HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 237, November 2, 1925W 237.
Proceedings of_.;-...:; , .. ;.. , City of Paducah .:OV. 2, 11125.
tt a rajui a meeting of the liwird of Aldernen held on the Third Floor
of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., l:ovember the 2nd, 1925, President
Hannin presile.l, and upon the call of the roll the folloalnr, anavicrad to their
n.:mes: Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, FA;nbar, Rieke and Yopn. (8). 1
ii-iures of the previous meetins; ;were adopted as rrurl. i
-ember Rieke offered motion to receive anti file E'ngineer's estimate
of r:ork done/ on Se•,aer Laterals by Kohler Plunbdnb Company. Adopted on the call
,,lu-.:. o.
of the .roll: Yeas (8).
Same offered notion that, the account of Black & Veatch for u1675.00, !
be a.11o:r•^d, sante to be paid from money deposited by Kohler Plumbing Company.
,lopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Sano offered motion to concur in the reconurendation of the City
Solicitor, in allo-ain; Ardyce Bradley -}300.00 in full settlement of damage suit
;, a•.cn _.._, 1.c..
in the amount of ;2650.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). j
?7cnber Choate offered motion to receive and file the renort of the 1
Cni^f of ,he Fi-e Denartment for the month of October, 1925. Adopted on the call
of tr.e roll: Yeas (8).
:ember Dunbar offered motion to concur in the request of the
American Legion for the City Officials Police Dnpartmont Piro Danartment to
Psr Qe-;^:ictice
participate in their parade on Armistice Day, November the 11th, 1925. Adopted
m Y.
on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Member Brooks offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the
Judiciary. Committee in not allowing George Rock :hoe Company rebate on 1925
t,xea, Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Same offered motion to accept- the resignation of Ernent J. Ba,r;
Se er %r Plumbing inspector. Adonted on ;lie call of the roll: Yeas (8).
.';ember Boyd offered c:otion to adopt a resolution directing the
lAucah "pater Company to lay water rains on the following streets: Horth 10th
:•e3t, fro-. , noint. about 360 feet :rest of Burnett :street to Ellis :street;
frith street from Ellis to Palm trect, awl on Adams .,treett fron 3rd :,treet
t, in th,. Cite of Paducah, Ky. Adopted on the onll of 7th.,; roll:
offered notion to grant the rcqucnt o,' .. Ogen
leered on the call of the roll: 'caa (0).
,o refr..r to the City Engineer, th,i oo^;-rnieatirn
n i ravrlin7 of Vth �treet be,+:een
1 of the roll: Yeas (8).
.o rereive an'l file the ':%most of the
..__ - .. .. ... .. .... .I on t.71n e:,1i of
:,•i 'i l•. ,.+ir r,vscrt ca.'
.. _ •. .. r.: ', _. Q ca. .. ..'ail - _.. Yq3°(ri).
Proceedings of __ . ------ City of Paducah
_1091•:x: h2 2_1925.
o4, ! o?'_'r: c.; )%ton to concur in tine action of the Board of
11c:en in rafc_rinc .c i;,;,' .._ ;; .,atop Committee, to report back, petition
I, c. ::n-er, mains on Cozoy street, from Lincoln ?:venue to Cleveland otroct, Adonted oni;
c all of the roll: Yeas (8).
.'mne offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
.n referrin•_, to tike i%_:t &:'anter Connittee, to report back, petition for Nater mains
- cr. Clark `arect uet::e•:n 4th and 5th. ,;domed on tile: call of the roll: Yeas (8).
1?ember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the 3oard of
ailmen in concurinr; in the recomr.:endation of the City Solicitor to rec?uce the assessed
v,,1 -.,.tion of property of Sade Barton at 1%2221 Broadway Crom :x2750.00 to ;;1705.00.
cn°.•d on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
a•re offered motion to concur in the action of the Bnar%? of Councilmen
_ in r:otifyin: Iced from Stuart Cram to Ticasley ;.::arble & Granite Company for IT. E. h+3li'
"Arbl^ 0,. of Lot 14, Section 48, in Oak Grove �;cr:eetery. ::dented on the call of the roll:
yne-s (8).
l:aeioer Rieke offered motion to concur in tike action of the, Board of ?
Counci i::er. in tae City of Prrlucuh, deeding to Ida Bolen, for the sur.: oP ••;37.50, Lott. '
i7o, 29, Bloc! 4, in Oak Grove Cemetery, Adopted on the call of the roll: 'leas (8).
nff••red motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
allowing* the following: Bills payable .......... ke70,000.00; Pay roll.... 4612.43;
:,li-s ........;?129.53. =.donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
1.'.emter Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Oouncil=en in sllo::•ink the follo:vin : Cashier's fund ...... Q81.834 Adopted on the
a.11 of the roll: Yeas (8).
Zar:,; offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilnen
`c +ity ;elicitor, tile, co-e-uricut:ion from the Tucker Chemical 7'snufactitar-
= .-rnz a rr;fund Of •4,55.00 •for taxes paid in 1524. ;?domed on the cull
r C:io:"te offered eotior. to r,,rify tile. apoointr:ent of Geo.
a_ •_ :; Auditor, mi. le by the ..ayor. ,ldontod on thQ call of the roll:
Choate, rea•i an orlinatncc anl.ir.led ".i1: ORDI11-.1S E i'lixf11G
7:Ii is 0 1:: G12Y OF P.. :z000.00 Pl;it `fK , , P-:Y.ail.:: 17:
ten as e : as c upon the>. call or .le ro11:Yc:ees().
1'•r• a<::••, 1 criirvi_nce read by title :mon
:. final Passau° ,:non the call of t}hr
doles in •r.
ADOPTED: NOVE1.1BER 16, 1925.
Proceedings of
of Paducah
t.0 con;;cr
in Che action
of :ilC 1ioa rd of
. r.
Cou::ciimen in a110..L:
T. is, Cl!:rlc ;100.00
dm^.a", and
`,12,50 physiciants till
for injuries re00iVI•':i
r 11� ,ro3jln;t bridge at
13th & Faxon
3troet4, as recommended
b^ `.'?e City Jolicitor,
r`.dort:cd'on ih0 call of
the roll: Ycas
;eeber Dunbar offerad motion to refer
to rhe 3oar..'.
of Public, 'aorics,
No Cin on
the, !:atter of pincinF
cinders on Jac aon 3lmeet
From 19th to
25th ;itreets. Adopted
on ,... .,:ll of the roll: "eas (B).
On notion neotinr,
ADOPTED: NOVE1.1BER 16, 1925.