HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 37, March 3, 1924y
No. 3 7.
PROCEEDING 02 TiL? BW -10 Or 'JOELSIT CITY 01' WDUUJI• KY., L:-',RCTi 311D. 1924.
L.emt:er Yopp off^.r•d th:a f031071rM motion: To concur ir the action of the j
Boer] of ;o•.r.ctlmor. in allo'iinr? Police and Fire Committee, end the Chief of the Fire
r ri^ Dopartmort to call en r.
oll air romp that belongs to the Fire Department. Alortod o
tho r.::'_ o:' tho roll b;- tco follo.irr, vote: Yeas (8).
Wotior, by sere to coreur it. t•ne «coon of the Bonrd of Couneilmer ir, rovard.
to reio]:•ir:, ari] filin:• Fobr.,.nrp report of Chief of rolion, A. 1. Leigh. Aioptod on
i Lhe ^.all Of t'le roll b•, the follo•;Ir.:- vote; Ym a (8).
Mar-.brr Rieke offer�i t,,, :'ollfi::r:r' tenor,: To ooziiilr in thn letter, of
th,, I:vPri of CO::T.: .^•;r in re.rard to raferrtre tin from the Boarl of
icre. or_::.;;icnora to .?.e Iar,' 'lorr.ittee. 410itei o7 thj ;all of t', -(j roll b the
...tint: Yea:- (ni.
off -r-4 .;e fo?l.:ir.i+.^notion: Po n,,r.3;.r in t�q actio:• of the
re: f ri t r iowl ;, .;, ?• lig sora+ -n 'or lot ] o. 2S, ]r Block 14, !1s i' Grove
„iiitic•, s,r a
,450.00. Alop"ai or. thl .^11 of the roll b7
the .. ..:@: eas (6).
At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the third floor of the City i
Fall in the City of Paducah, ill•. on Llonday , March the 3rd, 1924. TSecting cd.11ed to
order by President Kennedy;
Upon call of the roll the folloviinG answered to their names: Kennedy, Alliston,
Aohcruft Brooks, Cochran, Core, Rieke, and 'lop �8).
On motion the mimites o_ the previous me. in 'voro adopted as read.
Member Cole offered the following motion: That TSL•. Rieke and the Idayor be
instructed to purchase typewriter -rot the L:^yor's office. Adopted on the cLll of the
Type:-iritar for
z°e}or`s office.
roll by the follo;ring vote: Yeas (8).
Member Rieke offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor be instructi
ed to file suit againsg all parties who are secutity on depository of City of Paduca}L
Ohio Valley Ban}:
in the Ohio Valley Bank and Trust Company. Adopted on the call of the roll by the
quit Tilai.
fol:owin; vote: Ycas: Yennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft Brooks, Cochran. Cole and Rieke,
(7), Yopp not voting.
Tlember Cole offered the following motion: To concur in the action of -the Board
Siiecalks ari
councilmen in regard to sidewalks and gutters being placed on Tennessee Street beginnin
w.tters or: Tenz.St.
SixteenthStreet and running to Guthrie Avenue, and from Guthrie Avenue out the
et ., to Henry
Layfield Road to the City Limits and on A. Street or B. Street running one block Southi
beginning at Guthrie Avenue and running to the Henry Clay School house. Adopted on the
call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Member Cole offered the follovring motion: That the action of the Board of �
1. .. 0 Brpar.
Councilmen in, regard to communication from Cl. C. O'Bryan be concurred in. Adopted on
the call o= the roll by the following vote: Yeas:(8).
Member Cochran offered the following motion: To concur in the action of the ,
Bo..:_ of Councilmen in regard to the resolution extending the time of E. R. Martin -Cc;.
3. N.artir.�
fire exterdei.
^.o..'or a period of sixty days viiti:in which to comulete their contract for the construction
of their trunk line and their trunk line extension contracts in Sevier District No. 3.
A,:o)tod on t're call of the roll by the following vote: Ynas(8).
L.,mber Yopp offered the folloviinL motion: That the action of tate Board of
l cr::cn is regard to reccivin rnd filing lcbruary report of tine Chief of the Sire
'be concurred in. Adopted oil the call of the roll by the folloviin„ vote:
L.emt:er Yopp off^.r•d th:a f031071rM motion: To concur ir the action of the j
Boer] of ;o•.r.ctlmor. in allo'iinr? Police and Fire Committee, end the Chief of the Fire
r ri^ Dopartmort to call en r.
oll air romp that belongs to the Fire Department. Alortod o
tho r.::'_ o:' tho roll b;- tco follo.irr, vote: Yeas (8).
Wotior, by sere to coreur it. t•ne «coon of the Bonrd of Couneilmer ir, rovard.
to reio]:•ir:, ari] filin:• Fobr.,.nrp report of Chief of rolion, A. 1. Leigh. Aioptod on
i Lhe ^.all Of t'le roll b•, the follo•;Ir.:- vote; Ym a (8).
Mar-.brr Rieke offer�i t,,, :'ollfi::r:r' tenor,: To ooziiilr in thn letter, of
th,, I:vPri of CO::T.: .^•;r in re.rard to raferrtre tin from the Boarl of
icre. or_::.;;icnora to .?.e Iar,' 'lorr.ittee. 410itei o7 thj ;all of t', -(j roll b the
...tint: Yea:- (ni.
off -r-4 .;e fo?l.:ir.i+.^notion: Po n,,r.3;.r in t�q actio:• of the
re: f ri t r iowl ;, .;, ?• lig sora+ -n 'or lot ] o. 2S, ]r Block 14, !1s i' Grove
„iiitic•, s,r a
,450.00. Alop"ai or. thl .^11 of the roll b7
the .. ..:@: eas (6).
�t>hMS"MrlgN"gqXa.pjmq- .192
1 V. Erato;-.
tr nsfer to
Jeo.B. Tillow
1/2 Cenotar;-
ley -roll.
Ilember Cole offered the follo'air.it motion; That the request of 71. V. Eaton to 1
transfer ore-helf of his lot in Oak Grove Cemetery to Goo. B. '.7111ow, be referred to the
joint Cemetery Committee for irvestiPation and report back. Adopted on the, call of the,
roll by the following vote: Yeas (8),
Yer..ber Rieke offered the folio-;ir:P motion; Tb conour in the action of the
Board of Councilmen in allowing the-fol3o7inFr pay -roll;
police -Department
Fire Department .
Legislative Department
xecutive Department
City Rall Employees
City Jail
License Inapeator
Board of Equalization
Sanitary Department
Pest Rouse
City Scales
Riverside Hospital
Oak Grove
164.05 +
Board of Public 7orks
Oity yirht Plant
302.50 1
Market F.ouse
Fraineorir.a Department
Sewer District lis. 3
Aloltod or. the X17 of the roll b? the follo-•,ina vote: Yoas : Yerrody, Alliston,
AnhCreft, Brio::c, Coeh.rar., Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8).
Th,i aboae o'fere3 tea *ollowir. motion: To concur in the action of the Board
of Co'.:r.;il er: Jr, revrird to allosir:a the folloalna miscellaneous claims:
;ower Delartmer.t X52.92
Cit.' Jeri 20.92
i oc.t:vc. jrir,tir.. ir4 w411.11ou 11.6.10
9i:eritie (11eyor) 131.85
Cita t'nrk:et .55
'A -?ht ..or.t 3u9.56
Street 5eiartr.:wr.t 114.coB
7: iri 512triot Se:rnr 14:;..5
?Yea 4I:;3:r2:,t last 2
:',ilei l`.:.L•�
Ai 31t:Ai Cr. tie ca'_1 .f the rrr71 b; _?.n fele^ir..- 4Utl,: Yeau: }:grro4;r, A171e.tor.,
Acaharsft, Greeks,?ie'rc 641 YC1:1.. ;F;).
No. 39.
'(3N32talA99i1d31�tti$xROD➢4#,9 kF1XEtCPiEtx .192 .
Member Rieke offered the following motion: To concur in the notion of the Board
of Councilmer ir allowing the follo•:ir.g donations for charity:
Charity dorntior.s
Home of the Frierdloss 8300.00
al lorai .
Colored Rome of Friendless 25.00
Helen McMullin, Public Health Burse, 105.00
Mothers Club 25.00 i
Settlement House 25.00
LicCracken County Court for Anti.T.B.Sanit. 100.00
Carnegie library 550.00
Total $11
Adopted on the call of the roll by the follo'ainp vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston,
Ashoraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8).
Same offered the following, motion: To concur ir. the action of the Board of
Councilmen in regard to allowing F.nrineor's estimate Iio. 19, accepting work Mono '
by E. R. Harting Company in the amount of $15,322.36. Adopted on the call of the roll
7 aineer's estimate
:o. 19. 2.R.Harting
by the follo-ing vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashoraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole,
Co.V15322.36 allo:v-
Rieke and Yopp.(8).
Same offered the following motion: To concur in the action of the Board of
Councilmen in regard to allowing Engineer's Estimate No. 8 accoptinr -+ork done on
trunk line extension by R. R. Harting Company. in February in the amount of X112.42.
hr.rireer's estimate
,o. 6, w112.42 L230-7-
Adopted or. the call of the foil by the followinr vote: Yeas: Yerr.edy, Alliston,
ed S..-.,Fertirr Jo.
Ashoraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopl. (6).
Same offered the follo'.rinr motion: To concur in the action of the Board of
Councilmen in regard to authorizing, the Treasurer to tranafer from time deposits of
Zrd 31utr. Sa:%or
Third District Sewer Bond fund to the checkirg account of sail fund, the sum of
Bori Fur,4 „15000.00
$15,000.00. Adopted on. the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Y.ernedy,
Alliston, Ashoraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8).
Same offered the followings motion: To concur ir. the action of the Board of
Counoilmen allominr claim of the Paducah Granite, Y.,arblo and stone Company for 199
Fe•iucah ;r;rite,
Yarble & Stone Co.,
head stones for Oak. Grove Cemetery ir the amount of .'•,197.50. Adopted on the call of
allowed e197.50.
the roll by the following votes: Yoga: Kernody, Allinton, Ashoraft, Brooke,
Cooiiran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8).
Sacs offered the following, motion: To oorcur it the action of the Board of
Cocr::tlr m: it regard to receiving and filing Trorxouror's report of silo of special
Street lmjrare<n.t
Street ;drove^,,r.t Eoz.dc to irru. Mollie IMchael on February the 23rd, 1924, Adopted
^r. ia ,1oli.
call of Lha roll by the follxwira vote: Yeas. (8).
ieml,or Aahcraft offer -d the follo":+irr, motion: That Fire ar,l Police
CO=Ittesli ir,vootL-ate complaint of citLror,s regarding impounding dors in City Fall
:or..11ei.xa of :Loser:s
ser ;•xrr.ir:z io: z.Lot,
nrA th,,ir r.niini� roices at r.l+ht cor;iAlored a nuisenoe. Alopted or the call
Of t' -e roll by the fol'o%in? voteo: Yaaa (8).
?,'enter dale offered t'•.e f0l307ir;r motion: To ref„r t,x the Joirt Orlir.arne
::crit:•„ ori :it;” Solicitor, she utter of c•'-etir: a "Jim
cv 'aa" ,. rev%latirz of tr�,fflo or, ntrw,t ora of ilio ^it;: of i'r:iuceh, Ky.
►icltei o: call Of t -'e roll i,; thr, fol':,:Ir,- vote::: Yana: Yorr.ad;,, Allister,
n ^.91'-, dr-.'. '101.1 (6) II ,Lake, ;'erbar ; ?rooks, not votlr.:.
.... :::'Sri, L.,.c ?•^: .. :'.., !. .: 9r:: ''n t L r
To �cr..^. <r ir. t, vc.ior. o, t eror..i
9 :..... r Sr. .. .-'i ^"er^ "n'>L ..^.ri ^.aria' nave eaa :.Soar.na to Aba i"arcof:'ek;
I aa.:i9 ,rr "r
At's ..',2r,Jf•.'.,:3',
at 9:i. ... , Tas"Ir-vT ';f :treat::. iii --,i.: q.: 7g,. .-y :a:1 of ti q roll tr t},e folle'41rg vot*s:
N0. 40.
I Unior st=tion.
4. lar i Crook
L' b Paducah_ _192.
Member Ashoraft offered the folloainr motion: To concur in the action of the
Board of Councilmen in regard to having the City Solicitor inventirate and advise the
possibility to have Union Station moved to Eleventh and Broadway or some other more
cor.veriert Place. "lotion lost upor, call of the roll b- the follo-ine vote: Nays:(7).
Yen^er :.shcraft offered the follo�irtc motion: To concur in tho action of the
Board o: £onrcilmen in reeard to a sum of money that sould have been spent for Inland
Creek Sewer. be set aside for connection of s^.ii Trunk Line, be referred to Sewer and
Finance Com;nitteo, Board of Iublic 7orks and City Engineer. Motion lost on call of
the roll by the following votes: hays: (7).
The Board recessed at 9:40 to go into joint mootire -lith the L0,7er Board.
Re -convened at 10:40 and adjourned.
�/! d'T-d U �C.C•L�l— Pr'CdScenc , rd. nP ._' . � �••' .�� .
At a joint meltira of the General Courcil bole on the Third Floor of the
City Hall in the City of Faiucah, Yy., March the 4th, 1924, President Yennedy precidin .
On the call of the roll the follo7ing, answered to their names: Rernedy, Alliston;
W. E.
.._hr,•aft, Cochran, Cole, Rieke, Yopp, 7atts, Bouaeno, J. E. Cochran, Crider, Y.erth,
:'a -or, L:orrison, Owen, Spicer and Stewart. (17). 1
On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read,
Member Ashoraft offered the following motion: To proceed with the drawing
Iota an to rho serves one or two year terms, on plan of Aldermen drawinFr as a .vhole
boo; ari the Councilmen drawir.r, by wards, the Iresident to appoint someone to draw I
1n xlaces of absent members, art all agree to ab Lin by the drawinar. Adopted upon the
cell of t%.e roll by the fo12o.7ina votes: Yeas: (17).
The re:3ult of the irawine was as follois: Aldermen Renr,ndy, Brooks, Cochran, and
Yolp dreaina too year ter. -s. Alderman A)liston. Ashoraft, Colo, Rinkn draaring one
ear terI.. Counoilrlin 7atts, Cochran, Crider, Manor. Owen ani Rigglnsbergor drr_ring
tro }enr tern:. Councilmen Bou-7eno, Jacobs. Korth, horrison, Spioor ar.,l Stewart dravin�
one xr termc.
Nominations for a member of Boer -1 of F?ealth to serve for a term of three
,ear:: 7..1-1 r..:ie. 7. ;a%i:rrzr. romin"ted C. 7, Feao. !ember Owen nominated Fred Spock!.
J. :•3.; rnr r:omirmtl: ::Firm::::. ..n't;iny. ;'onbor Ste,. -rt rominntod F. A. Rankin.
'h': v�r.!r:.• r'rei :;rnei:fifteen votes. :irr.e•3L Lackey roeeived one vote. F. A.
asr.41r. rer,.:irei or:a vote, _!r. ?rai :Speck be;n:r oinetn9.
:_'e:tor hck,orf;`t offered the folio:ia:r motion: :m:t cauls be rrinted sho,;0.,
agar: of ^.o:^-ittaes of Loth, Upper arl ie;er Bonr•in. Aloptnd or: thn call of the
roll i; the f::;, S7. :'oto: 7eea. (17).