HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 78, July 21, 1924Proceedings of. City of Paducah--LuAX--,,—I,------ -,t moetin, of zsoa-,d oY �ozjiicilmoll hr-ld on The Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Pztdiiouh, 1:entuck.y, July the 21st, 1924. President datts oalled the m%-,etinl.:^ to order. On the call of the roll the. followin? answered to their n,-: mr s * .atts, 3,1u-'eno, I-ochran, Crider, Jacobs, Zerth, 7:aron, Lorrison, Orien, Ri,-IlQsber,-or, On motion the minutes of July tile 7th, 19?4, were adopted as read. Member O.,.,,,n of'ered motion th.it tho corimiinication from the Mayor requPstine., three extra police to of, used as substitutes, be referred to the Police and Fire Committee 'with Extrz- ro'.,jer to act. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas : VIatts, Bou,,eno, Cochran, Crider, Police. - !LRson, Loivriion, Oren, iiC-C.lesborgrr, Spicer and Stewart. (11). Rays: Jacobs (1). *..i1:iibar Lolrison offered motion to receive and file the communication from the Layor riEurdin.- the classification of the City by the National Board of Fire Communica- Underwriters. Adwted on the call o-,the roll: Yeas: 1-7atts, Boue.eno, Cochran, (,rider, tion from ?.'ayor. :-�,;on, Lorrison, 07en and Spicer. (8). Rays: Jacobs, Rieglesberger and 6teviart(3), rot voting. Member O:,.,en offered motion that the minority re-gort of the Police and Report i s uor-x Police & Utzee, reCa*rdiruS the openingof No. 3 Fire Station, be received and filed. Fire Corr:. Member Zerth offered amendment to the above motion to defer action on Station 3. th-, mcknority report until next meeting. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas: 3 ot, .-no, Ooc;hran, Crider, Jacobs, -','erth, llason,' RigglesberCer and Stewart.(8). Nays: 0,.-,,en and Spicer. (4). L:ehber Zerth offered motion to receive and file the Auditor's re'nort of 01 -�olice Department, Auditor's PICollections from January the 7th, to June the 17thq 1924, or report of urine the administration of A. 'd. Leigh as Chief of Police, and that Er. Leigh be I lice Dept2 A- 7'. Le i gh o1 axed from bond. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). bond releasl0 ed. -:;amc offered motion to receive and file the communication of Geo. Hoffman, of 7 '):.,in, Ohio. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Vayor, Lorri it Ohio. zarne offered motion to refer to the City 'c:olicitor, oo li(: tioll MMIU a from L----'rgus Rice regardi- increased assedsed valuation of ��745.00 on property at 1315 ycurr.us wo ice. ,Lor,ted on the cr,11 of the roll; Yeas (12). J-cobs offered motion to grant the request of the City Jailer for Cook City Jail. 11 at a salary of ',20.00 per month. Adopted on the Call of the Zerth off,;rcd motion to ieceive and file statement made by Chief Chief wl )-,'Vv in :r)_a-,d to 1Ca ace in the Cas tunic of the fire Department. .1do-otedon the o:' -,n,; roll: Yea.3 L.-Inber I:oyri2on off(.rnd motion that the report of the Treasurer of Treas.Report (1011rctior;; on 3, be ucoo-Cr6d alii as there is duo. Yancey e: Johnson Col!ect!on3 Contra.3, 2, ckazh col�jr-.(jtc.; a,�: Yancey & 0 t 'd ................ g27-010.19 X21554.03. in' ......... 6486.11. ......................... to T�rof-,fir warr-nt;: on thc TrF,,:,sur,,-.r for the 0ayir.i-.-,nt f :0 tn,.- '-'rea;su--.r be jr,2Lractf)d to fr.:;:Ccl final gettlomi)nt with con trno- tore, b7 turnin,- ov,�r ;6uid �;-npaid bills of '-,3993.6b, fina to h�.zve printa(l nonda in tha amount OT' $,%0,02.3.73. CO v~~ri np7 the ten year a�rr-pz.ents, and tht-t thrj nr-,)re,,r oj*fif-;i-js be to executi,�:,nd disrooe of aw-Lp accor,-linp to 16N. adopted on tits, c.P.11 o-, the BOUEE-no, t:ochran, Crider, -lesber-'er, .'')'floes, wM-i ,tewart. AWWJKITI� No.- 79. Proceedings of +o":.; :, O:' C0171XILr� :1. JLY 21 g __ City of Paducah.._ ,U . _ 1924 S•=me offered the following motion: "That the report of the Finance Committee be accepted, th. accounts allov:ed, and the Clerk be instructed to issue Prower Warrant on the Tre;i6l rer for the payment of the respective amou-nts ohown therein:" Cit,; Hall 'i 't.^ir and SU' "ties ............ .81.15 PrintinG, poatuge and srl.lrlie. ...............542.06 Repairs to Ci Ly Buildin s .............. 6.0'': Police Lent Claims allowed. .................................. 53.06 Fore " ............................. _.359.16 Street " ................................ .605.17 Sewer 11 .............. ......•.•.......• 53.65 Bonds of '.mpl� Employees ...... 60.00 Citytightplc:nL........................... .,.6.25 Market House ................................. 30.06 Engineering ................................ 21.70 Parks ...................................223.96 CityScales ................................. 4.80 CityJail. ... ........................ .119.57 Riverside Hospital..........................1855.91 Health Dept. ........................... 73.90 Garbage Disposal ............................ 29.25 General Charity. ................ 33.14 Special Street Oilint-Fund.......... .1329.08 t+kite .Tay... ...... ................. 410.00 ... Contract Arc Li hts 2/31.:0 .................. 812.50 Oak Grove 6upplins .......................... 50.00 Incinerator Suppplies..................... 14.86 Se:-;er Dist. No. 3 578.30 ........................... Special Sez;er Fund .......................... 232.85 ;17644.40 Also pay roll as follows: Legislative Ze Executive Employees........... 135.00 Semi-1'c--thly License Inspector ........................... 62.50 1 Pay -roll. City Hall Employees ........................ 57.50 Police Dept .... ...........................1585.12 Dog Catcher 49.68 ................................. Fire Department.. ....................... .1537.19 Street Dept • .. 752.98 1,en construction ........................... 348.75 Se-aer Dept .................................. 156.10 L`Xll.'et House 82.32 ................................ Engineering ................................. 1217.50 City Scales ................................. 37.50 City Jail. ......................... 100.00 iverside Hospital .......................... 565.11 i Sanitary Inuspnctor .......................... 41.66 Pest House.. 25.00 Parks... .... ... .............. 51.50 _recialStrnet�Oil inq'Account ............... 250.36 Oak Grove ................................... . ......................... 274.40 Se..er Dist. No. 3 ........................... 125.00 �pecirl :e.-rer Fund ........................•28.00 :j6393.22 n 01,,ted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bou[-eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, --3rth, :.:-.son, L:o-rrison, 0, -!en, hi;-ttesberger, aPiOer and Storrart. (12). ::ember '"erth offered motion t'r_�:t the -treat Committee investiEate the open- j Opening o: in_.: Of Adams & Clark atreets, from 17th to 19th Street and rerort at the next. meetine. ' lr Hark =tr cts. s er. Z ottn call 0' the t Yeas (12). c.'r.:• 0i"Fred motion that the Board of Public 77orks and -v;trest Con,sli.ttee bn in:;t.Lt:cte•1 to eon:,Ider )nd impvove by Eradint,/V/i scarifying ani oiling the f011o:- Oiling route 4t!: 1t.l riCgO, it-, 3tr:ets: The rauto from 4th . tr-Tet Bridgn to Benton and S;nithl7_nd :roads; iriml.le Pe -.ton Rodd, Trinble 3t. e'' j t;:e riin.:_r.viL2<: :oc.d• 1Sthr treet .rrom Trimble to Cai : 0; h :Srdor 30. 3rd tet. :.' ,;' coatis; :i';h t. „. 0. .:.,h 1 rdopr. , (.. t n C.'-' 11 0( the.- 3•o 11: <r•CJ (1G). s::::i;c n= :.•reef ;,�;" on Ci;:. an Urdu: ry;,, 6o brou[rht in Stir%ul"-t:in.' t1lat �- i .e -.1(�� 0• th bound :,urrell Biv(i. "One ;;ay ??lvd." ;•':af:^ie, ;:�,. .,-ru a '. 1 ', ovidod. •....._ Ofd i'Fd mU`,;�'�Y. ,hat thr: 6t.•. •.-�': i:: _ ;:��r.Ur bo ]n:3 -..;tell tU rklv8:;tigate Str-et -r':. U: i.'... in,•r .• on ::ate str�Ftre u r.. i;: +. is .. o ted on P Inspector. _. � -• ...:`- -..raps off -red motion `::f:_, -;u,oin :z <.., in -*,)r sago r3treeL t i r, :, _ ; r' ferrr:6 :., Lincoln :ve. .1 :t:ater Street LiLhts.CoM.Mitz;ee , 01 i?.v Sy:.tiGn. n3a :el U iOf the.It W Proceedings of _ _ _e. _: _ .L: -- = ": City of Paducah NZY �1.__ _ - - _ __ 192 M( --Lor Stewa.•-t offe.�:od motion tht.t elle condition of alloy runnirW, from ! cy Tenn. Tennessee Street to Jones Street, between 17th and 18th Street, be referred to the to Jones. btw.Boa--d of Public ;:orko and Street Committee for recommendation. Adopted on the call of 17th & 18th. p the roll: Yeas (12). Member 1:ason offered motion that the installment of a light at 24Th Street 24th & 'ash and :.aohineton Street, be referred to the LiCht & 1,7ater Committee. Adopted on the call Lirht. of the roll: Yens (12). Lember Zerth offered motion that a street liht troubling residents at 4th & Lionree 4th and 1:0m oo Street, be referred to the Litht & 'dater Committee. Adopted on the Street light, c;.11 0> the roll: Yeas (12). L:ember Stewart offered motion that the Ilublic Improvement Committee be Fill along "`apfield Rid, instructed to investigate and repair fill along the Layfield Road. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Llember Spicer offered motion to reconsider the request of 1.-rs. James to _z -Ruth Jamescor_ect assessment on automobile. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that 1::rs. James request regarding assessment on automobile, be referred to the City Solicitor and City Clerk for investigation and co -rection. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Liember iorrison offered motion that Tax Bill No. 246 of 'U. L. Bennett, estate, L. Bennett be referred to the City Solicitor and City Auditor Igor correction. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). LeTCber Dougeno offered motion that the communication from Ilrs. Bessie Lou Aston, regarding 1924 taxes on car sold June, 1923, be referred to the City Solicitor ;:rs. Bessie Lou Aston for investigation. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Liember Kerth offered motion that the I. 0. R. R. be requested to repair I. C. P. R. crossin;, at 11th and Broadway. Adopted on the call of the roll. Yeas (12). Crossing at 11th & Bway, is -ember :.-orrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in acce'uting ;pork done by Yancey & Johnson on No_th Tenth street, between f:'I:csy &John- �Tefte_.son and L di on :treats, as recomrnanded by the Board of Public `lor. s• Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). L:ember Owen offered :notion that the Public Improvement Committee place Ceiling Fans t„o ceilirr Tn in Couricil Chamber. :.domed on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). in Council ,.. v':> :1'; Fs read an ordinance entitled "All O-RDIIl1'CE AS'c ?`jSIIP, l... _. _'1 G.: ,a .. L,.,., ;,: 10'_H 4rhr _ .:v:-. .__.:. :;0 1'H P_:'1FB3!'Y :,II:n 0: T . CI'''Y 0131 v:: ; 2.: d kc -...:_... _ _ I:; . : •10: - U.. _...- .,'-t_. ";,;'—Toll OF AID STRE ^1, DRIVE ,..Y I.:i ,:;G.... ., _ ::..-..-• I ... .:Ll .,::::..t, ii'1 : ..,.iCi L, __ zv , Cr.i'C3 B:.:Ii1 .__Iv =.,. :'. PIr21 ,. :,A ..: ::'t _... :'I _Z -. 1:.... _:' 11.1.1.. 0.: .._ ., i7..CEP'= THAT PORTION .:0 1:. _Y .... .. .:.:✓ ... .. .. ..:� I: _....... .. _., ...., ..:... .... .._ � -.... .'�i.. .. 1'. _:I\lL Vl°°' A'.'.�J Y:.:LR:I. 11 on .0 : J Ci. 1 c-: n o e^ll o t1:.r- roll by the ? . , ,. hj. upon t... call „ .. ..... ... .... . , .. ... ._ ._. , _ .. ., _ _ `f; ur,..:n tA_;. C all of tl,e 1011. i".:_.:. Proceedings of, 4: oc,, _ City of Paducah_-.__ JtiLY a, 192 - .. _.- I: "..`;cl :: zth o' .._•ut .ot.inn ;3 -' + un,z In i.l... ::; d to 'the COMmunic:ttion from the '.your 1•,:fu ang to sign cont. c t pith i :o .epair No. 3 Fire Station, beinE: received, rind defer action until the next C.R. Isen:an Con::ract, ...>>ting. r:dopted on the call of the ,oll: Yeas (12). Lember J-cobs offered motion to concur ill the action of the Board of aldermen ill ratifyino action of the Auditor, L.ayor, City Clerk and City Solicitor in orderins- p:.id 'bond interest due as follows: Due July loth, at U. S. Kortgate E! Truct Co., Bond Interest $15037.50, rsemi-annul interest on Third District Serer Bond. Issues due July 15th, Faid at City national Bank 6175.00, semi-annual interest on School Improvement Bond Issue. Adoptan on thi: c<.11 of the roll: Yeas (12). Same. offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of-ldermen in receivin: and filing report of the City Treasurer, of payment and cancellation of Cancellation interest• coupons and bonds of Special Street Bonds Issues due July 1st, 1924, in the oSpec. Strect mount of -'j6019.70. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Imp. Bonds. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in i authorizing the City Clerk to issue warrant on Treasurer in the amount of •',5405.46 Board of Educa- to oarEducation, the Board of Edtias their portion of the :.17297.47 of taxes collected (burin., � ticn allowed k5405.46. thn e period from July the let to :7uly the 21st, 1924. Ldonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I.iember ::girth o-_fered motion to concur in the action of the Board of i alderman in allo.:ing Frank Brenner 5400.00 for work on Riverside Hospital Improvement, Frank Brennen iz ner approved 'Dill. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I a-loved w_00.00. ..ember :.:orrison offered motion to concux in the action of the Bo rd of Alderman in referring to the Yelief Committee, the refund of 'J2.50 to Ben .7eille I Ben •:e111e. 1 on automobile license receipt ITo. 2779. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I llember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldern?en in referring• to the LiEht & 'later Committee the communication from bu<iiness Street 2rd Pf Cllarkark.. min inthe Second?, Clark Street Section asking for a street light. Adopted on the csll of the roll: Yeas (12). !'ember Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of I <.lderr-•en in referring to the License Inopector, communication from ;.. J. Burrodell, Burrodcll, - roopted on t� call of the roll: Yeas (12). Lem er `c.picer offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Riverside "Idermen ill recr:ivi.ng aril filing th;: report of the Riverside Hospital -(or the month !'.capital report for of Jul:r, 1924. ::do-ote<i on t:.a call of the roll: Yeas (12). June. u•: per Jacob, offered motion to concur in t;:e action of the Board of Assistant Aldera:en in .110 its_ ';hr; City A: as >sor to es:ploy an assistant for the rnonth of AP`'A t to City L.snoano:•. ani Septe>r;.i,c:' :., _ ;r.7.:ry not to succeed ';80.00 per month. adopted on tho call o-i' the co11. Yee:; (lig. ... -... . --th olfrred :mo':ion to con6lir in i,he action Oi the Bo:,rd of a'- i '_ "i*;,"! • ;toeney, Carl Drn4er, a ,•✓:;.tion' oviiied ,;euros, ::one Vacation for Carl Der.Yer, `'�ir>Int .a:l or.011: '• (12) . y Cit".;.. nt��.t1.0t1 ;O cow;.. i;: �'K. t%'tO'l of t';i: :)o';Yd Of 11 dig' inti:... 1Gxi, the 1 1::, oi! ,.:. r.. .. ,. -, 's o11 v]iYl;.' Ot.li3�'�nd1212 Bond Interest. -� ............ ,1wo,,,,- c6u,o _... . _ ........................r ;� 2118.00 _ 4:30.00 Ji ... ............................... .. 1 Ci.00 .................................. r . 3690.40 Adopte'i on !;'no? `:, l? of the r1i__ Proceedings _City of Paducah_.___ .._nY1. __------ ..192.1• -- _ - - Satre offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in T r 7 :efsrrin to the Eelief Committee, commu.ticc,tion frau Lrs. M. E. Goodman, in regard to 0o;ir,a czaasment on p:opertg located at 3rd d 1:7:shington Streets. ,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (13). On motion of member Lorrison, the Cotmoil recessed to go into Joint Session at 10:45 P. 111. He -convened and on motion meeting adjourned. .......... . i d2