HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 163, March 2, 1925uo. 1e3,.
Proceedings of BG.'tiD or nLDSRHEN City of Paducah __!ARCx_2ND,1923. 192 I
At a meetin; of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third Floor of the City
Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, ;larch the 2nd, 1925, President liannin
Upon the call of the roll the following answorod to their names: Hannin,
Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (8).
motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
i:ember Rieke offered motion to receive and file the communication from the
Deputy Jailer
City Jailer requestinn_, the raise in salary for the Deputy Jailer and also for being
Cook at City Jail.
allowod a cook at the City Jail. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Mmeber Fannin 3ffered motion that the t:ayor and City Clerk be instructed
to transfer to the Park Board of the City of Paducah, a parcel of ground between j
Ground to Fart
10th and 12th Streets, and Flournoy and Burnett, to be used for Park purposes.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Member Choate offered motion to ratify the action of the Police &Fire
Committee in employing the following as extra men for the Police Department: Joe
Fitra police.
3hellmar., E. R. Hill, Charles Block, Joe Cook, J. V.I. Jackson„ Carl Tinsley,
Drow, Thomas KinJ. E. Hawkins and T. B. Smith. hdopted on the call of the roll:
Bro'8 C3, i
Yeas (7). Nays;jl).
_Same offered motion to grant the request of Chief of the Fire Department
inspectoarto be
to expoer the Fire Hazard Inspector to be Assistant 'Building and Electrical
.;set. Building &
Electrical Inspt.
Inspector, at no increase in salary. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Same offered motion to receive and file the February report of the Chief
RPcort of Firs
of the Fire Dopartment. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Member Boyd read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE CRTiATINO A BO'<RD OF
City Planning &
Zoning Commission-_.,: _ _.. �• : ., . �IFICATIONS, DUTIES ;'ND COMPENSATION OF THE 1I3:.?BE".S THEREOF."
On motion of sante, same was given first passaZ.e upon the call of the roll:
"lens: Ea;nir., Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (7). Nays: Cochran (1)
On motion of same the rules were suspondad and ordinance read by title
u;on the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Boyd, Brooke, Choate, Dunbar and Yopp.(6)•
Nayn: Cc^.?:ran and Rieke (2).
On notion of same, sante was given second and finnl passage upon the call
oP tro r° 11: teas: Hannin, 'Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Dunbar anal Yopp. (7). Naya:
-.':a (2).
c offir•�! r.o`.ion to install street .light at 12th Fc Jackson Stretita.
: • ,. , 12th &
.:,nq 3t8.Adopt'.
Oft `..^.. Coll O` .r, rOli. 7OA9 (6).
.acko read an orlinancc entl.tled ".,:1 O.tiP.J>;:� .._.._.. • _.". Pi.D
......CTS THF EeST '_,IG.. J
t1i 0'
t ,. ralcn xe:•e anapa:rlei and
.. :c:.., ;u. J :fir.;+l c•a:.a:zre ii; an 'ne
Proceedings of City of Paducah
!.'c:-ber Boyd offered motion to receive and file communication from the i_ayor
Tin : g r and to purchasinproperty behwuon Bronson an,1 Adams Strcots from T. A. Clark
property. f0:• the openin^ of 11th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Member Rieke offered .notion that the request of J. A. Dossett to build an
J....Dossett oil station on his premises at 12th & Kentucky Avenue, be not granted. Adopted on the
011 St•ttion
12th & Ky. call of t e. roll: yeas (8).
"ember Choate read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE PROVIDIIiG 1+OR THE
EXTRA 'YL9'f'-oNT A?!D `.IY O E�'.~.3^ S ICY OR E:, RA Y
On motion same was given third passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas:
:Tannin, Boyd, Choate, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (6). Nays: Brooks. and Cochran (2).
On motion of same the rules ;;ere suspended and ordinance read by title
upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Iiannin, Boyd, Choate, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp.(6).
`lays: Brooks and Cochran (2).
On motion of same, same was given fourth and final passage upon the call of
the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Boyd, Choate, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Hays: Brooks '
and Codman (2).
Member Aieke offered motion to concur in the action of :the Board of Councilmen
in allowing the f611lorring:
ray rolls. Pay Roll.............$9034.78
Claims. Claims ............... 776.65.
::donted on the call of the roll: Yeas : Hannin, Boyd, Choate, Dunbar, Rieke and V.pp(6).
'.;ays: Brooks and Cochran (2).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in
Sewer ""srd tO t^e City Solicitor being instructed to secure the Court of Appeals decision j
Or3lnlanc°a. or. t%e Ce'ser Lateral Ordinances, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
in decard to tae amity of Paducah deeding to I.:rs. Eva Sanders, L9t No. "1211, in Block
_. rs 'No. "14", Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (8).
r°9° Sawe offered c:otion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
-• `nn7
rt of ir, reeeivin- and M inr February report of the City Jailer. Adopted on tile call of the
1-7 Jailer.
roll: Ypat (B),
Membor Iiannin offered .notion that the matter of opening North 11th Street,
i':•ar. ,:•e";'•. to Palm .tr,�et, be referred to the :itreet Cdnuaittae, Board of Public
o:. :nrcir.,•er. hop :e%i on tier. call of the roll: Yeas (8) .
e£f•rad emotion that the mu ttor of opening Flournoy Street from 10th
t7 12:..?,.
'., .rrP:9 to the ::reef Committee, Board of Public tlorls and Cit;;
:r.•:er. ,r. call 01' tha roll, Yo. as (8).
Sr -=e off,;rei notion tnr,t Cnir_f of Pollee: :Ielson be instructed to bring;
'or. -Is for nes "
: 1 in Police court 't ,'. r,re ,rust due, at et coot not
„• e- ,''. !.,-r.,,? on t:<, call of :iii roll: yeas (9).
.. .:;v tC+ offere", -...tion t0 cone!lr In ,etlon ot, tr:'1 Houma of
•ane as o: of tis? Bora.: of Fi•,nry II:,i°. Ari.;',tf;d on tt.
!ao. ,
ljf roll:
947,e offered motion 'c ^,ncjr irs : ct:cn of t'r." ro•.:•1 aP +ounellr'�,n
,nJ^ of !:. ^rt Ct3t:.".. :a '1 �iil g^ tn! Jpt:.. moort of ,.:•, C.:iCf o2 YryiLCit. .i ,
.f of l ❑:] C:1',
.. , _ e, o: . a•, r+.i!: Yeas (8.
'!Osber Boli cff..r-., 1:
n 1
a: ;9.nr nrenue. Adapt -=d on the
No.- _.165.- – - _
Proceedings of_. _City of Paducah_ _L::3Ci1.2IiD,_1925_._ _ -.192
Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Councilmen in referring to the Public Improvement, Corfmittee, the comr.,unicatlon from
Police 8ourt
Judge ':. K. '.,all, in regard to repairing of the Police Court Room. Adopted on the
call of tie roll: 'teas (8).
i::ember Rieke offered motion to refer to the Police & Fire Committee the
Salary patrolmenmatter
of increasing the salary of the Patrolmen and Firomen; also Captains of both
& viremen.
also Captains
Departments. •dooted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
both dents.
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of councilmen
in receiving and filing the 1925 report of the Board of Equalization. Adopted on
Report of
Boars of=qualiza-the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen
in referring to the Board of Public I+orks the petition from citizens asking the City
Adams St.'
to purchase the lots necessary to extend Adams Street from 17th to 19th Streets.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Councilmen in referring to the Police & Fire Committee, and Market I.Iaster, with
power to act, the matter of the Police Department being; instructed to move express
Remove express
wagons from
wagons from Kentucky Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets. Lost upon the call of the
Ky. iwe. btw.
2nd & 3rd.
roll: Playa (8).
Same offered motion to refer to the Hospital, Sdwer and Sanitation
Garbage dispos- Committee, the matter of cancelling the garbage disposal contract with Henry i±artin.
ala contract
with :enry
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).
On motion meeting adjourned.
AllppTF_ 1izr /G 2r diP�O�T� t
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Prorkwa Board of AM—w-