HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 336, August 17, 1926No, u36 Proceedings of _ sc _�_>>, .-City of Paducah _ in7 l,__192h._ St -a regular meetin; of the Board of Aldermen held on the. Third Floor of the pity Hall, in the amity of Paducah, +�entucky, Aumrst 17th, 1926, Presi,lent i?annin presid-rd, and upon tha call of the roll the folloainr',, ans.ered to their names: H:ann.in, Bell, Cole, Rieke and Tyree (5). ''ember Rieke offered motion to allow tho regular Day roll in the amount Pay roll. of :,'6922.31. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to allow claims in the amount of '•;311985.98. Claims. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to allow the Special Engineering Pay roll for the Special Engineering Pay Roll. first half of august, in the amount of ;111247.58, same charred to Hard u rface treet Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Special Samo offered motion to c:Eloc Claims. ^: record ',`43.60;' Gh: u. i,., . c,:I u '_:or.,_?: n;; .)-G.GO, same charged to Hard' Surface Street Fund; ilbub '.'fatson Associates :,j300.00, charged to the Island Creek Srid.?e Fund; Paducah Printing Company ,367.09, charged to Special Street !Fund. isdopted on r.he call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to allow the Cashier's Fund 1:101.57, to reimhurse Cashier's Fund. same for bills shown on report. .dooted on the call of the roll: ''e i o (5). Same offered motion that Bond Interest `'ounons paid in +: .. :count of Bond Interest ?23.01ij be allowed, same charged to Special Street Improvement Fund. lonted on Coupons. the call of the roll: Yeas (5). !.;ember Rieke offered motion that 13. r:. Middleton, County Judpe, be Court Cost allmred ;;7,50, Cityfs part of cost in case of Dukesys: city of Paducah, slime case of Dukes vs: City of Paducah. charged to cost and suits. I'donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same off'ered motion to anprove the action of the ldayor in contractigg i I D.J.Ryan Const. Co. with the D. J. Ryan Construction Company to deliver all surplus dirt that is to deliver dirt on N. 13th to fill on excavated on north 13th Street to the fill on .entucky Avenue, at it rate of 15� Ky. Ave. per cubic yard. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to receive and file communication from the "anon Jesse� Lindsey. relative to paying to T.O..Speight, Referee in Bankruptcy, '33.50, wares due � Jesse Lindsey, Bankrupt. Adopted .on the call of the roll: Yeas (5Q. Member:'Cole: offered motion that the President of each Board snnoint Committee to accepttwo members of each Board to act cath the t:ayor to accept bids for coal for the City bids for coal. of Paducah for the :vinter of 1926 and 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll:Yeas(5) Members Rieke and Bell were appointed. I.:ember Rieke offered motion to concur in the reconnerniation of the Brown Sheet Metal 'Necks, i.:ayor in authorizing; the Brown Sheet !Ictal '-orks to extend the smokc stack of the Incinerator Plant 60 feet for the sum of :1576.00, and charge acme to 6ont.ineent Fund. adopted on the call of the roll: Yc;,s (5). Same offered motion to refer to the Board of Public '.orks, Street O. T. Dunn. Opening new street Committee and City do;ineer, communication from 0. T. Dunn, :ss1t. l:n,^,ineer of the on I.C.R.R.property 1. C. X. R. Company, relative to the City openin, nest street alont, the Illinois to close Tenn. St. Central Rail -pad Shops so the;t Tennessee Strect can be permanently closed, as per, contract between the Railroad Company an'l the City of Paducah of Ocremher 28th, 1925. :,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Mlember Rieice offered motion to adopt the following: "BE' IT Cumberland Te1.Co. by the General Council of the City of Paducah t' -at the nronosition of the to sell Police & Cumberland Telephone E: Telegraph Coknany to sell to tho ariid City one- co bine!ion Fire Alarm switch- board, flash light police ani fire alarm switchboard, now in use and located i' tn,: pity 71,111 in stvid City, '.o:?ether "rit_j fifty-one (51) flash lirrht police rind fire No..- _ Proceedings of-__—sem=nL ;: __I:_-_ _-_--_City of Paducah------- U iron boxes, including li^hts, bulbs ;and hooks, mounted on poles in said City, all as described in and set forth in that certain deed from said Telephone Company to .9&id City dated the 16th day of :iurust 1926, be and is hereby accepted and anproved; and the Vnyor be and is hereby authorized and directed to accept taid deed and the delivery of said nronerty conveyed thereby, and to pay the. said Telephone Company the sum of One Dollar (:;1.00), t' -)e consideration expressed in said deed." Adopted on the call of the roll: .,::,s (5). Water mains ;.:ember Rieke offered motion to adopt the resolution directing, the. Paducah Geo.from6- "'rater Company to lay its tinter mains on N. 13th Street from Hampton to Palm Street; on 7th; 7th fr. F.0 b.,to�ald ,c%:son Street from 21st to 25th -Streets; on S. 4th ;it. , from 6_._,:: Meth to George Streets; N. 13th from Street from 6th to 7th Streets; on 7th Street from Husbands to Caldwell o ell Strets, Bampton to on George Palm; Jack- son from 21 and on t1. 13th Street from Jefferson to 1.:adison Streets. hdooted on the call of the roll: to 25th; S. 4th from Yeas (5). Eliz.to Geo. Sts. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Bo•rd of Councilmen in Cemetery authorizing deed from the "ity of Paducr,h to !;rs. Elizabeth Kreutzer for "rest half of Lot Mrs. Lot !,To. 11, in Block 14 of Oak Grove Cemetery, for the 3um of N50.00. Adopted on the dill Elizabeth Kreutzer. of the roll: Yess (5). Report of Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen i Riverside in receiving; and filin., the renort of the Riverside Hospital for the month of July, 19261 Adopted on the call of the roll: Ycas (5). Plans k Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen specifier - tions for in approving plans and specifications for contracts Nos. 5, 6,7 and 8 for Street paving,! Contractsas recommended by the Board of Public ':7orks. -adopted on the call -of the roll: Yeas (5). 5,6,7,8.8., Street pav- Some offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen ing. Public in receiving ani filing communica':ion to A. Y. Llartin from the Public Utilities Reports'; Utilities Reports. Incornoration relative to purchase/ of their publication. ;adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Exemption/ Same offered motion to concur in the action of the o�rd of Councilmen Edgewood in referring to the City Solicitor, the request of the Edgewood Dairy Products Company DAiry Prod. Co. for exemption from taxation for a term of five years, as a new manufacturing plant. dopted,on the c111 of the roll: Yeas (5). Rlember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Lula B. Stavely. Councilmen in refunding; Lula B. 6taveley ::;4.98, taxes paid on automobile. Adopted on the call of the roll: yens (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen W. E. Kelly -in refundin!,,41.50 Poll Tax to '.7. E. Y,elly. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen. Mrs, C.G. Oliver. in refunding :;?6.00 to i:rs. C-. G. Oliver, Poll Tax paid for the year 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1926. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered wotion to concur in the «ction of the Board of Councilren E.D.Jackson.in refunding; to "., D. Jackson ;;4.50 Poll Tax paid for 1924, 1925 and 1926. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Report of 1.".ember Bell offered motion to concur in the etion of the Roard of Fire Chief. Councilmen in recedvin,, and filing; the report of the Fire Chief for the month of July, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Report of name offered motion to concur in the, action of the Board of Councilmen . Paducah e in referring to the City hngineer and Wire Chief, renort of the Paducah ':a ter Company Plater Co. under date of Aur.,ust 16th, 1926. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). i A,Butler. ':ember Cole offered motion that the deed of dedication fez, the Sowell St. ayi,.n;aion of Sows/ll street be retni-ned to :., Butler. :idoptcd on the (,,:ill of the roll: No. 55?. ---- - -- Proceedings of 30_:_ _ui�_:. ::, ..:; —City of Paducah _ is 1926. - - — -- roll: Yeas (5). On motion tho rules were suspend,;d and ordinance read by j title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5}, On motion same was riven second and final passarrc upon the enll i of the roll: Yeas (5). On motion meetin7 adjourned. A�PT'.D: 7 Lh 1926. C1':V UL. !,ember Rleke offered motion to concur in tic _c;ion of the io:•.r•d of Market Rouse Councilmen in having; the l;arket LSaster to clea,, outsidL of L"rr'ret douse on Market Master. Saturday night. Lost upon the call of the roll: Ycas (5). Satre offdred mot -ion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen instructing the Koller Plumbing Company to place red lights on all of their Kollet P1umb.Co. ditches and embankments.=,donted on the call of the roll: Year (5). l.;ember Bell offered motion to conc•ir in the action of the Board of Charges against Councilmen in referring to the Police & Fire Committee to report back, charges re - Jess Holman. ferred aaainst Patrolman Jess Holman by the I'.ayor. :adopted on tho call of the I roll: Yeas (5). "ember Cole read an ordinance entitled ":N ORDIN+NCE N.tOVIDING POR THE j I:IGTON ST'UE= FRO!.: C' 3 E':,3T I'ROPEITY LINE, OF 7T)I STREET 'CO THE Ordinance. Hard surface ';JEST PROPERTY LI:1i•: . - 3TH 3C;li .'P, 6tH ^,'PRk:LT FHuT.: THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF Wash. St. from 7th to 6th; 6th from "'IT'" '0 : �' , (: !OFiTH LINE OF CLiJ?K STREET, IN TIUi CI'T'Y OF Wash. to Clark; P..DUU: ::. �3 7 v;'rI01I OF :, HARD 3U1iFACE RO ai:!nY, TOGETHER ":ITH P.LL ':6Gr.;'..�:;.. , C:,TCH BASINS „:,D SE:':!ER PIPE CONlTht;TIONS, IN ACC0'�0 '. %"! '.PrXIFIC.,TIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY Ttil: CITY 5:3•7 G I N!i, iR,'.0 OF f:i .,3U _'TING PROPERTY 0' 1:ERS A:1D MCCRAC!"ell COUNTY, THE S.:.(D i eC3.Dia?A: COU'lTY JLaV"ING „GREED TO .,P�,90PRI,,TF. ITS PORTION OF 31',ID COST, AND PROVIDING TILT THE COST OF SUCH COld3'0'ZUCTION ASSES`:i,HL-. AGAiN3T THI: PRoPEI=P`% i.: y 3E P -;ID IN ACCOR'D.alGh ':!IT,i TIL., PROVISIONS OF TH:�; TF; :r :;,it PAYMENT On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5). On motion the rules were suspended �,nd ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5). On motion same was ;,ivon second and final passnce upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Member Cole read an ordinance Ontibled "Aid ORDIN,,,IdCli PiiOVIDING FOR THt-, CO3:STRUCTION OF CONG77ETE GUT=WRS, ANO CURBS EIT11!2 OF CONURXTI; Olt OrdiH&A^,e ACCO'; -d," -G 'fO 13ID AC6EPTED, TOGi:TIl'1;R "'STH -LL ]iZCE,33:,IZY I'::NFi0LE3, III":.`:.ICES, C.,TCH R :SIT S AND Sc'.JRR PIP:. C0i4IlECTIONS Oil 24TH STRi: {T FROI,I THE ]TORTE P1t(,P1,RTY LINE OF JEP'FiiRSO STRE'E'T TO Ti;'-' SOUTH P}i(IPERTY .LINE OF 14ONROE STREET, IIl THT, CITY OF PailiGAIl, KE;.'TUCKY, IN ACCO1?T1LKCE 'JITil THE PLwANS IND SPEC IFI(;:.TIO!iS PROVIDED Tlis731FOR BY Tiie: CITY ENGINEER, AT TH COST OF TH . :.BUTTING PROPF {TY O'Xi,RS, AND PROVI-)ING ?i -," 'CHL COST OF S;ICH CONS:'-iUCTION T.IAY BE P.,ID IN ACCOR'l NCE "'ITH THE PROVI ,ION3 OF 'Ch:i T^:N vT, ,R P:,Y1,lENT PLAN. " On motion same was c*,iven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5). On motion tho rules were suspend,;d and ordinance read by j title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5}, On motion same was riven second and final passarrc upon the enll i of the roll: Yeas (5). On motion meetin7 adjourned. A�PT'.D: 7 Lh 1926. C1':V UL.