HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 140, January 5, 19251*% Proceedings of - _,_ ..__:. :-.:: _______City of Paducah '' 192- 5• .o tin;^, of the Board of Aldermen hold on the Third 1'laor I of City Hall in the City of Paducah, '.:y•, Iianuary the 5th, 1925, the Clerk called - otin- to or. ier. Upon the call of the roll the folloain, ans"oered to their names: I o,:d, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Hannin, Rieke and Yopn. (B). I f On-ot:ion the certificates of election of the following Aldermen %rare a^r ,i,, <.,,YCeived and filed: Georf:e Hannin, 1.7. M. Rieke, Lynn Boyd and smile Choate. Yeas (a). t The Clerk announced the election of the President of the Board is no-:: in order. i Hannin and Boyd were nominated, and upon the call of the roll recoive& Hannin and votes a: follo%ve: Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopn voting for Bo: -d nmriinat- ed for ores. ''annin; Hannin voting for Boyd. ilannin was duly elected President. :tannin elect- ed. z..eeber Boyd offered motion that the entry in the minutes of the rrcvinu^ 7.?-tir- of the 'Board of Aldermen held on Friday, January the 2nd, 1925, re -_ ling :ea folio:rs: "Sa:^.c" ECochran) '[offered motion that the appointment by the Mayor of e Boar:i of :'olive & Fire Commissioners, consisting fo Sam T. Iiubbard for 4 ,years, Fred :peck, 3 -earn, Jack Cole, 2 years, and C. C. Pace, one year, be ratified. Adopted on `,he call of the roll: Yeas: Cole, ..11iston, Brooks, Cochran. (4). Nays: Dunbar, , Record nieke and Yopp (3)," be not approved, and that sae.e be expressly disapproved and expunged. ;--ll for nau^ht, and same is ordered to be expunged from the record, and the Clerk is i r 1•`r z .o write upon the face of said entry in the Minutes or Journal, the following I ... .... :' -ores, mnich shall be signed by him: "Expunged by order of the Board of January 5th, 1925. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: ilannin, i %:•_oats, :unbar, Rieke and Yopp. (6). Nays: Brooks and Cochran, (2). I !:ember Rieke offered motion that the pretended action of the Board ' at Vs =cetlnr held on Jnnuar;,r the 2nd, 1925, wherein it pretended and to ratify the appointment of Sam T. Dubbard, Fred ;:onck, Jack Cole and i :h3 i::x;ror of the City of Paducah, F-ritnaky, as a Board of Police and ool: e:+t :: of bsaon,,r-, be ,1,;alared to be illegal, void and of no effect, and hold not to Police Police & ' 're mom- be it any rnsa:et' °.ne action of the 3oe.rd of Aldarmen of the City of Paducah, Adopted leolared issianers ilingal. on •. :, o^ roll: Yeas: tinnnin Boyd, Cnonte Dunbar • Rieke and Yop % e.• Rinke offered notion that thn nUnu't+is oft -in taentinp of tite , 0 +r• i „'.' .•. • .• qr. Jnnivi.ry tivt 2nri, 1925, nxcep9: thnt part relating to the Mir ut03 P ,: "nnl. q^ a ;70"x^ O< Police Ferri r'il`e Comm anioners, Yehich Us rGY'^e CRe•i. . r. r.tq;�•; •`r, ': 41.i Q;' •'i, i. .. _. 1 for Yni'Ct, he annro• pd. Adopted On %170 Gall Of Nays: -.-:•+.'':.ifl, 'r,•:, _ 'pyr, `10Ye arl:1 Yopn.(u). Brogka add Cochran. ,^ . , :ion. ".c of prove-i+are :uui or•:ier 7.. t.. r..,. 1. .._ , Of•• .v .. ��,. ....... . c.. ''r,'..i i, t. r,> . •. at gin,. i No... Proceedings of__s ._? _ •=:._. ":a_____City of Paducah_ices._ _ 92 COMMITTEES APPOII;"_'D. Standing Committees Finance: Ribke, Boyd and Yopp. appointed. 0_-dinance: Boyd, Rieke and Choate. Streets: Choate, Dunbar and Rieke. Light & :rater: Boyd, Dinnar and Choate. Public Improvement; Boyd, Choate and Yopp. Cemetery: Rieke, Yopp and Brooks. Printing: Yopp, Choate and Dunbar. Enrollment : Rieke, Dunbar and Yopp. Judiciary: Brooks, Boyd and Cochran. Police & Fire: Choate, Boyd and Yopp. License: Dunbar, Brooks and Rieke. Railroad; Tel. & Tel: Yopp, Rieke and Choate. Hospital, Server wid .Sanitation: Dunbar, Boyd and Yopp. Relief: Cochran, Boyd and Brooks. Committee on Committees: Boyd, Rieke and Choate. Meeting rgeessed at 7:40 to go into Joint Session to elect officers for I ty. Re -convened at 8:30 o'clock P. i:ember R16ke offered motion that the Treasurer be authorized to pay coupon :. o.It paid, interest as follows: New Orleans & Ohio River R.R.Issue $38,000.00 outstanding 0 4 1/2 Semi -Annual Interest due at U. S. Mortgage & Trust ,o. M.Y. u857.40 Third District Sewer Bond Issue 4600,000.00 outstanding- 5 Semi -Annual interest due at U. S. :.:ortg. & Trust Co. 11. Y. 15037.50 5eircol It:provement Bond Issue :;247,000.00 outstanding _5 Semi-annual interest due at City National Bank Paducah G175.00 =(N Ldopted on the call of ti -in roll: Yeas (8). �arme offered motion that the claim of the �,eatern Display & manufacturing - .:sy in the amount of ,;436.00 for 4000 City :.ieonso Plates and 4000 pairs of be allowed, ant the Clarl: instructed to issue proper warrant on the cer, charring printin:^, postage and supplies 11,125, pending ap,ortionn.ent c_rdl.n nce for year. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'Lena (6). 'r*e offered tha following: Resolved by the General Council that the cffl". c." _n:=in +i nu Boss be dtcrontinued. Adopted on the call of the roll: ;—aC ::01'11, 31'00ks, iioat-, Dunbar, Hicke and Yopp. Q7). Nays: Cochran(1) off• red notion thnt tn, bond of R. R. Hushing ;nth the -United «•i. at^a Fl-le".ty < ';,_uranty .c.-. � cancelled. Adopted on the call of the roll- :-ntcon -no% ..," `.cnl of trip. City Oler1, far ;,''1,000.00 rg. ,� ., °ri ..-:.e ^:e. .. ;r. :'_.._!:. '.< thr•:r;,r,t. qo-mpnny, be cancelled, and thea bond tiCn; rsir air9ty `,:pan', be ac`epted to t.al.P. njo lace of :w a8:o't9. -"ted on 1.he cal: of tire roll: eAn (8). R^9 of f Cre i mot :c- tl;f, 1,1^,CI':ae IE,ppecanr be ii9a!:ructed to Iteersa ;n�Rea-•_. t0 .+.lq ...x'a, e•,: +:a f:,I, . :t5 .! t' .. �, E: 3'..i i:. CGt lei: t!.. bhcd .arxea and li':en39a 2,, n r%onth Of ''u:aur_r. or. *fe a. a[ Noll: Yeua (s). nasienat'_ of !a.. ,Us a rr i. _ o.+'_t r,•.. .ne roll, Proceedings of Or, --:. _—City of Paducah;,_192_z, Same offered Notion to ratify the appointment of Race Dipple, as member t ?nee mole °f t e Board of Public •,orks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). j Sa.;.e offered :notion to receive and file the application of Effie Ashley, ! i for Pest House keeper. Adopted on the call of the roll: leas (8). Same offered motion to refer to the Board of Health the application of S.t ^nig D• Ennis for sanitary inspector. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). j Sane offered notion to receive and file the application of W. 11. Hardin "%Hj..3in.for ?eat House Keeper. Adopted onto call of the roll: Yeas (B), j '.:ember Choate offered the following rosolutibn: "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE j I G'ZEB „L COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIITUCKY: Section 1. That the number of policemon, detectives and pfficers of the Police I Reducirg Depart.ent of s•iiu City shall not exceed twenty (20) in number, exclusive of the Chief Police of Police of Saiz Department. S?CTION 2. BE IT FU MIRR RESOLVED that in order to promote economy in the administration of the ?olive Lepartment, the Uhief of Police is hereby directed to dismiss from the service and discharge from said Department a sufficient number of policemen, detectives' a'-•1 officers of said Department so that the number remaining shall not exceed twenty- one (21) including the Chief of Police. 37CTION 3. 3H I^_ FU'?Ti?::3 R77G:_N;';D that all extra men be dismissed first. i a.',CTIo11 g. That t'iis resolution --hall take effect from and after its adoption, � • roves and pul;lisation. On motion of came, same was riven first passago upon the cdll of the roll: Yeas. Hannin, >oyd, Choate, Dunbar, :fieke and Yopp. (6). Ilays: Brooks and i Cochran (2). On ^o -.ion the rules wore suspended upon the call of the roll: Yeas: }Iar,rin, Boyd, :`:G+t`..e, :unbar, i?ieka anti Yopp. (6). Nays: Brooks and Cochran (2). On-G;ir,. .•tc:e •'ram riven second and final paasaCe upon the call of the :ell: ems: rin, "Gyd, Choate, sznbar, Rieke and Yopp. (6). Nay3: Urooks and ..:'. -,r ' o: ,tn off ­ l T.OtIOn to refer to the Police and Fire u0'rnittee, • .tn power to act, ... nc ..4:.c..`;.n from Cam ;lacf of the Fire Department, in rr,^,;:•d to the pur.cnr ,e Of fur.aa:._a -, -'Or Nt:.r .•..,:Ilt ,r 3 "tre ,.;tion. n:iontrd on thr, Ball of t:e Yaps (n,i. ;Fv'.. O. _'•).^a.1 ..^.G .lOn '.0 ^t?Ce :'. .... 1'11•. ... .':O:"t of the Chief Of the .. .. - ., .9. zr„'r-•-•. rG . .. .... ... Of .u;C�•-..•�r, ::,L•;. , .. bu .. etl 11 of the roll: 9U:Q off?Pw4:-c iG:: tC >..in: :,:.: .. :••. !,: :?Sv+J. side Iloapittl -.. ',iLa:, pt.,,,. a•.h month Of 5ctzbnr, 1324. ... ;G'... .... .. .9 .-. ... ... r. ... •fr�h.f (ci). &me offpre i . o icr: ;c rrs , .... ac. __, : • ...- rami rai;ryrt o +_:.. .'.i•. ,1 ;:, {•.._ for .... Year 1524. :O :`@ce. .. i ..a=. ... .•. G'' .. ...i-._ �. r:, I7,.. l° �. - ... a.^-�CS�R Q^, ?D'$, d'3.•: .. r.... .. .._. ,_ ,.. ..rel /4 �No-143. — Proceedinos of ____`_ ;.__" City of Paducah__,uuLTRyz.,~1825...—._192_ e rend the follotring: BE IT H330LVSD BY TIFi. GFM;Hi,L COUNCIL OF THE' CIrY i, KF": ruc. Section 1. That L. H. Cross, or any other officer to whom the keys and parapher- nalia of the office of Chief of Police of the City of Paducah have been entrusted, ii. Crops. shall forthwith to•an over and deliver all of said keys and paraphernalia of said oi,fice to Jac:c '.:, nelson, echo has been duly elected, and is now the acting, qualified Chief of Felice of the City of Paducah, under the authority of his appointment by tife, General Council of said City. 3ECTI0U 2. That the said E. H. Cross is hereby notifiCd to desist from any assumed direction of the Police Department of the City of Paducah, and that any and all such acts, by which he may assume to administer the Police Departr•.ent of said City, are hereby declared to be without authority, unlawful, and acts of u:nrpation.. :;=;OTI01I 3. That this resolution shall take effect from its adoption, approval nn l nublic:ation. On :otion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: ':tannin, Boyd, Choate, Dunbar, 3ieke and Yopp. (6). Ilays: Brooks and :ocnran (2). On motion the rifles were suspended upon the call of thn roll: _as: Iiannin, Boyd, Choate, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (6). llays: Brooks and -,...ran (2). On ciotion same eras riven second and final passac.,e upon the call of :'ell: ,iannin, Boyd, Choate, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp. (6). flays: Brookr! and 1,ochran (2). :abcr :?ic'.:c r:ad :':. Collo ring: Rrr3OLV rr by the General Council ci' _ o:' Ya9vwah, th,, t ,ittor "° rI ..i R,zrna be, and they are hereby _ ... cJa.9 % 'ity of Fr,:uc.;h an'1 t);,-':: G,n-rr 1 Council, 1. prosrc,ato and •IFi_'�nci .:1 :ill actlons _,.i..`.in.- _ ni' t!". Ga:}nral Council to On :co' i :: firm ;, ::.;,;;. upon the call of the roll: -.;n, Boyd, Choate, Danbar, Rieke apd Yopp.-(6). Hays: Brooks rind on ro°:'or: .. ... ;- • r :: cecoml pa9'ace upon ti:•, :;:a, R1ekn and Yopp. (6). :-i_­hv teva orf-ivt l=:o:ioa Lo r -f -i` '.c, ia- :A_ -a. aril •gr n !I._:ht to Te placed on H101 No._11s;.----- Proceedings of _ _'__'.— —_City of Paducah-- ' _--._ -.._192 of ♦, 8,anr. _ ... LIII3 71ven first puscn,c upon the call of the roll YOns: Earinin., lolyd, Cihoat 'ocrr tn, Dxr.Uar, and Rieke. (6). ^,ays: Brooks (1). a:aUer t Yore not votinr. On motion of sane to _•ales rrorO suscendo,l and ordinance x•caci Uy title upon V:, call of* tr' roll: 'e1:i: Lannin, 3oyd, Choaio, Cochran, Dunbar and Rie!ce.(6). j t Brooks (1), :.,nbcr loan not votin . On :c' ion s ..... ;:as -Iven second and final passaC e upon the call of the roll j ti,• aha follo:rin,; vo`e: ^,as: ?_annin, Boyd, Chon e, Cochran, Dunbar and Rieho. (6). i %fool:c (1), ':erber Yonn no': voting. On -lotion of rca:bc. 'Hiolcc the me-ting adjourned to meet Friday night, ! 'yxniv. y "hr 9th, ^t 7:30 P. i:. i I At an adjourned meeting of the Board of :aldermen hold on the Third Floor Adjourned of the City :lull, Friday night, January the 9th, 1925, President Hannin presided. ^ectin? January Upon the call of the roll the following an3rvered to their names: nannin, 9th, 1925. 3oyd, Brook3, Choate, Cochran, Rieke and Yopp.(7). On motion meeting adjourned. City Clark .(yiileTlILU75. v v[ldertil3owcL9l..