HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 532, December 31, 1927Proceedings of _B.ARD of C0U1TCI1VL1T City of Paducah prc.)3711BER 31, 1927 _.
At a call meeting of the Baird of Councilmen held on the third floor I
of the Cit;; Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, December 31st, 1927, in the i
absence of President ','Watson, the meeting vias called to order by the Clerk, and
tSember Duvall was elected president pro tem. Upon the call of tho roll the f oll-
eying ansviored to their names: BrLminett, Budde, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, East,
berth and Steuart. (8).
Mayor's call read, received and filed.
Minutes of the previous ueeting were adopted as r ead.
Member Kerth offered motion to receive and rile communication from j
F.E. Lack relative to Storm :later Sevier Zone "B." Adopted on the call of the roll I
Yeas; (8).
Same offered motion that the report of the inventory of the various
departments of the City Government vias received and filed. Adopted on the call
of the roll: Yeas; (8).
Member Doherty offered motion to receive and file summons served on
the Mayor for the City of Paduoch, hdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8).
Member Brutmett offered motion to receive and file the blue print
of the concrete sidevialks abuttting low ground on 17th Street and Broadway street
and Kentucky Avenue. Also referred to the Board of Commissioners. Adopted on
the call of the roll: Yeas; (8).
Member Doherty offered motion that the communication from the
Yancey Bros, and Fite, - John OvienA Gardner Coal Co. and
Blackmer and Post Pipe Company of St. Louis, Mo. jin regard to payment ror lab-
or :.nd material vias received and filed and referred to the Board of Commissioners.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Boardof Aldermen,
in regard to the suit of Eula Billings. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas;
Member Crider offered motion to concur in the "tion of the Board of
Aldermen in allowing payrolls in the :mount of $10,840,42. Adopted on the c:.111
of the roll: Yonas; (8).
Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board
of Aldcr,.en, that the claim of the Beasley Marblo & Granite Co. in the amount of
X4.00, be allowed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas; (8).
Member Cridor offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Aldermen, relative to the strciot inprovemont bond intarost coupons in the amount S
of ,;130.44. Adoptod on the ca 11 of the roll: Yoas; (8).
Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of tho Board of
Alder:.:0n, in allowing claims for tho anoint of )76.70.. Adopted on tho en,.l of
the roll: 40an; (8).
".o:ah.^r Doheny offorod notion to etnour. 1n the action of the Board
Of Aldo:mon, rel.at:vo to tha claim c,f the Padue• h "Jator Compa ny for tho amount
' of ;20.50. Ldopted on the call of the roll; Yoa:i; (8).
L e orfercd,motion tha t the report of the Fir.,) Chief be rocoived
qad filod. Adcpte3 0.: the Cali of C'no roll: Yen a; (a7).
-ano r,:f re3 emotion to concur in the ® tion of the 90avIl of A'ldormon,
Xk= the aaco�:nt in connaction wit.. tho aovvsrabuilt t.y the IicKalvoy
Cona:'rucition :C, hO n1fer:e1 to the Board of GOr ,iaai Cne^�. .Adogped on tho Call
of t.% roll: ': .a; (8).
Proceedings of City of Paducah
__ s J�rember Doherty offered motion that the report of the Police and Fire Oomm- I
ittee, in regard to the accident that occurved at the corner of 9th and Jefferson Street,
,,as'coneurred in. adopted on the call of :ho roll: Yoas; (8).
On notion of L?ensdi, kho mimztod of the call-Mcoting:of Decomber Mot,
1 27, .-:ere adoptod as' road., :a o ::::i __I jourz;3d. '
adoptedd;� � /1927 'a _