HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 206, July 20, 1925No.___P Proceedings of of Paducah__ JULY--2o,--l"5, 192__ At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen hold on the Third Floor of the City Ball, in the City of Paducah, Ky., July the 20th, 1925, the Clark called the meeting to order. Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Dunbar and Yopp.(5). In the absence of President Hannin, Member Dunbar .,;as chosen President Pro Tern. Minutes of the Previous meeting, of July the 6th, 1925, were adopted as read. Member Choate offered motion to adopt a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION Ra elut3o^. r, 1..7•PrI1ZG THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RiILROAD COMPANY FR0M THE PAY1,1ENT OF WILDING TAX AND ' 3JILDING LICENSE ON IiE71 SHOP BUILDINGS TO BE ERECTED IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY." Adopted call of the roll: Yeas (5). Member Choate read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE COYS'r:itCTION vc' CONCRETE SIDE':'i: LKS, CURBS AND GUTTLRS, TOGETHER :7ITH ALL NECESSARY Ii0LIR S, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DRIVEi',AY3 AAD 307ER PIPE CONNECTIONS, ON BOTH SID1dS Rescl:+lion ' ConeOF GRE:,.R AV':. ' ;UE FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY . t ri'IF.a~' o _ c _1 011 Ci'' 11TH STREET IN THE CITY OF PALUCAH KENTUCKY III ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAIIS ..e. on a a a C'reer Gve. *.';D P,I.CIFICATIONS PROVIDED TRE?BFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF PADUCAH, AT THE COST OF Til_ ,',51iT ING PROPERTY O':NERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH COST MAY BE PAID UNDER THE 10 i Y' Al? PAY:.F';T PL.i,N." i On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: XXXXXX4 Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Dunbar and Yopp. (5). On motion the rules were suspended and resolAtlonread by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5). On notion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yens (5). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTI0N PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE "I E"+ALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER '7ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTA1,E5, BANNS, DRIVE.'!AYS, AND SE: ER PIPE CONNECTIONS, ON BOTH SID;; S OF FLOURNOY STREi T, OPERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET TO THE "LEST PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STRF, T, KENTUCKY, IN ACCORDANCE' ':7ITH THE PLANS AIID SPECIFIC,\TIONS r'70INi+ER OF PADUCAH, AT THP; COST OF TAIL e3UTTING PROPERTY AND P'071ID11:; :,'UCH CO T'.3+1Y B'•: PAID UNDER TH!i 10 YEAR PAYMi;11T PLAN." on -otion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: :.­�ck3, Choato, Unbar and Yopp• (5). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution road by title upon the ^all of the roll: yea3 (5). On notion a,co Was given second and final passage ixpon the call of the roll: ""ms (5). lam'? offr'•rw: notion to refer to t o :itrc'a Cor:":Sttoe and Board of R:hlir. the ^.c .;r.!aat!cn from tra Board of Public '•or:cs, renarlin^ ttln complaints of removal of erase: fov...jlna.rx cthfl call of L::9 :•ella . Yas (;i). ap d %a o."ferfl•i c:oLion tc :^eceive and file the corranlcation Prom tho Boar•i of !`�. r. t•�: 1: TOr;;3 i3 t'^. ..i L'. .n �,. .r.3 :'cr V ro,:L 3. Ai,, +tfl: t 1 0:: the rail of is+, roil: ',teas (5). .:a_:,e ,rI•�,r�,:._..!rs to x'9C917P. an! file 3o-e:rxnicatlon fro' the TRo,ir'I of :A :1 c ,r,:•Opevt: sa on Pinlr,y ILi'c,:t !Aatuoen lett: °ar:.. eff«re'1 _etion tr, ar.t!en of the P,oar:t of Ccuncila<;n rlt ai 1 i!!L of tht Fi:`a elf pa PL^..C'lt3 CRr. . •. •__ •. ..:!Cin. :,.&t .ie ^.!'19f. '. YC.L!:1'.3 :;e on 1?he k'roceedings of__-0,-nnr. _,nONErzlr. City of Paducah JULY- 20,_192a. 192 'flame off:red motion to concur In u rr action of tho Hoard of in al lr_,ima tone: ins.trnat lu,i :jl •,t ,a.e 1st, 1920, in tl:e amount of as per mrs :.nr'3 :t. lont99 on the call of the ..Oil; Yea.n (5). ;'annin C%c:-! into r:.e 7tinti. -v^3 lOfi'r P^,l :.Oti On .0 conmar In tno aotiCn of ..:n :;O,trd of rin� ,a.. :?ifr t::, ce ,ur.fcatior. Pro m t' n ?i ayor in regard to .. "an! to Carr 0'1: street irn:^O7ar.^'ata, rag per or:iinances t';:t iaased., ^.i5 -r«.: c- .�s- '.:li of tht roll. Yeas (Fi). Same offered motion that contractor on the sewer at 18th and 3roadway and 19th and Jefferson be instructed to do that work first. In doing so it will p :. -.sn 18th. & ,;ray, and help to keep Bradshaw Creek cleaner and loss filfth will accumulate in same. 19th E- Je:'f. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (5). Same offered motion that bids be otained to repair boiler at Riverside Riversile Hos-ftal. Hospital according to Inspector of Boilers report. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). I'lember Yopp offered motion that the City Engineer be instructed to S; -R Laterals leave out sewer laterals as specified in letter from 0, T. Dunn, Assistant Engineer I. v. i.. Co. of the Illinois Central R. R. Co. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Member Dunbar offered motion that condemnation proceedings be started _ .t of way at once to obtain right of way on Kentucky Avenue between 17th and 18th Streets, street �noses on for street purposes. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'teas (5). ave. Same offered motion that bids be obtained to install heating plant Heatin:• Plant Nurses''nome. at Nurse's Home at 524 N. 4th Street, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5), Same offered motion that the City Solicitor, City Engineer and Seaer laterals President of the Board of Public 9lorks be appointed as a Committee of three to and water n:air.s. obtain right of way for all sewer laterals and water mains now to be placed in the City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Idember Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in receiving add filing the City P.ddltor's report of the cost of Coat o^oruti^.r operating the street arc li3hts for the past year, under contract with the Paducah Electric Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoaa (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Goi-lie Butler. Councilmen in receiving and filing garnishee served on the Mayor against Goldie Butler. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ycas (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ds City Councilmen in reflerring to the Board of Public Works, the order served on the ldayor nrocerty. by the Board of Health to have weeds cut from City property at 19th 3troct between Broadway and Jefferson. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of iaoyd Gear -Ir.. Councilmen in appointing a Committee to investigate the purchasing; of property from Lloyd Gourin for extending Clark Street from 21st to 24th Street. Adopted on t"ac call of the roll: Yeas (5). amc offered cation to concur in the action of the Board of Fire plws^. Councilmen in dnai;nating the, Fire Chief to locate nov fire plugs for the :rarer cccnsny on new ::air.a to be con3trur_ted. :adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas 5. Memfnr Yopp off,;red notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councihaen in allowing tine following,: Yancey .°c Johnson, Contract 6, ,"57.75: Katt.,rjohn, Jr., Contracct :;o. 7, 'U0.:2; G. ... Robinson c& Co., Contract 1 7` ..�. '.1cntcd or, the call of the roll: Yeas (5). 'flame off:red motion to concur In u rr action of tho Hoard of in al lr_,ima tone: ins.trnat lu,i :jl •,t ,a.e 1st, 1920, in tl:e amount of as per mrs :.nr'3 :t. lont99 on the call of the ..Oil; Yea.n (5). ;'annin C%c:-! into r:.e 7tinti. -v^3 lOfi'r P^,l :.Oti On .0 conmar In tno aotiCn of ..:n :;O,trd of rin� ,a.. :?ifr t::, ce ,ur.fcatior. Pro m t' n ?i ayor in regard to .. "an! to Carr 0'1: street irn:^O7ar.^'ata, rag per or:iinances t';:t iaased., ^.i5 -r«.: c- .�s- '.:li of tht roll. Yeas (Fi). No. — 208.- Proceedings of of Paducah_._ g4x_2o,_.� ___ 92 5. Sa^ae offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in nutting dog catcher back on duty to carry out the instructions of the Board of Health as recommended by the ::ayor. >dooted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). t:cmbeb Choateoffered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen :int, in a Committee being appointed to investigate and report on the installing of the '�n'�• gasoline tank, with the vie;•r of cutting down the use and pride of gas. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). :'ember Yoop offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referring, to the eater Committee, with power to act, the communication of the Mayor ardinS leaky plumbing in City buildings. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). p!wnbina City Bldgs. Sate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in i -,•: 1`o]' ,r. t allo-ging the following: Claims..... 411334.43; Pay rolls........ 3,7820.58, less weekly i nay roll of street department for labor and traffic signals, charged to contingent fund, •1372.45. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to'coecur in the.aetton:.of the Board of Councilmen in ssivnale referring to the Finance Committee, the weekly pay roll of the street department for _rna..a. labor on traffic signals, in the amount of $372.45. Adopted on the call of the roll: ?ens (6). !:ember Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referring; to the Board of Public works and City Engineer, with power to act, the matter of putting drain pipe across Elizabeth Street. Adopted on tho call of the roll; Yeas (6). ]a-ne offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen f', in referring to the Police & Fire Committee, with power to act, the matter of the /::.. V. Fire Chief's car being used for fire purposes only. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yena (6). net%ber ehoate read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THF, LOC:^_IO:J Oc CITY D;L:PIIIG GROUNDS 3f T}li� CITY BOARD OF HEALTH AND PROHI'bITITIG THE DUMPING 1.' 71.77 0' DRY 1:.1BAGE IN THE CITY OF PaDUC::H, KENTUCKY; AND PRESCRIBING ,n ... .-'.'Y FCS ]i]Y 7:i0L.,.71011 HiiR 01�." On Motion s%me was given first pasaa!;c upon the call of the x•oll: Yeas (6) Or1 motion the rulos aorc suspended and ordinance road by title upon the Call of :}c0 roll: Ye v (G). On :notion of .:r. -;e, ,va-C was riven second and final passaro upon the call Of :he 1`01-1: Yenn (C). a, resolution entitled "A ... .!:,i;'rOIJ dJ?HORIL,IN; AND DI'2r:CPIar; _ :'Lj CI' "i? C',ry 0}1' n° . r'; .}i, ...:ITUC;;i', TO BO:R[30'. IS10U:i^, ,000.00, 1 r.,-") TO 1,1,XET TIC.-, NEFDS 7, .li a) v.f. •CU P,: iJ0'!' OAR ;IO'iE•S ^It .iii: `'01J O:JQ.' ...-:'.' _.•;nt,ed Gn the Cirll Of }i.: r!iil: Yrutc (6). •:, I�.''•. i'', 1 C.Oti OII t0 :•^.ei .,, :1`,'.i :•._ , rjot j Ori ai,iGpt^.xd by the l Be(..,.! Gf_ r ami y 0, supply a_i t_ns be re -1«e1` od h; ern: t;rocerafa( ed by t}:1`. �e;j. ..:.1`.ee with the un•iers•.a Alin:- that as ::: will pe rip;,rove(i for necosnitiea only. Ado •. •.1 e:; ..: 1`.51» Gf re).l9 (6). .�.. !lff .re:: i?G',ien ...::iC ;iJ CIt7 :.jt'!!nehr G« rec,p_vca f1`,- �i"p 4i7Gj!9.. new 'v!'.:: $ LC until :?St vt.r, v3 h'! ;'aa fill :C , ,.. ... Oa;t 1:5 .... rgas. f O. Inin year. tdc-tej Cr, .:e coli o: •:r.•. :ci.. 'tc3:i S. { r, member Boy! rend eri o^ iir..:.,:r, er,ti AU.--' ? :+ .; .. e rti `V 41FS H .: S:%, _ . �,.._ >T, 1103'IOli OF ?'ij:..: No. 209. Proceedings of_BO.,R� OF ALDIaWU: __City of Paducah_ _JULY z0,_ 925._ FKUIT STANDS, 0V, OTIIE13 PU'?PO3:i :;PriOVED 3Y THE BOARD OI' HEALTH. On t:otion of same, same vras „Ivan first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (6). On motion the rules vrerc suspended and ordinance read by %itle upon the call of the roll: Yeas (G). On motion of same, same was given second and final passarc upon the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Member Yopp was appointed Chairman of the Public Improvement Committee in place of Member Boyd. Member Danbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Chas. L.Flor:ers. Councilmen in ratifying the deed for vrest half of lot: no. 29, Block 14, Oak Grove Cemetery, New Addition, from Arthur L. Dann to Charles L. Flowers. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in ratifying the deed for south half of lot No. 9, Block 47, Oak F. i1. }1etzler. Grove Cematery, from Herman Ackerman, Administrator for Clara B. Krooss, to F. 1I. Metzler. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of .'sport Sexton Councilmen in receiving and filing the report- of the Sexton of Oak Grove Cemetery On;, ;rove Cenec^_ry• for the first six months of 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ;?enort of Councilmen in receiving and filing report of Riverside Hospital for June 1925. Riversiie Hosnitall Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Member Boyd offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Street lights of Councilmen in referring to the Light & "later Committee, petition from citizens on ::orth 10ti: asking for tyro lights to be placed on Horth 10th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board ar'.:v•lisr•of Councilmen in authorizing the City Engineer to bring in a resolution for the, lora -nd gni-line :xn,l .r;:vcling of Flora Street from Bridge •;trout to Morten Street; Hendrick :tract from Flora ;treat to the east lino of Husbands and Jarrett Addition. AdontoI on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). I1ays (1). Member Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the i:ou:•i of Co,: -:oilmen in reducing, the assessed valuation of A. C. Nanny on Tax Bill A. :. ...•.,,. oars .:.rr. ,. „_ ,.,_.,, to ,.,O.CO. `rlopi;md e .:' call of the roll: Yeas (G). Member Yopp offered t:otion to concur in the action of the Board ,f Ccvnaleir.r: inrofur.ling, I.50 Poll Tax to Alvia Caldwell on Tax 13111 1.o. 4558. A tented cn t1le -sill of the roll: Y,!un (G). "a.'s•e offere:!1 motion to concur in the action of the Boarl of Ire t;rec-. Cc:,Aeilm, n iinreferrtnr to th• City .'olieitor, Tax Bill No. 0£36 of tin Cmstal :oryatel Ice Crt•sm Company. Alopted on t:,^ nil of the roll: Ycan (6). llexter nyl rffcre.d r-:otiori :o rnri:r to the Ctty assessor, the, ^13. Co�pl in: of a. ;. 3�ar:s :;ardinleis 192b Yur. anaeaw%vnt. :diioutad on the call cr 7 F•'.'...: (;ho4te: Gra-re:d r.ottrn ?.o cmicur in th. Untie, of ttt<- E'Onrd . Bator, tuc :all :1G. 1S3:, of „very Grctn. .. •... G°T'•,.�•.. no"o+n to con,,ur in F1atI ,f ... r?ovrd of _. .. .' , ".."� pf.' .:'.; .:..:-. ., �, f. :'CVs Proceedings of of Paducah __._ _,zui y 20.,__ ------1925, Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in " 'T rrinr to rhe Board of Public aiorks, a petition from citizens living on l:cycra 6treet, Farley 6troet and Clements Street, asking relief from dust of streets. Adopted' on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in :q ei requesting the Board of Public Works to instruct the Chain Gang to out woods off of . - rertc. Cit;; property, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in r-z!ceivirn and filing communication from the Board of Health regarding enforcement of Do F'•uzzling Ordinance. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referring to the Sesser Committee, the communication from the Board of Health, srding the stagnant pools and low swampy places in the vicinity of Jefferson St., Hentucky Avenue and Broadtiray, between 17th and 25th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Saxe offered motion to concur in the action 62 the Board of Councilmen in _east on referring to the Board of Public '.Forks, a petition from citizens residing on South 4 4th Street, asking; for relief from dust on street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). I:ember Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to the Board of Public 7-orks and City Engineer advising cost of placing calcium chloride on streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). I`.ember 9hoate offered motion to receive and file the communication from ". Drs. D. s, and Ruby Faxon, asking for a refund on 1925 license. Adonted on the call of thq roll: Yeas (6). On motion meeting adjourned. A%® fed �� tl�. L2OVFyU Lk . _.._. Yrrviiruf /i,ni nl n7 .i+,Itrmnn.