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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 94, September 3, 1924Proceedings of-5-Q-kCOUN !I OF CILMEN City of Paducah SEPTEMBER 3RD, -1.92- 4. At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Fllor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on Wednesday, September'.the 3rd, 1924, President 1.7atts called the meeting to order. Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: watts, Bougeno Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owens, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion the minutes of the meeting August the 18th, 1924, were adopted as read. ;Member Rigglesberger read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEIJALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, INCLUDING ALL INTERSECTIONS NOT Reso.Side- HERETOFORE CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN BY THE PLANS OF THE CITY ENGINEER PROVIDED THEREFOR, walks, Jackson St. TOGETHER 'i.ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, 30WER PIPE CONNECTIONS A14D CAST IRON DRAIN PIPES, ON BOTH SIDES OF JACKSON STREET FROM THE `TEST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET TO A POINT ABOUT 235 FEET 17EST OF THE YIEST PROPERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET IN TIIE CITY OF PADUC,H, KENTUCKY, IN ACCORDANCE '7I H THE PLANS AND SPECIFIC ATIONS FUROISHED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 017NERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID UPON THE TE -11 YEAR PA'viIENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owens, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart.(12). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution was read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: i`,atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owens, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Oaens, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Member Morrison offered motion to allow Roy Holman ;p20.00 for one copy of Roy Holman Kentucky Statutes. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Morrison offered motion that the report of the Treasurer on Contract No. 2, Yancey & Johnson, Contractors, be received and filed, and the Clerk be instructed Yancey & Johnson to issue proper warrant on Treasurer for the payment of $414.40 due contractors, and that bonds be ordered printed, executed and sold in the amount of 4819.46, according to law; and the Treasurer be authorized to make a final settlement with contractors upon disposal of conds, reporting same to the next council meeting. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that the report of the Treasurer on disbursements made through the Cashiers Fund during .august, be received and the Clerk be instructed to Cashier's issue proper, warrant on the Treasurer for the amount so that the fund be reimbursed and Fund respective departments charged ag_shotim therein: Printing, postage and supplies ........ 19.75 Police Lepar-•.ment.....................18.50 Fire Department ............. .......26.00 New Uonstruction ......................13.30 Streets. ..19.52 CityJail............ .............. 8.75 Charity...... .. 8.40 Special S ....... .• Sevier Fuld. .......... 8.05 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I Proceedings of_ SO RD oz_Q0m >xLu1N City of Paducah.. --sl PTF.IdBLR_3rd.�1924.192 Same offered motion that the report of the Finance Committee be received and allowances made as recommended, and tt:e Clerk be instructed to issue proper warrant on Treasurer for the respective amounts as shown therein: PAY ROLLS. Legislative and executive ..............$1242.50 City Hall Employees ..................... 57.50 Pay -roll Police Department ....................... 1769.90 Fire Department ......................... 1579.26 Street " ......................... 805.53 New Construction ........................ 460.45 Market House. 85.00 Engineering Department .................. 122.50 City Jail ............................... 100.00 Health Officer .......................... 250.00 Health Nurse ............................ 105.00 Sanitary Inspector .................... 41.67 Milk& Meat Inspector ................... 70.00 %7illis Lummison ......................... 45.00 Pest House.. ........................ 25.00 Assessor's Clerk ........................ 40.00 Street Oiling Account ................... 524.10 Oak Grove.Cemetery...................... 330.35 Riverside Hospital ...................... 736.36 Park Board.. ......................... 61.50 Sevier & Plumbing ........................ 156.10 Chain Gang Boss ......................... 56.78 Also the following claims and regular allowances: Carnegie. Library ........................ 625.00 Home of Friendless ...................... 300.00 IdcCracken County Court .................. 100.00 Kothers Club ........................... 25.00 Settlement House.. ................ 25.00 Colored home of Friendless .............. 25.00 Health Officer Auto ..................... 25.00 I.C.R.R.CO. Freight.. ..... 690.60 Paducah Tire Company,(Police.Dept)...... 45.50 Board of Education (Taxes collected).... 1809.70 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Owen offered motion that the request of Jacob Seamon in regard to con - Jacob Seamon Fifth St. side- trete sidewalk on Fifth Street at its intersection on Tennessee Street, be granted. walk. Kdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Perth offered motion that Paxton ?Avenue be improved, according to the Paxton Ave. request of the abutting property owners, and the Board of Public Works and City Engineer be instructed to proceed aith same as soon as possible. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ::ember Cochran offered motion that the Board of Public ',:orks be instructed Persons to order all persons who tear up improved streets for placing of pipes or other replacing im- purposes, to replace same in previous good condition as to surfacing and oiling. proved Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Morrison offered motion that malt and cereal beverage license be Steinhauer & '.'.hi to . granted Steinhauer and ''Jhite, 1x119 N. 4th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). L?ember G.:en offere"i motion that Frank Brenner be allowed $800.00, which is 80;� of the ,)1000.00 worth of work done on Riverside Hospital during the month of Frank Brenner August, and the Clerk be instructed to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer charging same to the apportionment known as the Riverside Permanent Improvement Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ISember Jacobs offered motion that the communication from the Playor regarding the P. & 1. Railroad clos+:;F• Clark Street from 2nd to 3rd Street, be referred to the P,& I.R.R.Cr. Clark- 2nd Iiailrcad Co nittee and City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). to 3rd. Same offered motion that the communication from the First Nations! Bank, First National asking for tax reduction, be referred to th` e City Solicitor for investigation and Bank report at next meeting. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Proceedings Of -B9 Lin 0E 44 I1,c Lj l City of Paducah___ . SEPTEMBER 3RD,192.4. Same offered motion that the communication from A. W. Leigh, demanding payment of $450.71, expended by him, for the Police Department from January to June, 1924, be A. ?7 LEIGH received and filed. Motion lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Crider, Jacobs, . tali Kerth, Owen, RigElesberger and Steuart. (6). Nays: 19atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Mason, Morrison and Spicer. (6). Y.ember Mason offered motion that the bill of Hanks I.Iotor Company in the amount of ';254.80, for repairs and parts on Chandler car, be allowed and the Clerk be instructed Hanks Motor Co, to issue proper warrant on Treasurer, charging same to the Police Department. Mdtlon lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Yason, Morrison and Spicer. (6). Nays: Crider,. Jacobs,Keath, Owens, Rigglesberger and Stewart. (6). Member Jacobs offered motion to abandon the light in Lang's Park, as per Lang Park advice in letter from Fred Cloen, General Superintendent of Paducah Electric Company. Light. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Llorrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Lieutenants Aldermen in authorizing the Chief of the Fire Department to appoint four Lieutenants Fire Dept. in the Fire Department, without additional salary. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). !.!ember Jacobs offered motion that the Mayor be authorized to sell property at 10th & Clay Sts., and buy a lot at a proper location and build a new fire station, No. 3 Fire Station, and buy a neer pumper, .750 gallon capacity. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas 10th & Clay. 7.atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider,Jadobs, Rigglesberger and Stewart. (7). Nays: Mason, Morrison, Owen and Spicer (4). Member Kerth not voting. Member Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Report of Aldermen in receiving and filing the August report of the Chief of Police. Adopted Police Chief. on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in Fred Merryreceiving the application of Fred Merry, and placing him on the extra list of the Police Department. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). i Patrol 7lagon. Member Kerth offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of RZr.mrts32pi}}$y Aldermen in receiving the report of the Police and Fire Committee, and having necessary &xFtXffX5tmaffi. repairs made to Patrol ,agon, cost not to exceed §80.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Mason offered.motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in authorizing the i.:ayor and City Clerk to enter into contract with Yancey Yancey & & Johnson for Contracts Nos. 4 and 6. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Johnson Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in G,I7.Katber- authcrizing the tlayor and City Clerk to enter into contract with G. 19. Katterjohn Jr., John, Jr. for Contracts Nos. 3 and 5. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion meeting adjourned. G