HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 147, January 19, 1925No. 147. Proceedings Of.__BOARn or` _ALMM_rr __ City of Paducah__._, I: to:,HY 19,_1925. At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on January the 19th, 1925, President Hannin presided. Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (6). Member Rieke offered motion that the Treasurer be authorized Under::ood Type- to trade in old Underwood Typewriter worn out in service and purchaso a new writer trades in for Royal Type- Royal at a cost not to exceed $72.50. writer. Cost of new machine 102.50 Allowance on old machine 30.00 Tie t 72.50 192 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8j.. Same offered motion to concur in the request of J. B. Dycus for a J. B. Dycus, refund of :x9.90, poll taxes collected from him as recommended by the City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Choate offered motion to refer to the Board of Public Corks and Street Committee and City Engineer, the communication from C. W. Craig, Opening street to Secretary of the Paducah Board of Trade, in regard to opening a street to the Lancaster Parquet Floor_ng Company's Lancaster Parquet Flooring Uompany's plant on Palmer Street and Tipple track. plant- on Palmer Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). St. and Tipple track. Member Rieke offered motion to receive and file the communication from Mayor instructed the Mayor stating that he had instructed E. H. Cross to deliver to J. 17. nelson E. H. Cross to all paraphernalia belonging to the Police Department. Adopted on the call of the deliver to J. 71. Nelson parapher- roll: Yeas (8). nalia helonging to Police Department. Member Boyd offered motion to grant the request for filling station Filling station to be erected at 7th and Madison Streets, as recommended by the Public Improvement - 7th and Madison Sts. Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Rieke offered motion that the street oiling assessments amounting Street oiling a9sesst0 u4429.92 aid last menta be returned , P year, be returned to the property owners in the amount paid to property owners. by each. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Payroll and claima in allowing tae following: Payroll ........ ,6299.14; Claims .... y257.17. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Saxe offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in coneuring in the action of tha Treasurer in taking up and cancelling special :aurcr cancel strop,', lmprovement bonds and coupons, as per Treasurer's report. Adopted on the call of the roll: and eoupor:s. w e oCferod motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen rancey r, Jo ,neon. in autnorizing the Treasure; -to issue improvement warrants for x.9508.30 to Yancey & ' Contna't •"o• 6` Johnson on Contrast No. 6, 93 per _-neinecrin Estimate for work done: in December 1%r4. : ioptea or th•; call of the roll: Yeaa (6). :lame offered motion .o concur in the action of the Board of L;otuiellmen Gnsa?r�o Fun1. in allorcin, the er.;;e.ndi;are o: thY Caaniorfs Fund of 4186.08. .'adopted ont.he call of t::8 Milli.: -,a3 (a). s -e cfrered .-;otion to concur in thu uctlon of the boar,l of ,... .... n in no; "lowing the claim of Roane & ,;hittomos•e in the umount of $16.95 . a" t_.a ro11: 'eao d8). ! ^- cfferal =coon that th❑ i:ity eleru be withorized to employ an aa3i :',°int 3C :13319tari: to City $, 34:1-ry ::a; ' r Oyer 75.00 pe:Gfl':�, he to name tae aenistant, the I`l?r';• C'1- tn, taR b?iia $r.f any GC.":n:` Wflr:i C6iled. Upon CO do, which :aa t:.e tine. .:'tpt.: 0:-; t call of t e _;ll: Yeas ( EIOHT) No--1-40— Proceedings o...-1QB— Proceedings of __BC_aD_ACity of Paducah _ _a:.Nu,,;1Y_ls,_ ._ _ 192.5. Same offered motion to refer to the Public Improvement Committee, communication "cnina S: from the ,.ayor in regard to the City employing a Zoning and Planing Zngineor. Adopted Planinm Encineer. on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to refer to the City Engineer, Board of Public :corks and Street Committee, communication from the Mayor in regard to the Sixth Street and Sixth St. and Fourth Fourth Street Bridges. Adopted on the call of the roll : Yeas (8). Stre t Bri:ieea. Same offered motion to refer to the Board of Public '-7orks and Street Committee, communication from the Mayor in regard to opening of North 13th Street from Trimble to Oner.Inp N. 13ta St. Cairo goad; South 11th Street from Bronson to Adams Street; Clark from 21st to 25th from Trimble ko Cairo Street; and Jackson from 19th to 25th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: >•llth, Rala^k cksbn Sts.Yeas (8). t:ember Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen CityEngineer's report for in referring to the Board of Public ;,orks and Joint Street 6ommittee, the City Engineer's year 1924. report for the year 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen':in r" Robinson -'60 accepting the work on Contract No. 1 of G. W. Robinson & Company, as recommended by the Contract 1. Board of Public liorks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in Yancey & Johnson. referring to the Street Committee the communication from Yancey & Johnson in regard to their gravel street contract. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in accepting Contract No. 3 of G. :7. Katterjonn, Jr., as recommended by the Board of 7atter1ohn, Jr. Con- Public 'forks and Joint Street Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). tract ::0.3. Member Boyd offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen rite ••a•? in referring to the icht & hater Committee, the matter of a White :lay post being -oat' raved � _ moved from in front of Crayne-Sears Company, #128 S. 3rd Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Police & Fire CO--. Councilmen in authorizing the Police & Fire Committee to purchase one Standard to parchase .t: ie ba'xer Six Studebaker car. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Appiication in asendin:t the application blank for policemen to read "Applicant must not be blank for poli pct:n under 21 ,rears or over 50 years of age." adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). u—.,> nde d . Same offered mo%lon to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen ?e Ie a.31 rosa in receiving and filing eommr-inication from Cnief of Police in regard to releasing ^tY rom the Police Depart-ment, E. H. Cro3a, James :,alker, Joe Iverlott, Joe Green, `1 Green, George ash, :7alter Lncland, Borner 3111s, L. 0. Harris and John Franklin. Adopted ar the call of tre roll: Yeas (8). i. 13 3 Me,iner riieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard of Cocnciimen in r^..card to the ;oarl of 'Public •orks and Publin 'improvement Committee, beim, irstructed to inveat! aase,repart and reco-.::end purata3a of plat for City Park . A3anted an tn:- call o: tra roll: Yea3 (8). :rcn o!p -,, :;ra:. offered -.;o-ion that the Board of Public Works have a lot °•' Te Q of Iron rips that r�a3 Peer. t. remc.- l.ayin; on :etfer3on ;tru<:t, bor,uoen 1st and 2nd itre:otm, el. re-ovei. A•io.�jtei on t o c..11 o_' ti:e ro.l: Yeaa (8). lietccCr rieke off5r9.1 ..^.*tion to as :c ..r in the action or trip Board of ;.'Y1 s1 on, CO'.7:ci17,:n in regard to ref H:^in' to Printina, i•(fi*-:i tree anti City rurc.an31ng Agent, Ciry Oriin3::ces, tlat matter of revisir City .,r ii.a.::.;es. ,lopted w. call a: tr.e roll: Yeaa (8). No. 149. _---- Proceedings of___Ba savF AI naRr iia— City of Paducah ._J,0UN HY-19.TH,..1925.- -192 Son<l o£ Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen 71ade :carton, i. D. ?hlbe•, D.G.}'.itchellin regard to cancelling the bonds of the following: Wade Barton, S. D. Dalbey, Baxter Kuykendall, F.::.Orr and A. R. D. G. Mitchell, Baxter Kuykendall, F. M. Orr and A. R. Steele. Adopted on the call St•:Cie released. of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in deeding to L. B. Pryor, Lot No. "59", Block "4.", in New Addition, Oak Grove L. B. rryor. Cemetery, for the sum of 837.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). - Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Robert Thornton Councilmen in allowing Robert Thornton one half month's pay for his service as one-half ".Onthed month spay. Sargent -At -Arms for the General Council for the year 1924. Ado Y pied on the call of the roll: Yea3: Hannin, Boyd, Choate, Dunbar and Yopp. (5). Nays: Brooks, Cochran and Rieke (3). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Chief of Police's mar painted. in regard to instructing the Chief of Police to have his car painted black. Adopted on.the call of .the roll: Yeas (8). Member Boyd offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Street light at Councilmen in referring to the Light Committee the matter of placing a light at 25th & 1,v. Ave. 25th and Kentucky Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Lir-ht on i:eyer3 Street in front in referring to the Light Committee the matter of placing a light on Meyers Street of ri,ing.11ill & Lumber Co. in front of the King '.fill & Lumber Company's Plant. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). ::ember Choate offered the following: "BE IT RBSOLVnD BY THE GEIW.RriL CUU:iCIL 0? TiiE CITY 0': PnDUC. H, K! iNTUUKY: Number of Felice SECTION 1. "ent. not to exceed 20 in That the number of policemen, detectives and officers of the Police Depart-r.ent of said City shall not exceed twenty (20) in number, exclusive of the Cnief of Police of said Department. S :CTION 2. 3E I'_ FU :Tii:-:R R3SOLVED that in order to promote economy in the administration of the rolice Department, the Chief of Police is hereby directed to liamian from the service and discharge from said Departmont a sufficient number of pOlicemen, detectives anal officers of said department so that the number remaining a::all not exceed twenty one (21) including, the Chief of Police. ,:CYTO: 3. i�U';Tii-,st !?..: iJ33D that all extra e.on be dismissed first. hu% this reselurion "roll take effect from and after its adoption, a')Prova� and pub -'cation." On xOtion Ot' a:::•.e,an&e N1as i�iVpn third passa,?J upon the call of the rcli: Yeas: Hannin, Boyd, Cnante, Dunhar, Rif:ke and Yopp. (6). Nays: gooks :.r i Coch.^an (2j. '3n "etlon the raleawere ausprndell Upon the Cali Of tilt) 1.011: Yeas: aurniW, .`Oyd, ::Data, :.untar, f,icke ural 'Copp. (6). Maya: ilrooka anti Cochran (2). vn -c:ion ;:' s•,^:y, Har�9 waa ;ivcn fri.:^th unil :'inui paasace upon tha call of the roll: feas: 11an;;ir. Boyd, C houtc, :»;What, Rieke ani Yopp. (g), t3s9s: Broods ani ::oc.ran. ($) Proceedingsof.__ rari� .�1 T + z) Ciry of Paducah—.T4TIf_uARY_ls .r__.__-__ 192_z-. L'ember Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Resignation LeNoir Clark in accepting the resignation of Miss LeNoir Clark, as Superintendent of Riverside Supt. Riverside ciospital. Rospital, to take effect January the 19th, 1925, her salary to be paid to February the 1st, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in !disc Pauline an T;. roan Liss Pauline X. Brown as Superintendent of Riverside Hospital, to take effect Zupt. of Riverside January the 20th, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). }?ospital' came offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in the Audit books City Auditor being instructed to audit the books of Riverside Hospital. Adopted on the, Riverside Hospital. ca11 of the roll: Yeas (8). Summons and I.'ember Rieke offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the summons and Garnishee garnishee served on the City of Paducah in the cases of Robert Thornton J. E. hayson kobert , y , Thornton, the City of Yaducah, and the Yaducah 'Tater Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: , City of ys 9a can Rnd Yeas (8). ?a$ucan ;:a,.er Co. Same offered motion to refer to the Hospital and Sevier Committee communication Storm water ,yers on from the Mayor in regard to storm water sewers on Madison, Harrison and Clay Street from aard�son, Harrison & the River to 9th Street, and on Clark and Tennessee Streets from the river to 9th Street. Clay and Clark. Adopted 6n Vne call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in 7.'::.Little regard to refunding J. 1,1. Little $56.46, penalty on his tax bill for 1924. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays(8). Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referring to the Relief Committee,the communication of Mrs. J. M. Shippe —1ppe regarding penalty on 1924 tax. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays (8). L'ember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Levine in regard to allovring Levine Lamb ,750.00 to satisfy a judgment of the Court of Appeals, Lamb as recommended by the City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in B.HXoredock referring, to t'r_e City Solicitor, communication from B. H. Morodock, regarding his 1924 tax assessment. :',dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (B). 'Same offered motion to refer to the Street Committee the communication from :raffle "17ruln. the ''ayor regarding the purchasing of traffic signals. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoae. (8). ame offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in :•roseen roccivine arl fi11.^.g tn• 9e:;:ur„t tallo•:aing applications: J. C. Yrosnell for City l�eigher, a I Joe . Bondurant, City 7,'eirhor, C;. u. l7ari'ord, Pest House Keeper. Chas. A. Russell, i 'gnitory inspector, 1'.o6da y. Robertnon, City ;eigher. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea9 (8). Member Hnnnin offered motion to refer to tho Board of Public l7orks, City ka nalreer and 3treet '•cr..nitLro the 9 a , matter of brir.;,ir.;, In ,:n mrdlnunce for, sidewalk, :'` cttrbn aro glatera en bath side:a of 19th "1trol,t Prom Broadway to Guthrie, Avonuo. Adopted hr to oa i'e brie Baa. call of the roll: Yees (8). .i Vnmber '-'ilea?c offered motion to refer to the City Lnginoor and Hoard of ;di 1n C. Pudic :`:orfs, tt:e cor--unlcr:tiar. frcr< -dwlr. C. Hawkins in regard to oldoeialka sloping Hawkins. ieva1ka towards 1:13 t:ildirs at 2nd ar.i 'las.%Angton :;trxA-t3. :.dopted on 1n,j call of thea .ion;ton. roll: 'deal (9). No� 15y•..r. --- '----- Procee&gs of BOARD OF- I-_ _City of Paducah-j-„uwAHY_.18,.._1925..____. 92 _ Member Boyd read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE wSSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY FOR THE COST OF THE IIAPROVEIIENT BY THE. CONSTRUCTION CF CONCRETE: SIDE: ALY.S, CURBS AND GUTTERS, INCLUDING THE INTERSECTIONS NOT HERETOFORE CONSTRUCTED, TOGETHER . H ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SEi7ER PIPE CON13ECTI0IIS AND CAST IRON DRAIN PIPES, AS SH07,N BY THE CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF SAI.IE, ON THE FOLLOWING Ordinance assessing liztSED STREETS IN THE CITY OF BADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO-CIIT: BOTH SIDESOF 13th STREET abutting property FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF TENNESSEE STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF JACKSON on 13th St., Ii.11th, � Yonroe St. 20th, STREET; BOTH SIDS OF NORTH 11TH STREET FROMTHE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON 21st,22, 23 and 24, 25th, I-adison and STREET TO THS SOUTH CURB LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 160NROE STREET FROM Harrison Sts., S. 5thNriy ':i :ST PROPERTY LINE OF FOUNWIN AVENUE 17TH STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF 19TH 20th, N. 6th & N. 7th= ( ) i Sts., etc. STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 20TH STREET, 21ST STREET, 22ND STREET, 23RD STREET, 24TH STREET, AND THE EAST SIDE ONLY OF 25TH STREET, FROM THE NO?TH PROPERTY LINE OF BROAD3AY STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET; BOTH SIDES OF MADISON X%Xj$AND HARRISON STREETS FROM THE i'IEST PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREET TO I THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF HARRAHAN BOULEVARD (15TH STREET); BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH i 5TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF JACKSON STREET TO THE NORTH CURB LINE OF NORTON STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 20TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OI'' 5ROAU.'7,iY STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE; AND BOTH SIDES OF NORTH 67H STREET AND NORTH 7TH STREET FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF MADISON STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET, AS FOLLOWS: CONC'iETF, SIDEWALKS, 00.195 PER SQUARE FOOT. CONCRETE GUTTER, 400 PER LINEAL FOOT. CONCRETE DRIVEINAYS, 26V PER SQUARE FOOT. 4” CAST IRON PIPE, 500 PER LINE,L FOOT. CONCRETE CURB STRhIGHT, 53¢ PER LINEAL FOOT. CONCRETE CURB CIP,CULAR, 603/ PER LINEAL FOOT. EXP„NSION JOINTS AND INCIDENTALS, 00.085487 PER ABUTTING FOOT. FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID IMPROVEMENT, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT SLID ESTIMATE MAY BE PAID Ili TEN ANNUAL INST,tLLMENTS, BEING ONE. EACH YEnR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN `!EARS.” On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll by the following vote:Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and •Topp• (8). 'acne read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE ASSESSING TiiE ABUTTING P90PL`77 O':ti�i ON THE 0U 7I SIDE OF BUHNETT STREET, FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE nIsr,as- r i0':r' .ii v Tii: E;.gT CUitB i.ItiE OF 14TH STRE..T; ON THE IKETH SICK: OF RUi"N--TT on L. :, N.tG'.' TI?F. `i:,Sfi CPB LIN---' Or, JOTR 3TRE•:T TO A POINT URERE BURNETT STREET I:d'_: '....... ?%E Ii0 :,? FiiG.'r:..,f «?:. O . =[3LC: nTitBi•.T; BOTii SIDS OF 13TH STREET +i?04 "?ii :. R "1 ?:i t: BU'1N -,T 3TRi4i;T TO TIL, 30UTH P!'.OPi:+i'X Lli:r: OF F.1XON I� 13: • .-- }! i'Hr NORTH P*'.OrERTY LINE OF .T: wr RSG27 3TRE%T :C L:�i' "GU;`L w.- UP 'i :"- IN, n!r: CITY OF' P,aluc.x, KETTU+CKY, THS :i .:T OF CUN .:. OF 3ARz: F OLLO :.,: i?G.1FU J.: FOOT Ht:1T. iIl•«I:"t';:..... ,G.OS'',31b3 Iar FCAT. No. of t - --------- Proceedings of ._&LM -of-::LD: :.-^x City of Paducah 192.5. TWETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INT.,KES AND SE'.7ER PIPE CONNECTIONS, AS SHO"'IN BY THc: CITY zi;GIM-'ER'S ESTIMd TE OF S:c:B, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID BY THE CITY ON P;,CUC;,H, AND ?ROVIDiNG THAT S,:ID ASSESSMENT MAY BE PAID IN 10 ANNUAL INSTnLL? FJTTS, BcING ONE hiiCH YE„R FOR A PERIOD OF 10 YEARS." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upodj the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Recessed at 10:00 o'clock P. is-. to Po into joint session. Reconvened at 10:20 o'clock P. M. On motion meeting adjourned. r. � 1�1-- .I C7ty cklk �•~1'resrricrrd•L' wvi of'.ldd,:nr,.;n. : J 0 I di T P! E S T I PI G: At a Joint 1'eeting of the General Council held on the 3rd Floor of the City Hall, in the vity of ra-lucah, January the 19th, 1925, President Hannin presided. Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke, Yopp, Riglesberger, J. E. Cochran, Crider, ?16canr, Holt, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Watts. (19). Yerber =1eke offered motion to go into t'ne election of a Wharf Plaster. "nnrf waster Adopted or, tnc call of the roll: Yeas (19). Member Korth nominated Frank Broom as Miarf Master. Same was elected upon 'r;nkin tie cull of the roll: -'e Bruae (19), and .,.,as so declared. -ar.it"^y Member iaeke offered motion to go into the election of Sanitary Inspector. Ir.snr:etvr. Adopted on the call of thv roll: Yens (19). Ucnbor Yopp no^inatud Herrnan A. Ackehc.an, and same was elected upon the call of the. roll: Yraa (19), and .van no declared. Membor' Ricko offered motion to go into the Election of Plumbing and Sevier Y1•r�ran. Inspector. Adopted on :e call of the roll.: Ynan (19). }''-'p-nt r "entor Johr.aton nominated r.. J. 3aunaard for Hlnnbing and Sevier Inspector. N:i a F.J. fame w•aa vlcetnd upon u:e gal. of the roll: 'leas (19) an:l so rloclured. na•:�r•_r�i. "'ember ttieke offered motion to accept ti:e reai,?nnLion of L:r. Fred Speck Meister ei dile mit;' !:oar: of ;,Iaptod or, the ta11 of fine roll: Yeas (19). Fred �,ck. On notion c:eetln,, adjourned. r- ,