve by the following T' vote: Yeas: 7c!.ned7, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Cole and Yonn. (6)• On motion of some the rules were"suspended and"the above ordinance WRS elven passage by title by the follavinp vote: Pernedy. Alliston, Brooks.Cochran, Cole and Yopp. (6). on motion of anme the nbove ordinance was given second and final passage by the following vote: Yeas: Kennedy, i.11lston, Brooks, lochran, Cole and Yopp.(6). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDI11.010E 2"GULATITIG TT?: UaE OF _ CITY OF PADUCAH, BY OL"71CF113 AND j.:O'_7C:Z CLJS 271D OTHER E('UIj?M0T BFMCIIGIVG TO T - 9- .Lm�LO,T:,ES Oy S.jID CITY". ON va motion the above ordinance was given first pas-ega by tip following vote: yers.. 1'enncdy, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Cole and Yopp. (6). On motion of onne the rules were suspended and the above ordinance was -t,7en nas,nFe by title by the following vote: Yeas: Zonnedy, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, flole and Yopo. On motion of some the above ordinnnee was Ivan second and fin%l paal;age by the followinp, -.,otc: Ports: -onuady, ,,Iltuton, Brool-'a. Cochran, Cole and Yopp.(G) - Yenber Offered the followinj7 motion: ThQt the co:.-runictition from .Ojtizer.3 the penernl council not to put down silownlito on South Vineteenth .;treet between BroaLwr,:7 v'd Guthrie .%venue, be received an -1 filed, nal referred to of 0.1tu !,)rm. -lonted o. 1.--e cell or the roll by the follar,in, vote: Y--; receive n1d file and refer to Bo,.rl ol Putlic aj'1-Jnv the verernl council to oven uD %ni wr­l, re ct 40 f ­A, or: tct, ton yoar payment plan, on Zvent.­"Iftr :;treat, 5n of,, onl 1 or the roll 07 tae 0110 I t: ,n: To h"ve M­.ordln- ree book r bo ­ i rlr,;, in rk r000lut :on for is c A t 1-: yo On 7 No. 4,e. x Ei issi�>Eersx yet edi�� , City of Paducah 1:VIM 17TH, 1924. L..enber Allis to: offered the follor.inr- :ration; To receive qn'l file qua refer to ;he atinv Cit, i'urchasing .,gent, the comCuntegt ion from lienry ,;, Fetter Supply o i._o::r.•.::.;r, in regard to ;,acda lump c,)ntract. Adopted on the call of the roll by the fol lo:r r,;: vote: Yeau; 5. I Member Cochran offered the folloodng motion: That tine February report of .ii 7e rside ;Iosnital be received and filed. Adopted on the call of tie roll by the ��' • follo::ir.;i vote: Yeas: (51 . .; :assnCole offered the following motion: That the Mayor be instructed to as eat deed fres 1. ^,. O'3r;pan for strip of land on t ie Mayfield Road for the r" V. "• `J�"' "• nur,,00v of ,videnine street, in accordance rrith recommendation of the Joint Street Con.%'Ittee inn t: ^.e ?••:ard of ;)iiblic 'lor`ru. Adopted on the call of the r 11 by the JJf follorin- vote: Yeas:(.). I Same offered motion that the recomhreniation of Board of Public Ylorrs in reward to streets �^u sileualka, be referred to The Board of Public '70rLs and City -;r_:ineer, ^:it'r. instructions to get up data ar.d expense to City for intersections and report back. Adopted on the call r'. the roll by the .ibllo::'ine rote: Yens; Alliston, Cole end Yopp.(3). Bays; Broozo and Cochrnn.(2). Same offered motion that thn apnlicatloii of tir Board of Trade for the :)n of City taxes of the Prieuter ;osier ;.:ill Extension Plant be gr.inted, :1 sed ti:e C]ty solicitor be instructed to bring in a resolution granting such i in accordance .pith the provision of the City Ordinance therefor. Adopted I ;,ill of the roll b; the foll.cc:ir"g vote: Yeas: (5). IZember Cole read an ord irnnce entitled "AN ORDINANCE; Fr:CULA-Mr ' i3 iC:;i .,7:-) llgq 0� A[T^r'.T?3IL'S, OR OMF,.? ::0^(i VEIiICL'?5, II: ^i:: ^:I':'Y 0^ ?:.7tJCAH. I ". 3Y H7-7- 70 I r, M3PLAY 0-1 ^A0 02 PLA^PIS ;iF? 'I ;7'1) BY S:.IO CITY". On motion I '.i;r• r:')ore or[in•ince wan "i:•en fir:;t nas::n7c by the follol;•in^ vote: Yeas: Alliston., Breokc, ^o e:^.r _n, role nn•l Yonn. (5). On motion of sn'ae t,r rules were suspended,and the above ordinance was c, by title by the folio,^in^ *roto: Yens: Alliston. Brooks, Coa:ran, Cole I an `1 Y"P. (5). On rntton of aacx), trio r,7'r.r orTiinwce was ;•i:•en second nnl ,^incl n, aaaae ` v,tc: 7e Ulliaton, B'rlo<::, Coehrnn, Cole nr.i Yonn. (5). r?OL'L:P" (J.'. .... :. [. � :i ':r.'�• ,�: .t ..:� .:�i :. .. e ''ir::L D9 A'.: ^.,•C: i• i f!l;1 70 .. ... W. :.�: _... 6f ...5[S`, ruloe ver,! aC.'r, ..„•w •! ,..-i the above ot,li L.....!c s.Ja •.... ._ofEl•_ l,r .:.tlo b, :is fpil'..ri.rc vote,: ,(.,'.?::ton, Brod:, ...... rr. ^.•.ion. o” r:•_)e, ti_ 'NI o:dIn, r::;e i".•.. .'r;'rnl ..:•i Nw,l n•,.,.- e _.. ',. 'ra:�r f�.. Alli:d'9r:, fir':..:),, (:?,:Ile^• .. _ ^.r.'1 'n'.(5). r r- ,)`,°`°.,red n, r'.a:: ":o:r Jr. ... .. _. ... 1?n oV :17.-Ittef, 'ait. "7':'Pr tl) .. .,1' j ,... No. 43. (#i►xkzitx�e�ri City of Paducah t,:acx 17TH, 1924, _192 - I ;.:en'vr Yoon offered the folioivinr• motion; Th^_t. the Fire and Police Committee be allowed in the Apnortionment Ordinance, the amount of :''IUO.00 for the purehnne of '+ a nevi car for the jiolice 7ennrtrmnt. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follo:ing o. 1`^''•` vote: Yeas: Alliston, Brool.a, Coohrin, Cole and Yopp, (5). I Member Brooks offered motion to concur in the notion of the Boar•f, of Councilmen in regard to referring to the Improvcaaent ;ouimittee rod Joint Fire and Police Committee; i So. investigation and report the recow,endation of Chief Slaughter in regard to I repairing Fire Stations. „doptcd on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yens;1 I (5). Salm offered motion to concur in ti:e action of the Board of Council-: en in 1 - regard to granting Ralt:and Cereal Beverage License to John and ;abert Jones, at'4116 ! I " Borth 4th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote; (5). .. _.t Zc - Same offered motion thnt the repairing of t;e Fourlh Street Bridge be referred to the Board of Public Works and City Engineer. Adopted on tine call of the roll by 'i','= 4 • the follo:^ing vote; Yeas (5). bpi:fie. Same offered motion to concur in ti:c notion o^ t. ie Bonr,i oCouncilmen in allowing printing bill, as shown in the Joint Finance Committee, Adopted on the call =' of t•:e roll by the following vote: Yeas; (5). Sante offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of ..ouncilmen in regard to exempting James 1. Barger of 1238 So. Seventh Street, from Poll Tax. -dopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas:(5). Same offered motion to concur in the notion of the Board of .Councilmen in to referring to the City �Mginecr and the Board of Public ;forks and Joint Street _ - - > nd Committee, the communication from Frank H. Rieke, Lilly Boyd Clerk,Ai::amie 1. Wheeler, asking tryst Clark Jtreet be extended from Seventeenth Street to Nineteenth Street. Adopted on is callof the roll by tin following vote. Yeas:(5). same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to nut;_orfixing the conveying from tine Oity of Pedueah by (uit-Claim deed, to Leona Below, Lot iio. 117711, in Bloc': 114", Onk Grove Cemetery, I:ow Addition, ` , o- !nm of ;50.00. ;,,looted on the call of t he roll ly the fall vote. Yens: %mc offered motion to concur in the notion of tho Bonr3 of Councilmen in rr-^r'. : rr:_,•in:r int.ereot on the Paluenh, Tennessee unit Alnbnrm Ratlrond Bond of ;1950.(:0, due. „pril the lat, 1924, at the llational Cit;; B`:nk of n!: -A on ti.e call o:' the roll b the follovinv vote: Yens: Oliaton, .r:, Cole ... 7ono. (5). : ).•:,i.:': U. '' .^nq r,!;•_ ^n1lo'i!". •10'. Lon: Thnt. ti:r• I -ill of John 'i. P:1lk °ur ,,'....�, �_,. .>>l:. "c. �-Lit o* ".10.00, nni one _, o.v Auto ' ii_. .. .,keno br. r �Lth ti. L:' are?i.. Al ;rt ri • or V.0 ..'315 .. t,il i .. ... .'!i7.:. '(r1'. . A I1 -it On, PI, rel a ar. i '[cea. 'APP To e;r:.,ur in i. r:• sen of the Baerd o: .,...... .. : in _'e :L., ••'11:_ 1 ; .. ;or:, ', 1c, n, r. i' ...? Co give itihra s. 'No..At. xalnuxissir�ncrsA Rgac�er gs Ciky of Paducah MROR 17TH. 1924. .,192 - i c.rber Brooks offered notion to concur in the notion of to Councilmen in alloz+inr ti -.e follo^:in^ bills, •aith the e..ecption of nrinting bill for "382.76, :Teich fill is to be referred to the Printi:u! ^er..Tlittee for invent:igntion and report. Executive-nepsrtment ...................}'x449.61 Fire DeDnrt^x nt........................ 454.56 PoliceDepartia.tiI...................... 429.68 Sanitary ........................ 35.49 Olin rity ........................ 226.42 Employees' bonds ....................... 190.00 Costs and suits............. ........ 15.15 Oak Grove Cemetery ..................... 436.75 MarketlIcuse ...........................40.69 Cihite Jay...............................410.00 Pest House ............................. 2.00 jll Engineering............................245.00 ........ Sewers.... .... ....... 68.20 ... .. . Printing, stationery and sunoliea...... 382.76 Insurance ............................... 15.18 CityScales ............................ 2.16 Cit;: Jail .............................. 40.05 City Light Plant ....................... 490.79 Street Department ...................... 658.15 jiversile Hospital .....................2256.24 ;lariat House Bench Refund .............. 12.50 ;later Rentals..........................3762.50 3RD District Sewer .................. . 91.44 TOTAL TUM -8-9- I PAY.ROLL UM 8-9- PAY'OLL POR FP?ST HALF OF 1.110RCH. Chief of Police,(lnst hnlf Police Depnrt:trnt ......................1464.46 Dog Catcher ........................... 11.50 ?ire Derartment ........................1420.02 Oak Grove ^etw tera..................... 198.90 License Inspector ....................... 62.50 Cit:; Scales ............................. 37.50 xecutive .............................. 45.00 CityJall.......... ....................100.00 Assdssor(Jan.& ?ehy)....................150.00 Board of&,!unli::ation...................195.00 City Rall E::. loyees..................... 57.50 :•er:;lle '.o: cal... ..........487.2.1 j .............108.28 I .1 ........................302.50 I 82.26 j ......................168.90 Ij .....................682.03 ... ...... .................. 37.00 s'.:.:. 3 ....................449.99 T;T..Lb- _ .,.: call of the Poll by ti:.: follor.inv vote: Yoas; Alliston, Brooks, I d •L 10:2d P. I1. to go into joint session. 10:46 '. nrr•r..•? •coder: to table motion from the Board of Councilmen e -o •i S.r:'. •rx•• tir;v.: ie -,:.-7 i c.Y.,;'.nt on wrl -.••n ;all of Wyor. Adopted on the call n :o"rn ' a a:r i:; ,tion of t?r. Board of ^ounuilmen, • tion of the incener••.tor i;•. :? of the roll by rhr folk:•.- Or .:3,J _st ., L _.. a,, , ... tear. t. ei c,: L gel ? of .. •.K1^. •JtC: Y6aa. (Li r