HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 340, August 31, 1926Proceedings of__-0_,kD O'
No.:�40--- City of Paducah __Avc1U sem,- . r,, .
At a regular meeting of the Board of 11dermen to be held on the Third
Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, I:y., Soptemher 6th, 1926, the
meeting w s called to order by the Clerk., and as there was no quorum present, the
meeting adjourned until Tuesday ni;ht, September the 7th, 1936, at 7:30 o'clock PX-
ADOP'P5'D: 1926.rn
At a Call ;'seting of the Board of Alde-rmon held on the ^'.nird Floor of
the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, :.ugust 31st, 1926, President Hannin
presided, and upon the call of the roll the following, answered to their names:
Bannin, Bell, Boyd, Choate, Cole, Dunbar and T;�rec. (7).
I.layor Pro Tem-Hannin's call received and filed.
1-ecnber Tyree offered motion to reconsider vote on recommendation from
Yancey & Johnston.
Bonrd of Public "orl;s for «..,riling contract for sidevn:lk, curb and Futter to
Yancey & Johnston . Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7),
Member Uhoate offered motion to concur in the recomn:ernln .ien of the
Boerd of Public 7,orks waardinr� contract for side•aalk, curb and butter to Yancey &
Yancey & Johnston.
Johnston. domed on the call of the roll: Yeas: uannin, Boyd, Ch,nte, Cole
and Dunbar (5). _days: Bell and Tyree (2).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
John K. Ferguson.
in referrintr to the City Solicitor, City Engineer, Sevier Committee and Board of
Koller Plumbing Co.
Public '.:orks, ;:ith pooer to act, the comml.mication from Koller Plumhing Company
end John K. Ferguson in regard to severs, doni.ed on the call of the roll: Yeas
tlember Boyd o.ffored motion to defer action on motion IV awarding
contrast to G. ... K;+ tterjohn rnd Son, for concrete curb and gutter in order to
^ive the City Engineer an,! Board of Public i:orla opportunity to reconsider recom-
mendations., Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
On motion meeting aeijourned.
ADOPTED: ke 7 1926. P 'iOVi$D: A,
Ty & ?� – -- — ---
At a regular meeting of the Board of 11dermen to be held on the Third
Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, I:y., Soptemher 6th, 1926, the
meeting w s called to order by the Clerk., and as there was no quorum present, the
meeting adjourned until Tuesday ni;ht, September the 7th, 1936, at 7:30 o'clock PX-
ADOP'P5'D: 1926.rn