HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 266, March 1, 1926No. -266-•-- --- - _ . Proceedings of._30. ID OP A,D1iRM'r_7d City of Paducah 1, 1926 •+t a regular mceting of the Bois of :,ldez'men held on the ^bird Ploor i of. the City Hall, in the loit.y of P,lducah, :',cntucky, ',,arch 1, 1926, President Ha.nnin presided, and unon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Cole, Dunbar, Rieke and Tyree. (7). Member Rieke offered motion to allow the folloviin-: Pa7rro11... 9923.46; Payroll and C1r,ims. claims r�,555.54. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the claim of Black & Veatch for :3950.00 be al - Black & lovied same to be aid out of Special Sevier Lateral Fund. Adopted on the r_.all of h., Veatch. � P P t roll: Yeas (7). 1. C. Seaton. Sarre offered motion to allow the claim of C. Scaton, Circuit Court Josephine F. Post vs: Clerk, in the sum of ;34.90 for transcript to Court of eupeals in the case of J.I,;. Slaughter City of Josephine F. Post vs: J. I.,. Slaughter and the City of Paducah. Adopted on the Paducah. call of the roll: Yeas (7). 1 Education, subject to the agreement on the part of said Board of Education to pay I an amount equal to one half' of the cost of improvement of 21st Street on which the property of the Board of Education abutts.' Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the Park Board be permitted to use 13th Play grounds Street between Broadway and Jefferson Streets as s la ground. Adonted on the call 13th tit, btw. sway. Y play and Jefferson ts. of the roll: Yeas (7). Same read an ordinance entitled "All ORDI1UNCE Pt'.OV19IHG RULES AND Plumbing Ordinance. REGULATIONS 'POO TH^: INST-iLL,TION +'I3 ALTE%LTION OF PLU1.`.=1ING AND ..",'r'.':?iR:'.Gc It; THE CITY OF P!DUC.Oi, :h1i:`TJCKY." On motion same vias i3iven first passage upon the call of the roll: `leas (7). On motion of sa.o, the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final Dassage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered the following: `TiERE+13, in the action of Dick Davis vs: J. I:. Bailey, et al, instituted in McCracken Circuit Court- for the purpose of determining the validity of Storm :'ester Sevier Ordinance, in Zones A and B in Sanitary Server District No. 1, the Jude of said Court has entered an order Onjoin- Storm ':rater Sewer Xones A and B. in ing the City from proceeding that said construction, and whereas, the City has Sanitary Se or District Ilo. 1. tvienty days to make application to the Judge of the Court of Appeals for the Validity. dissolution of said injunction; I move that the City Solicitor be instructed to make such application and to facilitate Yid handlirg of said case, with the expenses of A. i.... Nichols so -attorney for plaintiff, and the City Solinitor, as :Attorney for defendants, in presenting same before the Judge of the `'ourt of Apneals in Frank - ,fort, Ky., be authorized upon the !.layer's order therefor." Adonted on the call of 6 the roll: Yens (7). Same offered motion that the bid of Black, Fetter & Trost off' Per for Bid of Black,Fetter £c 33 000.00 of 4-1,12; bonds to be issued for renewing same amount coming due Jul � Y Trost. lst, 1926, be accepted ndepted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). I.Iember Cole offered motion that the proposal of the Board of -dura- tion be accepted, ani that proper steps be taken to abandon that Dortion of 213t 21st Street. Street, ad now existing, that lies between 21st Street as proposed and the Hinkleville Road, and that the 11ity+s title thereto be conveyed to said Board of Education, subject to the agreement on the part of said Board of Education to pay I an amount equal to one half' of the cost of improvement of 21st Street on which the property of the Board of Education abutts.' Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the Park Board be permitted to use 13th Play grounds Street between Broadway and Jefferson Streets as s la ground. Adonted on the call 13th tit, btw. sway. Y play and Jefferson ts. of the roll: Yeas (7). Same read an ordinance entitled "All ORDI1UNCE Pt'.OV19IHG RULES AND Plumbing Ordinance. REGULATIONS 'POO TH^: INST-iLL,TION +'I3 ALTE%LTION OF PLU1.`.=1ING AND ..",'r'.':?iR:'.Gc It; THE CITY OF P!DUC.Oi, :h1i:`TJCKY." On motion same vias i3iven first passage upon the call of the roll: `leas (7). On motion of sa.o, the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final Dassage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). -- Proceedings of $QkRF.-oF :ALDrRMEN... . _ . --City of Paducah __ ___t ,°, iCH1, 1926. __- 2Gember Boyd offered the follo':rinq: "l,7iereas ,he Paducah. ISleet.rie Company at the request of the Light & '.rater Committee, of the General Council, have agreed to chancre Arc type of light to the incandescent type at the following locations to wib: Broadway •.nd Fountain ;'.venue; Jefferson and Fountain Avenue; 6th and Jefferson streets; 9th and Jefferson Streets; 3rd ami Morton Streets; 10th and Jefferson Streets; 9th and Incandes- 3ro,.dwsy; 11th and Jefferson; 7th 8i Clar3t °treets; 6th and I;adison; 7th & Eadison cent Lights. Streets; 16th.and Jefferson and 8th and Jefferson Streets. And '::nereas, said chrnrre in tyne of light is satisfactory, I move that all of the foregoin light.locatioris to be changed to the incandescent type, be made permanent and th•it; the Paducah Electric Company be not required to change same. " Adopted on the call of the roll:- (7). tlember Dunbar offered motion to refer to the Sewer Committee the matter of extending the boundary of Sewer Zone No. 4, and securing -sever right"of C^raylfdr-.relEcation of 24" Island Greek Line; Relief viewer for District No. 2, through I. C.. R. R. property, Sewer 7.one4. Iewen3 Creelcand through school grounds, etc., in Gone I.e. 4, and right of way in 'Lone No. 5, and Serer; tae laying of a sewer of sufficient size along .,entucky Avenue from a point near 17th Dist. i 2; rir,,htsoP Street, to connect with the sewer :;hich •.,;ill be constructed by the I. C. R. R. Company. way in Se::er Ze Lanin4 se%cer Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). on Ry.dte. fror 17th to Same offered motion to receive and file progress estimate of Sewer Contract I.C.R.�'.Se Black R• as O'.Kf.d.by the Beard of Public :Corks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). 1 Veatch. Same offered motion that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring in Sewer Ord. Ordinance .revealing that Section of the Sewer Ordinance providing for the building repealed. of sewer up alley from 19th Street to 25th Street, between Jefferson and',.ionroe :%treets! Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). i Member Boyd offered motion that the rerort of the Paducah Water Company � Paducah "Cater Co, under date of February 5th, 1926, of mains laid and fire Plugs located, be referred to i City Engineer and Fire Chief to investigate and approve. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). ;.'.ember Cole offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Ions.Rudy €_ in granting permission to the firm of J. K. Rud and Sons for constructing cellar ,ons. g Pe 5' under buildings at Ido. 323 and 325 Fmoadway. Adopted on the call of t_ia roll: Yeas:. Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Cole, Dunbar and Tyree (6). ?Jays: Rieke'(1). Member Boyd read an ordinance entitled "AN OJ?DII? uJC_; _1UTHOTII'L.I;dr; ^HP: Deed WCEP—:JC,: OD' ., CERT.iIN D`3GD FROIJ ELOI.SE .3'R»DSHd,':' 1-11XDON.'.LD -N-) OCiD,;i:;, CONV'a'IIIG Eloise Brad- shaw !. cDon C .I:d ',T:."7 -PS OF GROUND FOP, THE EXi'i:;'SICN nF K7.'.ITUCJ(Y A171,7U9 IN PH:` (3!'Y OF J, __)_,C, Ii; ald and others. COidi'I' 1'Ii:O ". 'D R:.TIFYING THE' 03L IG::TIONS :,iID AGREEI.I._:`T> IN SAID DEED CO;, - .:C,"iD PC :3E 1',ID CITY, AND ii'P:IORI"l.IiJG CH' :.,YUP OF a:ID CI':Y TO EX;Cil'i 71d ?0:? AND ON 31r;:1 O�,' _.. C_�Y OF r .DI:,;_,H, -,'JD ^ii i;I' t TO Pi 'ii O'.tt3 M!. 03 -IG .'CION. Rij°TING UPOIJ IT-..'Dr:R ID DEED." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7J. On motion the rules were suspended and Ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (76. On motion same was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: leas (7), Member Cole offered motion t;.r•.t C. H. I,3cman be uermitted to move 60 C. R. Iseman to move houses from therroperty of the I. C. R. R. Company provided he rives bond in '.he sum houses. of ;;,15,000.00 indemnifying the City against damures. Adopted on the call of tae roll: Yeas (7). Proceedings of __ 3.0 �en�r'_.,L a_1�;._ . -_-City of Paducah _. _!.:_Ho;H -,. _192-6._ ■ :.,cmbcr [unbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Boarri of i Councilmen in accepting deed from C. F. Jennings & Company, for strip of ground Deed from C,E.Jenninrs & Co. in 'Oakland Terrace Addition. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Ground Oakland Terrace nddltion. Member Dunbar read an ordinance entitled "AIA ORDINAIIC"r'. PT?OVI 'Jlm, .FOR TH3 CON T:?UC"_'ION OF A 3P1i':E3 TO T'Q,I!, C:�RE OF THE OVER FLOW OF SE"i?R DI`T`?ICT IIO. 2, OnDINAHCE. IN THE CITY OF Pi'DiJC-,H, L. P1jCKY, IN j+CC09DANCE "LITH THE ?L.33 :.;JD ;;PI:CIP'IC:.CT_OTi> is""ER BOND. P`0VID-;D'rH'.,.Ri_'OR: AND PHUVIDING F09 THE Yr.Y11_1'T OF S.;i@; IN ACC01t:Ditl?CE `.7ITH TFRt73 OF CONT'I,iCT THEREFOR". On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the rmll: Yeas (7). Member Rieke read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PRO VIDINr 3m THE 1-iJING UP I:>L.,ND CREEK SE'::ER BONDS IN THE D WI I',IATION OF X1000.00 EACH IH LIEU Eesolution. IsL.nd Creek OF SUCH BONDS IN THE D;IIOi.:IN.,TION OF i?500.00 EACH." �e;;er Bond. On motion same was ;riven first passa.ce upon the call of the ro'1: Yeas (7). On motion the rules here susnended amt reaolation read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion 'same was;given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION P'?OBIDING 1`0" OV THE RELI311 '.:e;I BONDS FO-.? TIIE CONSTRUCT -1031 OF A SE"dER TO T.,..., i;.... OF ii[. 8esolution. FLOVI OF :3'" DI-,TZICT NO. 2, IN TIIE CITY Oil P. DJC,di, IN 'Ii C :.C;': :?,:'ION OF .::er Bond. $1000.00 EACiI III i,Ii:U OF SUCH BONDS IR CHE DEN01;IWATION OI' i.j500.001'. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Ye•.,s (7). On motion the rules ;✓ere susnended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final pas3a;e upon the call of t•e roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in receiving and filing communication from the T'ayor in regard to being ureble Nurses' Home. to sell }?ursesl home. ldopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Audit Cit, books. in receiving and filing the report of the sudlt of the affairs of the City of Posey & Cocke. Paducah for 1925, prepare r. by Posey & Cocke. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Cernr.ilmen in referring to the Street Committee and 3oari of Punlic ',,orks, the communication George ". Greif. from George '.'.. Graif, relative to selling, the City a strip of ground on Jackson Street between 21st and 25th 3troets. -dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). ,ame offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Council--cn in referring to the Street Committee and Board of Public Yorks, the; comieunication F. E. LiatZger. from F. E• ?zctzger, relative to selling the :.i,j a strip of ground on Jackson I 8 Street between 21st and 25th streets. Adonted on tho call of the roll: Yeas(7). No. 209-'----- — Proceedings of __71O.� D OF ._,L>T,;_:r.';: ,! City of Paducah ___ ... ._cH_l1926._- Vembe.r Rieke offered motion ';O concur in `.he a^,tion of the 3oard of i UnsabitFry Councilmen in referring to the Sevfer Cemli"ttee, cocimunication from: the Board of Health Conditions 3rd St.htw• in resard to unsanitary donditions on Third Street bet`reen Madison and Harrison Stre,:i;s!, I:alison c< Harrison. on property owned by Jim Lacer, ,dcpted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). .7i, Laker. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referring to the Street Committee, with power to act, the matter of obtaining deed R. Campbell. from R. Campbell, for necessary ground to make street wrest of the I. C. 13, R. Cocmpanv's property proper width. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea3 (7), l.:ember Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of O1lidayL Councilmen in receiving and filing the application of Waymond L. Holliday for Sewer j er rrnee ctor. p eas Insector. ,donted on the call of the roll: Y (7). Ini Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in receiving and filing the communication of the I:ayor in regard to set'.;ling with the Nurses Home. Insurance Company for loss on Nurses' Home by fire, for the sum of :,j6436,50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). i i Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen -.'ilbur in receivin? and filing the comcunication from the ;'.ayor in regard to signin7. contract tson Plans for with 71ilbur ',:atson and .Associates of Cleveland, Ohio, to make plans and speCifieations Island Creek for bridge over Island Creek at, 6th .Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: yeas 7 Bri iRe. ( ) Same^offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in adopting a resolution ratifying, the action of the Paducah Electric Company of Ky. Utili- assigning to the Kentucky Utilities Company, all of the rights of the former companp ties Co. Y: iur,ah under an ordinance adopted by the City of Paducah on the 29th day of r.pril, 1919. <;C triC �O. Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yens (7). - Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen K,7-TTtili- tiosCo. in adopting a resolution accent:inr the bond of KentucIty utilities Company dated February 23rd, 1926.' ,9dopted on the call of the roll. Yeas (7). Member Sell offered motion to concur in th<, action of the Board of Councilmen +�:nort City in receiving and £ilirg the February report of the City Jailer. Adopted on the call Jailer. of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Report Chief of in receiving and filing ;'ie February report of the Chief of Police. Adonted on the ca11 Police. of the roll: Yeas (7). I Member Cole offered motion that the City Solicitor be instructed to brin,, in resolutions for the hard surfacing of the following streets: Hard Brilge Street from City Limits to Broad Street. surfs+cinR Rroad Street from Bridjfc Street to 6th Street. streets. South 6th Street foom Broad Street to '.aohin�-,ton Street. ,,Orth 6th Street from: Madison Street to Clay street. Clay Street from: 6th treet to 9th Street. 9th Street from Clay itreet to Trimhl.e Street. Tricble Street from 9th Street to 17th :Street-. 17th Street from _'rimble to Broadway, street. Jefferson Street from 17th 3tree t-, 'to 25th Street.. 13th Street from ?`iillett Street to Jefferson Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea3 (7). Loeb-31oom Same offered motion that the Fine Chief Issue to the Loeb -Bloom Realtv Realty Co. Filling sta- Company, a permit to erect filling stationsat 9th and Kentucky .+venue, and at lith tion 9th Pc ani 3rO;dwar, Ky. Avenue, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7), Filling t:'ember Dunbar offered motion that.. the Fi-e chief be instructed to issue station Permit to erect filling station on property at the ITortheast corner of 21st ami 3rn++%,c•n-, ?1.5.corner 21st &Bw-y Adootel on the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Dunbar, Rielce and ^}roe(fi). ;lays . Cole (1). x Proceedings of__Bor;RD o--, __City of Paducah __='apq" ?2.1026 - Filling >tation Same offered motion that the Fire Chief be instructed to issue permit 11th & Jefferson & 10th and Jefferson to erect filling stations at 11th and Jefferson and 10th & Jefferson .Streets• Sts. Adopted on tae call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Dunbar, Ric'. ;r; and yree.(6). I -lays: Cole (1). Police Signal Same offered motion to corcar in the action of the Board of Councilmen 13oxoS. in regard to instructinr, the Police & Fire Coaunittee, to advertise for bids on wiring and installation on Police Signal Boxes and .report back. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Ilember Boyd offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to Light, & Water Committee cooing that the Clock on the City Clock on City Hall.', Hall is properly lighted. Adopted on ti -3 call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmer. in regard to James P. Smith being permitted to move houses across Tennessee Street. Jas. P. Smith to move houses. ;,domed on the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Board, Dunbar, Rieke and I{ Tyree.(6). clays: Cole (1). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen mains3rd in referring to the Light & :.later Committee, petition from citizens for crater mains Clark to from4th; Clark f-om on Clark Street from 3rd to 4th Streets; Clark Street from 19th to 213t Street;: 19th to 7.13t ; Clay from 19th to and Clay Street from 19th to 22nd Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yc:,:; 22nd Sts. Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Cemetery Lot Councilmen in deoding lot :io. 74, in Block 5, of Oak Grove Cemetery, for the sum of Chas. & Julia Jones. 4',F37.50 to Chas. and Julia Jones. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the 'loa rd of Councilmen Tax Bill Elva Butler. in authorizing the cancellation of tax bill of Elva Butler. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the 3oard )^ Councilmen A. R. teelc. in allowing thn bill of A. H. Steele for :,760.00 for premium on bonds. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the _ction of the Board of Councilman Dog catcher. in authorizing the employment of a dog catcher. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Report Chief of Same offered motion to concur in the notion of the Board of Council- j Fire Department. men in receiving, and filing the February report of the Chief of the Fire Denartment IJ Adoptte3 on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). {, Member Dunbar offered motion to concur to the action of the Board of Plumbing in City Councilmen in referring to the Public Improvement Companl�l with power to act, the Hall. matter of stopping leaks in plumbing at the City Hall r,nd Fire Station No. 1. i .,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas'(7). ;:;ember Cole offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Union Station St. Councilmen in regard to instructing the City Engineer to furnish specifications for the building of Union Station Street. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays (6). Liember Iiannin not voting. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Boun- Hole 21st & Jacksm oilmen in referrinr*.to the Board of Public ^or::s the matter of fillip, hole at Streets. 21st and Jacksen Streets, aidontod on the call of the roll: Yeao (7). T,.omor Boyd offered motion to concur in the, action of the Board Hard surface of Councilmen instructing the amity 'olicitov to bring in a resolution for hard Clements St. from Bri.Iae to Meyers, and 1.'ewers froW surface on Cler.onts Street from Bri,lro to Meyers, and tleyers fromClements to Broad Clements to Bros+d Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Sts. No_ Proceedings of-.--.i-Q.-,-T)—OF ____City of Paducah 1 - - 1926. Pumpinr Mc-ber Cole offered motion to refer to the Sewer dommittee and City Station J 3rd & Cl,=r Engineer, the matter of removing the old pumping station at Third and Clay Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Boyd offered motion that the City Solicitor bring in a Resolution Hard Surface Jefferson St. to hard surface Jefferson Street from 2nd -3treet to 1st-troet, and 1st Street from 2nd to lst', Jefferson to Broadway. Adopted on the call of the roll: `leas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, 1st St. from Jeff. & B"lay• Cole, Dunbar and Tyree. (6). Nays: Rieke (1). Member Boyd read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE- CRG:,TING THE OFFICE, Ordinance. Plumbing & OF PLU'.."II;G AND .SL". E3 INSP:CTOR; :.ND PRIS3CRIBIAG Vl-, DUI -IT -3 ::i?D i7UALIPIC1,TIO1:Q OF Se'ner q +I0 OFFICER, AND FIXING III COEPEldS ATION. " Inspector. i On motion same was -iven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On notion the rules were suspended ird ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). I On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). i !.'ember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of P'rs. Ford.I property Councilmen in regard to Fire Chief inspcctin3 property of :Irs. Ford on the southwest 10th & corner of 10th ar,d Trimble Streets, same to be torn down or repaired if found dangerou� Trimble. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Paducah in ra-ard to Fire Chief tknspectinr property of the Paducah Pottery Company on the ' Pottery Co. :?orth side of Trimble Street between 6th and 7th Streets, same to be torn down or repaired, if found dangerous. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Cole offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Peddlers Councilmen in referring to the Police & Fire Committee, with power to act, the matter on street. of streets being obstructed by peddlers. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Lunch stands Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen on River I in referring to the Public Improvement Committee, the matter of unsightly lunch standsi front. on river front. :,domed on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Grade & in the City Solicitor being instructed to bring in resolution to grade and gravel Gravel Vasseur Vasseur Avenue from Bridge Street to City Limits. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ave. from. Rrilee to Jcas: llannin, Bell, Boyd and Cole (4). Nays: Dunbar, Rieke and Tyree (3). Citv its. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Board of in regard to requesting the Board of Equalization to increase the assessed valuation Equaliza- tion. of real estate 20%. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Nevr street Member Rieke offered the following: "The Boarcl of Aldermen hereby construBtion pled! -,e to appropriate not less than .;;•16,000.00 for ne.•r street construction. .+ala^ted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION .,CCEPTI;;G IM -1, AIT) OF Resolution. OLLrR .PLUm3ING CCAJ�,''r 'diD ;_,,JiDING COINTR:CT PO S:,ID P:OLLER PLUt:AING C0:'P .:!V Till: "Koller po. lumbinu CO`;"T-RUCTION OF ISL:,T'C CI�TK a;5'.ii?, a, ..-LG:.i'PED, IN 'I7 CITY OF "0' _TZI;dG ^lHF 1'..Y07? OF ,..I U 17 _'C EX ."CUTE COPi T?:.CT THViEFOR. On motion same was Riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion the rules were susnended and resolution read by title upon `he call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion sL.me was riven second and final pas-. >e 'm .: .. cell of t e roll: On `:C`_iGr C.:et tin" � Icurned. -AP -' VU� i 1. aideaa Tone. of +{rlcr