HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 1, January 7, 1924';1.B.Yorsedy,rres. Board of }aldermen. Committees. 1'ut; or. for meetin- M5.rht. Lost j �I ;+Ider:;.^_r. Riekove motion that rules in the p rir: ted book - lot be alopted. I I ^.003u)Ii'15 OF BO.:RJ OF .+DMI3 IY !IT: ;:01'117 J:+I'ti.BY 7TF. 1924' No. I Cozillnissianers`: Prnedin;=L.Cy��;E'cu�kYa.� '1 `' - - --192.x-. =.t a remrlar mectirg of the Board of'++ldermen, sr.id meeting beir.T the first rernrlar meeting uzider the ne'w • ldermanic form of Covernr^er t on the 3rd Floor of the Ci t�: hall in the city of Taducah, i:entucky, I:onda7, January 7th 1924. .ho Lew Board was oalled to order by C.+.Be71, arpointed Jeruty Clerk to take the I:irutes of the said first meeting of the :.ldermen. Upon call the roll the follo,virr, answered to their renes: Alderman, George L-i;lliston, Louis ]:.Brooks, •1.X..Coehran, A.x;.(Jaci:)Cole, 'I.B.Y.eYnedy, J.1L.iieke, I:.J.Yopp. Alderman, Alen Ashcroft, being absent from this meeting. Aderman irieke offered the followin;, motion, that ir. W.B.'erncd;• be j elected Tresident of the Board of-ldermen for a period of one year. -.bone motion was unanimously adopted b;; call of tle roll. Aderman I:enredy offered the following motion, that the following oom- mittees be appointed as outlined on prir.tea card hoard for a period of one year, to -wit, above motion unanimously adopted b;r call of the roll. CO1.'L:I TTRR 5 Finance 1.r. Aieke, Chairman, -I.:%.Cochrar., :+ller "shcraft. ordinance -- &.M.i�shoraft, Chairman, K.J.Yopp, and l.L:.Bio're. dtreets -- Jack Cole, Chairman, a.=.,Cochran, ;..i.;.--shcraft. Light and eater •1.Zi.Cochran, Chpirman, ;..li.hsheraft, A.I.CoIs. Fublic Improvements Gcorge L.6lliston, Chairman:, :7.11.3ieke, Louis L'..Brooks. i Fire and Tolice Y.J.Yopn, Chairman, 71. -.Cochran, Louis I'. Brooks. j i License --- Louis Y. Brooks, Chairman, Ieorrte L. -piston, •1.IC.3iekc. Railroad. Telephone and Telegraph - I:.J.Yopp, Chairman, Louis i',3roaksl George L. Alliston. ?lospttals, de:rers and=enitation i.R.Cochran, Chairman,, :+. .Cole, and +.LI.Asheraft. '-relief ++.I.=>shcraft, Chairman, Y.J.Yopr, ;eorpe 1. ;.piston. CemetAry and narks - '.7.Y..Rieke, Chairman,, A.�.Cole, L:.J.Yopp. Fr intirg --- George L. -piston, Chairman.. +.=%.Cole, Louis L'. Brooks i =%nrollment -- 4.= -.Cole, Chairman, 1.".BieY.o, I?.J.Yopp. Judiciary - Louis 1'. Brooks, Chairman,, 11.3.Cochrar., Geor4e,.Alliston.1 ­Iderman Cochran made the follo•rinc motion: That the Board of Aldermen meet the first end third luosday of each month at the hour of 7:80 T.Y. Lost by the call of the roll, to -wit, yeas, ?rooks, Cochran, - ?•a^s, '.Ilistor., Cole, i Kennedy, Rieke, Yopp. "Iderman nicks made the following motion, to -:nit, That the fo'.lowina standinR rules for the government of too procedure of the Board of j,llermen as set out in printed booklet form as adopted b;• Courcil r'obruarr 7th 1910, :'_rd adopted i b;= the Board of hldermen s'ebraar;: 7th 1910, and signed by I.:r.urice '.clrtyre, City Clerk.-dopted by the call of roll b;; the following vote: Yeas "Iliston, j Brooks, Cole, 'Kennedy,-iieke, Yopp, 1;a -s, Cochran. T2r :ARV3: maid book of "ules is filed with other miscellaneous re- cords originating in meeting of the ••1,1ermen of L:orday, Januar;: 7th 1924. j n _ OF BOARD 07 :.;J ii^', CITY dS3 JAI7UARY 7th 1924. — No. 9! Collstzai�sioel�xIc�eeec}rus;;:iyxof.:dtexll:_ _'_ �` . _192 f>ldermar• Rieke made the following motion: ,That the nomir:ation of :,13ermcr_j� the Board of public dorks composei of George l.r.sstaff, Z,.'j.Dalby ari veorge '-,ieho's DuBois be ratified, filed and recorded, and adopted; -dopted ul,on call or the motion re or 11rg, roll by the follo:7inz' vote: Yeas, Alliston, Brooks. Cochran, Cole, public Iorks. Yennedy, Rieke, Yopp. alderman Rieke made the following motion: That the com!unication AIIerman from -,Wn Tully,former Commissioner of Iublic 10inanoe, relative to certain =.1eko's Bank Books and keys and other certificates of deposits be received, filed and motion coraTunica recorded in the minutest tion from. '7;rr:r fully raducah, Xy., Jan. 7, 1924. former Commission- Received of 3yrn Tully the keys aril combination to the vault and safes of the er of lub lie Fi- City of raducah, also the folloainv, bank books... rar.oe. The General Fund account -eho srecial Street Account The Special Sewer =ccount The R' District jeerer-ccount A --I 11' TH C ITi 1:.'.TIO11AL BPXY. i _he Special �eaor Account in the 1. :C?l:^TICS TRUST & SAVII'GS BABY. The rr3 District Sewer Bonk Sinkinp -''und yccount in the FIRST 1u1T.IO1.Al B NY. i The General Sinking Find uocount The School Improvomert Bond Sinking. Fund ^coount l'he Special Sewer --count BOOMS II: TME CITI?i'.I7S SA7IIIGS BAM The certificate of deposit ;20473 of the 3rd District Sever Fund ,45,000,in the CITY NATIOITAI B;li!.. The certificate of deposit of the I:RCHZIC'S TRUST & SAVINGS BA1:7, x25159 for 05,000. The certificate of deposit of the OHIO 7,.I--.�Y BA1Y. & TRUST CO., ,T397 of a balance of x25,000. -.lso all office equipment as sho':m by the inventory filed with the Board of Commissioners. ..l i ermar. _,ieke' s motion cor:cerrix.g the all-0oixst- mex:t o f Aul i for f.11errar �ochran's` otioxi as to rMr- awemort fi of River- side i!os- vital. (SiF,ned) FRAPC:iS Treasurer. Alderman Rieke Made, the following motion: That wheroas, M. -or ?^iley alpoirted iorerzo :mery to act as the Cit., ;,uiitor. I now move that his arrointmen,t be ratified, Adopted unanimousl- upon call of the roll. xildermar. .:er.redy male the follo.71ne motion.: That the Board of al- dermen adjourn to meet with the Board of Councilmen in a joint meeting. -�,iopted unanimously upor call of the roll. adermin Cochran made the follo:7ina motion: +het an ordinance rrovidirp for the control and miragem:r.t of Kiverside Hospital in the Citi! of raducah, Yen- 1 tl)oky, ar.d the appointment of a Superintondent of said Hospital pending the pas- sage of an ordirarce providing for the permanent rraniFoment of said Hospital be 1 adopted, and that said ordinance be recorded in Ordinance Book, ard that said Committee as set out in the ordiranoe mai:o a report atthin 60 da;7s from Jr_mxary 7th 1924. %do).ted unanimously upon call of the roll. PItOC i)IIIG 0? BC iO Oi :.7 ?i"s:i' CTS: 0^ T:.00CA? JAMIABY 7th 1924. No. .3 .. 63ilr�lissionsrs:al iia �s i ; : ttXxs� : at + �xx ;) 6' . -1 14 192 II I� Alderman Cochran made a motion that the rules be suspended and tae t the C Ordu.azee I,ertainin,¢ to Rivers ids Hos ital Ordinance pertaining toliiverside Hos i✓7be viven a fuel p pess^_ge. Ador•ted Ij unanimously upon call of the roll. itAlderman Cochran made the followinr; motion: That an ordinance creating the office of license Inspector, and assignine additional duties; prescribeinrr Oriinanco creating the duties of said officer and fixing his Mary. be adol:ted, that office of License , and said or - inspector• li diranee be recorded in Ordinance Book; - 4dopted unanimously upon call of the roll. Aldermen Cochran moves that the rules be suspended ani Vat the Ordi- nenoe pertaining to License Inspector be -riven a final passarre. 'adopted unanimous- ly upon call of the roll. Alderman Cochran made the follo':rine motion; =hat an Ordinance fixing• I salar;: of City salary of City the salary of the Auditor of the Cit;- of Taducah, bo adopted, niopted unnr.ir..ous- auditor. ly upon call of the roll. li Alderman Cochran moves that the rules be suspended, and the ordinance ifixing the salary of the auditor of the City of yaducr:h be Piven its final passage. Adopted unanimously upon call of the roll. �I Aldermar. Risks made the followinp motion: 'I'hat an ordinance establishing, a Board of Public Jorks consisting, of three members in the City of IMuyah, ler.- Oriinar.oe establish- ir;F Board of lubl¢c { tuck;;; proserib:ur tae duties end po':ers of said Board and fixing., the salar.* of -corks. ' its members., be adopted and recorded in the Ordinance Book.Adop ted unanimously upon call of the roll. ,.ldsrman RieY,e mads a motion to suspend the rule and give the IIoerd of,: i; rublic 4orks Ordinance its final passage. Adopted unanimously upon call of the roll. i On motion the Board adjourned. v CA � __ _ - r Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah .. __ ___ _192--