HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 233, October 19, 1925Na -23, -- - -- --- Proceedings of :3o_-'dtD OF. City of Paducah - oL'TOBi.R_ 19TH, 1925. ,t a meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third Floor of the City Ball, in the City of Paducah, Ky., on October the 19,h, 19253 President Ilannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following ana:creel to their names: Hunnin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. 1ember 'Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Sewer btw.B::ay' Councilmen in referring to the Finance Committee, with porter to act, the tr.atter of .. .:ve. enlar^int; the sewer,,,bctween Broadway and Ke:•.".ucky :":venue. Adopted on the call of the rcil:' Yeas (7). 1.1emher Rieke not voting. Same offered motion to defer action on the communication from the Board of Public 'aor.:s in regard to the condition of the old Light Plant Building. :,dopted on t:.e call of the roll: ''eas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Ci --r :oalc^ :got. in receiving and filing the report of the Public Improvement Committee and the :.:ayor in regard to not selling the City Scale lot. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Rieke offered motion that the proposition for compromise settlement Yancey & Johnson. on claim of Yancey & Johnston, for street improvement against I3rs. F. G. Burrell, L!re. F.G.:.eurrell. :hereby the City agrees to pay the sum of .,}100.00, be accepted and approved. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Free Uospital Councilmen in regard to giving free hospital service at the City !{capital to any service to Clt'•r ^plcyeca' City Employee, injured while on duty. Adopted on the call or the roll: Yeas (e). Same Offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in granting th,: request of the Chief of Police for free hospital service to any memberof the epurtr:ent injured while on duty. Adonted on the call of the roll: nt' Year (8). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in ,granting the request of citizens not to p q pave alley running from ,,•�,..-_, '3 -roadway Lo Jefferson Streets, between 16th and 17th ::streets. adopted on the call of 'i:' roll: Yeas (B). ""c!:ber Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 1 ✓i F •' : •:;" is e„rcell in Tax Bill No. 474 of i:rs. hdtrin J. Paxton. :.doptcd on roll: ':e:43 (8). of":.rel aotdon to concur in the action of the Hasrd ofCouncilman fr•..... o ... Ci'.y '.01toltor, .... claim of "5100.00 of J. _% Clara .':rs. a^l^': - .:'. it;•.I chile croasin.1 a bridge at 13th and Faxon •5tre,:t3 on October on tht crili of the re1L: Year (8). :'r ::_eer Cochran real aX .:.o: ,'.ion 0ntitlod ":+ ?.; . 7J ; I(i,. .';' `r" • .. .. p_ rl,nbar L••- ..- . _ .. ._ . _ , . ..; ..... •.0 �,n :..i:• ! r.•r r• ...-.r�:. L�r.1On c ti:e e a::,or 1.> .. _ .. _... :,,. i . in favor of for, .:re ..: ,:....., •. ... .• ._, silty &t?Geer '.:5 llyy tr,Q ._. ...:."la. .. .. .. .. .:a 'r. iu'• No. - 234.. Proceedings of. __City of Paducah _. GCmossR 19, 1925. or Boyd of fere,l motion to concur in the recommendation of the Lirht & g . :'rater Committee, that all requests for water service outside of City Limits, be held ^rvi . ^'a' t1k•. of up until sufficient time has elapsed for the Paducah ''later Company to bring the water s.pressure within the Clty Limits up to the required standard. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas f8). 8sr.e offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Light R: :'later Co=ittec, that all request for street lights be referred t o the Board of Public ":orlcs for their recon,^endation before any action is taken by the General Council. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the recommendation of tite Light & hater that the requests for extension of water service within the City Limits n;ed as follo':•rs: �leng Jefferson Street from 3rd to pith Streets; Clay Street 1 t"r :o 19th to 21st Streets; Jackson Stroet from 19th to 21st Streets, and that the Paducah star Company be Instructed to proceed with such extensions as soon as possible. Adopted on 'he call of the roll: Yeas (8). Eember Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :ouncilmen allowing Robert Thornton z27.50 for waiting on the Councilman and Aldermen 'or the first half of the yaar 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). i:ember Rieke offered .mot ion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen to them -- in ailo::in:- y50.00 to the 'Nest Kentucky Automobile Club, and referring/the hill of the rrnra Paint Company for ::125.00 for one %one :.:arkin„ Machine. Adopted on the call of soil: Yeas (8). Sar:e re%d an ordinance entitled "All O:? JIN.,VQE PROVIDING FOR THE PROTECTION Ii 0:-.7, C?0 i 7I'.:G OF fill NASHVILLE, CRA 2TAN00GA & 3T. LOUIS i4,.IL=(OAD CO;7PANY, i 6 }... LIN -C, CRO SFS T11—CK OF ., ,Ii) COMPANY, ON C::LI)71i1L STREET, Ni;nR ?:"::, ,. CITY OF P:iTM�iC..i':, K_-'NrUCS_C; AND FIXING TILE FE17ALTY POR ANY 7. o'.`_cr, teen firs, passare upon the call of the roll: Yeas (R). G:: r.,.`.ca 1r ; .rare suspended and ordin}ince read by title upon the _,11 ... _.. ••oil: •�.....❑ (31. mot .-.r. .. given Mteond and final passa„o upon the call of the roll: !lane motion t.o concis in tn, action of the Boar,i of tounclk:on to r eS Corritt'ee, t!:•r mater of Brailey Bros.,boing allowed to ^le :; <:;• i l calk men i !ra.ttcr at 922 ''Madison Street. Adoprod on r,!1 motion •,o concur in th<, action of the Board of Councilmen �e n'=cin'• �sr n r -w 3,7wer at 19t.. andIr.£Cr rsen „truetv, 40 :1S '.e _i,f nnn the Katterjohn oroparty, era rr•:, . _ cf rhe .':ti: V-. . 11n. 235. Proceedings of _ 30 , ,D 1 ;a .r ;= . i.. i _ . City of Paducah lA, 1925. _.. name offere:l :motion to concur In the+ action of the Board of Councilmen in auti:ori"in, the ?Sayor and City Treasurer to renew note to the Citizens :,avinr,s lit ,:t+_ear. Sav- lank In the amount; of , B216.82, for a period of six montlxs, and allowin•^ six months interest on name in the amount of ;1246.50. Adopted on the call of the. roll: 'leas (8). i Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Bourd of Councilmen in referring to the Board of Public `•'orks, petition from citizens for a street t comer taaan is. 1-1 7ht at ',`:e corner of 3outh 4th and Husbands Strect. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Sane offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in extension ::Ity re:7:ar3 to instructing the City "Eng ineer to bring in an outline for the exten ion Mm; `s. of the City Lir:itys. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). ":caber Dunbar offered motion to concur in the. action of the 130,trd of • Councilmen In referring to the Judiciary Committee, for recommendation, the i communications from the Board of Health and the Mayor in regard to di neon tinue ing the services of the present Plumbing k sorer Inspector. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). 1•1ember Ricke offered motion to concur in the action of tho Board of Councilmen ro in concurring in the report of the City Solicitor in regard to window broken in - I buil Ting occupied by tixe •'reade Drug Company. adopted on the call of the roll: j "las (8). I i Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen i in refor_inq to the City :,olieitor, communication from Wade Barton in regard to the asaesced valuation of the property at ;',2221 Broadtay. Adopted on the call of tre roll: Yens (8). i Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Bo:rd of Councilmen ` in rereivin7 ::ad filin!c the report of Street Superintendent'of the nmount of-azolin,; ar,l cylinder oil used by the Atreet Department 1urinr, the month of ;epten8er, 1:325. Ariopted on the oa.:l of the roll: Yens (8). off-�rel:lotion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in ,I s-. _. ,:c :annual -eport of the Paducah Railway Company. Adoptcd .".S7nny. 4f. .... ._.:? OG ..... t'n'._. 7983 :•.Orion to receive and filo the Snrrineores h'stlr.:;to of .:•ore 'inneer� •, .. in 3e'ser ::ones 1, 4 and 5, w•ior to Uctober _ ... ..: , roll: Yeas (8). !-led "All 04DI', .::C_. .. ': .. ,' '' .. , . ,' .it't2:'.,'CI01:, •' ..... ... r , Sala r.. No.. 'u. Proceedings of City of Paducah 11, ;a^c oefered *.lotion to •ioncor in Qv, action of the Ro.,;• of Ooitneilmen in tef:vrin>. to tic l.i.!:ht & ••ator Oomm.itteo, to r•,,.port back, a petition askin In Por tho ext:•nalon of :,-itc:r n_,in along 10th :qtr,^,ot from isllia to Palm Streets 3opted on tom•= call of the roll: Yeas (g), On ?=.olio. :`.satin adjourned. i'r�si�trwi taarf, aT �dta7.