HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 518, November 21, 1927No..518-- - - _ .
Proceedings of BOARD- OF _COVNCIIXIEN - --- City of Paducah - AOVM,.:BER 21st, 1927.
At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held November 21st,
1927, on the third floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky,
President '::atson presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered
to their names: Watson, Brumme'tt, Budde, Doherty, Duvall, East, gayer and Stew-
art. (8).
•I.finutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
Idember Duvall offered motion -to receive and file communication from
Comanxinication from
the Mayor relative to all departments being requested to stay within their appor-
tionment,and that no bills be created or allowed beyond the revenues for the re-
mainder of the year 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea's; (8).
Member Doherty offered motion to receive and file garnishee served on
Vayorls Garnishee.
the Mayor for the City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (e).
Same offered motion to approve the appointment of Eduard J. Paxton a
Eduard J. Paxton.
member of the Zoning and Planning Board of Paducah for a period of four years,
effective January lot, 1927, by the Mayor. Adopted on the call of the roll: i
Yeas; (8).
Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Mayor
Fraser & Coe1•e.
executing contract with Frazer & Cocke for the construction of 20th Street from
Jackson Street to Wheeler Avenue, and Baumer Avenue (or "A" Street), from the j
line of i'lorten Addition to 16th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (e).
Bomber Doherty offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor with pow -
Mrs. Edna Holmes.
or to act, the matter of tax refund to Mrs. Edna Holmes. Adopted on the call of
the roll: Yeas; (8).
Member Crider came into the meeting.
Member Doherty offered motion that the erroneous increase of ('25.08 on
the October tax bill, be corrected and same'refunded to Myrtle Swinney. Adopted
on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9).
Same offered motion to resolve and file statement from Henry A. Potter,
Henry A. Potter.
relative to the City's annual donation to the Ohio Valley Improvement Association.
:adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9).
Member Jacobs'and Member Kerth came into mooting.
Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Inta:c at Sth and
rlizabeth Streets,
ldoxron, in a"llowin3 :,59.40 to the Street Department and charged to the Second
District Relief :ower Fund, for building Intake at 5th and Elizabeth Streets.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
1�ombvr 3towart offered cotton to concur in the action of the Board of
.7pecial Crave! : unrl.
AldoY,%on, in alloriin. :3G,32.50 to the Street Department and c1Yar7,ed to the 3nocial
gravel Vund, for placin, ,^.^.0 sol along tho guttors on Various 3troots rticently con-
structed. Adopted on rine call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
Membor Duvall offered motion that aet*lo:cont bo made wlth the Contrast -
'atter jot•n
or on •.Fie Bale of "Ie oonda, covering the G.:;. Rattt,rjoYm Contract ;•2, :,dolrtod
ein the call c.f to roll: Yeas; (11).
L ctflr .ocarty cfVorod r❑otion to eono,ir in the action of the hoard of
f1nkirg ?,ands.
&:dFY en, in autheirizirg t'Y:e areae s er to transfer ;24972.75 to the 2int:ing Funds,
to retire bc:1 3 at Ga ;,.city; the amount d"a to be set saki* each six months. '
.`,donna' e tlnzl call of tna roil: Yeas; (11).
clamber un'w.:.�sett c:ction to cora,-:r .in the action of the Board of
rpeclal ;rrzavel Fund. :=idC Sn at t.,.e of be zot fi�i:en
i te :_eolsl Gravel ,.rad For uae
6f ':.a ':treatcpa:,=-i;t. A•075taq on t':9 call 'If the roll: Yoaa; (11).
NO. 519
Proceedings of BOARD of COTINClrIZ N
City of Paducah "OvOiBLR 21st, 1927.
Island Cr. Member Brim-mott offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Brid;7e Fd. Aldermen, in alloying :;23.00 to the Street Department and charged to the Island Crook
Bridge blind, for grading approach to the 6th Street Bridge. Adopted on the call of the
roll: Yeas; (11). .
C. St.L, Nembor Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the, Board of Alder -
C P. RR' men, in pnyiig the semi-annual interest on the C.St. L. & P. R.R. Co., Bond issuo in the
amo,xit of 0175..38 ::hen same is duo. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
Bondn and :':ember Brummett offered motion to concur in,the action of the Board of
Intcrent• Aldermen, that the report of the Treasurer for Bonds and interest coupons paid in the
amount of $67.09 be allowed from the Special Street Improvomont Fund. Adopted on the
call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
Poney to !!ember Duvall offered motion vo concur in the action of the Board of Alder-
men, that the Ilayor be authorized to enter contract with Posey & Cocke, Accountants.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
,- Memb or Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Adleraen, that settlement be made with the Contractor on the sats of the bonds, cover-
ing tho J.Y. Rouse Contract 11. Adopted on the call of the rolll: Yeas; (11).
°ouV.err. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen,
Co. that full settlement be made with the Contractor on the sale of the bonds, covering
the Southern Roads Company's Contract l•{'1. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
Fire rept. Member Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
`!.lis. Aldermen in allowing, the sundry Fire Department Bills, which were not approved by the
Finance Committeo. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea a; (11).
lire Dept. I7ember Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Payroll. Aldermen in allowing the November half -month a
. , g payroll for the Fire lkipartment, not
approved by the Finance Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; 611).
".iveraido Member Duvall off ered motion to Conbur in the action of the Board of
Posr,. Pills
ldormer., in alloying the su:ldry Riverside Hospital Bills, not approved by the Finance
C= ittee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
-are offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, in
i?o ;+ital a1'_ow in the '.toveabor iut if -month a
Payroll. g payrolls for the Riverside Hospital, not approved by
tiro Finance Ccr=,Ittoo, . Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
"Outhrrn !clamber Crider offored motion to conour, in the action of the Board of Alder-
R0911c f:o.
m1n, that the rsport or, tiro :southern Roads Company's Contract #j6, hard surfacing 12th
en9.'Bornhein t.vem"o, be settled aith the contractor. Adopted on the call of the roll:
Yeaa; (11).
rcvtcern e^•b r Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
naaln ^,O. ,A dercer. tIA1, tilt ro o^t on tate
, P :icut .OiRi Roads Company's Contract a2, hard surfacing
Guthrie, 19th !_ Jjoksbn trouts, bo nettlol aitn t?.e contractor. A rloptod on tho call
of `.7:e roll: yeas; (11).
1.;e , 1?6 Ger :r:dF,:^ offci•o1 notion to concur in the action of the Board or Alder-
. .. mon, t:'iat %:40 reportO ',-6 I:^.:olvoy Conbtruction Company's ::ewer Contract "'.011e HAI,
L•n ..•';tlgd rite: th:e ccatrac or. Adopted o. th.e call of the roll: Yean; (11.).
S&7:0 eff-red cctioc tc cone:= in tiie action of the acar'i Of A110110en, that
?r,:.awreris rcC^1't of Volloc.ionu of (335.01 aw-.r :hila in Xo::6 :2, an%1 t11b pAy-
_• :t of :las: to t;.e :'ol_br =_ :nf.; am7.uoy be r6 a-zenir,:i ar.3 t1;6 amount allo•ncd from
o r:•c . fund. Adoptel o:: _i'e ca:.1 of t,,e roll. yeas; (11).
Proceedings of.. BOARDOF COOCIUTFIL _City of Paducah NOVEMBER 21st, .1927_. _
Member Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board
of Aldermen, in allowing the payrolls Qom- approved by the Finance Committee.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
Member Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board
of Aldermen, in allortin Claims approved by the Joint Finance Committee. Adopted
on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
tiember Doherty offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee,pho
:7.C. O'Bryan,
matter of ".J.C. 0 Bryan who submitted his check to the Council for redemption; and
charge same to the old Sewer Account. Adopted on the callof the roll: Yeas; (11).
Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board
Southern Roads Co.
of Aldermen, in approving the Engineer's estimate filed by the Southern Roads com-
pany, as follows: Estimato #1, Contract T18, resurfacing 4th street bridge over
Island Crack, 1$`1,854.29. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11). !
Member Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Ellen Lletzrer.
',Aldermen, in granting Ellen Metzger permission to connect,at her eapenso,with the
sewer on Mayfield Road. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
6th Street Bridge.
Member East offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ,
Aldermen, in approving the 6th Street bridge over Island Creek, built by J.M. Rouse, I(
contractor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
Clamber Rerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
C.S. Crossland.
Aldermen, in refunding C.B. Crossland $7.92, which was erroneously assessed against
same. A goptod on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
B.C. Snyder.
in refunding 'va3.96 to B.C. Snyder, due to a raise on his property of •;150.00, for
which he received no notice. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
Sembor Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
.R: Hale.
Aldormen,that Lir. Halo is not entitled to the relief asked for on sewer assessment.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas; (11).
Same offered motion to concur 1n the action of the Board of Aldermen,
Lice i.'.a.ttie Levin.
that the appointment of Miss Ltattio Levin as temporary Superintendent of Riverside
Hospital by hospital Committee, be approved. Adopted on the call of the roll
Yeas; (11).
Came offered motion to concur in the action of the Board bf Aldermen,
trims Pauline Bror.•.c.
that t'F:r, r-,signation of LSis3 Pauline Bro:•rno as Superintendent of Riverside hospital
be accepted. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11).
Ry. Uti,ition Co.
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldeinon,
that the ont:ic%y titilitien Company bo, authorized to plata Street Lights at the
inter cations of 14th Ztreot and Park tvonua,and 15th Street and Salem Avenue.
adopted on the call of the roll: YOaa; Whorty, Duvall, East, Jacobs, Mayer and ;
';tosart. (6). Nuys; "atn,n, Bri:.'.:::.ett, i5ud%le, i+nd Korth. (4). Crider not voting.
i#ember Bru--:ett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
7.P. Brads1:8u.
A 1dar::en, relati7e. to acnerting tac propeai.tion of U.I. 15eadahav7 for nettling .
zaw.r snm:nn7,. nt a •^.31...71 prope:`ty at loth and rentuoky Avenue, an recoi.rxiondad by
:.1'ie:mer' hie-r_e and Colo. Lost' :,pon the call of the roll: Yoaa;SrU::r.ott, Crider,
Zoharty' invall. (4!. ';ay:;; -==scan, H-dlc:, •"ant, Jaaoh:, Kerth, ;'agar and Gbewart.
mjm,baar Ktrtb raoticn to aonaur in the action of the Board of
Grading and _ .E•i_
i nh, of 29th Ltraet.
Aliatyea, i.^. arneptin, �L_n grail:.;; and g,,ava111r.; of 24t:. 7trcot from ti_e north
pro ert1 line of %,a ?S ._5iLlie ...ad to the 3csth pror.orty 111:0 of Vildr*d treot.
Ae,dopO ed c.^. a call of t:':e roll: yeas; (11).
No. 521
Proceedings of DOA2D OF COMICII111EN
City of Paducah NOVIRIBER 21st, 1927.
Member Doherty esoused.from meeting.
6th Street Membor Korth offered motion to concur in tho action of the Board of Alder -
in allowing .ork on approach to uth Street bridge, Adootod on the call of the
roil: Yeas; (10).
L`r. Fern- !<embar Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldor-
on J. Pace.^en, in reallowing the claim of Dr. Vernon Pace for his servicos in connection :with the
Lars. Pratt ease. Adopted on the call of tho roll: Yeas; (10).
Storm '::at= Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action -of the Board of Aldor-
er ee`"An men in refusing to grant relief to the
Zeno A i g � petitioners in storm water Sevier Zone "A".
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10).
ADOPTE4u. V 1927
City Clark
res. oar of Counc•lmea.