HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 216, August 17, 1925No.
Proceedings of ------_City of Paducah _u,a 17.
- _ ----__192A.
regular meeting of the Board of-ldermen hold on the 'third Floor of the
City 1::. i , in iilp ity of Paducah, ':;cntucky, August tiro 17th, 1925, President Ilannin
presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to Heir names: Ilannin,
Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Dunbar and Yopp. (u).
On motion the minutes of the regular meeting of jtugust the 3rd, 1925, and
the call meatinq of iu,-ust the 6th, 1925, .lore adopted as read.
I-'ember Yopp offered motion that the report of the Public Improvement
P- Jr .ii;tec, be received and concurred in, and that the Committee be given full power to'
ac il: letting contract for bailor.house and heating plant. isdopted on the call of the
roll: Yeas (6).
Member Dunbar offered motion that the Serer Z, 3anita';ion Committee recorlr;end
that the follo::inr bids on Improver..entz and ronairs on Riverside hospital and Ilursesl
Home, be ratified as follows: Joe Hays, basement Nurses' Home 'x383.00; Jackson's
spy, .oilrr repairs, u190.00; Holland Burnace Company, furnace nurses' Homo,
-.00; John Br'"noon, paint• nurses' Homo Roof,ii31.00; John Brandon, Paint Boiler
'riouse, •:15.00; Rep'liring nurses' IIorac, plastering, painting, papering, lumber, labor
ani otter repairs, ;413.00; Repairing Riverside Hospital, brick work, plastering, wiring,
labor etc., 1,218.00; Total sum ;,1935.00, the same to be taken out of the Permanent
Fund of the Riverside Hospital. r:doptcd on the call of the roll: Yeas (6).
Same offered motion to refer to the Public Improvement Committco, the
rcr=unication from the Board of Public :forks, in regard to selling the machinery and
oilers of the old City Light Plant. adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas (6).
Member Boyd offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Light.
& tater Committee, that the request for extension of :rater mairfon "A" Street, about
400 feet north from Guthrie ..venue, be granted, and that the Paducah 'later Company be
inatr.+c7e:i to lay this main as soon as possible. adopted on the call of the roll:
Yeas (6).
Zan,^ off^.red motion that the petition of property owners on Adams Stroot,
between tri s.*: ii_ • uP4et9, be aranr.e-1, and that the Yadueah 1+atom Company bo instrlwEed
to p1-cc a r:.a'n of six Inch size where requested, as soon as at least three property
o,:.,,rs, :=1t'-lin that blocs contract for :rotor in accordance '•rill' rile conclitiona as set ,
fort:: in tY. :ra-.or frar.chiao. adopted on tile call of the roll: Yana (6).
s^ ofi•:uod notion that the request for water main alonr north 10th
arcet, from :.111.^. tc �.;:: 'ulcera, t•n granted as soon as sufficient number of nroporl;y
o,.r.•s^� co^',lett f9r ..r, in acanl• i -%en, with the ter•.s and conditions as sot forth
q .•• :7p r.::r• f:u?;., i:) call of :b9 roll: Yeas (G).
a i'• _••. i .obio to concur in t--.o action of the 9oard of
r i:. ..inasien .na Payer relative to sit;nin<
;fi':. ..... �•.-. - .;, Y4S.. , �,...'i., Oe 1,11" buil'ilnr� Ol lateral
.'.O'.:,-.• ,n _'n of �onncilr:nn
::, . ;.�.r .-, - :., n _ _ . .... - .. . "_ .. :_ ;n,r •Baan•:;.o,„.in..
..:. .. _. . -..._ ......1 of
No.. _ 21.7..
Proceedings of __ ' _ _ - _,:,__. ____—__City of Paducah 17,_1'125. -_ 192 _
Momber Dunbar offered motion to concur in t he action of the Board of
in referrin7 to the Relief and Financo Committees, communication regard-
__ maintenance of the •r.'n,,incering Department of the City of Paducah for the
i1'I a'.,^c of tixe ye 1r, adopted on the call of the roll: `tens (6).
7;ember �aoate offered motion to concur in the action of tike Board oC
Coixncilmen in reforring to the City "nginecr, Board of Public ••orks and City
cr.r .n:% 'elicitor, with po^ter to act, in the matter of International .hoe Corxpany being
rt:n,itted to install a steam pipe line across 2nd E: Jefferson 3treet3. adopted on
tP:e call of the roll: Yetis (6).
i:;e,':ber Yopp offered notion to concur in the action of the, Board of
roll .... Jouneilmen in allor:in; the following: Claims ...... ;4045.71; Pay roils., •„1(3370.15.
;.donted on t call of the roll: Yeas (6).
;.'ember Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Councilmen in receiving and filing communication from the iSayor regarding the Police
Department. ndppted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6).
!Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Seer, Councilman in referring to the Board of Health, with power to act, petition from
19th & Jo_ferson,property owners in the vicinity of 19th and Jefferson Streets. regarding a nuisance
caused by sewers. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6).
Yember iannar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Councilmon in the Board of Public '::orks being instructed to have a pipe laid
Pine across
Yeiner Ave. across Yeisor :.venuo bet:'teen Hays & Ashcraft Avenue, so that part of the excess dirt
i;t'a. wfays &
Sr ft. from the serer laterals can be used on the fill. Adopted on the call of the roll:
Yeas (6).
Same offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
in allotting the claim of -; 24F3.33, for material used in connection with the inatal-
rc:f�SC ':ianala.
lation of cable for traffic signals. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas (6).
7_m7o offered Lotion to concur in t`u.:action of the Board of Councilmen
se er later -1 in receivin_; irvi fi15n^ the renort of the. Finance Committee in regard to Sewer
Tun.i not beim^ nacosnary. Adopted on the call of the roll: Year (6).
tame offered motion to concur in the notion of :),n Boz.rd of Councilman
[`l:tt14n $n r-1. ;, tri Ju 1i^.S' ; Cor-mittee, Cozr-,un oution from t(VJ 1�A�Ot•, reCOYc:PnCi1n^
bl -lar:,: i c_cntin7 a Boar of Evaluation rng1nce,•n. =•`iontnd on
.. ocl,31", ....:50:7 ':e amour in the action of the Bor. ^f' ::rn,•,C-�.":N:
rrnnia x:^r.11 i' i' ':o open th•; cart side of .:1i. 1
ro^ x • ,;:;',... on tee cull of the roll: 7
to concur in Che :cc!;1on c:” Soar:
r�ffic Uffirer
,.. _. .,_ ,. ,,. .:. to place ...,,!•..: 'icor at
., s... ..__ f 'n' ...... .. ........ '1: !7t,""n ul. ;+'1.lf:i of
:'i•. ,. t.t:;:, `, i tion ".•a-1
ca??, of
... .._ . .:,:.. i:: ,.�r,:1Gn .,•' .. jtCr rr3 of
A the .: � `: n=.",.iitteu, _:. p^.:YCr' to a,!. , ..:P eft. J-
_rl ,oxrpany .ezpr:i,.. -act 4. ,
Proceedings of ;_---------City of Paducah,mwar -7,—_..--192. 4
r-' ea• Brooks offered motion to concur in tho action of the Board of
i h )ptin•, the report or the Relief Committee in regard to assossinr t -.-to
^.00 of the Crystal Ice Cream Company, Tax Bill 1io. 886. .,doptod ort
_ roll: Yeas (6).
.Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
u'^lie in con:•.. ,in^, in the report of the Relief Committeo regardini, the public Crater fountains
tc r
?o•.rnt=Ina. in tae C1%,. :.loptcd on the call of the roll: Yeas (6).
Same offcrod :::otion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
a in r,farrin- to the Judiciary Committee in collecting, full amotuit of Inorovemont .'arrant
n7lino, tno estate of i<rs. Ella Puryear, deceased. ndopted on the call of the roll:
seas (6).
3arc offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
in concurrin- in t•'_o report of the Relief Committee in regard to reducing the assessed
valuation of personal property of the Gus 'Edwards ;Iotor Sales Company £rola}5500.00 to
:1_0:0.00. _adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas (6).
i'en'bor Boyd offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
r ..ith waor to act,
in Ccunalmen in reforrin3 to the Boss of Public l:orks,/the matter of removing water
3tctin at 3r1 t. Bro.3:•ray, and placing automatic stops or regulators on all other
fountains. ..:loptod on the call of the roll: Yeas (6).
'lama offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
in ianrrin^ in the recommendation of the Cit, Solicitor in not allowing the Tttcicer
::anufacttirirn, Company, exemption from City taxes, and instructing; the City
leiter to hrinr in an ordinance to cover suggestions outlined. Adopted on the call
of t"iF. roll: Yeas (6).
;.Somber Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Cov^c;l`or: in receivin- .,n,i filing the colsrnmication from the City Solicitor in regard
to or:_::7:::o-7 conter-clate the appropriation of money. Adopted on the call of the
::n'lar offorod Lotion that the Board so into Joint 3ossion,
tic' r,` r-^' -hlof of Police and concur in any othor business that: may come
or. ..:c call of the roll: Ycas (6).
roecsced a: 8:45 to meet in Joint Session.
at 9:0q otcl-k and on motion mooting, adjourned.
At r gulag meeting to . "held oy the Board of dl'lernen In tho City
lis.li, in t.3:� City of Fulu:ah, Yy., vapte-b-ar the 7th, 1025, the Clork callod the Board
to crier, ani ag tn'era bLs rig} qu'.ra= p.^03ent, the Boar'I on motion adjourned until
=aptettoor ti:N 8th, 1'-.25, at 7:30 P. M.
t :s �.� fit. -�. ir't.:<�... '`it'`✓