HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 365, December 7, 1926No_ -''65. -- — Proceedings of—.Be- �J_orY. r_Lr p? 11 _ .__ - _ __-City of Paducah ___ nr.cr.t: t;u 7TH,_ 19261._ _ At an adjourned meeting of the Bonrd of Aldermen held on the T;,ird Floor of the City hall, in the City tf"_Paducah, December the 7th, 1926, President Hannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Bell, Choate, Cole, Rieke and Tyree. (6). t:inutes of the previous meeting, were adopted as read. P::ember Rieke offered motion that the regular monthly pay roll be allowed Pay rolls. in the amount of w10330.26. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to allow regular claims in the amount of $640.92. Claims. adopted on the call of the -roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion that the claim of '". H. McGee, for $300.00 for a pair; Claim of mules purchased for the Street Department, and approved by the BoNrd of Public !'.orks, "!.H.fcGee for pair of be allowed. ndonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). mules. Sar.e offered motion that the claim of the Fire Department for supplies Claim of furnished the Police Department, amounting to 11599.42 be allowed. adopted on the call Fire Dept. of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion that claims paid through the Cashierls Fund in the Cashiers Fund. amount of ,1109.64 be allowed:. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion that the amount of 1;1164.49, collected on the Geo. Claim Katterjohn Contract No. 2, for driveway, curb and gutter, on 24th Street from Jefferson allowed Geo.'V.Kat_ to Monroe Street, as reported by the Treasurer, be allowed, and the Clerk authorized to terjohn for drive- issue proper warrant on the Treasurer, same to be paid out of the Special Street Improve - ways, etc. on .Teff. ment fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). from Ueff. to tionroe. Same offered motion that claims and pay rolls chargeable to the Hard Pay rolls Surface Street Improvement Fund, in the amount of 1::2585.11, be allowed. Adopted on the Hard surf. PSt.7dmprov. call of the roll: Yeas (6). un . Yember Choate offered motion -that Tennessee Street be closed as soon Tennessee St. to be as road to Union Station is open for traffic. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). closed. Same offered motion that Ryan Construction Company's time be extended. D.J.Ryan to May the 1st, 1927, to con„plete the Union Station Route provided one-half of'saoe. Const. Co. time erten- that has been finished, be opened to the public, providing the Blinding Company agrees; dad. to extension. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Member Choate offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor to investizate Claim of Koller the claim of Koller Plumbint- Company for },1081.00 for material furnished and Jabor P1umb.Co. Sanitary performed in the construction of Sanitary Sewer in Kentucky Avenue bet%I.een 12th and sewer in Ky.Ave•btw. 11th Streets for the City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). 12th and lith Sts. T�ember Dunbar came in to meeting. Claim of (ember Rieke offered motion that the claim of Black 8: Veatch for Black & Veatch. 050.00 be allowed, same charged to Special Sewer Lateral Fund. hdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the claim of J. 1.1. Rouse for- monthly Estimete Claim of No. 6, for construction work on Island Creek Bridge for "3511.22 be allowed, same J. t'. Rouse Island charged to Island Creek Bridge Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Creek Bridge. Same offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the BoFrd of Accenting, Pubiin ":orks accenting Contract Pio. 1 for street paving on Bridg,e Street comnleted by Bridee St. D..J.Ryan the D. J. Ryan Construction Company. f.dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Const.Co. Same offered motion that Special Street Improvement Bonds and Snec.St. Imp.Bonds A -Coupons in the mount of $1057.74 be. allor:ed cancelled, hdopted on the call of the Coun. can- celled. roll: Yet..s (7). 1 Proceedings -.—City nc;,.'y or Lnr.,r�:Eta _ .. _._City of Paducah _ _._D cr r 4. 7TR,_1926— 14ember Bell offered motion that Black S: Ve.3tch see that the Koller Black & Veatch Plumbing Company carry out their contract in regard to blocklnp cleaning up and Koller Flumb.Co. carry out contract keeping streets in passable condition. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Rieke and Tyree(5). D'ays: Lunbar (1). Choate not voting. Claim of Koller 'ember Rieke offered motion that the claim of the Koller Flun:binc elumbing::Co., Company for ;42201.42, for work done on Island Creek Sewer, be allowed, end Island Creek Sewer be allowed, charged to Re -location of Island Creek Sewer Fund, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that Estimate No. 1, Contract No. 1, of Yancey & Johnson, anrroved by the Engineer and Board of Public 7orks, be approved by the i Yancey & JohnsXon. Est.j/1, Contract General Council and that In.provereent ',',arrant for $664.90, carrying 6% interest, be No. 1. issued to Yancey & Johnson. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that Estimate No. 1, Contract No. 2, of E. L. Rosa, E. L. Ross, Est. approved by the Engineer and Board of Public '•"orks, be approved by the General #1, Contract #2. Council, andthat Iaprovement %`-arrant for $1732.65, carrying 6% interest, be issued to E. L. Ross, i•dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7), Same -offered motion that Estimate No. 2, Contract No. 1, of the Fite & I Fite & Yancey Yancey Construction Company, approved by the Engineer and Board of Public ?"arks, Construction Co. Est. #2, Cont.#1. be annroved by the General Council, and that Improvement '.'.arrant for 1921.37, i carrying 6� interest, be issued to Fite & Yancey Construction Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that Estimate No. 3, Contract No. 4, of the D. J. Ryan Const. D. J. Ryan Construction Company, approved by the Enrineer and Board of Co. Est. #3, Cont. #4. Forks, be approved by the General Council, and that Improvement ,:arrant for. :1689.06, carrying 6% interest, be issued to D. J. Ryan Construction Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that Estimate No. 3, Contract No. 2, of the D.J.Ryan Const, co. D. J. Ryan Construction Compeny, approved by the Enrineer and Board of Public Est. #3, Cont.#2. '.orks, be annroved by the General Council, and that Improvement l"arrant. for 4;5678.02, carrying 6% interest, be issued to D. J. Ryan Construction Compeny. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that Estimate No. 1, Contract No. 7, of the D. J,Ryan Const. D. J. Ryan Construction Company, approved by the Engineer and Board of Public Co. Est. #1, Cont. #7. :'•orks, be any,roved by the General Council, and that Improvement t',arrent for (3484.44, carrying 6j' interest, be issued to D. J. Ryan construction 6ompany. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that Special Tax Bills on the D. J. Ryan' Special Tax Bills. Company's Contract Yo. 3, chargeable to the City of Paducah, for the City's j D. J. Ryan Const. portion of cost for the hard surfacinv of 13th Street, in the amount of 9'11296.46, Co. Cont. #3. Hard surf. 13th be allowed . Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). St. Same offered motion that final estimate for 8ontrect No. 1,(�avinF i Bridge Street,)of the D. J. Ryan Construction Company, annroved by the !naineer, D.J.Ryan Const. ` Go. Cont.#1• Board of Public 'corks and Finance Comaittee, be approved by the General council Paving Bridge °t. and Improvement 7;arrents for $18073.01, bearing 61 interest, be issued to D. J. Ryan Construction.Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to refer to Mr. Chost.e, and two members of the Ground from I.C. Longer Roard, the matter of purchasing, strip of ground From the I. C, R. R. Company R. R. Co. btw. Tenn. &. Goebel between Tennessee Street and Goebel e.venue. -dopted on the cell of the roll: 1-ve- Yees (6). Proceedings of IaOi-' �cF_-.Lrnlzd,El-__ City of Paducah ._ __BELE,_BER_7TH, 1926.__._ Assessment Member Choate read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINI,NCE ASSESFIiTC- THF Ordinance. PBT111M PROPERTY ON BOTH ^= S OF BRIDGE STRELT FROM. THF 'LST P?OPERTY LINE OF CLET,-E.NTS Bridge °t. from Clements ITR -,.FT TO THE PRESENT COPPO"ATF: LII ITS OF THE CITY OF P,J7iCAH FOR THr•: COST OF CCiiv- to present cor„orate STpUCTION OF A H4rD SU'FACE rO,iV::!LY AND CURBS LT:D GUTTERS FPCV H!.YS AVENUE TO SAID limits. etc. CORDO" ,T`: LI;, ITS, TOGF.TF EP ''.ITH ALL NECESS�_RY IdANHOLLS, II:T:.KeS, DRAIN AND SK.ER PIPES AND DPIVR-1'!1,YS, IN THE CITY OF Pf,DUCAH, KF.i.`TUCK", IN ACCCRDaNCE ".ITH THL PLAN'S AND 'P' CIF'IC-MOT:S P"OVIDED THEFR FOR BY i•HN CITY ENGIPEER AS POLLO':';S: OH BRT"GI. STREET FROG'. CLEFj;.i'T., STREET AND FLORA' STREET TO ASHBROOK AND VASSUER STREETS, ROAD.":AY OP STRNET P,,VII•'G IN THE SUR: OF X4.96029 PER ABUTTING FOOT. BRIDGE STRE!•:T FRC'I,: +,SHBRO(1K AND VASFUER STF.EF:TS TO HAYS r`.T:D "'LLL STRi,ETS, FOR ROAi)"':Y OR STREET PAVING, IN THE: SUR: OF N5.03505. ON BRIDGE; STPTET FPOV B, -,YS tIM l•: -LL STREETS TO THE, CORDO PTE LI6:ITS, OR ILL STRETT, FOR ROATT':,Y OR STREET .PAVING, IN THP SUI.' OF $5.018739. CO.I^ OF CURBS AND GUTTERS PER ABUTTING FOOT AS F'OLLOP'S: ON ,RIDGE STRHET FF.M. ASHBROOK TO VASSUER STREETS, AILD HAYS AND "'ALL i STREFTS, $1.06359 PER ABUTTIIIO FOOT. BRIDGE STREET FTi0' HAYS AND ".;.LL STREETS TO KILL STREFT, $1.06415 PER ABUTTING FOOT, AS °.HO":Ti BY CITY ET'OITIEERI S F.STIT.;ATE OF SUCH COST, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BF PAID BY THE CITY OF P!DUC=H, -ND PROVIDIIC, rH6T Si ID COST E'AY BE PAID IN TEN "'-H---L INSTALL"FLATS, BEING ONE Et:CH YL -0i FOP A PERIOD OF TEN YF:APS." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7)i. On motion the rules ;ere suspended and ordinance read by title upon the i call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). T:em er Rieke offered motion that tax bills for the year 1926 against. theF I.C,R,R.Co. I. C. R. R. Company for property purchased for the extension of the new shop, be tax bills cancelled. cancelled. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). G'emher Lhoate offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Board Fite & of Public '!'orks in extending the time of the Fite and Yancey Construction Company, on Yancey time extended. their contract for grading and r-ravelin;* 24th Street from Hinkleville Road to Yildred Street from December the 1st, 1926, to April the 1st, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Gholson & Same offered motion to refer to the Street Committee, the communications Adams: from the Board of Public "orks, relative to contract of Gholson and Adams for grading F. I.. Ross. 24th bt, and graveling 24th 6treet from Jefferson to I:onroe 6treets, and contract with E. L. from Jeff, to Ponroe: Ross for grading and graveling Clark Street from 19th Street. to I. G. R. R. Street. Clark from 19th to I. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). C.p.W.st. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Report of in receiving and f.ilintT the report- of the Lhief of Police for the month of T:ovember•, 1926. Chief of Police. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the P,or,rd of Councilmen Report of in recetking and filing the report of the City Jailer for the month of November, 1926. City .jailer. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Report of Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the Chief of the 'hief of Fire lienartment for the month of I'ovem�)er, 1926. r�dcpted on the call of the roll: Fire Dent. Yeas (7). No- 368_-- - Proceedings of _ _1701-1-D GF City of Paducah._._ 7TH, 1926 'er,ber Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Fear,,] of Crossing on. Councilmen instructing the Tr:ayor to instruct the I. C. R. R. Comrc•ny to put Bridge Street, crossing; on Bridve Street in a passable condition. dort.ed on the cell of the roly. Yeas (7). Ler0 er Choate read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE, AUTHCFI%ING AND DI"ECTINC TAF CLOSING OF 21ST STRi7.ET i'S IT NO',ST:.EDS 60 FEET IN '."'IDPH, AND EX - Ordinance -Closing _ TENDING FFOt. TI*, SOUTH FID-. OF THE HINKLLVILLE FORD ABOUT 226 FEET ON THE EAST 21st Ot. SIDE; OF SAID SWEET, AND ADJ4CFNT TO THE PROPERTY OF T. J. .NIX, AND ABOUT 65 FEET ON THIS `:.LST SIDE OF SAID STREET, ADJACENT TO THE PROPERTY OF THF BOA -D OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF PADUCo-LH; AND AUTHOFI2:ING AND DIRECTING THE CITY SOLICITOR TO INSTITUTE Al! ACTION IPJ 'PHP, MCCRLCKEP. CIT:CUIT COURT FOR THE PURPOSE OF HAVING SAID STREET CLOSED." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas(7). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion sane •;:•,s riven second and final passarre upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). h:ember Dunbar offered motion that Black & Veathh be employed to draw Plans and specif. plans and specifications for sewers on 7,est Monroe Street beyond 19th Street. for sewers on 'fest Monroe St. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). bey. 19th St. P;;ember Rieke offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor papers served E.Golightly vs: on the T,ayor in the case of F.. Golightly vs: City of Paducah. Adopted on the City of Paducah. call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Dunbar read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINI.NCE A6:Fi'fING SECTION Ordinance. 2 OF AN ORDIN/NCR;, ENTITLED, I AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING P'OR THE CONSTFI.CTION OF' Storm water sewer/ zones A and B, ST07?1,: :: ThF SL.':ERS 12, SL7.hR 2.0NES "A" AND "B", HEREIN-.FTER PARTICII?FLY D3SCRIBE:D, In Dist. #1, amend- ed. IN SANIT&PY SEC:ER LIFT`.ICT NO. 1, IN i'HF'. CITY OF Fi.DUCkB, KEITUCKY, FT Tin. COST OF THF P}'OPE"T" 0'. NE'RS T'IT THE PROPE"TY LOCATED IN Sr ID ZONE, AND FFOVI J7ING THAT SAID SE';.'ERS SHa.LL BE COT.'STNUUTED IN P.000FL6P;CE 'LITH THE PROVISIONS OF' THF TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, AND NAx:ING THF• STRFLTS i;T'D ALLEYS P.LOY0 ;..'D TTJDFF "RICH SAIP SE"'E13S SHeLL BE CCNSTI:UCTED, AND SETTING OUT IN GF:11.1-AL TL7;, S TPF. EFCFErTY BF.;NF:FITTED THEREBY AND :;OBJECT TO THE. Pi.YBENT OF ThE COST OF FI.I.Fv', ADOPPED BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF I'iDUCAH, NOVF.TBER 15TH, 1926.' On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion the rules v;ere suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion san.e was given second and final pass,,-ee upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Rieke read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDIhLNCE !':"rT'TIN�, AN Ordinance. City OT'DIT.-."CE, h'!TIPLED, fAN ORDIEa.T:CL LUTFOFI2ING TPC: CITY °OLICITOF TO ACT AS DE - Solicitor to act LINCTTNT TtA COLLECTOR; FIXING HIS COI.PFIISi.TION THE ­ :FC= rND :.LFO TFF FOND TO BF: as Delincuent Tax Collector, amend- EXI:CUTF:D BY IIIh:; AND P"'h%P!'HING TT?P, IUTIE.S ATTL-CRFD TFc^--O", 0rFTPD BY TRF ed. GFNE�,,L COUIJCIL O' T'!E CITY OF Fi-LCC. F',, FERRF`AI•Y 9TH, 1925, BY 1-DDING THF�ETO '!E.CTIONS 5,6 anal 7 HERE:INAF'TFJ' 3LT I -O` TH," On motion same was given first passrre upon the call of the roll: Yess(7). On motion the rules were suspendel end ordinance read by title. upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passarre upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). i No_ _.:16_._ Proceedings of_- �'"_n °`--=;Lrx,, r,r; _ City of Paducah- C;r:,- r 7TH,_1U6.- ------ Yembe•, Rieke offered motion to refer to the Iity Solicitor garnishee served Garnishee. on the t"F.vor by the City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (q). Same offered motion to receive and file the audit of the Board of Education Audit of nensred by Emery and 0ehlschlaeger. r.dopted on the csll of the roll: Yeas (7). Board of Education. came offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the matter of brining Boulevards, in an ordinance making boulevards of Clements Street from 1,yers to Bridge Streets, and Clements Bridge Street from Clements to City Limits. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(7). ,It. from I'eyers to Verber Choate offered motion to concur in the action`of the Board of Councilmen BEidge St. e c- in referring to the Board of Public "orks for immediate action, petition from citizens North 22nd on North 22nd and North 23rd Streets, requesting, that streets be put. in passable and North 23rd Sts. condition. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Sarre offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in D.J.Ryan Const. Co. receiving and filing Engineer's L•stimate No. 1, on Contract No. 7, Estimate No. 4, Contracts 7,2,4. Contract No. 2, and Estimate No. 3 on Contract TTo. 4, for work done by D. J. Ryan Construction Company on street paving prior to'Povember the 29th, 1926. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Eember Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Courcilmen Incinerator in having damper put in the chimney in I%binerator Plant, sante to be charged to Board Plant. of Health. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). St•Light at Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen intersection referring to the Light 8:'::ater Committee, with power to act, petition for street lisbt Mayfield Rd. and %;heeler at the inter,ection of the T'ayfield Road and theeler Avenue. Adopted on the call of the Ave. roll: Yeas (7). Water mains Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in from Trimhle referring to the Light & '•ater Committee, petition for grater mains on North 22nd Street', to 1.lildred Ston 22nd from Trimble to t.a ldred.-dented on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Fame offered motior to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in Repo -^t of Paducah referring to the City Engineer and Fire Gt,ief, reports of the Paducah :'rater Company "tater Co. under date of Yovember the 26th and December the 7th, 1926. Adonted on the call of the. roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Sewer Zones 1 and 3. in referring to the City Solicitor to bring in ah ordinance, ordering property owners in Sevier District Nos. 1 and 3, to connect with the sewers. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concpr in the action of the Board of Councilmen Paducah Water Co. in referring to the Light, & ".'ater Committee, communication from the Paducah "ater Company Stand pipes. relative to Vection B of the water franchise reea3tdinr stand pipes. Adonted on the cell of the roll: Yeas (7). Tax refund 1Trs.Lou Bovd. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Prs•Pat Grogan H.G.Harmelinf,dn refunding poll taxes to ?rrs• Lou Boyd, 1.'rs. Pat Groren and H. G. Harmeling. -domed on the call of the roll: Year (7). ?,:ember Rieke offered motion that the tayor be authorized to make con - Black & tract with Black and Veatch for the inspection and supervision of Storm `tater Ferrer Veatch. r"onstr"tction, as per their letter of .ovember the 22nd. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (TI), Same offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of councilmen Koller in reBeivinc and filing Estimate be. 10, of work done by the Koller Plumbing Company Plumbing Co. Fewer `one 2. in °aperone T'o. 2, nT'ior to "ecemher the Tst. donted on the call of the roll:Yeas (7). Proceedings of sor.r»cF_t,LDr.}r.:Frr No. 370. City of Paducah .. Ii'_CE,_ pr: 7TH, 1926• Same offered motion to concur in the >ction of the Bosrd of councilmen Koller Plumhinrs Co. in receiving and filing Esti.nate ITo. 15, of work :.lone by tae Koller Flumbing Corrnnry Sewer Zone Jf4. in_Sewer zone No. 4, prior to December the 1st, 1926. !:dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7), Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Counr•ilrren Caldwell St, and in referring to the Board of Public •orks, with parer to act, the matter of meet - Caldwell Avenue. ing with property owners to value land to be asressed for street pevinr* on Caldwell Z>treet and Caldwell Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yees (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Boaf-d of Cemetery Lot. Councilmen in deeding to Emma Caldwell, for the sum of w37,50, Lot ro. 14, Block Emma Caldwell. No. 4, in Oak Grove Cemetery. ',dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Sarre offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Cemetery Lot. Councilmen in deeding* to Henry and Rosa Fields, for the sum of $85.50, Lot No. 20, Henry and Rosa Fields. Block 14, of Oak Grove Cemetery. «dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Boerd of Brack Owen, tax Councilmen in refunding- to BrEck Oren ;,37.80, on Tax Bill P -.o. 2896, for two refund. pieces of property on Brakeman and Baumer -treets, w'hieh'.was assessed S,oainst him erroneously. .=dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) kember Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 15th St. from Councilmen in referring to the Board of Public V-orks, the matter of repairing Ky. Ave. to Bway. 15th Street from Kentucky Avenue to Broadway. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Yember Rieke offered motion to receive and file communication from John K. Ferguson.John K. Ferguson relative to sewer crossing his property at 3rd and Elizabeth "treets. i.dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Election Certificates. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Jas.Doherty, O.A. Councilmen in receiving and filing Llection Certificates of Councilmen Jes•Doherty, Kerth, Joe Y.attison, Sr.,Eugene East, O, A. Kerth, Joe t,:attison, Sr., and Eugene East. Aldermen: Harry D. Hendrick, Harry D. Hendricks, T' Rieke and G.R. ;;, Rieke and G. R. Davis. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Davis. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Bo, -rd of council- men in allowing F. Y. 1'etzger, X157.75, for a strip of ground at the intersection F.C',Metzger. of 21st and Jackson Streets, same to be charged to new construction. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the notion of the Boerd of Extension of 20th Councilmen in referring to the Street Committee, Board of Public -•orks and City Street from Jackson Engineer, to report back, the recommrndetion of the Plannin., and Zonina Commission to Wheeler Ave. for the extension of 20th street from Jackson to Theeler Avenues. I-dopted on the call of the rmll: Yeas (7). Same offered.motion to cotcur in the action of the Boerd of .7, K, P,icDonald, Councilmen beferring to the Finance Committee, with porter to act, the rrstter of GoliFhtly vs.C6ty employing i.'r, J. K. YcDona.ld to assist City Solicitor 1n case of Golit*htly vsL of Paducah. City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Ky. Utilities Co. Same offered motio to concur in the action of the Board of Tracks moved from Yeiser and Hays Councilmen instructing* the Kentuc' Utilities company to remove track frog Yeiser Avenues, Avenue and hays Avenues. .dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7), No.___ -_._.:371._. --- Proceedings of_---ao - n_oN _-,Ln„F r La_ ---..City of Paducah _ __ D;lUrBER_7TH, 1926. 10ember RiekF offered motion that, the claim of `.88.50, made by the Lrcade Drug Company, for .,indov: glass broken, damage to sign and dolls, be alloyed, Arcade Drug Co, less ;;12.00 damage to dolls. ,dented on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion reetinr adjourned. ADOPTED 0 1926. r,PP101h'D: e Pr.r Il. -.CT RO-pD OF �L:LD=" y--rl3 ,A Uri LLPr.--- - . ..