HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 1, January 7, 1924';1.B.Yorsedy,rres.
Board of }aldermen.
1'ut; or. for
meetin- M5.rht.
Lost j
;+Ider:;.^_r. Riekove
motion that rules
in the p rir: ted book -
lot be alopted.
^.003u)Ii'15 OF BO.:RJ OF .+DMI3 IY !IT: ;:01'117 J:+I'ti.BY 7TF. 1924' No. I
Cozillnissianers`: Prnedin;=L.Cy��;E'cu�kYa.� '1 `' - - --192.x-.
=.t a remrlar mectirg of the Board of'++ldermen, sr.id meeting beir.T the
first rernrlar meeting uzider the ne'w • ldermanic form of Covernr^er t on the 3rd
Floor of the Ci t�: hall in the city of Taducah, i:entucky, I:onda7, January 7th 1924.
.ho Lew Board was oalled to order by C.+.Be71, arpointed Jeruty Clerk to take
the I:irutes of the said first meeting of the :.ldermen.
Upon call the roll the follo,virr, answered to their renes: Alderman,
George L-i;lliston, Louis ]:.Brooks, •1.X..Coehran, A.x;.(Jaci:)Cole, 'I.B.Y.eYnedy,
J.1L.iieke, I:.J.Yopp. Alderman, Alen Ashcroft, being absent from this meeting.
Aderman irieke offered the followin;, motion, that ir. W.B.'erncd;• be j
elected Tresident of the Board of-ldermen for a period of one year. -.bone
motion was unanimously adopted b;; call of tle roll.
Aderman I:enredy offered the following motion, that the following oom-
mittees be appointed as outlined on prir.tea card hoard for a period of one year,
to -wit, above motion unanimously adopted b;r call of the roll.
Finance 1.r. Aieke, Chairman, -I.:%.Cochrar., :+ller "shcraft.
ordinance -- &.M.i�shoraft, Chairman, K.J.Yopp, and l.L:.Bio're.
dtreets -- Jack Cole, Chairman, a.=.,Cochran, ;..i.;.--shcraft.
Light and eater •1.Zi.Cochran, Chpirman, ;..li.hsheraft, A.I.CoIs.
Fublic Improvements Gcorge L.6lliston, Chairman:, :7.11.3ieke, Louis
Fire and Tolice Y.J.Yopn, Chairman, 71. -.Cochran, Louis I'. Brooks. j
License --- Louis Y. Brooks, Chairman, Ieorrte L. -piston, •1.IC.3iekc.
Railroad. Telephone and Telegraph - I:.J.Yopp, Chairman, Louis i',3roaksl
George L. Alliston.
?lospttals, de:rers and=enitation i.R.Cochran, Chairman,, :+. .Cole, and
'-relief ++.I.=>shcraft, Chairman, Y.J.Yopr, ;eorpe 1. ;.piston.
CemetAry and narks - '.7.Y..Rieke, Chairman,, A.�.Cole, L:.J.Yopp.
Fr intirg --- George L. -piston, Chairman.. +.=%.Cole, Louis L'. Brooks i
=%nrollment -- 4.= -.Cole, Chairman, 1.".BieY.o, I?.J.Yopp.
Judiciary - Louis 1'. Brooks, Chairman,, 11.3.Cochrar., Geor4e,.Alliston.1
Iderman Cochran made the follo•rinc motion: That the Board of Aldermen
meet the first end third luosday of each month at the hour of 7:80 T.Y. Lost
by the call of the roll, to -wit, yeas, ?rooks, Cochran, - ?•a^s, '.Ilistor., Cole,
Kennedy, Rieke, Yopp.
"Iderman nicks made the following motion, to -:nit, That the fo'.lowina
standinR rules for the government of too procedure of the Board of j,llermen as set
out in printed booklet form as adopted b;• Courcil r'obruarr 7th 1910, :'_rd adopted i
b;= the Board of hldermen s'ebraar;: 7th 1910, and signed by I.:r.urice '.clrtyre, City
Clerk.-dopted by the call of roll b;; the following vote: Yeas "Iliston, j
Brooks, Cole, 'Kennedy,-iieke, Yopp, 1;a -s, Cochran.
T2r :ARV3: maid book of "ules is filed with other miscellaneous re-
cords originating in meeting of the ••1,1ermen of L:orday, Januar;: 7th 1924. j
n _ OF BOARD 07 :.;J ii^', CITY dS3 JAI7UARY 7th 1924.
No. 9!
Collstzai�sioel�xIc�eeec}rus;;:iyxof.:dtexll:_ _'_ �` . _192
f>ldermar• Rieke made the following motion: ,That the nomir:ation of
the Board of public dorks composei of George l.r.sstaff, Z,.'j.Dalby ari veorge
'-,ieho's DuBois be ratified, filed and recorded, and adopted; -dopted ul,on call or the
motion re
or 11rg, roll by the follo:7inz' vote: Yeas, Alliston, Brooks. Cochran, Cole,
Iorks. Yennedy, Rieke, Yopp.
alderman Rieke made the following motion: That the com!unication
AIIerman from -,Wn Tully,former Commissioner of Iublic 10inanoe, relative to certain
=.1eko's Bank Books and keys and other certificates of deposits be received, filed and
coraTunica recorded in the minutest
tion from.
'7;rr:r fully raducah, Xy., Jan. 7, 1924.
Commission- Received of 3yrn Tully the keys aril combination to the vault and safes of the
er of lub
lie Fi- City of raducah, also the folloainv, bank books...
The General Fund account
-eho srecial Street Account
The Special Sewer =ccount
The R' District jeerer-ccount
A --I 11' TH C ITi 1:.'.TIO11AL BPXY.
_he Special �eaor Account in the 1. :C?l:^TICS TRUST & SAVII'GS BABY.
The rr3 District Sewer Bonk Sinkinp -''und yccount in the FIRST
1u1T.IO1.Al B NY.
The General Sinking Find uocount
The School Improvomert Bond Sinking. Fund ^coount
l'he Special Sewer --count
The certificate of deposit ;20473 of the 3rd District Sever
Fund ,45,000,in the CITY NATIOITAI B;li!..
The certificate of deposit of the I:RCHZIC'S TRUST & SAVINGS
BA1:7, x25159 for 05,000.
The certificate of deposit of the OHIO 7,.I--.�Y BA1Y. & TRUST CO.,
,T397 of a balance of x25,000.
-.lso all office equipment as sho':m by the inventory filed with
the Board of Commissioners.
..l i ermar.
_,ieke' s
the all-0oixst-
mex:t o f
Aul i for
otioxi as
to rMr-
awemort fi
of River-
side i!os-
(SiF,ned) FRAPC:iS
Alderman Rieke Made, the following motion: That wheroas, M. -or ?^iley
alpoirted iorerzo :mery to act as the Cit., ;,uiitor. I now move that
his arrointmen,t be ratified, Adopted unanimousl- upon call of the roll.
xildermar. .:er.redy male the follo.71ne motion.: That the Board of al-
dermen adjourn to meet with the Board of Councilmen in a joint meeting. -�,iopted
unanimously upor call of the roll.
adermin Cochran made the follo:7ina motion: +het an ordinance rrovidirp
for the control and miragem:r.t of Kiverside Hospital in the Citi! of raducah, Yen- 1
tl)oky, ar.d the appointment of a Superintondent of said Hospital pending the pas-
sage of an ordirarce providing for the permanent rraniFoment of said Hospital be
adopted, and that said ordinance be recorded in Ordinance Book, ard that said
Committee as set out in the ordiranoe mai:o a report atthin 60 da;7s from Jr_mxary
7th 1924. %do).ted unanimously upon call of the roll.
PItOC i)IIIG 0? BC iO Oi :.7 ?i"s:i' CTS: 0^ T:.00CA? JAMIABY 7th 1924. No. .3 ..
63ilr�lissionsrs:al iia �s i ; : ttXxs� : at + �xx ;) 6' . -1 14 192
Alderman Cochran made a motion that the rules be suspended and tae t the
Ordu.azee I,ertainin,¢
to Rivers ids Hos ital
Ordinance pertaining toliiverside Hos i✓7be viven a fuel
p pess^_ge. Ador•ted
Ij unanimously upon call of the roll.
itAlderman Cochran made the followinr; motion: That an ordinance creating
the office of license Inspector, and assignine additional duties; prescribeinrr
Oriinanco creating
the duties of said officer and fixing his Mary. be adol:ted, that
office of License
, and said or -
li diranee be recorded in Ordinance Book; - 4dopted unanimously upon call of the roll.
Aldermen Cochran moves that the rules be suspended ani Vat the Ordi-
nenoe pertaining to License Inspector be -riven a final passarre. 'adopted unanimous-
ly upon call of the roll.
Alderman Cochran made the follo':rine motion; =hat an Ordinance fixing•
salar;: of City
salary of City
the salary of the Auditor of the Cit;- of Taducah, bo adopted, niopted unnr.ir..ous-
ly upon call of the roll.
li Alderman Cochran moves that the rules be suspended, and the ordinance
ifixing the salary of the auditor of the City of yaducr:h be Piven its final passage.
Adopted unanimously upon call of the roll.
�I Aldermar. Risks made the followinp motion: 'I'hat an ordinance establishing,
a Board of Public Jorks consisting, of three members in the City of IMuyah, ler.-
Oriinar.oe establish-
ir;F Board of lubl¢c
{ tuck;;; proserib:ur tae duties end po':ers of said Board and fixing., the salar.* of
' its members., be adopted and recorded in the Ordinance Book.Adop ted unanimously
upon call of the roll.
,.ldsrman RieY,e mads a motion to suspend the rule and give the IIoerd of,:
rublic 4orks Ordinance its final passage. Adopted unanimously upon call of the
On motion the Board adjourned.
__ _ -
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah .. __ ___ _192--