HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 25, February 4, 1924No. " ✓
Commissioners'::P_roceedings;:.Citi•:ofxPed ucaflx
:7;%1. 00:;11CII. Ir. J, ii _. :i'Il:G. Feb. 4, 39S�i.
..t a call -_-.eat 11.of the Joir t 00:11.01" "'eM or, tho and floor of the City
S^11 Ir. tits Cit; of 'adueah, ' e: tt:ok T, on •-or.via: -eb. 4th 1924. ?:por.• call of
the _all '.h,; fo33o.i r— ar.s':ra. ;l .0 their : ar.os. ••ldermon• 3:et:r•ed:•, :,"'later,,
tisharaft, 7:rook3• 0oah:•ar., ':ole, -tioke ar:d "opp C. JOut:aUnor.. •latts,
30':-Gr.O, Cochran, Jacobs, :art!-,, Di2oT,, :-orrinou, P-ior, Iiia.?l OOber:"Or, Spiaor,
Steuett, 11. Counal3mai Jrider, nein- al oei t.
1'ember Cole offoral the folio^rir'- motior.; That iro a;r)eal to the Trouse
deoisior. of the :hair, refr.sine to lilt th•; 000stior. to Plod the minutes
as roil of the joir;t I'eotita• of the Jor.aral �;otu.cil or Jeraf^ry 7th 1924. -d op ted
or, call of the roll b;• th,) fo31o..•in- cotes: Yeas. Alliston,-shera=t, Brooks,
�,ochraz., ,+atts, 2'ou.-ar.o, Cochraz., ;'asoT,, >'orrisor, aril iipicer 10. Fa; -s. ioke,
Yopp, Jacobs, ::ert;., Ower, ja :,:*lesber;�or er:d Ste'aart. 7.
,.:omber CochraL called•.for the Ger;eral Uouncil to -iso to )oir.t.of order
arl that I.r. Zerth be dealarrel out of order. +'he chair ruled that I'r. i.erth
t.as in order. Cochran appealed from a deolo-iion of the Chair.
amber 4erth offered the collo air o motion: That the chair be sustsir ei
it its leeisior.. :.otior lost b:• the folloair�r cotes: Yea. 'Rieke, Yopp, Jacobs
i:orth, O'aer., Ri,•:*iasberaer, �teaart. 7. I`ays. <,llistor,-shcraft, 9rooks, sole,
Tatts. 1�ou,?er:o, Joc)irar., Laser, I.:errisor., ~)•icor 10.
)'ember :'arth offered motion to adjourn. l:otior: lost b:• tI a fOI2071ra
votes bper: cell of the roll. `yeas. ::oraod:,, Yo*pp, Jacobs, ::erth, 0'7or, dtosrart,
G. :;a; s. 431istor.,-shcra:ft, Brooks, �;ochr•ar• Cole, Ricke, Jatts, "ou',or:o,
:.00hs:., :•asor., 1.:oerinor.,-•i7zlosboreer ar•1 6pioor 13.
resi.ler,t F.erred• onl3ed C01;rOTlM7. -i-tts t0 the Chair chile ;resilart
i:er.zel: ai ire=;::a1 the joint 1•oerd.
::embar Colo o'forel the fol3o7inF motion:: =hRt the :'ir.utos of the
Joint r..outir- !.old oT. Ja:.aRr:? 7t): 1924 bo ado) tad as road.-dopted or call of
thij roll b:; the follo.7it. - cotos: "ous.-lliston, :.ohovuft, 7rooku, Coe-hrar ,
•%ole, •ratto, ?o.,:::er.o, �o ::.r =:., I:asor, "orriourl, �pioer, 13..
::ieke, Yol:p, Jacobs, ::art":, C':or., - i :r2aaobor-ur ar.l :7toaart, 1.
•'Ocie:: d""r:;l th,! f031Or$1.^ 1.:OtiOr: -):Rt 1"hd
;dirt •,.aiT.-r of .,... _ .. :>3, 1"24 be alor,t^..i an :eRl. i.j')jtui or. call
ra L r:.;ticr to udjot:rr. 1'otior lost ar aRll a'"
.,.-..Joahrar., Jrcobs, ;:art':. =•a river.
117"0 , 1.010,
Josef h ::;711^r, ' e
;:.•.•;:i :•a;. .. _ ..._. _ .. !; :I':::or c" tl-o of
_ ...•�: ... .. :; •• .•.lire ... •..•� ;:> ;cc
iil 11 s'.. Proceedingp.:.Qity,.,of.PaducalI 4
IS OE' JC'i 4
:'e'.b,r :,a I a o- I. e 00 1 u t I Oy t
a.; Jo'mior, .lith 1-rovi ao 13
:013 b;' the follo.-lin-: votes:yeas. 19.
:_:70 Jl •t'n"' oum oil :-a -!I t0
J 7 0 0 t J 3 -":as; l —Joltal call of the roll b:' ",j folieail.--votes. Yeat-1 IV
"atts rG:--1PUtOft 1'rs- Aoh2.' uo I oet:Houao Koepor.
r ' ;or. o... i !.ated ',:r. ,,ti th as lest Houaa ;.oar -r.
. a..1' Ole 2 on:!.'atea !'r. ';*ill as }'est 170,12a 73,31, 11.
Cr. t" fltl-:, roll call !.xo. As'aI:- --ocalved 9 votes, ::r. 3inith, received 8
"rites "Z-1 ym.o.- E. "r. Yarcz, boin, dropped from the list a Oscar-] vote
:-ra. r000lvir.-: 10 votes. arA !!r. Smith recolvirT 9 "'otos.
.'r s, uh.Z.-. LiD -7 doclarred al jeted 1-03t 7T011ue
"embor Jacobs offered 'r- motion to adjourn. .1-otion lost b.y the fo73owirl'r
votes.. Y . sea. Cochrvy. and Korth. 2. pays. 13istor, 13horaft, Bi-ooks,
3oohrar., mole, ilieke, Bopp, .7atts, Bowcer;o, Jacobs, ill-sori Lorrisor, 0 --ion, i.ir
,7-3sberxor, zjioer, ai.1 ,tourart 27.
:7-ambor 1..orri50L offered the follo*a1l,� motion that the committee that .7a 3
all-Othtel to lr,vestizate tile IePality of oastiri7 lots for lore ai,d short term
to zivox. further time to report ax.d be li,st'uoted to 'mita the ;.tt %mey dor.-rv_T
oulri t131 12ior. call of the roll b.y tiro follo-Ar.7 votes- Yeas. Zcond.,7, -shorpft,
rooks, mow hres, :"Ole, 'Yor .�atts, r
'j). Boa-ero, Cochlear, Jacobs, !:rth, ;.asoy-, L.,)�
w.1 Spicer pzd 13te'-'.'vrt 26. T'says. .-ijistozi, Z-ieke prd Vr701. 0.
Cole Offered the folo"iL7 'POlor.. -2;It the com.runloatioT: from
%ons rwl I li. al. ;Oat jontuck.-, .-.vs. be rmcoivej q1.1 referral to Rorrd
:-f 1.1: i a orks. -101-ted or: call of t, -.e roll b.- the folloaiij, votes, Yeas. 29
ml:er ';Ole I the follo4ln'. motior.: 2hat r000luitioy,u fr..w various
301;1,011 for their offorts to ',Oucnh a fit
va ':,j ..dei ed 1"ilea.
'a Ulo 4,0120 -All- metier,
to act no -'lief of 1 011 as ba ,I-
as o'." roll by t1i o fo 13 o:.,ty , 70 "Ou'l
..W ;."J
all ;3*.'j
.r tea. -,I I a :3t
Or. 1
2, r