HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 364, December 6, 1926No. .5634. — - Proceedings of_ BCL L'�E'_ .LDEF7 __City of Paducah (6). On motion same was riven first pasraT-e upon the call or the roll: Yeas On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: year (6). On motion sage was given second and final-assare upon the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Member Bell read an ordinance entitled ORDINANCE ASSESSING THt 3UT- 4seessment Ordin: e TING P70PERTY Oi': BOTH SIDES OF 29TH STRLET FROt, THF NGCil'!' I'POP:sPTY LINE OF •J7FF7PQ(5N 24th St.from Jeff. to Monroe Sts. 3TREET TO THE SOUTIH PEOPhRTY LINE OF I,ONROE STREET, Ii: THE CITY OF P DUC:,H, ;SEPTUC?Y, FOF THS COST OF COUSTF'UCTION OF GONCRETE DRIVE-C;AYS, CURB AND GUTTER, EXCEPT THAT PORTIOF TO BE P!'tID FOR BY TIME CITY OF PLriiC..I+, ?ENTUCKY, 411D PROVIr•I?!G THP:T '<ID CCcT Y BE PAID IF TLI: AAINUAL PI,Y,jFP?T:, UPON COMPLIANCE 'bITH THE F70- VI"IOhS OF THE. KililTUCTtY STr,TUTES f.PPLICABLE THERETO." On motion same was given first passe,re upon the cell of the r•ell: (6) On motion the rules.were suspended and.ordinance read:by title upon the;_call"ofcthe;roll: Ycas (6). On motion same was Fiven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (6). On r.otion meetir.c adjourned. r, ,F O`1FI:�.rOPTBI: 1926. APFF UIT` GL J' D INT MEET I N G. At a joint meeting of the General Council held on the Third Flbor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, November the 15th, 1926, President Hannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their j names: IIannin, Bell, Cole, Dunbar, Rieke, Tyree. Johnston, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Perth, Owen, Ste -;,art, Vogt and Y;atson (15). "'nutes of the Joint Meeting of July the 12th, 1926, were adopted as read. ',:ember hiehe offered motion to go into the §lection of a Board of Equalization. F,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (15). Same nominated Henry Batterjohn, T. H. Clayton end Levi Brien Board of EcuAli.za- as members of the Board of E,quslization. There eiere no other nominations made, tion. and upon the..c€'ll of the roll; the above were elected. Yeas(15). On motion meeting adjourned. 1927 CI.Y �LEnr:. xt a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen to be held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City 6f Paducah, Kentucky, December the 6th,192� there was no cuoram present, rr.i the meeting adjourned to meet Tuesday nizht, December the 7th, at 7:30 o'cicck P. L'. P. T'OPT!; .r 5�1926. F OV= D. f_ _(1 2 Lj�vi CITY,L1;.;..-0. ,,1, G!: i.r-E:� EN.