HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 250, January 4, 1926No.__250.� ---
Proceedings of City of Paducah. _ ._ J.,,7U:0_!V 4, 1926. ... _ ..
At a regular moetinR of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third Sloop
of the City Hall, in the Vity of Faducah, Kentucky, Jenuary,the 4th, 1926, the
Clerk called the meeting to order, and, upon the call of the roll th•r following
ansaered to their names: Boll, Boyd, Choate, Cole, Danbar,Hannin, Rieke and
Tyree. (8).
On motion the certificate of election of Aldermen G. W. Dunbar and'E.r..Bel1,
G.". Dunbar and
' '
received and filed.
E. E. Bell.
The Clerk announced the election of the President of the Board is now
in order,
Hannin was nominated and upon the call of the roll received the follow -
President Board
ing votes: Bell, Boyd, Choate, Cole, Dunbar, Rieke and Tyree. (7), and was duly
of Aldermen.
elected President.
Minutes of the call meeting December 30th, 1925, were adopted as read,
Finance Committee
Finance Committee appointed: Rieke, Boyd and Bell.
Member Rieke offered the following motion: I:4IEREAS there will become
due on Jan+aary 10th, semi-annual interest on the 3rd. District ::rarer Bonds, I
Semi- Annual
interest on 3rd.
move th:.t allowance be made in the amount of 15,037.50 and the Treasurer instruct=
District Sewer
ad to pay said sun when due. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6).
Same offered the following motion: 81hereas there will become due
Semi -Annual int.
on Jan,_rry 15th, Semi -Annual interest on the School Improvement Bonds, I move
on Senool Improv.
that allowance be made in the amount of $4,667.50 and the Treasurer instructed to 1
pay said sun when due. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Same road a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIAG AND
Treasurer to
borrow money.
On motion of same, some was given first passage upon :he call of the
roll: Yeas: Bells Boyd, Choate, Colo, !unbar, 11annin, Rieke and Tyree. (8).
On motion the rules wore suspended and reaolution rend by ti t)c•
urcn the call of the roll: Yeas: Bell, Boyd, Choate, uo.lo, Danbar, ]tannin,
ieke amt Tyree. (8).
a ;Ion s+:cc .,.z -iven second and final pasearc upon the ca:i of I
.. rola: Yeor: _"i, 30; i, .....:+•, Cole, Dunbar, Hannin, Rieke and Tyree -(8),
r _::;ify the action of the t.:ayor nppuir:tint;
,. an pointed
P.ae i ! � L,� •...i .. - >, �
�-, ... _. ..�:pr;ataff, S ., as mur.-bers of the 3o��^ri of
of Public
cr ca.
1? •: ;:;, :•„_•s. Adopted on the pall of tine rc�l: Ycns(A, )
'.o rntify tyrp action of the :'a,:,•r in appoint: Lnr,
Geo. 1'.Oehlachlae,ger : ^Sty ......,:: _ :. the orlsuing two years. Adopted on the
City Audit,,r.
14r" AlUe a3iae11
deed of dedication
r :`_ ;r.•.
extenston c: t:cxey
Proceedings ofo' :.; ••. ::: City of Paducah J::ni'.-tY 4TH, 19x6. .
m er Kielce offered motion that the president of tho Hoard appoint a
Ccr--A.ttee o: "hrec, to meet with J. P. Dossett, with reference to acquiring richt of
J. A.Dossett,.;y over his rroperty for the opening of Kentucky Avenue from 12th to 13th Streets.
:,dorted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Committee Committee appointed: Ccle, Bell and Boyd,
1:ember Rieke offered motion to authorize the City Solicitor to defend
Suit against
Fire uhief suit broucht a„ainst J. M. Slaughter, Fire Chief, for e building permit for a gasoline
for bldg., s
permit Tor tstion at 13th and Jefferson to be erected by 1.rs. Josephine F. Post and the Diamond
station. Petroleum Company. 'darted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Sala offered notion to receive and file the report of the City Jailer
Report of for the month of D-cer_ber, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
City Jailer, Same offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
Report of in receiving and filing the repo:•t of the Cit;; Assessor, the assessed valuation of
City :-saes- real
aor. and personal property for 1926 taxation. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas
Board of Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
to investi- in regard to requesting, the Equalization Board to investigate personal property
r.•ate person - as cssr.ent, as reported by the Assessor, pith view of increasing same. Adopted on the
al property ,
call of t^e roll: Yens (8).
Cc-¢ittee -,We offered motion that the. President of the Board appoint special
i meet Co-l"ittee to meet :ith Library Board to adjust matters of Finance. Adopted on the
with Libra:, y P
:all of cr roll: Yeas(80.
Committee Committee appointed: Bell, Choate and Tyree.
l:ember P.ieY.e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
i'ay roll
ani cinirs. Co•ncilmer in aliowin;; the following: Pay-rolls......$9740.08; claims... 520.20.
cr.• the call n`_' th- roll: Yeas (A).
Same offered motion. ''.h.at the claim of Black & Veatch, for amount of
Black &
Veatch. be allowed, sane to be paid out of "special Sevier Lateral Fund. Adopted on time
^q'-1 0_^ `:-c roil: Yeas (8).
Epecial :ace oi•f^^ca motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilrion
Boni ou- alla ine .'..peelal lupe; 1gprovement Boal Coupons in the umount of ,:2.82. A•lonted
cn the cull Of the roam Vraa (8).
1e•ce ofrere i ...,tion to concur in the action of the Board of vounctlmen
A. C.Jomaa
Tar r,:rund. ir. :-r` "'- - tait0r, with porter to act, claim for ,1.50 poll tax refund
^r 1.. :. "e -,:x .'�.,:_. 3 D..•d0r±;0•:1 on `he Call of the roll: Yon,. (8).
o _oticr: tc refer to City solicitor, Finance Committee an,l
Hor.'ia rec.d�f •• „
for ail,. ”^r frC-. "+;,or Ir; . . to getting bond.1 ready for sale that
ese rP :c•.w-' ._.. , .. ... ill of the roil. 'fens (8).
Deeds to °p :n of .4.:4n %n C,,no,w in `.Fe action of the Board of
lctn to - s1.^ ;•:-•; '.r. cr:.r.. a rtes Cf i:,,,., Ir. Cu;: Rrnvc CrmeLnry: Clara Pe rk
Clara par"
;oat h."l.f .,0t l6, ?il0ri: lA; ROiTyrt 4.
F.J 1, �.:. ,al ;l1^ ..., .,^•. .. :, .'.! .. . 'n' on ,..., c r, of .... ^ell: `r• nn, ('9).
r-fnr t0 tn.) 'lit •,6:iC11.01• thf, -•, tar of
t:y: rants. °rwiM.. .. 4;... *. 8 ^9)":1 '.4 a? p ?u f :Ce for p:":T;r`rt "nora . lonve %h, -Ir
member C--o&te! off—, .. .:C:: .: !n ^e action c£ -le 3o..7'1 cr
Z.eFert R^
robe.? for L'e't nonth e,.
Fut ice.
tedr fees !').
Proceedings of _ .B0,!kUD_(1Y .ALD? ' -`T
No._ 252.---------'-- -
City of Paducah _. _ _jttmfijry ATH, 1926....
Member Rieke offered motion to receive and file the communication
Ctre%;t inspector.
'a. F. Anderson, from the Board of Public •-orks in re -appointing 13. F. A.-aderion, 3treot Superinten-
dent for the year 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (8).
eme offered motion to concur in the recontr;cndntion of the Board of
N.C.& St. L. P. R. Co. Pibiie :.orks in permitting the if. C. & St. L. 3. R. Company to muko temporary
connection •n.ith bile se•rr in Sevier District No. 1. Adopted on the call of the roll:
Ynas (n).
".i,mber 1,noate offered motion that the Boar!l of Public "'e r.%a and
obstructicna on '.treet in.,*4,:;or renove all obntrnctions on Lizeie Street between. Sorrell anrd _;rLdre
Lizzie St. btw.
Sowell r, Ori•lge 'tree%o. ':-lops«•d on the call, of the roll: Yeas (8).
. ts, be removed.
i"era ^r P,hpate ot'a':reci :..ot.ion to receive mil file the report, of
Report of —Ifi f of C i -f of '; wt re ;n:,rt^r.nt Par t e rsonth of December, 1925. Adopted on the
cu c: roll: (8i.
_Le off�rei nation to concur in th(- !lctl,,r of,
Bcci .'or filiCF, is .•`�. L1:.+
rater wor:cs o ,ni ;mai .n.Ldao for:',din:. :arar
in !.'•la ac «ir,l•. r,f r.�:<: Ro.,r'..
._ _YS', <•... I.eS is ... -•1 ,, ♦G i:i•,,. ;:t.1 ,•.t'. 1 r1nCd
sf r' prradn,.~ an. ,rr, re admit,
Member Boyd offered motion to refer to the Board of Public ';arks,
with po::•er to act, the communication from the Paducah '.ater Company, regarding the
S'.sndpipe for
location of standpipe for filling Sprinkler 'Iagons. Adopted on the call of' the
filling sprinkler
roll: Yeas (8).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of councilmen
Report of Paducah
in receiving and filing the report of the Paducah Water Company under date of
tater company of
mains laid.
December 24th, 1925, of crater mains laid and fire plugs installed. Adopted on the
call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Same offered motion to eonctIr in the action of the Board of Councilmen
Petition from
in referring to the Light & Water Committee and Board of Public 'works, petition
citizens on Clay
from citizens on Test Clay Street, Adopted on the call of the roll: leas (8).
Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the
Koller Plumbing Co.
Board of Public Works in awarding contracts to the Koller Plumbing Company for the
construction of the Relief Sewer for District No. 2, and the const^ua:tion of Island
Creek Sevier as relocated. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Member Dunbar offered motion that the Mayor be instructed to receive
Loss on nurses'
from insurance Companies the sum of ;,1436.50, as loss on equipment of Riverside
Home and equipment
of Riverside nurses(Hospital
Nurses Home, and also the sum of :5000.00 for the loss on Nurses' Home,
as recommended by the Hospital Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(B)
Nember Dunbar offered motion that the Hospital Committee be given
Bids to repair
power to ask for bids to repair and place Nurses' Home in good condition. Adopted
Nurses's dome.
on the call of the roll: Yeas: Bell, Boyd, Choate, Dunbar, Hannin, Rieke and
Tyree(7). Nays. Cole (1).
Same offered motion that the ordinance Committee please report on
Sewer Inspector.
Ordinance governing the position of Sevier Inspector, so that proper steps be taken
to appoint a new Sevier Inspector. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (B).
Member Rieke offered motion to receive and file the communication
Ctre%;t inspector.
'a. F. Anderson, from the Board of Public •-orks in re -appointing 13. F. A.-aderion, 3treot Superinten-
dent for the year 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (8).
eme offered motion to concur in the recontr;cndntion of the Board of
N.C.& St. L. P. R. Co. Pibiie :.orks in permitting the if. C. & St. L. 3. R. Company to muko temporary
connection •n.ith bile se•rr in Sevier District No. 1. Adopted on the call of the roll:
Ynas (n).
".i,mber 1,noate offered motion that the Boar!l of Public "'e r.%a and
obstructicna on '.treet in.,*4,:;or renove all obntrnctions on Lizeie Street between. Sorrell anrd _;rLdre
Lizzie St. btw.
Sowell r, Ori•lge 'tree%o. ':-lops«•d on the call, of the roll: Yeas (8).
. ts, be removed.
i"era ^r P,hpate ot'a':reci :..ot.ion to receive mil file the report, of
Report of —Ifi f of C i -f of '; wt re ;n:,rt^r.nt Par t e rsonth of December, 1925. Adopted on the
cu c: roll: (8i.
_Le off�rei nation to concur in th(- !lctl,,r of,
Bcci .'or filiCF, is .•`�. L1:.+
rater wor:cs o ,ni ;mai .n.Ldao for:',din:. :arar
in !.'•la ac «ir,l•. r,f r.�:<: Ro.,r'..
._ _YS', <•... I.eS is ... -•1 ,, ♦G i:i•,,. ;:t.1 ,•.t'. 1 r1nCd
sf r' prradn,.~ an. ,rr, re admit,
No- ;ata.
Proceedings of. " ` "' . - ... _ City of Paducah . •r a::U,%'•Y 4TH, 1926.
f.e:^her Dunbar offerel :notion that the stim: of :$400.00 be unnropriated and
Appropris- vi.ven to the student nurses of Riverside Hospital, to help replace part of their
tion to
student perzonal effects lost in recent fire, same to be taken out of this year's hospital
Rive -side fund, adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (e).
Me-mber Rieke offered motion to ratify the action of the Mayor in signing
r.entract .'itis 3191% .t Veatch for doing engineer work on relief server in District No. 2,
Black u ani the relocation of sewer on Islami Creek. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ycas(B).
Y.e-ilher Cole offered motion that the payor be instructed to place proper
insurance insurance on perso:-r-1 property of Nurses' in Riverside Hospital and Nurses' Home.
property alopted on the call of tl.e roll: Yeas (B).
nt +iacr-
:S.;ie Beer, V..• tuber Dunbar offered motion to receive and _'Ile Estimate no. 4 of Black Fr.
'.watch of work clone by the Koller rlumbing Company, in Sawer Zones Nos. 1, 4 and S in !
Er, S. -It
i° waer District 71o. 3, by Koller Plumbing Company. Adopted on the call of the roll:
7eai.Ch• Yeas (S).
Boar- reces;rd at 9:20 o'clock P. V., to go into Joint session.
Re-consned at 9:40 o'clock F. N., and on c:otion adjourned.
At a Joint Meeting of the General Council held on the Third Floor of the
City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., January the 4th, 1926, President Hannin
presided, and upon the, call of the roll the following; ansxered to their names: Hannin,
Bell, Boyd, Cnoate, Cole, Dunbar, Rieke,ggy Tyree, Johnston, Brummott, Crider, Doherty,
?lrmin^, Jacons, F_erth, Oaen, Stewart, Vogt, Clatts and 'Matson. (20).
Uinutes of the Joint Meeting of December 7th, 1925, were adopted as rend.
Mayor's s+;scare read by City Solicitor, A. Y. Martin, on account of illnoas
of :... :.'ayor, un.i or. ,motion of member Boyd, was received and filed.
-C-. cr Din;;ar offered motion to go into the election of two memhera of the
r.• for a `.•,r- of thre'. ;Fears.
.11L'.af. i,doptel on the call of the roll: Yeas (20).
:.. ar Colo r.¢einstyrl Dr. J. 'b. Acres and Ernest Luckey .
c -r :dan�jar o:'fered motion that :;he nonization be dosed. Adopted on
tan ^all o:'
tal Y.,aa (201.
Dr. J. H. learn and nrr.nc; ..ackcy were !rot:; elacted by aeclamatlon.Yeas(20).
:'ember Qaen offerrl notion to Fo into the election of City "leighcr. Adopted
on th. call of lht roll. Ynuc (20j.
c::ert Slitcs:ell, Henry --r lnrs :ani Viney:ar l .vera nominate 1, Land upon
call of .nn r:ill __ovei votes as follows: Eannin,Boyl , 4hoaar,, Dunbar, Tyreo,
x:.cert�r, .arw;,a, Herta, .race, .ae•xa: 'Jai., laar.to an •�ataon(1:�)
Vo_inc for :all. Heli, ��: , Rle�eP, •Joanat:n an, Fl .tnv, (5).
Roi;erL .i'rhe.:i w-�s duiy elnetel .:ity :--elghnr sn,l wau so :Declared.
On motion neetin* a1So�rnc:i.