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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 528, December 19, 1927Proceedings of - City of Paducah ._ rt_c'_B 71i 19th, _ 1927...
o,.. _i_._..
At ac,7u,!Ar raceting of tho Board of Councilmen hold on the third floor
of tho City Hall, in the Cit; of Padticalt, IContucky, December 19th, 1927, the Clark
J called the meeting to order and upon the call of the roll, the following ana:,fcred
to their naraes: Brw.mott, Buddo, Cridcr, Doherty, Dirtall, East, Jacobs, lterth,
°iaycr and Steuart. (10).
In the absence of President Matson, Momber Duvf:ll was elected President
pro tem.
ldinutos of the previous meeting visa adoptod,as rend.
t'embor Kerth offered motion to receive and file communciation from the
T.R. patients. :.•�Or, ralative to admitting tubcrculoais nationts to t;,e T.'3. Sanitarium, Adopted
on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10).
Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, sura ons sorved on
Stix mons on r.ayor.
the i:ayor for the City of Paducah. iidolptcd on the call of the roll- Yeas: (10).
:.:ember Doherty offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, co!mstuzi-
Clain of George cation from N.E. Gilbert relative to claim of George Backer for ,;:75.00, for damage
f his automobile by falling into an unguarded excavation on Jefferson Street. j
:adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas; (10). i
Report of City Ass- Eamber Brummett offered motion to receive and file report of the City
Asaossor for the year 1928. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10).
Ernest Luc::ey. Same offered motion to accept the resignation of Ernest Lackey as a mea-
ber of the Board of Health. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). j
Tdember Doherty offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor and P,inonee
Cary Hi¢r71ns• Committee uith po::,er to act, the matter of Gary Hi; -,_ins being assessed for a house �
he did not own, that a rofund be given him and that the October tax bill he can -
called, as reco„anonded by the City Asacssor who p,.rsonally investi:sated t;te matter.
• i
Aonted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10).
!'ember Earth offered notion to refer. to the City- Solicitor, thi: laatt'er of 71
Jsmes L. Gordon, tax bill .'-1,734 a^ainst Jamos L. Gordon, for a lot on Triri'ilc Stroet between 21st
and 2?End ,treats. adonted on tole call of tho roll: Yeas; (10).
>ame offerod -,otion to rofor to the City Solicitor,tho mattor of tax bill
Karl Corder. 7"", ^, Larl ':ardor, for tufo lots on north 22nd Street betwoon Lindsey rind
•trouts. adoptod on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10).
:r !scar Brumctt offorol motion to rofor to the Cit, Solicitor, the ratter
C.T. Sutherland. ;170 a-ainst C.T. S•ttherland for two lots "13 and .'14, located on Slat
:.dopted on tho call of the roll' Yeas; (10).
off•;re l r.-otion to Pefor to the City Solicitor, the ratter of
A.Y. P!• rtin.
for a. niece of .nro�erty on ).^t:t'r, t,
.,;opted on tho Gail of i:ho roll: - (101.
o jncr and 1�1r; UL' i .e)
:. p( P. .
;,,,m,a�S y &ovencor report of yha Paducah '„rater Cenpany. ;%dopted on tho call of tho roll:
Year,; (1(;). -
:-;ji:'..:Melt .ani,,;.a
Ordinance, annex-
ation cr urincor- ,
::orsited territcry.
No. i.^,
Proceedings of a.;z:.._.:: City of Paducah =._ _; : 104h, 1927.- .
a a..,1 -lvell fir: upon the call of tho roll: yono;
::ollerty, :'.'v ill, .--, Jacobs, i;crth, ;Iaycr and Stewart. (8). hays: BrImulott
n :,.c,lde, (2) .
oil motion the rules wore suspended and ordinance road by title upon the call
of tile roll: yeas; �Irurr,:ott, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, Last, Jacobs, Kerth,itayer and
:_.tevrart. (9). ?gays: Buddo. (1).
On notion sane was •iven second and final passage upon the call of the roll:
Yeas; Fr>,nett, Budde, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, east, Jacobs, Korth, ??ayor and Stocrc.rt.
?:ember l;olierty excused from the inceting.
?'ember Budde offered ratify deed of Nenry and Katie Boyer to
F?enry -- an Coates for a parcel of Ground situated in Oak Grove Cemetery, being the north
Katie Beyer. , 3
alf of lot iio. 456, P,loc?:T-;o. 51 and the south half of Lot No. 465 in Block No. 31.
...!o'pted on the cell of the roll: Yeas; (9).
Riv-rside ?enbor Last offered motion to receive and file report of Riverside Hospital'
lion i tal
report. lot, A%lo month of 11ovenber. Adopted on the call o£ the roll: Yeas; (9).
T:ember Brucr:ott offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
":ester mains ,e. ,„en, in ;;ranting request of property oynters for the extension of +'rater mains on I
on :.lttle
AVG., from
Paxton to - lO :-venue froze Paxton to the old City Limits; and that the Paducah `:.later Company
Old `s. sty
Limits. be dirocted to lay its Prater mains for the connection of :-rater service on the above
rentioned street. .'adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). j
'_'embor Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder-!
.-TabJettie that the amount of '253.43 in the adjustment of the newer assessment a ,zinst ?•yrs.
3obson. :n, J P• i
c t:c - .b❑cr_, be paid by the City and charged to the Special Lateral Fund. Adopted on!
:o caof the roll: 'leas; (9).
G.`.. t:att, r- -ezber Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of e.ldermen
Jelin '?on.
acreptir.^ contract c:' G.':.'. i.attex•joh= Ec Con, for aide•.rallc, curb cold Mztter which
ave aeon ccnplo':ed on contract :M, as racoesr_ended by the Joint Street Colrm+ittoe.
:Opted On tho call of tho roll: -loan; (9).
o.R. R: :!imo cf- rred :.otion to concur in the action of the Board of ::ldormon, in aclopt-
:',*-tie Bele.
1--e 'ho fox_o::•i:r{: l nave that tho action of the Gono:al Council vilth referonco ro>re-
c,st Of t+;le ?;alo, for relief on asseorn nts of storm water saviors in 2oro
o _c,_: adop+:od ;love; hor 21, 3.927, be and the nano is ?toroby i,aaaindcd.
cot. tr e"-- cf .c :•o'__. `leas; --ant, (1). :?n.ys; 13,>uim�:ett, Buddo, Crider; Duvall,
';c—,llrit In the action of the Board of 1dor=an
:street Tept. _. of `717.10, not approved by•thO
on'!Can; YCan; (9).
:. _. ,...: Zen of tho hoard of .'Adonwn
.Ori Per 'I 000 rxlm+l;Cor in the
. _ •r, .`'.: .. .. _ . ., :C:i) >.fii ;•4 ehal':ed to the
or 30fird CX
,Q if
x r Uzi t r v a 3
_ ro:- ir.. , ;:e !•r__ _ . ,. ,. _.. . .. _ .. ...
C •-tion On i.'>',e nropaz.`t!Gila ^.e 1:91'. 4t' t'-6 .axh .
_ -1411 ar... Uat t%:e raa,y.:. _. ei t t. . c.•., on .:c hl%lances due
n;rt t••. excec '. _ , 3.0 :(A .'r rh ".. cr-i� i i c : ^;,,-.r: --ant.
on the cr.11 of the .roll: Ycas; (g),
Fire Dept. payrolls.
No._ 530 --- -- — .
Proceedings of_._
i ,_�__oF._cnulicll_I_
_ City of Paducah
anprov ed by the Finance Committee, be allowed. Adopted on the call of the roll:
on the cr.11 of the .roll: Ycas; (g),
Fire Dept. payrolls.
.embor Jacobs offered motion be concur in tine action of the Board of A1dor
that the payroll.& for the Fir, Department for the amount of :,,,2122.07, not
anprov ed by the Finance Committee, be allowed. Adopted on the call of the roll:
Yens; Buddo, Crider, Duvall, East$ Jacobs, ;'erth, :7.ayer and Stewart. (8). Hays;
Brummett. (1). j
Riverside Hospital
;!ember Crider offered mbt'ion to concur in the action of the Board of Al -
dermon, that the payroll for the Riverside Hospital, which eras not approved by the
Finance Cormittee, be allo':;od fc_ the amount of '780.68. Adopted on the call of
the roll: Yeas; (9).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, in
H.O. & 0. RR. Co.
payin. 'the Somi-annual interest on the N.G. & O.R.R. Co., Refunding, Bond issue in
the amount of ;;744.36, which ;rill become duo J muary 1, 1928. Adolxted on the call
of the roll: Yens; (9).
Paducah Printing Co.
;.?ember Brummott offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Al-
dermen, tush the claim of the Paducah Printing Company for printing 90 bonds, 1.ic-
helvey Construction Company contract, Storm Sower ''one "A", for :"88.65, approved
by the Joint Finance Cornaittoo be allowed, and the Clark authorized to issude prop-
er warvgnt on the Treasurer, chargeable to I?ew ''Zones 3ar:ez Rind. Adopted on the
call of the roll: Ycas; (9).
I:eiber Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Al -
Arcadia School Bond
do_men, in naying Che Somi-annual interest on the Arcadia -Graded School Bond issue
in ti,.o amount of :,\)= 0.00, which :rill become duo January 1, 1928. Adoptod on the c .
call of the roll: Yea s; (9).
1:embcr Stewart offered motion to concur in the aetidn of the Board of A1 -
First Nat'l Bank.
dermen, that the interest on note at First National Barac for sG4.93 due December
31, 1927, he allowed and the Clork authorized to issue proper warrant on the Tress -
ti -or. :adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9).
7.'enbor Bruiuott o_'iorc<I motion to concur in the action of the Board of `1 -
dcrmrn it ::llo*fin in the amount of :.11G.G5. tdonted on the call of the roll
lean; (:,).
Special Street Imp,
sc^- o.^ferod notion that the T.oport of the ;'rens mor for Bond Int"root
(:oupon3 paid in the amount of .11.67 1-o alloefed from the "pocial ;;trcct Improvement
`:x:•l. ...onto'' or, ;he call of the roll: Yoas; (9).
"_1•c r ct'nnr'aI ..,)'10:, to concur in the action of the Board of «1-
Y,oller Pltm:bing Co.
X collections of ;.292.37 on 'bwor 71illn in
: • , <; . ..-. t'. t}zc •r:oiler Plumbing; Company b? rcca
=: !:ciontod on the call of tb:e _ cll:
U '. ,".ion In allowin naymolltr for t,ho aro-alb of
C:"-linance ar ns ir;F
2, Pth sale Cr : Gmr Oe; ,. .. i• ._ __.
@feut side cf 71St ..Z;.;
n3i:0 raft AVer-!;e and
•.'"_ > ., -,
Sorth aide of Kent;
.sa i
Proceedings of
_ City of Paducah
y '._ . ; .', ] J:.L`, .0 .:1' . C' 11, 7!-,' GF 157.'1! STRT-,2T, I
0:'�` 1 C i.TY.OF P.^.DU-
.._?i.: C.10CH BA;,L::, ,.... c WI:iC;CTIOTIS
I.? OJ S.. DE P.�lD I;; T':Ii ...... 1NST:,LL'_:Tn"'TS I11 CO :PLIi.i;Ci: '.:T'iI{ i'HI PLiOVISIONS CT'
On notio* oc:r.c r:..., given first passage upon the call of the roll' Yeas; (9).
On notion the rules were suspended and ordinance r -ad by title anon the call
of tic roll. tic•no; (J).
on Notion snno ::n.s -iven second and final po.c.m go upon the call of the roll' 1
1:cnbev Cridor offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of .'!ldermoni
` I
ri: the follmving, That whereas as::osamcnts for the cost of
I•oui se L
Fritz `?etz- ;.: a ;ainnt tlae property of Louise and l"ritz Lctzgor, located
ger. _
.. 1-!-.coln and Q_A'JG 1.;111! .7 treets; and,
-oas, the cost of such assessments is in excess of the value of Lots 30, 31J
In:hc opinion of the Cormitteo investigating same, and Lot 51, in the opinion,
of such C: ___`..too, will bear the assessment; and,
Koreas, an-rccr.:ent has been reached between the property ormers and said
c that, the City will pay one-half of the cost of such construction as again!!
SO, 31 and 50, aml that the nroporty ormcrs will nay the balance of said cost and
_1 of the costs as —minst Lot 51. The City's hart to be charged to Street Fund.
io*terl sn the call of the roll: Yeas; (9).
noar3 recessed to root in joint session.
i:eco:.vcncd and on r•.otion m,:eting adjo.irned.
3.927 AP?!!WhED
T77'. _ 7 .,, 7.11 ,:C L.. ""