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Minutes Book 17, Page 13, January 21, 1924
0 a]lo70i,,;5,1F FG 'a:7ar = rr.d v4GO.74 al:o•ral Iz tere.^,t or: .c000000.00 ..r3 trict �nror -Ior'.dc elloaed. No. _ 13 Camtllissi©xrexs':P o �c t ib�' {Gt ::6 �Padttve� i —� -- A � O!• .1-7; 6:.J::3:._ C:'i'f OF ?I,Dt�^:. J:.l'i' n•. �] lo7n., ,r. hold :=t a remilar meet -A,7 of t'^.e ?earl of :• d:-ormor/on the third floor of the Cit;: Hall in the City of Tadncah, ;:entnok;-, I:onday 7;70 1-Y. J^nu^r;: 21, 1924. I:eetirsr called to order b? Sresi'ier.t ;:errnd 'Ton roll call the followir.r? ar.s-.mrnd to their names: nr:rel;r, =-17iston; Brooks, Coohrar., Cole, -hake, Yorp, member -rha^aft lcirrr ^_h^,ant. I'irlh tes of tho r rovious meettmr - mere adopted as re -A. Vember :.icl:e offered the fol3o.7ine Potion: hat the r000m^ sdatior:s for allowances made b;- the Jointinaroo Committee of salaries on the follocrina :a;, 3olls, be allowed and the Clerk ordered to :ira'a a .-Iarrart .on the :+roasarer for the respective amounts shover, therein. Fire department ;1,420,02, lolice Jepartmer.t 41,398.52, City He71 amrloyes .';353.29, Riverside Ilospital ;569.73, Oak Grove Cemeter.-, •7207.00, I,iszht dart ;302.50, /.:rrkot house, 02.07, •�tree't Dalartment, -431.46, Rorular 5e.7ore, 1106.37, o.f Cor:atruction, ir109.90, :%naineoriru DOI artment, .7162.50, Cit;• Scales, 47.50, Total , •�5,180.E6. ?'otior carried ur:aru!imoiisl;- (7) I:ember Rieke offered the follo"dr.cr motion: What tho recm.mer`latlors for allo.mrce mr_de b? the Joint=inanae Committee of salaries arplicable to the 3rd District Serer l+urd ir. tho amount of -7450.74 be a] lowed and the Clerk orlered to dra.7V.rrw-t or, the=reasurer for the respective amolinto rho -m. t:erain. YotIor. carries unanimous):; (7) i.e mber =tieY.e offered the TO]' - o tion: 7haroa=> the oortiir into -est of t^e Cit:,of •^dllor_h rs}"hlo an the fo'.lowir 1,02.3s: ;600.000.00 Third 'Motrict oe7Ar 3or:1s, hecama Pure Or, the 10th M- o rn•^r: 79^4, ^sl in the nbs-erce of w Irovisior: for the3, `A' 4%t th.,)r"o i' by the '.inT���r ."�. C000111-011,girn 7fas lil Pr the oder of the ;:E,,•o- OA .m c t^ du1;;Triid. +lhorefore, I no7 move that iin: i Crier ar:i the Ia;rm^r.t thereof h:- ^surer of swirl Cit:, be ratiftol ar':d •:Tlroved, -r.i said :rces':ror is dire '.: o a ^r ea the same to the yinkiro -uni heretofore I rorUc tharofor.. .,Otiol: ._.-_..'l Ilh'aI:1mOP81;r. (7) orbcr '•inY.•, •. _ _.ed the follo:•rinc o^rtair irtorest i o" _ 1 .::. a .sbl-� on t"10 follo7ir.crhord: "47,0 0.00 ,chool 17grove- j i '3r: .'-^, lets: d^:- of pr.n`r,1 1924, nr 'i Ln t%n ;}. eY.00 Of nr1,- _ I . ,. i:':on for t1le i ^:'h:n.t ... . eo1 ir- the ',onarrtl Council, same -mets uyor thr. orlor � . .• - 0: L'. )' ,i 1 -:'l. .. .. .. , l ro7 rlo,:n i..r.t sa ld )rlor^rd n,• i %i ; b.'t+'1 `1 etd arl'„o'o'l, P.rd i,n t0 tf:n 11. ir-.:r'-d hn ^0 taf0 r0 r,_ r1:.. _ ... .. ., .. ... +. .t..� ..7^0 �r � n•' ''1; Iii. :i l n_ ler 1 a ..... -•r-' .:,1•:roi1, :r ��fal «tract '7 t 1'.9 r :;n k: is ... .. _ .- .. .�', _:i. •1• ._ l+`r. l r.o-s r.?ve :r..'.r' l mit' he r^ti°_a3 7,rgf f3 j 1 r No.__. Gosrxz�issiane.z '::Pi:oeeet�i_>argr,: itx_:crf: Paalle efxx : ) a, --y 'Y i _192 - iCC:Jii: S C' .._.:1:0:ii??.":u., CIY'i" C. J+•7 Ca?T, Ji:.r Y 21. 1924, ',:ember iiieke offered tit,- folloaina motion: 'Tnereas the corteir interest of he Cit; of l^daeah ra;-ablo on. the follo-7ine: bords; Sreosal trent Ir^.rrovemnrts "oris a Irtereat of the amount of :;369.76 became dne on the 16th day of J^nr.^r-, 1924, and in Lhp absenoe of �r eOiaal Street - ar:' Irovision for the }a;'ment thereof b.,r the ^.er.Pral 00111.0!1, :mare :•las uron orler of l _•or1-•.�r.t the ?'a; -or of sail Cit;- du1;- pairs. i'herefore, I no n move that ::aid order and the aIle :' I:c,•mer.t thr.lreof b? the Treasurer of said City be ratifi'A and a7proved , and said 1'•easllrer is t!roe tei to char Fe the sane to the Cinkin¢-und heretofore provided the rofor. 1.;ot ion carried uranimousl,r (7 ) 1'embor -iieke offered the following motion: •ihoreas certain Spa-ciAl `street Ir•1'r x errent Eor.In became due on Jaru.a-r; 1st , 1924, In the amount of x6,766.45 of ahioh ore!: Y4,175.63 has to date been presented for ra:nmert arra b9pr rnid. 1 11ow t'a.ar, ern more that the Treasurer be authorized and directed to off, take ur ar.'i car col street Imrrovemcr.t Bonds, due since Ja rnlar,, 1, 1924 in t:ne amount of ^L. ,2,a5.0.0 as the? ::ill be rres=nted throur.'c the Cit.- 1?ationa2 Bank for collection. nr:d to 3ra:7 chec}t a-xair.st the Speoial Street hind acro I for same. ;'otion carries nrar.imousl;•r. (7) !,:amber iiieke offered the folloaire motion; 'lhernas tl•,nrp will by Iiia or n : fii•=r; 1, 1924 or.e half yo -ars interest on the f011O ATIR BOrdsi }`.T %< 011i0 1„ ave r, . USt CO. firer ... ,Cn. '•31,000.00 at 4;1,;a Ni,ci0.40, rs:-ahlo at l.'.5.. o.r t-.. t.;^e et :•^,I..^overmr,t por.3s y109,000.00 at 4,� w2,160.00, rayable at Jesterr. Bark e1 -, ';21,500.00 at 4/• 30.00, pv:,ahla it •613terr. ?s-nk £_ 3os�.It Berl-, •;� :G340 t Co. rket :cuss isord.3 x21,000.00 at 4i x420.00 parable aL •est err 3Pn'tt Fc i'rns.t Cor ! -'otal .">3,690.40 I r,o a move that the-ereasuror be author s^od sins eotel ofer such sums from the '1,ni.oral fund to the Sir;}: trip Bund an -I for: -rd .) )ctivo 'i?.ri'.0 r^nrtiOnel to the amounts dile On 9a0h tbi,iiio :cher 'i•le. 1'o tion +'nr•t•ar .. :::<, =_"!?P n''i Li>O :O?10 Air.? motion: •;h-)reas certajr cou)`or. =r toro�t ln;•nble or orooial street irrprovemni�t bonds in the .ano•n:t ..e or. 37 t 1924, of which at thi s latn .Januar,- 21nt 1924 tr:•,roforo move that the :"reasurer be authorizel 1 ; i :..,.: i is r • , t^r. `1 ,Yi ar.l. :Spun! I:trent }rg ovomant Ron•1 c0llror:l due aira'e 7731 1 . ••. •-ri In T':oua't 0: -w34 j,31 -'; ?h n•r 7111 be pre::9nt91 tl".r O17 -1i tyle •1:1 :it the sweOia.l -Arent }-) rovrrmpn� ''J 17!. �:}.. ,1, ,. �'�? .?.. .••(1 f?.0n t,'1 aI r..Ol .: ... _ _ ,_....i.. ,. �, .•, �i .. ..gin fn rani tO �t )r t%p . :y- 1. '�1 •. ti�.� O.11 r:0y .? ^YSOr. •. .. .. -• ': J ^`... 1 •,^r' S. - '. 1 t ,e'i. , 12P.n I{I t:9(! •'l:.ce • lird ""00.00 :'�;: n•ova COTe.^.ter; material. bought. i;exton Home Cale +rove 1 sirtei a7.1 rel aired. CO!vrittee to fir aid £i t ur ,l ler7mr .. .•• rfr Y , near ;,:I� Crlir.aree.I auth :_ rrO:, arioirted '•}:LL i 7,: e -=•Gnat. . Cr'd i r '_r co. I 1.,x:527.17 No. d Ctiq titissi �(e1•s':Nxaceedings;::City":cif:<Pa'di�cAli ::-D , -I i7 07 AH, JAIT-;,liY 21, 19M. ::ember Yo] r mode the --r Me An not Lon: Po ratif;• t•ce follo cin? reeor-31- dation; "?oco:^rcr.ded b- the Toldce aril Piro Comm! ttee to set aside a fund out of the Toliee court fires of u200.00 to be feel by the chief of police to heir nmke on, force more officierA in t?:e arnrehonsion of crimirals. Chief of Tolice to keep a :critter. record of all more, si ent and for rh t d•nrrose it ^lent achich i:�. to be reported to the mod:, at their ro,rulnr moet !r e. "ot tor. carried uranimousl;- (7) Yomber .'Ueke offered the folio*iit- motion: 1') -.at tno cerletter,-,• comrittoo be authorised to yurchase for Oak ;Trove Cemetor;• material as folio:r.-,: lour -7ooloi. ricks, ol.e ari.nd rock, one tarl•aulin 12 x 15 fent. 2 aravo i icks, ono as taco brooms, tao mops, one coal buckot, one spool of barber dire for merd irQ fences. I:otior, carried unanimously (7) i:ombor :Beira offered the folloccing! motion: What the Cemeter:• Corrittee be authorized to have the home and vaitir�r room for the sexton of Oak :;rove repaird, i^, - - ainted . ::otior carried unarimonsly (7) :'omber ••6e7,rur offered the follow., motion: Pkat 1"ass Rieke, '+atts arl Cole be arl.ointed a committee to have the partitions moved ani rurchase a a desk and chairs for the alder1p is chambor. Potion carried urnrimouoly (7) P. ,'ember Loci , offeerod tl. motion.: =hat ar ordinance he t,rol:"ht in creatir.•r a i-, . �� • to r t:'Ie irisorera work on cit:, straits, -rho ere rot ab7 to I i,., their firs,", 1-i a , r.• Jnilar to havo char?o of chain > r :'otior. carried unn.7.imous3;r (7) !'&aber •`ieko o"fnrn„l the follo dr Iz Tot ion: ^tl^_t thel ca^:^urioatior. from "r, -or '?aIle,, h, ra>arl to the ^.lToir.t. )rant of '.ran,. =cath rarn•rs at Olririt,^ ..,ort be a11'1'oved. lotion carriel ltliar,imou8l,r (7) :'embor ':o7.1- of.'fnr,ld the ^.••0110 :2u moL io7;: =hat t,la cam^au i-- tior from the 7r ir. ro^ar9 to the ('r117.arCe-oS,orri7:T-:ivorsRo Ile'] it;l b+! tli-r-i over to ti;• "Granit^1 Corrr^ittee for i=Wadt0It(-r:_ction. i'ot!on carried hTor cn7I i" roll .'n as ..:)!'7n1:•. '•7''i?ton,-COOk3,-o,!hrnn, .)Ola, ;til ,:nr•.., r :la o'.'a':• :i , �o fo110 •Armo tlor: -70%a !,Or 'r 1� 111 ... ��i...._� .'Or ,'tr"It v L.. .. `n7.tin,. 41t7l1mnr. .ii }tJ 71 1'e fillo7Jn,i : r`.O:' .':.I '.t Oe ;): fI ')7,! 1 .'U!O. .:Otto!' car:!•11 '.lr i. t,^•Ol:^�:• (7) o; ON to: n!or. of to Joint , .Y ri a?. .n ,,• o �,hl i ) rn :')' la :el:. ,,t ion Crr^i ed Y•+r �-;;b-•1r offer-,• th•: :?. ,a oil ti^e hnnith 7e b it": r"J to i 11 nr.ca Yves .`. •�• '� .. f '1 I;. .. 7 . �. ) 17 a.., .. C}: F.:}},tr J:• ©; .:._.. .? .. � .. ': t' .'r1. .-. .? .. � .r �. is i.,) S j., No. \ \'O �omtnissioners?:P,ro��eedings;::GityYo£:F'aducah;-�,�,'� �_ _19211- :iC^...) V. E:. :u.J i{:.:i' 0:.. 0'. ; : ; ,^i.'T, Ji 'A�iY 21 , 11)24. L•n'bar �:oo;::; offered ti:e fo130-dr� motion: +'h,it the eomriu-iortion ir. rel-rrd to zi i-r,ent of Clara Tatars v. Ji.t.• of =rl lonh for alleeed inJuri.ae roeeived or. t^rs. street of said cit,-,, be received al -.1 t:lrnej over to the cit- ,.oli^,itor for advice. acid solioitor to make rppvtt at next meetirn Of the eonnoil. :'otion carrioi '1T ±ir.1Te11B1' (7) :'ember hooks offered the follotine rlotior.:-':^.^t t e oonnunicetion of yc=,-or of:urra�: a:•�r:til0i;;' ii: re,:—.rt to italiar. ;ove-31mert e;uirm *.h^, cit" of ` I Tcducah f)r lues Inid or. tobacoo h,: the IteliaT Jovornmer;t be received, filed ar. ar:d thl!r:ed over to the Cit",, solicitor for advice. :'otion carried ur�nnin:ou,a,� 17) led