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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 500, October 3, 1927No_500_.__. _ . _. _. Proceedings -of Board -of (otuicilmen City of Paducah Oct. 3, 1927. At a regular meeting of the Bbard of Councilmen held Oct, 3, 1927, on the third floor of the City Hall'i.n the City of Paducah, Kentucky. In the absence of President Watson the Board was called to order by the Clerk and upon the call of the roll the following answerelto their names: Brummett, Budde, Crider, Eq-st, Jacobs, Johnston, Korth, Mayer and Steuart. Yember Johnston was elected President pro tem... Minuted of the previous meeting were adopted as read, Member Korth offered motion to receive and file summons served on the Summons served on ya7or. Mayor for the City of Pad-uoah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9), Member Brurmett offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee with H.J. loe. power to sot In the matter of Sevier Tax Bill against the property of H.J. Loo at 6th and Boyd Streets, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Jacobs offered motion to refer to the Street Committee, eom- J.B. Cross. munication from Mrs. J.B. Cross relative to water standing in the gutter at 1512 South 6th Strout. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Eudde offered motion to refer to the Street Committee, oom- Mr. 'Nilhelmenia Berhernard. munication from Mrs. Wilhelmenia Berhnard relative to sidewalks at 17th and Broadway. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea3; (9). Member Jacobs offered motion to refer to the Light & Water Committee J.P. Smith. the matter of J.P. Smith, relative to inadoqueate supply of water at 13th and Jones Streets. Adopted or. the call of the roll; Yeas; (9). Bomber Steuart read a resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE i Rc3olution for :tater blains t`Yrought the EtIGINMER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO FURBISH GRADES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER prol:arty of Park :-oalty co. RAINS THROUGH THE PROPERTY OF THE PARK REALTY COMPANY, LYING BETWEEN BUCKIIER LANE AND THEE BLA14DVILIS ROAD." i On notion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). On notion same ;:a3 given second and final passage upon the call of the. roll: Yens; (9). Lumber Brunrott offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of f.atterjuhn.yi Son, nlder--er, in a- hewing G.1. Katterjohr. & Son $1597.98 on sidewalks in Conti -not #2. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yes3; (9). L!ombcr Jacobs offored motion to refer to the City Solicitor the matter iirx-or D. .711scn. of adjusting, the nanoactd valuaticna of the property of Homer D. ';Nilson. Adopted' on the call of the roll: Yana; (9). Leber Jacobs offored motion to receive and file the report of the Deport cf Chief of Police. Chiof of Police for the month of 2e ptemt.or, lt)27. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yuan; (9). ::ure offorcd .:.ot1cn to receive and file the report of the City Jailer •ol;ort Cf City Jailor. fc.r tho month of �-optembar, 1927. Adopted on the call of tho roll: Yeas; (9). az:c cffbred ,dies to receive and file eaticate r'r3 of vrork done by L13Folvay Ccnatr. Co. ti:a '•Ici'clvey,icn Co. In Losar 'LGna "B' prior to Gotobar Nat, 1927. .donted cr the cbll of tis rGll: Yeaa; (9). ' 164a.... _ 601 Proceedings of . soar¢. or Counoibmen City of Paducah Oot._.3,. 1927. Ordinance member Kerth read an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING CERTAIN inpoaing RFSTRICTIONS UPON CONSTRUCTII:G, OR BUILDING ANY BUSINESS HOUSE; OPERATING OR CARRYING restrictions on eonstr- notions. ON ANY BUSINESS FOR HIRE OR PROFIT OTHER THAN FOR RESIDENTIAL OR HOSPITAL PURPOSES IN ',HE RESIDENTIAL OR HOSPITAL DISTRICTS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; DEFINING VMT ARE RrSIDENTIAL OR HOSPITAL DISTRICTS IN SAID CITY, AND PROHIBITING THE CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDING OF ANY'BUSINESS HOUSE OPERATING OR CARRYING ON ANY BUSINESS FOR HIRE OR PROFIT INITHtE ANY PORTION OF SAID DISTRICTS OTHER THAN FOR RESIDENTIAL, OR HOSPITAL PURPOSES FOR Tim CARE OF THE SICK, AFFLICTED AND INJURED; AND FIXING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. " On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). On motion the rules wero suspended and ordinance read by title on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). On motion same was given second and final'pa'ssage upon the call of the roll: Yeas`; (9). Ky. Tbilitios liember Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Co, to re- construct Aldermen in referring to the Street Committee communication from the Board of Public traaYs on ;: lo;,or Blaa y,orhs relative to thb fienLzraky Otilities Company being instructed to reconstruct their tract: on lower Broadway or take it up entirely. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Same offered motion to concur in the action of tho'Board of Aldermen in Grading 21st °troet. referring to the Street Committee recommendation from the Board of Public V;orks relative to grading and gravelling 21at Street, from Hirkleville Road to Lindsey Street. Adopted on 'tho call of the roll: (9). Reny Kat- Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ftldermon, the forjai recommendations of the Beard of Public 17orks relative to Henry Katterjohn being per - ,upon 10th St. mitted to replace sideralkaA Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (91. Member terth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- ;ilbur non Engineer -men in referring to the Finance Coemittee,'communication from the Board of rublie Co, Works relative to allowing 7:atson Engineering Company an additional 0750 for engineer- ing of "Island Crack Bridge". Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Lrember vteuar•t offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 0,', Improv. '.arrant: to Aldaruen in incuing 61, Improvement warrants to D.J.`Ryan Constr. Co. as follows: D.J. Ryan Ccatr. Co. Contract #6 -- Trimble Street v125338.06, Contract ;{7 -- 6th to Broad Street 15550.67, Contract #6 :+aahinFtcn and Gth Streets -- $2567.64. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). iember Br=xett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of G: lz1,rov. .arra nta tc Aleeraen in i. -.-.ruing V Improvement warranto to :'.outhcrn Rocda Co. an follows: Po. Ce..trvct %%2- Tenn-High-11-th .Eta. ;57.46, Contract i -3 -6th -Clark to Tenn. St. MItO.9L, Centraat Ye_l3th-:rsthrie & J3r.3:acn -- 'x5;27.'75 Contract #5- Fountain Ave .;�4:e;,Cr., Contract 6 -12th St,-nornheim Ave. --.3764.f.2, Contract d7-- Jefi'erccr, tract-- $211.23. ,,opted, on the call of tr-.0 roll: 'Lena; (9). Ac ber :3tevart offered eoticr. to concur in the action of thu Eoard of 17ilbur Wat- s:; and T. 'nldeevvn in allowing '-Ilbur :Luca 1ngir.»trirg Co. $ O0.00 and J,J. Rv1:z:e, '.4369.95. Rause. :aWa to be d to Ig3.a:d Crbi3k 3 -ridge ?und, r.dnpt,.d cn t1ho call of tl:e roll: Yeas; (9). See offered Eotica to ccnc;:r in the action of tie Boa: -d cf alder:•on in Z.M. RC1ye. ol.lexing 6 imcrcvemant war rants to ,.,L. ouab for °,2r,«''.3^v ,n vatL ste ;2, ocatract 41 for si�_e'a'elka and .....:� c'" .'. !dtf" 4 Cr :.' `f i _ BrC9^�'.: t7. ._._„i•tE � :b Csll ., the roll: '.ea 9; (3;. No.- .502 Proceedings of Boardofcouncilmen. City of Paducah . oat. 3, 1927. 6% Improv. Wabrants Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of to G.W. Katterjohn. Aldermen, in allowing 61% improvement warrants to G.W. Katterjohn for 969,943.25, on estimate ;#2, contract 0, for sidewalk,•driveway, curb and gutter. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'Ions; (9). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, to Yancey & Improv. '%aohnson.rra ntsin ' improvement warrants to Yancey & Johnson for 1,052.04, on estimate to allowing 6; x;1 s6,contract4l, for sider:alk, d?,ivecay, curb and gutter. adopted on the pall of the roll: Yeas; (9)., • . Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, Claims. °' in referring to the Street Committee claims of G.V. Aattorjohn &,.Son for 9619.49. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). iaembor Stowart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of th and 111treet light at S[�Ellis �J'5 St S. Aldermen, in referring to the Light & Vater Committee for street light at 8th and Ellis -Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Conditions of street Aldermon► in referringto the Board of Public "orlon conditions of street on loth on 10th St. from Ellis to Palm. Street from Ellis to Palm Street, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Report of mire Dept. • Member Stewart offered motion in recolvang and filing report of the Fire Dept. for the month of September, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Brummott offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of D.J. Ryan Constr. Aldermen in allowing D.J. Ryan Constr. Co. 969849.48, final -Settlement on contract Co. , for hard surfacing loth and Clay Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Stewart offered motion to concur In -the action of the Board oE' Souti.crn Roads Co. Aldermon in allowing Southern Roads Co. 1)7281.35, final settlement for contract +2, for hard surfacing Tennessee, High and 15th Streets. Adopted on the cal} o£ the roll; Yeas; (9). . Inaeran; Coapa�s. Member East offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing Special Street Improvement (Interest) Coupons for $28.68. adopted on tho call of the roll: Yeas; (9). ' Vember BxumTott offered motion to conour in the action of the Board of Southern Roads Co. Aldermen in allowing Southern Roads Co. G,11y1GG.39, final not-tlemont on contract µ5, for hard c„rfacin3 Fountain Avonue. ndoptod on the call of the roll: Yoas; (9). Caahier.,n Fund. "cmbor ,^,te:;a:•t offered motion tc concur, in the action of the Board of Aldormen in all::aing Cashiorla Fund, ::3147.39. ndoptod on the call of tho :roll: Yoas; (9). .:ago offered motion to ooncur in the acti6n of the Board of aldo:-ion in Claims. allowing claLo for ;640.78 and f ., pa�_olla al 1,9479.84. Adopted on the 0511 of the roll: Yoaa; (9). iomber Sant offered motion to concur in tho action of the Board of Alda:lnen, i?eller Fl:ebing Co. In a1low+nE, tho icl"-cr=2u.:Dfn. `%c. lralinriaont `,owor 'iux lill].,; on collection in Zone :12 and :?5. Adoptod cn tho call of t':o roll: Yoaa; (9). C:L7r -:tion to concur 1n the ac',lon_of the Board of In al?:vng 1-10-olvay Gi;natr. Co, "72Q.).84, final aortl,.:aonr, on contract for aciwor2 zoHe 7+e. Adopted as thA Call of t1,,3 roll:. Yoaa; (9). No. . 503 Proceedings of -Board of.Gounoilmen City of. Paducah october 3, 1927. A.J. Ryan Same offered motion to conour in the action of the Board of Aldermen, in Constr. Co, allowing D.J. Ryan Cons$r. Co. ,$"7814.82, final settlement on contract 118 for hard sur- facing Qth and Washington Streets., Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Jacobs of:ered motion In adopt:'ing the following: "17iiEREAS Lir. l'1.Id. 1,.Y.Cooper. Cooper oars three lots on the east side of 6th Street between Elizabeth and Gogrge Streets;,and, l'.'HEREA$, most of the area of said -Iota is a hollow, and the ossossmont for sewers and streets is more than the value of said lots,,the City of Paducah hereby agrees to pay all in excess of :;300.00 for these assessments, provided 11r. W.W. Cooper will pay the 000.00, same to be charged to hard surface street fund." Adopted on the call of the roll: leas; (9). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of B.L."lard. Aldermen, in referring to the Street Cmamitteo the matter of settling Sewer Tax Bill :'8994 against D.L. ;•lard . Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). rember Jacobs offered motion to concur in tho action of the Board of Hayaood Aldermen, in referring to the City Solicitor communication frog, H.E. Gilbert, relative Glisson heirs. to the Haywood Glisson heirs instituting action for recovery of Post House pronerty near Hinkleville Road. adopted on the V call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Payroll of Member north offered motion to_concur in the action of the -Board of io3pr`olo Alderxon in allowing pay -roll of Riverside hospital for $769.47, not approved by the Finance Committee. Adopted,on the,eall of the roll, Yeas; (9). Member Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Pa roll P Alde •moa In allowing a ell of Fire Dept, in the amount of N2191.82 not xovodi Fire Dep . g Ps pp' by the Finance Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Conditions Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alderman, at 7th and instructing the Streot Committee to go to 7th and Jackson Street to view the con- Jaoyson St. ditiono that noir exist and is holding up crorl: on sidesrelk and curb construction. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Sane offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldormon, 6., Ir.prov. in issuing 8� improvoment warrants to Fraser & Cocke an fol.loxra: Estimate //2 '�arrants, � � Contract ;r'1, grading and gravelling on 21st and Palm Streets, ;;,1430.97. Eatimato 11V3, Contract i14, gravelling or. 21st 3t., "C", "B" and "A" Str000La, $3560.70. Estimate 3, Contract !14, gravelling on Eln and 25th Streets, $1075.10. Estimate 3, Contract f1S, grav,lliny, on nshington, Jackson, 24th and 25th Streets, $2479.04. Adopted on thy call of the roil: Ycaa; (9). %i 10 ber rrs• ett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of w I.^. Prov. ::-irrante. %-ldor_ that 1rmpro7+:mont warrants for ;507.00, carrying Q,� interest be issued to B.L. Beyor c7 eatL^•at-7 L2, contract ,,3 for grading on Flora and Rondr.ieks Streots. edoptod cn the call of the z•oll: Ycaa; (9). Yeabor i.erth read an or-diranco entitled, "AN ORDINANCl AMENDING SI:CTIVN 18 Ordinance roEulst'inr OF I1 O Di! S;tGL �'i> " i r - L ;.^ L cI' TR8 USc: OF A :: , _1 I.B D, All O(.iluA_aI' 1�ifHI AIIa `"ri::./' AND �;'it .I'� 1.-.. t ray.5i tinii mt7F�."^o tra!"io, ItiY 'r^dHTCLa 3y S2"r �_ CAsi:I i.:ID ?EEE -3 RIANS; CREATING 1! CENTRAh 'PSSi PPIC eND RUL.. INE33 DIS,73ICT, L:TAB, BOULSV":2DS, 2AFTiTY ZONES, AND AU`PHORSZU", THP MARK NG OF iiO :7i:sl .$ OR tii•. ZQ1743 !Olzlli FRQ71DZ' OR, AND FOR THE E:,CCTIOU OF 31011:i AND 2,1011ALS; PAF D ..T �' :-'.v-±n$ ^-' 1 :I:IIiO, ?�D .s:'%C.. 31fiG .rD S rU OR F"i:IG;;3 OF iFir;T3 i�lA' MAY BE 11:3iiD FOR F<':PYXiG, APED.r' rF UTILI::It+S 3".'- , IN Tir-1 CITY OF ?ADGCI:H, :FN*7UC111, AND F--{D'G r: Pi31A: _" F? -i ANY JIOs`.A'TIs H Tri ?:V,DF; adopted by tC.e Gonoral Couticil Aup?a3t 1st, No. - 504 Proceedings gf_.Board of councilmen. City of Paducah ootober.3, 1987. 1927, so that said Section 18 of said ordinance shall road as hereinafter pro- vided. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Ordinance--Sorer Sane read an ordinance entitled, "AIT ORDINANCE CREATING ZONE Zone -=7-B on Suir- D'.vision "A". =`7-13, IN SUB-DIVISION "A" OF SANITARY SEVMR DISTRICT NO. 5, IN THE CITY OF PAD- -UCAH, ICENTUCIa, AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STOMT ATILT SANITARY SE1FRS IN COPIBINED vOR?T IN SAID SEVER ZONE, AT THE COST OF THE PROPERTY OVINERS THEREIN, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH SE','lERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER TriE.PROVISIONS OF THE TETT YEAR PAYLIENT PLAIT, AND NAILING THE STREETS AND ALLEYS ALONG AND UNDER VIHICH SAID SEJCR SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, AND SETTING OUT IN GENERAL TEEMS THE PROPERTY BEiTEFITTED THEREBY, AND SUBJECT TO ASSESSTIENT FOR THE PAT14ENT OF THE COST OF SWE."' On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yoas; (9). on motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by,title upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). On motion same eras given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Sime road an ordinance entitled, "AIT ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OPERATION Ordinance regulating operytion of radio. OF A RADIO BROADCASTIFG STATION AND RADIO RECEIVIIIG SETS, AND LICENSIITG SA:-0 IN _'HE CITY OF P.AWCAH, KENTUCKY." On motion same was given first passage upon the-call of the ro1L: Yeas; (9)• On motion the iulas were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call'of the roll: Yoas; (9). On motion same -ans giv-en second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). a,se offered motion that the City Solicitor bo-inntruotod to meet with Rlr,'nt hand turns on rod lights. th,) r'iro and Polio,) Committee and d-a:: ordinance porsitting right hand turn on rod lint and any other improvement which can be agreed upon. euioptod on the call of the roll: 'roan; (0). Cato offered motion to concur in�the action of the Board of Alderson, Stop ciFna on aouth the-t Chief of Pollan be inatruotnd to place stop signs on south 6th Stroot inter- 6th. St. from "Iaa - ington to ;3road at. cocoons from ':�aohington to Broad Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: ^ago offtirol motion tliat Chief of I•ol.lan be inatractel to ropaint the Fe;aint.r.,.; of "no left turn alas.s". 'no lef-t turn" al;pia and locate tLem in a mono conspicuous pouition. Adontod on t?tr, call of tho roll: Yoaa; (9). 1cnb+3r 'art"r. offered motion that the Light h ''Sator Co:::aittoe be referred Petitic:]s for w_-te: mains on Ota " to v1t4: Ix,tit•iona for rater malas on 9th :.tract from Jackson to Tennosaeo Street on Iiarrla Str'ez. and on Harris 5traat fresr �tth to lGth ;3troct. ruioptod on tiro grill of the rolls Lfcsber fe:th sa..s-�2sad f " yea ting. No. 505 5 Proceedings of. Board of Coanoiamen. City of -Paducah ootober 3, 1927. Drainage of Member Crider offered motion that the condition of drainage of storm water storm water at 11th and Broadway be referred to the sewer Committee and Cit En in or. Adopted s„ lith y Y g 4 P Blway, on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8). Grade Bridge Member Fast offered motion that the Board of Public Works be requested to St. grade Bridge.Street at each end of 6th Street Bridge. Adopted on the call of the roll: yeas; (P:). Street light, Member Brucm:ott offered motion that the Kentucky Utilities Co, be authorlZed at Pool o pla6o Street light at the intersection of Pool Road and Kentucky Street. Adopted Road and &y. Sty on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8)s Same offered motion to concur in the notion of the Board of Aldermen in „ Rob t. A. Hires. - transfering from Hobert A. Hines to Ethel Llollahtui for the south..half of,lot #38 of block �=1 in Oak Grove Cemetery, adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8). Arcadia - Same offered motion that a retaining curb be constructed in front of School. Aroadia School, same to be charged to new construction, ndoptod on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8). Member Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- men in adopting the following: "Paducah, Ky. 3, 1927. Clhareas the property owners in Storm :meter Sewer Zone "B" have vory generally Property oir:ero re— asked that the property laterals be not installed, for the reason ghat they are not questing laterals to essential, and the elimination of same will reduce the construction expense to said not be Inst -zone and alled in , ?one "W', whereas it is important that the contractor be instructed promptly with reference to such elimination, in order that such conatruction.may be completed at the earliest possible moment; but it is necessary to have further time to ascertain whether an7 of each property owners have not signed agreement therefor; Therefore,," move that the matter be referred to a special committee, com- posed of the Mayor, the President of the Aldormanic Board and the President of the Councilaanic Board, with full power to act in giving instructions to the contractor relative to the elimination of said property laterals, pursuant to request of owners of property in amid zone." Adopted on the call,of the roll: Yoaa; (a). Member Brw=ott offered motion to concur in the notion of the Board of Erpoaso of St. Dept. Aldormon, relative to instructing the Board of Public Works cutting down the expense of the 3treot Dopt.. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yona; Bru:fa:ott, Budde, East, Jacobs, Johnston azdMayor (6;. Nays:: Crider and Stewart )2). Pranklln Sasso ofrorod motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, that ':ahaal. a plank_ walk and hand rail be built on South 6th 3treot north of Franklin School as a protecticn for aohool children. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8). Lombor Brumnaett read an crlinanco untitled,"?JI ORDI'WiCE ASSrSS3ING TAE c:vii.nance A-EUT ING PROPe:Rii U1I BOTH SIDE 1, CIP COXrY 3T ii t, FROM TENT AE rT PROPERTY LINE OF LIN- aa�ear,inP pr;,purty c : COLE, S :IFET TO Tlti, n.%:;i PROPERTY LIRE OF itiE CHICAGO, ::T. .�JUIS G. NE' ORI.�A31S RAILROt1D both aided of Cesoy ?r„ C01UPANY;. ALITiTY-FfJURTH STREET, FF.GL' THE? NORTH PROPERTY LI2 UP TILE EEIiNKLEVILLE ROAD TO THE 2p3T3 PPOPZk".d I.I:13 CF HILI. RED 3TR'.'-1, I?1 TFLS CITY OF PAUNAN, K1:I1PUCKY, FOR THIi GPAIIIA.:+.} ,:..: .3 Gr Z :OG. ii%.t 'Mid Ti �ECu3:.Ai{Y YAN310_.... , Iti ALUS, CATCH IIA°:N ANL ;' ,JEECUa:IL_'C:IGu3, r`Dr..LP'`,' i.1 POitTIG:E TO BE E'AID FOR BY TRA3 CITY OF PAXCAR, !QN!) PRGVILI?E"i ?S i'i :;AID C0:^i MAY BE PAID IN'ir:1 AIPIJAL I3ESTAL1112N?i, 1:I COt1- PLIA.I= '71I111s" 71J .=:.v7«3IUEi? ;i+ -.II. S JCf f 5 .\ Y `3t: AP l,IGiiB Tile::::!TO." Un _cticn a ir, wua gi•raa first :aas3Ze a ca do call of the roll: Yeas; (8). On oroticn te rule3 aura 3-Baru:.1,3,1 and criina nca road b7 title upon the call of the roll; Mess; (6% Cm Motion 'sae x.s aiv.r. sezczd nd final paaaw a u -:.n the 0.1I of the rel:: Yeas; (8). No._ b9.$ _ ..- Proceedings of Bbard of Counoilmen. _ . _ City of Pad6cah cot.- 3, 1927. _ .. Furnishing of grades Same offerod motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, for water meters and relative to the City Enginoor.boing instructed that he must furnish grades to the mains. Paducah .later Co. for installation of water meters and mains. Adopted on the pall of the roll: ,Yeas; (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Shard of Aldermen, in adoptdng the following:: Repairing of 4th s�+ +�5 the City Engineer has made an investigation with reference St. Bridge kto the necessity of repairing Fourth Street Bridge over Island Creek,b removing Island Creek.. Y g the blooks therefrcm, and placing in lieu thereof the necessary binder with a one and one half inch shoot asphalt top, and said engineer hav&ng reported that such repairs are necessary to protect the bridge structure, and that an emergency exists which requires such repairs; Thorofore I move that the General Council do hereby declare that such work is necessary, and that an emergency exists by.reason of the public welfare, the public safety and the beat interest of the City, which requires that such repairs be made; and further that the matter be referred to the Mayor of said City, with full power to act in conjunction with the Board of Public 'Yorks in the making of a suitable contract f"or the doing of that portion of such work as it may desire to lot out by contract; and for the doing any other part thereof by labor under the supervision of the Street Department." Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (8). On motion meeting adjourned. Adopted 1927. i City Ularic. Approved �� 6- , rea. Beare. or Uounolimen.