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Minutes Book 17, Page 483, September 6, 1927
No.. - 4as Proceedings of. Board of Oouncilmen City of Paducah __-sept. 6, 1927 y At an adjourned meeting of £-Board-of"Connci2niori held on"tiio-third floor of -'" a the City "all in the City of Paducah, Sept. 6, 1927. President Watson pre:+ided, and unon the call of the roll the following answeredto their names: Watson, Budde, Crider, Doherty, L`uvall, East, Johnston, Kerth and Stewart. (9) Minutes of the previous meeting wereadopted as reads). Member Korth offered motion to receive and file bommunication to the. Mayor meas rvc; _ relative to signing coal contract with the `,Jest Kentucky Coal Company for 1927, Adopt- ed upon the call of the roll; yeas (9) Vember Johnston offered a motion to referr to the Cemetery Committtee com- mnnication to the Mayor relative to Pauper Cemetery in `!echanisburg that was formerly cwned by the County but which is in the City Limits sineclimits-have:.becn extended. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9) Member Korth offerdd motion that the communication from the Layer relative to a thirty foot strip of ground at 11th and Boyd Street belonging to Frank Levin, being - obtained by the City for street purposes, be referred to the City Solicitor to try to compromise with ''r. Levin, and if no agreement can be reached, the City Salicitor is to bring ccodemnation proceedings. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9) u:embnr Korth offered motion at the communication from the Mayor relative to trair. blocking rail road crossings from Broadway to Trimble be referred to the Chief of PolicB, to enforce ordinance covering same. Adopted on the call of the roll:Yeas ^ (8) 'teas (1) - Same offered motion to receive and file communication from the Mayor rel- stive to accepting decd from the Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad Company, for a strip of ground between Goebel avenue and Tennessee Street and issuing warrant for Twelve Hundred dollars charging same to Contingent Fund. kdopted on the call of the roll : Yeas (9) Came offered motion to refer to the F.ospital Committee communication from. 'T` `'^• the Mi7or relative to operating the Hoopit-al more economina.11y. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9) °Auc offerdd motion to receive and file communication from the Mayor or -tinting Frank. Garcie,(journeyman plumber) as a member of the jilumbero Examining Board, to fill the unexpired tern: of Juck Coulson. .,doptod on the call os' the roll: :mc• cfrer•cd motion to c.:ncal tax oill Y.o for the year 1926 against Collter, ■s same is a duplicate of tax bill ,#767, and to rc9un& to J.'r:. Collier an recommr,nde•d by the City xolicitcr. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas (9) Vember 7ubola offered motion to conc,.r in the actton of the Board of -Alder- -en of Auv,vat 1, 1527, in arccpting ci:eck from J.P. Gilbert(G186.88) in full settlement for sewers cn property cn .Jefforscn :'treet Cetween Fourteonth and Harahan Boulevard. Adopted c^, call of tho roll: Yew a (!+) ^sme offend action to concur in the recrr.mondaticn of City Solicitor in not ref�rdi.^.z ccal tax. for 1527. Adcnted on t'he call of tate roll: Yuan (Q) Remb,.r .Johnston offorc,i miction to receive aria file co -.mimmation from she City Snllait^r an: ca e,:rtcati;.n from l.,'. Eil a, relative to eztondinw. atom, ,.attar sewers over t'no property of ..he C.a.. b. C. hal!ro+d Goa+par.y, at the foot of same ..trees. ..",:!uteri on t:.o call! of Ine roll: Yea:! (9) Lenbrr ir, ty cf:Mrr.•i artion to :-,:for to the City oltcitr,r the s:atte-r of refundinz $4.14 taxes to P.A. Esrri.^•g. A111ptea On the call of the roll: Y,+a:a (9) Same cfferad sotirr, sae referred td, the City ,"elicitor the matter of refun".r.a !sell G. Rharp 41.5'; po.: "•ax.. Ado. Ltd err, tt;e call of the roll: Years (9) Proceedings of. - Board of Council. City of Paducah . Sept, 6, 1927 Member Doherty offered motion to City Solicitor the matter of refunding-$1.50 _;. poll tax to B.I.I. Philley, included in tax bill 2763 for the year 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9) Yomber Korth offered motion to refer to the City Engineer, Board of ..R. "'anion. Public 7.orks and theSti Committee, conmunication from J.R. i'lardon :Lrr refusing to apy for street navirg in frontof his property at 1509 Trimble Streetl Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9) Member Johnston offered motion to grant the request of Yancy & Johnson PeouC ,t of Yanc;r '• Johncnn, for an extension of time for the completion of sidewalks contract from October 1, 1927 to January 1, 1929, if agreenblo with bondsman. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9) Same offered motion to receive and file communication from the State CM.- highway Commission relative to stopping maintenance on state road between the old and new City Limits. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9) Member Crider offered motion to refer to the City Engineer and the • ?-ti+Sen frC^_t Cit- . I 17-ns 31vin7, on Board of Public 'corks petition from citizens living on Tm Park Avenue between Park Qven ug,. 10th and Seventeenth Street, asking the General Council not to accept strecet Having until gutter is .given proper grade. Adopted on the call of -the roll: Yeas(8) Member Kerth o£ferdd motion that deed from W.L. Beasely and Jenny .., on:: Jenr;• pens- Beasely for fifteen feet of ground at the intersection of Caldwell Avenue and 0,. Caldwell Street, be accepted and ordered put to record. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9) r.--;-icati n frc^ Same offered motion to refer to the Board of Public :7orks communication from the Board of Health relative to screening market house and painting, ceilings. A3opted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9)(Member Crider excused from meeting) Member Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of to Aldercen of August 1, 1927, accepting-paving on Trimble Street (Park Avenue) from 10th Street to 17th Street inclusive. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; ',atson, Budde, Duvall, Eant, Johnston and Stuart (6) Nays; Doherty (1) '_!ember Kerth not voting. read an ordinance entitled " All ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABiTTIl:G PROPERTY--0N BOTH,SIDE.S OF TRIMBLE STRENT, FROV THE :';EST PROPERTY LINE OF 1G:P. ;TPhET TO THE E,L32( PROPERTY-LII)H OF 13TH STREET; FR0M THE TEST PROPERTY LINE. OF 13TH S`ihEE', TO lH' ',FEST T PROPERTY LIA' OF 17TH STREET, IN THE: CITY OF Fti'? 714,' CO3"' OF CON2TP.UCTION OF A HARD SURFACE FWWAY, CONIII: V:O UP A CONCRr1r. FO,f ;DATiGU WITH A SHEET OF ASPHALT TOP,ds HC•h^I O•' !--AN—., TOGE:' E? 7:ITll CIMPI'; i.;ID,Gq^T%Rn, AND THE NRCE'-ARY VANHBLES, 'tAill;i, Ili".I`J F.'a.'_''i .zi) .^.F.".-. i? (: U:i.`:0 ,�-IC11.^.,. ]:XCI•:1'7` THAT PORTION WO RE. PAID F03 r_i•' ':Ii9 CITY OF PADCCtai, AND PRC'JIDING THAT ^,AID GOST '"AY RE PAID IN TEN i ANN .. _. .• C ;r:.:i�`.:Cr'7:ITI? TfiA: F4tUVI:4UTJ:' 010 THE KLT: TI'Cfl- "TA T�'TES APPLICABLE Tii_li.TU. 0.^r, e:cticr. sage 'aaf, raven fir:,t paaaace upon the, call of the roll: Yeas; '-a •,s,2, D=pi'ie, DfIvaa, i:aat,Jc ::81'67:�' ::tewart (6) Iiaya; Uoherty(l.( Korth , not t•c:-inv'. Cr motlon the rr,laa 4eve sus{:enders andrrdinance read Gy title upon the call of tr., roll. !eau; '.as5c.^., :+.,.d3e, rvvall, East, �Yohnston, anti :.tewart(e) !iaya; Dut rty (1) P:arth -..ot vrtin;?. U.^. mctio:" Rine vas Fiven Torr as,'::ir_al passa:e 1;pon the eels of the roll; leas; ":atacn, ry;iia, Duval_, Ea at, Je7L:at6n G ..:;part (c) "lays; soberly (3) Y.0th act ,_t1^ No. 195 Proceedings of Beard of Councilmen - City of Paducah Sept. 6,- 1927 ".`. !:,ember Kerth offered motion to receive and file communication from the Mayor relative to ordinance golerning•the posting of signs or advertisements of any character on telephone or eleettic light posts or trees on public ground,being enforced. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) Member Duvall offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor communication from P'rs. Martha F. Young, relative to eighty feet frontage takang by the City for sidewalks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) Member Kerth read an ordinance entitled"a11 ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OP- "...., -- - ERATION OF A RADIO BROADCASTING ST,iTION AND Fj DIO RECEIVING SETS, AND LICENSING ' SAFE IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. 6n motion same was given first passago upon call of the roll: Yeas O Budde, Doherty, Korth and Stewart (4) Nays; Duvall and East (2) Watson and Johnston not voting. Potion to suspend the rules and read ordinance by title lost upon call of the roll: Yeas; Budde, Doherty, Kerth and Stewart (4) Nays; Duvall and Fast (2) ^;atson and Johnston, not voting. Same read,a resolution entitled " A RESOLUTION CREATING SFFIER ZONE 7-R, III S',B-DIVISICN "A", OF SANITARY SES'ER DISTRICT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; TO PROVIDE FOR THE DRAINAGE OF STORM RATER AND SANITARY SE'.7ERS IN CO1.1- BINED FORM THEREIN; DECLARING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STOW PLATER AND SANITARY SE27ERS III SAID 'LONE 7-B TO BE A NECES-ITY, AND SETTING OUT IN GENERAL TERMS THE PROPERTY SIBHECT TO THE COST OF SU3H CONSTRUCTION. On motion same was given first passage upon call ofthe roll: Yeas (8) On motion the rules were suspended and resolution was read by title on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call ofthe-roll: 'leas (8) Same read an ordinan tled "API ORDINANCE AS"IESSING ALL OW THE LOTS OR i,A? LS OF GROtH?D LOCATED IN SE:'i@:R ZONE 110. 6, HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, FOR THE COST OF CO t : tCTI^!t .^:':03: AND SANITARY 3EWERS IN COMBINED FORM IN SAID SEWER ZONE N0. 6, 1 FI w' CI1 OF PADUCAH, KEIITIDY,Y ..ND PROVIDING THAT TILE PAYMENT OF SUCH COST MAY 5F. !':.D% IN .-11 A 12ii•'f.L I'17TALLMZNTI, BEING OIIE EACH YK,,R FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS, :?prat iii, EC 7107. BY THE FR(iPh?!T! O':iNn'S OF A;REH.I.-ENT REQUIRED RY nOn motion name wa s givon firet passage upon call of the roll: Yeas (0) f On motion the rules we:rc suspended and rcrdirance vQ s read by title on a the 11 of the roll: 'leas Qit) On motion name: was givon second and final pasuage upon the caller the roll: '�rs in➢ arc a l or, ordlnar.ec ,.atitled ";.2t ORLI1i:1:CA: :;.17EwSING THE ABUTTING NORTH PROPERTY LI NE OF CLARK STREET .. . , .... .. ..:.::. ... :� •_ ,, .1: T..E crT.. OF Pr.lx cnit, rl�srrlrcrY, FO? -FE CG -r OF CONS:"R"C':ION OF C':. i:Cnaa1, COW-'I.".TIVr, Gh is CONCRETE ` I 1' •, L +�: F':..:..,1, TCCET't?i]r: .'i '±'!1 :ihh •Ii1;F,'S"',CRY CO"1t O I01: , TYCEPT IR:AT PORTION TO FIE rAID FOR hY ... Y ... ..:_, h:.,_.l. t. TRi., `dAID COS: VAf DE PAID IN :..:: r.....i'.i. .:` iC':': s' + CO},•...:... .. r,":kT%C�9 APFLIC;:fiI r E?0. en mcticc same "I giver. r,r,t pas_.sr�..- .r, n collar the roll'e' Cn soticr, the r4las -ere s sl.e a:, .,.;3.rr,ce ,:ac rea. by titlt the call of ,.he rc?:; Yctas (Si C-.. Cat SC_^. Safe ala rlveII u*,�,`:.t;^' ►: i final !;■3';aN,e drier. the Call "t .he ,rill: Yel9 ($) Proceedings of... _ Board of. Council No._____9B6__ . City of Paducah . _ Sept. 6,_1927 otemuur JULL.wton offered motion to refer to the Light & ,,star Committee, r-ttt:.i^.ns for 9t. ent 11r5.tp a• pa: -,K nve, petitions for street light at the intersection of Park Avenue and Boyd Street rnd 9ovd Sts. and intersection or Piendrictcs ano. V.Lora ..venue. _.aoponu on rite uali of the roil: once to clean +:p and grrvel the n1dCa of North Highth Street from Ca>r.pbell Street ,to 3.,Mptt 'treyt no that it will e.as+: a pr: rent .able appearance. Adopted on the Cal' ofthe roll. Yr..•. (S) '.',!e}Jchnutcr. cfffered eotlon t.hei. %he 2t,reet Cormitt.t.e and Finance .f >y_ Ctw..lt!' ee in•resti^ste the rcsability of Hierd at,rracing 7'eut :.roadway from 25th .;,,,� f•,- •n=,., _ tc :"rnt ..°ret, an'. if pessihl Lave cr:iinince ready for poaGap^.. at seat s:. ti ten cn tre cal _ of .ne : c.'_ . -'pe a ( El. r s:, s L'emre:. girth a!'fere,l art?, .. ..;at the City ^r.licltar ce inatrpiteted to bring in an araiaans,. R' !T47 it:. .... .. `ny i. frL C: •.,6 il: i. f.,O,t On `street to Broad .`:t. 41 a ?walevarl. . ....i•! {L thr. CA'-' C£ the roll: S.eaa (Ei) ro..s int n_we oriered motion to refer to the Light & rtauer Uommitttee petition for --titicns for vvt r water mains on' Venty-first Street from Jackson to Clark, Jackson from 'Twenty-third ^�air.s on 21st. Vit. fro`n Tackson to to twenty-eight Streets, and on Twenty-eighth Street from Jackson Street to Broad- Clarl: and -tc, way. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (80 Same offered motion that the Mayor be authorized to renew the contract for --rewal of cont -me,, for s'r--t lirhttn!� street lighting for one year with the Ky. Utilities Co., terms same as contract :'+..h t''^e ^_r. L. Co. with Paducah Electric Co., under date of March 18th 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) '+r^r; o� pa3ucah Same offered motion to refer to the City Engineer and Fire Chief'the reports ...._. Z, Co. for 1927 ' of Paducah r• ater Co. under dater of Aggust 24th and 27th, 1927,0f water mains laid and fire plugs located. Adopted on the call of the; roll: Yeas (8) perort of City ;'Member Enst offered motion to receive and file report bE'theCity Jailer. Adopted on the call of thV'roll:' Yeqs (8) -^art of Chief of Same offered motion to receive and filree/rof1%he Chief of Police. Adopted,on the call of tha roll: Yeas (8) Same offered motion to receive and file report of the Fire Chief. Adopted -f Fire Chief on the call of thm roll: Yeias (8) "'-ry offered motion toreceive and file estimate #2 of work done b•` the done by the ,Same ^'"-1ve•( Constr. Co. ' Co. Sewer Zone September McKelvey Construction in -B -prior to 1st 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) t'c%:-'_•:ep Corals. Co. ' Same offered motion to receive and file estimate #2 of work donb by the rcv.elvey Construction Co, in Sewer Zone -Q- prior to September lat 1927. Adopted on thecall of the roll: Yeas (8) F•r^`e s'. by citi�-rs Same offered motion to refer to the Sewer Committee protests from citizens �., 9.ainst sewer lateruls being built in Sewer Zone -B=. Adopted on the Call of the roll R .. •!yes (8) 7 Dip': str•-+^ ar•i Sama offered motion that the Board of Public Works be requested to have all -*re In ,:-•;:,�..r? -ral-i. ally dirt itreeta and alleys In Glenwood Addition graded. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea:: (8) ^!u` ;'•,., „ ---t (ember Duvall offered the following: North 8th St. is one of our thorough- . n.;. Pares leading, into the City from Brockport FerrSr and thousands of people are costing irto the City from the north, and after improving said street with curbs and ,utters I*, hs; b- an left very t:nai,t?htly. I move. that the city :;treat Inspector proca-ad ktr once to clean +:p and grrvel the n1dCa of North Highth Street from Ca>r.pbell Street ,to 3.,Mptt 'treyt no that it will e.as+: a pr: rent .able appearance. Adopted on the Cal' ofthe roll. Yr..•. (S) '.',!e}Jchnutcr. cfffered eotlon t.hei. %he 2t,reet Cormitt.t.e and Finance .f >y_ Ctw..lt!' ee in•resti^ste the rcsability of Hierd at,rracing 7'eut :.roadway from 25th .;,,,� f•,- •n=,., _ tc :"rnt ..°ret, an'. if pessihl Lave cr:iinince ready for poaGap^.. at seat s:. ti ten cn tre cal _ of .ne : c.'_ . -'pe a ( El. r s:, s L'emre:. girth a!'fere,l art?, .. ..;at the City ^r.licltar ce inatrpiteted to bring in an araiaans,. R' !T47 it:. .... .. `ny i. frL C: •.,6 il: i. f.,O,t On `street to Broad .`:t. 41 a ?walevarl. . ....i•! {L thr. CA'-' C£ the roll: S.eaa (Ei) 497 Proceedings of Sc-rcl of Councilmen City Of Paducah ...September, 6, 1927 Apq r. ire^be^ East offered motion that a Comtfdiaeebe appointed to request the Ky, j i I:tilites Co. to put a bus on south 6th Street. Adopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (8) Committee appointed Vohnston Duvall and Bast. Y..ember Budde offered motion that for the sura of $48,00^' the City of Paducah 1rat. _ of r to deed to T.R. VoGarvy, lot G in block 13 in Qsk Grove Cemetery. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas (a) Member °erth offered motion to concur in the Board of Aldermen, relative to the Board of Health, investigating and havting eliiyinated the bad odor arising from - *"'-`•'� the net --ger Bros. Packing House. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) Sane offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldeimenv .in allowing H.P. VcElrnth to connect his property at 2500 Jefferaon Street with sewers an per his letter dated Sent. 3, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Watson, Doherty, Eant, Hchnston, Kerth and Stewart (6) Nays; Budde and Duvall (2) I Member Duvall offered motion that upon presentation of a petition of majority of property owners abutting on 36th Street, from the North line o9'Central Ave, to the South line of the Pines Road in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, authority is hereby granted and said property owners have permission to surfece Siad street by grading and gravelling, the same under the supervision of the City Engbneer and the Board of Public :"orks who are hereby directed to furnish the grade and specific- ation for some. .,dopted on zne call of the roll: Yeas (8) ;:emeer Kerth orie.•ed motion to co,.our in tape action of tad hoard of ^ i4osmen if, raterfing to yiaux to veach the claim of D.J. Ryan Const. Co. 242.38 for vru^bing out trees on Trimble Stireet. Adopted'on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen In rerardto placing light at 28th ,and Clark Streets being referred to Light k 7.atar ,.c-.1 ttee. Adopted on the call of -the roll: Yeas '(8) Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of A1'^r-.en in allowing claims in the amount of, $4580. 02. Adopted on the Gall of the roll: leas (a) £IaT.e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen a,,thoriainp, the Ly. Utilities Co. to place a street light at the intersection of . •o. 22nd and honrce ^treetz. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) lt�m'^c:r Y.erth off+!red motion to concur in the action of the Board of All] _en, relative to not extending water mains on Adams Street from 32nd to the . 1.oveacev111e F.oad. adopted on the call of the ':ar:e cffered .notion to concur in the action of the Board of Alermen +:::dine water mains on Turrell. Street frcr. 6th To 10th Street. Adopted :all of t" roll: 'teas tai '?eme offered notion to conc,:r In thy; notion of the hoard of Aldermen In not »rten,il::q wa'<•r mama on 2:•n• :t, ?rGr mY,le to Mildred. Adopted on the call of .he rail: ✓Gas (R) . 1!est••r -:ya12 cffere,'!. rc:'.i'.:: to !<;r.c•,.a Sr. the anion of the hoard or Aldermen in; not ex,. r:•:i• 'sa"e:• rain.: ca ±:. °.t. from Vill To Pe -hal orad on .. y .. tr;:m ,'ac✓sc•r. r.- ...nes::erg ..., _... ..... t.: 24t:-, .. and. 24th ^.C. to Semen ';t, • ?c ntel c:: t` t c+L f ..s:e rE,r ± : :'• :ler-e1 cots'.. tt:• CC" :. inl" action or thf, F:car; of in not *'... ._. aa'c•, =x1r:1 on '.r. rrn= Jac;coon to iennensee .t,. exeia'r Proceedings of 13..rd of Councilmen No. City of Paducah Sept. 6, 1927 Cir- F.n^!.r-r to fur- l.:cmb.-r !Arvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of r.?:. 'P:.a,ienh at -r Co. Aldermen instructing"the City Engineer to furnish the Paducah Water Co. with ;.•r11 1' -de.;,, grades as soon an possible. Adopted on the call of the rollh Yeas (7) Same 3fferod motion to refer to the Finance Committee the matter of orat'.rc fire plv�s in :Pr:1r annsxed locating fire plugs in newly annexed territory to the City. Adopted on the call. •-rrltery. of the roll: Yeas (7) . Member Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ',ccertir..• street nav!r,7 on 12th St. Aldermen, In accepting street paving -on 12th Street from Trimble to Bernheim ^.•c., Tr.-ble to Rer- `aim AV!-. and on Bernheim from 12th to -13th St. constructed by the Southern Roads Co. contract #6 an recommended by'the Board of Public Works. Adonted onthe call of the roll: Yeas (7) Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen -^tjar nt.7—t ,i.^:^ or 8th `?t. in accepting street paving on 6th St. from Tennessee St. to Clark St. const - Tenn. to Clark rutted by the Southern Roads Co. Contract #3 as recommended by the Board of Public "orks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) ? '._.. Co. Same offered motion to concur in the action of'the Board of Aldermen in accepting sewersi in Sewer 'Lone #6 constructed by the McKelvey Const. Co., as recommended by the Board of Public Works. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) 6� ,.,.•ante to ^re^. °.- Cocke. ..�..npc1 for 'lame offered motion 'to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in issuing 69 improvement warrants for 31309. 75 to Fraserand Cocke on ent.imate #1 contract #1, grading and gravelling 21st Street from Clay to Trimble St., and grading 213t St. from MadisDn St. to Harrison St.. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) 11me offered motion'to concur in -the action of the Board of Aldermen in issuing 6� inprovement warrants fbrFw1665.30 to Fraser & Cocke on estimate 112 , Contract #2, grading on 21st St. and gravelling on 20th St. from Adams ".t. to Jackson 3t., and on"B" St. from Guthrie Ave. to Vbeeler Ave.. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) ' 7lembor Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder:en in issuing 6;S improvement warrants for '.1814.(70 Co Fraser & Cocke nn e:itimate #2, contract 1.4, grading and gravelling on Tennesnoo ::T. Elm St. 24th a . and 25th, also w1101.99, on estimate #2, Contract 1/5, grading and v,ravollir.r. 77unhington St. and 25th St.. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) ':ame offere! motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldera:en !r. !Bouin.; 6:' improvement xrarrant•a to Yancy & Johnson for $1787.71, on entieate 45, Contract del, sidewalks, drivfiwayn, curb and getter on 21st St. and iis.•rison 3t., also W'62S7.12 on e.^,t.1nate ,+'r'S, Contract #5, aidewalka, drivev:ays, cath and puttovr rn :.,ale= eve, P.ar;pton J:ve., 12th: f1t. and Boyd 3t.. Adonted on the call O° `Ce roll: Yori .a (7) Veinb--r north offere,i motion to conn."" in the action of the Board of :]Serer: In ?aac!ng r' i:mprovercnt warranta for $77134.18 to G.,'% Fat.trr4lnhn en esr;is:ate rj , Contract r'2, :.! 1:'mul.:^., dr'.veuraya, Garb and i•::t.tor on 24th St. Jolles 't„ 7,1,omfiold Avo., ::a'.Lucn t„, slao a 17:;,01 or. o;;1,1"a a F1, Contract PF,., 213eaalr.a, drive .rays, UL.! 70-11t,r Gn lOtr ::t. andon 12th ::t.. Adopted Of. t'J:e caii 4f t^t ro ._: '4ta9 01 -;&Me Gffere., ..';,`!. *o rG=.:r !1', t' -'.H. ectir.n of tre i%car:i cf Aldermen in Issu.ing ca:ir.. aat,^ran u L. 1-24.12 tG ..I. T'G',se G.n. entlmete �l,CGntract: :#6 drive -mays, C:.., a`. [ :. -r;yrtbenth ;A. at the Rf C of the W-lendle,s ani rn _'t.. t e call of the coli; YCAi (7 Proceedings OI Beard of Gonncilmon City Of Paducah dept 6, 1927 Yenher Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldeomen, In issuing 6'' improvement warrants for $1419.32 to J.M. Rouse on estimate /!2, Contract rl, sidewalks, driveways, curb and gutter on Trimble Street, and $1774.36 on estimate tl, Contract "7, sidewalks, driveways, curb and GUttor on Greer Street and on Broad- way. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) Same offered motion, to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, in issuing* i-:provement warrants for$3536,00 to Fit©t & Yancy on ostimat #2 Contract #l, for V. Grading and gavelling 24th at.. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) Same offered motionto concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in issuing 611 improvsment warrants for $1342.85 to E.L. Beyer on estimate P1, Contract #3 for grading on Poweell Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen .;, .. G �°r'• referring to City.Solicitor and Finance Committee, relative to exempting W.S. I•tatthew,vs & "ons Co. from taxes for a period of five years. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) i'ember Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, relative to settling sewer assessment against the property of the Tymo Utility Co. on Caldwell St.. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) 1'ember •Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alermen in issuing 6'1 improvement warrants for $23013.21 to the D.J. Ryan Const. Co. on Sstinate -41, Contract '!7 for paving south 6th St. Adopted on the call or the roll: Yen3 (7) ume oirered moLion to caacur in uuo autiun ui too no«rd vi luermen, in issuinS 6'; improvemtnt warrants for $14818.99 to the Southern Roads Co. on estimate#3, Contract 1774 for paving Jackson, Guthrie Ave., and 19th Streets: and $2208.27 on esti"ate #1, Contract N7 for paving on Jefferson Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Year (7) Member Iarrall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing the t?cr..elvey Constr. Co. $1624.66 cash collected on sewers in Zone #7 Adort-ed on tae call of the roll: Yens (7) ;a„ 1 Vember Doherty offeped motion toconcur in the actiom of the Board of Aldemen in allowln^ the Firat national Bark 041.79, collections 1n sower Zone #1. /adopted' on the enll ^f "i:e roll: +:a,a (7) Fa•r �o:,. 'a-• ,..,=ion to conc-:r in the Board of Aldermen in allowing the nay roll i .L,0'1,1.40. Adoptedon the call of the roll: Yca3 (7) to concur in the, action o f the 50ard of Aldermen in alloair:a t?a: l,rct:fr:g Co. T437.95 collections from delinquent sewer tax bills In Z•tne 4aa'1 5. on the C-11 of tho roll: Yea' (7) q7.,��„f,% ar, "a•._r. ,•!'�••. ..�._S l.-77!10•:. ted CGnC':r in 7:t:U aCtirir. r;f !•h9 %%Gard of �'ittlCil :'1 .,. 3. e;, ,vlr;• • .gal .. rce', imr.rove"- n:.s, bonds and coupons nald in the amount or w62,51.. of the ro1:: Yes+;; (7 ) —"r"; _tla1 a:. ... r.ar.^.e e:..«:ied, A;: G'ail lih:iCa:: A'. .. ^.I::ri ThE IhU'r 1'1t+G Ya - •., - 't•P ?' :`i :P. .'.'t 'l.Onit t't;. THz CO ".• OF VXjV C0tf31:ff T1 ':TE P40-LP'!T ti -M; - tY ivile:'MY,N::S •a..':•':.a; r.'! ::.r. :::._a:e: Cc rccion gaze was given passr,-e U%n c3_': rf the 1-011: '�•:y3 (^7 No._ _99.0_ _ _ _ _ . _ . On motion meeting adjourned. Adopted L}1927 Approved r'ca. oer o oun_cilmen ity er ' Proceedings of Board of. Councl Iran City of Paducah scr t_ s, 1927 . On motion the rules wore suspended and ordinance was read by title on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) on motion same was given seco„u unu fii.ai yQasuge upon tua call of the roll: Yeas k7) number "erth read an urdinance entitled, .+N OHDIN—livE nSOENSINV '1:nb 0^,ie .a„,•• _ C1na rnOrERTY (171 BOTH SIDES OF 12thST., FRO11 THIS NORTH PROPERTY LIrE OF n„or, Trimble Si-to 3ernhei- Lv&. TRIT.fBLE STREET TO THE NORTH I'ROF'.'R^i LINE OF BTsRNHEIi AVP•.2111E; BERNH)SIIi AVI;I1f1E, FIM THE ':LEST PROPERTY LIKE OF 12TH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LIFE OF 13th ST. IN THE CITY OF PADIICAII, KENTUCKY, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF x ITARD SURFACE 30A0"AY, CONSISTITTO OF A CONCRETE ,FOU -M-1011 KITH A ,MEET P,SFFALT TOP, AS .`R)"TT 0?] PLAITS, TOGETHER TITH ALL NECESSARY ITANITOIS S, INTAKES, CATCH W 9INS AND SE"'ER PIPE CONNEf3'_'I0115, MCCEPT THAT PORTIOE TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF POTIOAIT, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID COST T.1AY BE PAID ITT TEIT AIINITAL INSTALLIADITTS I\T COEPhIAI10E wITIT THE KENTUCKY ;Ti.TUTES APPLICABLE THERETO. 0 motion same was given first nassa.,e unon the call of the roll: Yeas (7) 0,, motion the rules were suspended and ordinance was read by title on the call of the roll: YQas (7) Oa motion same was given second and final nasaare unon the call of the roll: Yeas (7) On motion meeting adjourned. Adopted L}1927 Approved r'ca. oer o oun_cilmen ity er '