HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 19, February 4, 1924No.
.t n re—,;3Fir meatin,7 of the Poard Y" :.),I ornai hold it Vie Oolmai3
in tte Cit;- ')r"], 1 *ort,1c:,.—. `nbrimr- 4t), 1924 -.lith ]refiHort
::-r Y.ed,— I residiy.-, sr I ul-or the call o-' the roll the follo-iirm- ars-fer,.Yl to
their Y.nmes: -31istor, ;.zhor-ift., Rrook.,, Cool.,nn, Cole, .Aiokn,
Yory, (E)
or., motion. of member Coahray: tho mirmton of the ! rovious mmotiz
-loitod read as co:rectel. Yl on call ol'the roll, 6.
motior. of -mmc tlie oommuni anti on from the !n -or callir.- R.join-t -petiz.7
o-;' iez.ara2 Council was received ax -I filed. Yeas a.
:opibor -'.iolzo offeredt)-e follo Anq motion: bat the recom-qlAntioy-
for sllo*;ar.ce intde b,,? the Joint I , iraroe Uommi ttee o -al!-ro33s of the To23o.-Amr
I epirtmer.to:
ire Dopartment
Police Dopartmort 3580.94
-r.plo,.-Gs 57.50
--les 37.50
;. ]. 300.00
le Uosrital (Y;izr:� ' es) :i75.74
Servants 224.70
Cometor., 202.60
ive Derartmert 334.00
'Lve ler xtraent 992.60
PA of rnializntion 272.50
mer -artmn'nt 283.66
3 22.30
TDet House 50.00
Forrd cf Tizblic dorks 20,85
7,j r Doyqrtmer. t 752.14
trect Doy-artmey.t 498.25
-T.Plire--rli P- f� 7. 50
-i-Tirefirlyr- 4ork 75.00
!:nr;'Gt'' S7.75
..tee 1, 2 - � r t £3.50
Cit.- i citor (-,oscon --eed) 710.00
:',rd J! -t-ict 559.32
and 'rofunuror -uthori,:od illor. I,re! -Ir 'IIrrlylt toV,, -
th' 1. Jr.. 1-dop to,' in or c" -]1, ^f .be roll b -
Z' -I th^ fol I) -iir!' motion: h -t in 1^s'or
ommittoc OT :;,j 1, i ("n t'O '01 2071T!e
w.-_ l 1u.77
No. " 0'
City af.,Pndueah _192�
o 'Tor od th 3 f o I 10 'JI motion: -;nt thn reoar'i)l 1,Lt.
of thA h1
:ttee -a11oruoc 0.,
0 1 t' -.O c! orfteml to Ara'7 -vrrlrt On :1vort!'m-ror Vlvlr 1 ^ t roqrno-
tive ji,�) :rtr•i!.ts for v;hom PN1 PY 1"t"res -70ri r -de,
17, 1.t WE . 00
6trent Del ittment 5.00
- - G G 3
4f3.00.1i r n 4f3:
-,o tel
tea n., or. . ell o ' the roll I).— the fo'loi I.Y. rvo tdcr: Yqr.,_,, 7',)ryeAl*
shcesA' t, 5rooks, -)ohrax, Cole, ar-I ':Opp 6.
2h,%t tliq act loy; of the 2rwao-
o&irel the foa2o7ir;T TrotJ rll:
rer i ii.- !Qboc c2^` -ms of '.'iob.7rt !"ol'rrn, r --.,,l 7m.z -urror Ir the S,010 ,rt of
or. th -i com,3ter-,- .,extor.'n house, Fmthorilo,l 1,.* both Boprdg'
1 1 t .1, past be vitified ..YJ 'l -B of rl: be nutliori-:91 to 046.9
:q;n,.ror 'b r 9ctLve "m olu-ts. sAor.ted ul-or call of the roll b-•
"1:0 �0` 70 dr.? votes: 'leas. :'eared,,, -histo):, ,rhc--.,aft , -Fnoohl' . 30dbr,ly ,
motLoz- of '.er.ber that th-) roiart of the Trorgi-or of 3011ectlors e
-,,Yi Olio -r) .".t., main ,Itlh'i%:no.- Az Johnson's cortract for nurb
!A ted b,- the Cornmi!,.;ionnrq P.rA ]-ublinhod on Jnm," 'rd be
- l
th f'reasurer be authorized to to lrr.c.-jrj Johnson
tl,:e )r1n_, qw _71 ir. 1,j t1v, iroi Art: onrers it the wonr.t of r6,1 .6,' loss
�or--ninidorors, or, -)F)Oorrllpr ?-I. 1993; that
e :1;n C11:1 !,;I Of t110 ar-1 or I,.
Lilly, ir.
f 0 11 vo G.,3: Qlii�. 1 0 1::, -.l 1
"hF1 t t ro I o.*
4 b,
to exeauta eavi ly. to-mriaz ie v"t% ? ) t i I C rz: 11 '!R?e:
`ts 1 YO!T P-
t or.
Couiiiiis.sioners',::-Proceedings; -City':of,-.P-adtiew.li.,< '_4 192
embir i m: L i as th fo 'I-) 7131? Tlotlor,: 1,1 -It the !a t 10 r. 0 -110 701r.t='irnr40
z t p 0 13- 1, e a o I i1.•. f0^ 1 ^1.- -.o Tj t C1^ I r. r, of -'fl n a 77 7071112011 in tll.,) nmir tzi of
53 all
1 .:120.73 for n-,, conntrllctloll these Pnolll�tn b(,ir, tno !i—rwrite f 097
uessr-,.qrt4 mode t1nn cit;- b.- the ;`Xmipoerin- the Cit,"S
3co!.ortior or Purb ara mittor ':cork, be rriti"rioI firl tiiit t,,- T reamir-ir I)-,
r nictior. ••'10? tt^.71yor will
i,- imme out o f tl-.,, -iorj,!rf'l �'llri On! -13 - 1iq oorct
of the rollb t' ,, 4.'o130Ar-r ,":)tes; Ya". "-nohs'
lochr9i , jo3o, -Ilhhe ryd Yorp F.
(IT motior. of riombor Yorr th,-) roiort of thic C'hinf of re-
asived aid filed.
rember '�oohr%Y. offerod the follo711.^ motion: ,at thn rflhrtir njjob t
icer, a com--ittee of t7o to 9021 the rnotoro,,701e of the relics
dejurtmint for th-'i yrice of Y100.00, m4 an ol'I foil oar for That the;, cav -Ot for it.
_'-loi ted iiron the o031 of the roll b- the follo vir,7 voten: YasF:. z-3 i ston,
�Lr Yoj�r F
Coobrzir, Cole, --�ioke
-shorRft offers. -I the fol30-7inpr' mo'tior.:. To ifnr t0 tl-B, 'Flablic lm-
proverrrent Comrnittee the matter of,c3epjiin4 ard r;lorin- tlie.Chinf of 1 olicelp office
i th 3, o er. to Pat. -torted or, call of the roll bthe fo2lo'7in� votes: ;'grre37-,
--Ili ctor:, shorift, Prookq, ocbren Cole, 'tial:o nxd Yopp F.
^1' motion of 'n017ber gooks t'-) re.;!-r'.tlor of
hq ap"el
3d:y the tadI-or.1 ra2carpl. -1c, tn.1
or, epil o7 th^ roll --clas, F.
!'emb )r 0rfor')?. the fol I o vino motion: -•71o:7 Chief of I o 11 so to em-
11o.- lather''Tris to tahl theIIvco of renimed. --dontel u),orl o-13 of
t` o roll b.-- thl fo3l,3,-dr* votes-. z-11iqtor., :..qhnft, Brooks, flolirar,
_01e, vdeko rZ.l YOPP, F.
"finber "rooks ol'4nral th.i fol)oiirL! motior: i , b -it t,,(, bmil of 7.
I I or , ur. Inr co, -.T,, f- 1 1 or form o " -,ovorrrinn t, 1),� 10 .1-�,iod . ♦"A q, tod ill or cA I of
he roll n :11 votas: Yopm. 7m rnl, 'I I i:,tnt , .shor,�ft , Brmkn,
or ror"d tho fo120.,!i.:T h'It '^C• ui�iy ',' tion
r, 0 113 0 7 0-! i t t oe 1;, r 0 co i >3 101, ii 1 ;:u a1: r ol i r
n. 2 roll r, r, el- 1 i ct o, c-. :ft, Aro ns 1k. "o n'r r^r
1 o 1 r t I o r ,%qt
i j410FJ15.75 bn '17'jo -.11 '!"'j ".r.. .,'j
r.--) t)i,j rd
ior E. i 1 thp roll Ynnw. r 1; n
r I ol i 00
r 1,
No. _ 'lav
i Co:mmissioners'" Proceesiings, •City: n£::acueah . f - .192 4r.
. .': � 4# t.i 1 � ..�'� � �i � � � � x Jl i..e6' A e h �' 1a � �1! .i^..xe' ,`.s/ - �'v�t .fF• �� `' -"�"C� �.• .
Asa 'aaxws
:i otion tem o07 rur.icati.on from the BQrrd of }ublic +orks in regard to rncoi rl
�_,,,-x`•�' � _.,9, > > ,.., 1>7r4h^spa o'S ^_r:oti:er trr•etor ^.vil mr^alar fa- the litreet Dep—xtmera r^s received
LuzT1� _: l .:1al=•iQl`tol on call of the roll by, the follo.Ar.r- votes: 1:er7ed n7113ton, ( i
t, -,?rooks, Cochran, Zole, Riche an, Yopr. (P)
..-•.Co.^,hrnr offnril the 10'.10::17.? motion; that the recom-,er'datien of the
ne`.ri of :ubli; .:nrl:s ct.i the joint light and -.r ter committee rQ-7,in- ttoinc into e j
car.tractrit'r. t'`:c Tear. c^h -%190trio tompaa;- to ltcht the :Ttreot:> of tie cit;- hn re -
Farrel b•'_c;: to the Joir.t ^.tor -,m isht ^.ommittee, Bo^ -rd of lublio '+orks ernl Cid-
-alicitor t, brir:a in the contract at next rem:;lar meotinrc for acom•ttr.ce or rejectio .
r.ix tel w or o-13 of the roll. Year. :'mored'-, +-11istor, :..;rev ft, }ir Onho, (Toch'' -7"^,
moi•:, ::ie:e aril -:Ojr- (6)
beg Cole o' fere) the follo :in? motion: ghat tie Cemmtor:- Oor.<mi tton be
'( '+ '•'-"'� �'yA'"' 2 ir. .'tr;7O tell LJ 1'nrcha3e 199 stone mrkors from th- 1 *_'lizoah :,ranite :'nrbl e sn.l :;tm,e
Ja. at bice of X197.50. - •lo}ted Al on c•^ll of the roll b.- the folloainr votes:
etTe9; :li.ton, '•shcrr.ft, Brooks, ;ochr- z , Cole, Ricke and Yopp (6)
-r .;;hsan offered the follorin t motior•: -'hat the resolution n_sl:ir.,r
relic_ o- 7. ..^r.aor.s in hard to a 'louble as:.essmaxt of I rot'mrt;• eenessel to hi.
hn -roferrel to the relief covmittee, as lost upon call of the roll b;- the follo^11
It'. Coteo: 'r gad;-, -:-istor, Cole,-'-ioke rid Yepp.(5) "e^s.=is^herr.ft,
':rd Coc r =r (3) f
mb-ir 'ole ofrmr:l the folio l-:- rosolutior: 'rharer_s 2a:= bill 170.• Brill
IQ 7 t o A'Jfl M-1,10 oUL 1] ..t. . ..: arron:i, .7ihetl in tr'u'th t}:e T'mal o3Mte th4-
�E.�i( i
b: ..'"'. .. 'ar:7Q7i,3 ^. ]'.l ,
^" .. .. .. .'J7 is _: Ir' -.... ^::::0:1 on.ill 1-:•01-mrt; ir. he1• Q -.1 91,1
.- -, lrm lam- � - �-r 1. i *lP h.,. 1 . .•nh^ Cli ti`e-••i ':m� �.
1 1 to
{ i
'•cG; .CiR urm:�
b 3
ommissioner�'::;ProEetlrng�; C7t ii1-Pailiicaii': f �� �f `� 192 5�
i'orbrr 'polo mal e the folio tir.. ^0ti0r.;-1:^t tiia �rl�i•cnoe Cor-Atte be
instraoted'to brine in nn ordirnl.co rogoir1r.^ '::11 Balt P..rl ocrea] bovnraees"
r1aCe5 or h•.a•it els 3I,d pool roor'is be 7Oe Tirol t0 romove all. Obsollre r'1£ss, i'
titlors, c::. -Jr*, Or "n;' Other Obutri Ctior q t1:^t :?ill Obst-list the) r'ln in 7ie7
from t1p Oritside O; ht;illi to rear Of 1`1lili1r:,, vrlor i`^.r ^.1 t" 0 '2.;.00 i• r la-,
for each da:' lapid ] rohriotcr rnf7;sos to ca^.] 17' 7i th .n.11 orl ir'\rec.
ted uror. 0,111 of roll. leas (F)
r•�11 ar 001e7 0i'fnr^.l tl:o ro"o.vir^ mo tior: that *.1rn 0• � i.r^sae ^orri ttne be
to bei: r it. ar o^1;.rarcr, rofnrir•- to rnre'a li .-r :e., 0r nr n,
11 Cer 00 "or ^_ ter.] O:" t irrep mor the i: nr• 1` it GO';�C '11 •:PO • i-.l � l .. `i .+�' !'" :.
beer re"Ohol or. a0-r Otli.t of IT: 1:11.1 cit' or "l,l O1'.
.lel ted ;lion eail of the roll VnFtc- (F)
IPit notioi; of'roru•:�r Co=hr.71? th,o 0ot.ioi of'a:.e courcil .mss corcu:-red in
ir. rer-ore] t0 the -•'revtourer heir^ ,^.tit%1ori::el t0 trnr,ofer fr,1l'1 the t irile ier0 ni t5
��./'�"^��J�',,�,..• it b, h_.: :r.d ilacel t0 the :r edit of Lie sed )t ,riot .'ural, chrrc;:irr aocOur t
,000.00 to * n17 cl'iims ar al10'7ed b;• thss M. ^t ir.r. -Iol tel uror c'•sll Of tIe
ro11. ;e^;, r,;.:1-, :.]]Tutor., .c a:a t, projok, Co::rcr, Cole,-47!1:e aro Yo11• (r)
� r� C'r :"oti0r 0_ I'3rsbnr Uochrar, the commur.ior. tion iirocl .,.... rc.r-^ Combs-•
'or a resolution t0 mislend Oi•er`iti Cr.s Or .twin.: 11ro ^:iter fiioy cur tvicts
}1.1.-.;3 ti:U 3-r so,.-er cortract sha11 bo com.]'loted ir, orler to ascerteiir t*e ^tato
of fz;ra:; available, be pnfr.mvel. to the 7i0,_,a of ;1"1,1 10 Jorks, •+e•lnr n_l::l "Ir'rree
JOmrittee, cit;• Orr'ircrtr aid ; or . ith fnlll I,0"1or 0f not !or . =-,101 tni 111.011 call
n_ the roll h-• the vete.^,; "Fes, :.nrre9--, aillistor, ..niicrrft. ^rnark,
Coelzrar., Col n, = ici:o ?r.1 lope ' (F )
"r r o,Aor o'" rembor Cole tho action of t"a O0•,? oil .. .^.r'1 ., orrlpr
_.. ,.r'.e for the ior:r:1 0{' ::Ur:^li :r'ti.On to r'vre'h l:'t -.• r^`. ir'2 n:1 a .,i Or .. 71 Of the
rOl '1;; L.`? J''.l 7tr ?Ota 7: 3n^..•. i,•ir nl; ..11i +: •`Y', ...'}:?.."t, ^.•171::, n ^.
.:ern •:±, _oh r. (k) !
::'O ti Or. 'J chn, �`'r0-hr.r: the �joa11 Prt;c. :•a•i ,.t 7t;ex i.:% to '!0 Into j
..Io] tad ilror oall ;\' tlin 'l l.;— ,tn 'b1lo:'rr^ i!
L-, Brooku, r7ozh.^_7,' n, ;:a -.r? YolT (fI
ro"'.; \.lt J' i T n - it rn .rl t0
t l' .. :. •r . .. 1.0 I
IT l
41- __192.
_ -� � . ' `� E , •. �' �, .+• ,;' . y • �. Vii,/' 'i . t.✓ll"� � � f� �' .
r io:i o: ..P.7Cc
Cc fvnvji*i,- r the rirr.) lo:,omnrt of th c"•"icer
otI.? c I.t- c --o 2 e'. t over witil ro7-t meetir- —101'ted F.
^} �?!�:iimicatlori from the from the -IjILttior -jchool
or. malior. raccive-I r_nl -filed. 1:1-oli call of roll Yens. 8.
,r. motior, of I:orrbgr:ole tie action o-°,tIo oomic-13 in re•4nrl to tho re]ort
treasurer of oollectiox o, arl t(,,;. a p r I o ii �.-r e n m ir. t r. iT i e i r. o o T T ea V*'I I t h
s7.I johrsori' s contract for coner-to street nvoments or I*ororc 6troat. , ,3t
rt;* 31:'a of t) I ro],grt. 3i.rA
p of iilti P acon-tqi 1273 tlo Trons,irc
a=orir:eI "o I ei" to '.'a i A r F, Joh? SOT t"V) ^MOIIIT t Of r)," the 'T OlIr t, !"I!
I —.—t: 0",T,..rs -IA '113t Ionto-; be IriT.ted in the mo,u to o'r -.1,400.FG ari t",iji
-'rqasnrer be aiithori%erl to 9>acute same in n.c-ord%'.Yloo 'pith lvw. --<107 tad
of roll br tae f0120%7ii,.'r vot4s: ":>hc taft, Brooks, mooch
and vopp 8.
On motion t',l,, commurioation from ro�ard to tIr :'O".raoker
..t:, ''?`_'.I to Teerme =.reforrei to Uoint lloo!,ital ^2.-I Comi ttee.
07, 11 of roll F(2v.g e.
C,n notion the Bonrd adjourned Yons 8.