HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 470, August 1, 1927be directed to perfer charges against said employee. Adopted upon call of the roll No.—_470.---- Proceedings of Board of Councilmen- City of Paducah _ Aug. 1, 1927.... At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held on the third floor of ?iAaf k Veaah engin. Jefferson st. 17-19 st. the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, July 18, 1927, President Watson presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: 7.atson, Budde, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, East, Jacobs and Stewart (8) tiinutes of the previous meeting were read. Concr,rts. Member Doherty offered motion to reconsider the action of the Board of M. N. Clank Councilmen of July 18, 1927 in regard to sewer assessment of M. IT. Clark. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays (7) Member Crider not voting. RSeip Jr. L 11inutes of she previous meeting were adopted as read. '. .. Rieke. Member Doherty offered motion to receive and file communication from the John ?oilers Mayor relative to deed from John Rogers for property on 77ashington St. between Eeed. chargee;,' A<lopted,upon call of the roll: Yens (9). 22nd and 23rd Streets, Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8) Member Crider offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor Prit� )aetzacr @ relative to making standing order that if there be two or more garnishees against Garnishees against any employee of the city within one calendar month that the Supt. of the department employees of city. ^.opted upon call of roll: Yeas (9). be directed to perfer charges against said employee. Adopted upon call of the roll Yeas (7) bays (1) Member Birimmett came into meeting. !;ember Doherty offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor ?iAaf k Veaah engin. Jefferson st. 17-19 st. in employing Black and Veach, engineers, to supervise construction on Jefferson St. from 17th to 19th Street. Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9) Member Brummett offered motion to receive and file communications from Concr,rts. A. J. Leutemayer, director of the I. C. Shop Band, relative to two additional band concerts in Noble Park. Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas(9). Member Jacobs Offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee with power RSeip Jr. L to act sewer assessment against the property of L. M. Rieke Jr. and J. C. Rieke '. .. Rieke. located or. Clay St. if extended between 23rd and 24th Street, no'nennity�to'be chargee;,' A<lopted,upon call of the roll: Yens (9). Member Brummett: offered motion to refer to the aeiifts sewer committee the matter of extending the combined sewer from 21rat St. south on Jackson St, ap- Prit� )aetzacr @ 'Jr. J, V. Bailey. proxin:etcly 500 ft. as requested by Fritz E. Mot:zger and Dr. J. It!_ Salley. A - ^.opted upon call of roll: Yeas (9). Memner jacoba offcrec motion to receive and file the certificate of in- of "recticn of She Fidelity and Comualty Company of Hew York of boiler at the City Rail. ,•Ionted rn call of roll: Yeas (9). G;ember ;;ruff-me;a offr-red motion to refer to the sewer committee Lith power +,at %7r, ici�a':r±al Ooi. +:rtr q:pat! r.. o eat• :`hc: regtueat, cf the Zest r:entucky=nduasrial College to connect with the newer on ht'r.!na everaie and 14th 1:trect. Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas (9). off#::•ed mot±cn to receive and file conmunicatic-iis from the Poari rf f1Na;.th Eoard of Health re:ntive to sewerhPa from t•rie :eot Anduatrle.i Coll.et•e .training into :+rt:1p "ark. ,do;.tcd upon call of roll: 'fe:aa (9). lue�r.er Dohtrty offered mct!ar. t1 -fit ;:onalty or, -(Xf;r tax avairat the 3wther!e Ave. zeta. �,i::r. iJMcr!e ;,venue Reti c-ilst ..h6rch t.e refunded. !,looted on call of roll: Yea a, ?of•:ni of n-.na'ty rn n q,=r tax. nud^.e, Dl-.erty, Duvnl_, 'cast and ^.tewc,"t (5). Naya, :•.atvrn and Hrureett (2), Members Crider snl Jacobs not vctir.g• Vtmtc:r :,uvall cfftrtl r-ot,!cn tr, receive ar-1 file egreeeen+ tetween the VC:-v!vCF Ccn. 13c. ,em -oval of .:.ravel. c'-"-=�ey .c:3'r-aC:it:n comcr,r.y of "t. ;-ol ±a, VO. and the City of' Par:ucoh for the rezr,vinp, of arsavel in the f:ar.-Way en 17tf. Str6l t between uroadaey and L'cnrce Sts. .n:ionte: On call of m-: Yeas (9i. No. Y I 1 Proceedings of 4 Board of Councilmen City Of Paducah AugUat 1, 1927 Member Doherty offered motion to receive and file communication from R. R. Kirk- land, R. R. Kirkland relative to hard surfacing 16th at. from Broadway to Ky. avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll. Yeas (9). Member Jacobs excused from meeting. t,7. F. !.Member Doherty offered mot' -on feferred to the City Solicitor the matter Prs.iy of refund of a '1.50 poll tax to tire. W. F. Brady. Adopted upon the call of the roll.: Yeas (9). Member Duvall offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the matter Shellman of refunding X1.50 poll tax to firs. J. F. Shellman. Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Doherty offered motion to receive and file the recommendation of the R. V. Shel- tc,n Machine Finance Committee that the H. E. Shelton Machinery 80. be not exempted from taxation Go. for a period of five years. Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas (B) Member East read a_resolution entitled nA RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE: IM- PROVEMENT OF SOUTH 4TH STREET, FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF BROAD STREET TO THE NORTH-l'/EST Resol'rtion RIDE OF ISLAND CREEK }i'?IDGE; THENCE, FROM THE SOUTH-EAST SIDE OF ISLAND CREEK BRIDGE; IT-rov, of go, 4th at, TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE; INTERSECTION OF 4TH AND CLEMENTS STREETS, IN THE: CITY OF PAD'CAH, BY THE CONSTRtTCT10N OF A HARD SURFACE ROADNAY, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY t!ANHOL55, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SEVIER PIPE CONNJiCTIONS, Iii ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS ANI SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING i PROPERTY UtTN,RS, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH COSTS MAY BE PAID.UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEA71 PAYMENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8) On motion the rules were'suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8) On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: teas t8j. Same offered motion to receive and file final estimate of street paving D. J. Ryan on 10th St. and Clay at, constructed by the D. J. Ryan Construction Company, under Const. Co. Con. No. 5, contract No. 5. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas amo offered motion to receive and file final estimate of street paving D. J. }span �_; (.ons..*., Co. on io,Lr,tair. avenue constnicted by the !a�!yan-Construction Co. under Contract: No. 5. rcn, t+n. 5. Adontf-d on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). 'Ian .'.ame r.f."ere:: motion to receive and file final estimate of street paving ronst. Co. mon. No. 9. e:n 6th at, and "'eshir:pton at. constructed by the D. J. Ryan Construction Be. under contract No. 8. :adopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (8). j. "ame of,"er motion to recclve and file final estimate of street paving on . ':r:atle at, constructed oy the 3.,T. pyar.',onstruction Co. under Contract No. 6. Adopted on the eel", or the roil: Leas (81. of.'e red motion to receive and file eatimate No. 1 of work done by ' the ketvlwT (.oast ^ietirn Comrar.y Jr. atorm aewer zone tb" prior to Aug. 1, 1927, Adopted or. call of the roll: Yea3 (8). !: "ace offcrtl r-ot!cn to receive and file eatimate No, 1 or work done by thr, w".e lvey :er ,:, keF:e lay Ccnata-icticr. CO. Jr: ato:m rA. er sewer $one "A" prior to uz,. 1, 1OP7. Adopted a•.. tiO. 1. 73non the call. of tht roll: Yeba (A)• ^ado r_fl'ere.i e.ticn .a recal•rr: ar.:i file estimate. No. 3 of work dons 'y the McKelvey Con3trsctM'! 10. Jr. stcm an,t aur:itary zone No. 6 prior to Aug. 1, IS,27. A- dcrted a^an the cal; of ttea roll: Yt,r:3 tel, No.- o• Board of Councilmen Board Proceedings of City of Paducah Aug 1, 1927 Member Duvall read an ordinance entitled "Ail 017bIN/,NC}: F;1PEA'L�1�F, �i:I;TT(�NS Cr"inanee repeal. 18 AND 42, RESPFOTIVELY, OF AN OHDINAVCE, ENTITLF.D� "All ORDINANCE: RECD LATING TRAVEL Sect. lA and 42. AND TRAFFIC --THE USE OF STREbTS BY VEHICLES, STREET CARS AND PEDESTRIANS; CREAT* Requifticg, ravel ING A CENTRAL TRAFFIC AND BUSINESS DISTRICT, ESTABLISHING BOUVELARDS, SAFETY SONES; � AND AUTHORIZING THE MARKING OF CROSSWALKS OR ANY ZONES HEREIN PROVIDED FOR, AND FOR THE ERECTION OF SIGNS AND SIGNALS; REGULATING PARKING, AND DESCRIBING THE STREETS OR PORTIONS OF STREETS THAT MAY BE USED FOR PARKING, AND THE MANNER OF UTILIZING SAME, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FIXING A PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION HEREOF, adopted by the General Council September 14, 1925, and reen- acting and substituting in lieu thereof Sections 18 and 42, hereinafter set forth. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8) On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (B). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTI(N DECLARING THAT 26TH STREET, Resolution declar. FROk BROADU,.Y TO JEFFERSON STREET, Ill THE CITY OF PAW CAH, KENTUCKY, HAS HERETO the laying out of 26th st, from Broad. FORE BEEN LAID OUT AND OPENED FOR USE FOR A STREET, AND HAS BEEN USED AS SUCH BY to Jeff, sts. THE PUBLIC FOR MORE THAN FIVE YEARS LAST PAST; AND ORDERING THAT THE DEDICATION TH':REOF BE NO^l ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF PAWCAH." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8) On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINAVCE PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION BY THE gUALIFILD ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEFTUCKY, TO BE HELD ON THE Ordinance Frov. for voting, on RE(9ILA" F.LFC ION DAY, NOV! IIBE: 8TH, 1927, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH,, KENTUCKY, TO "Y.em. to Sold. and Sailors". DETERMINE THE gUE9T10N r.TiEThEP THE CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL ISSUE AND SELL THE BONDS OF SAID CITY TO THE EXTENT OF TWO HUNDRED THOUSA]ID (200,000.00) DOLLARS, FOR THE FUR'rOSF. OF PROVIDING FOR THE: PURChASF OF A RiITABLF SITE AND ERECTION OF A MFM+ 01?!;L WILDING CON^aAINING AN AUDITORIUM, IN THE CITY OF PALUCAH, KFI:TTCKY, TO PE ' KNO7,W AS "t!E 'OHIAL TO THE: SOLDIERS AND SAILORS", AND TO PROVIDE FCP ''H' )IAYE'.F.NT OF S,:Ii; ,r+tNDS AS 'IfF S.Mii M I'URE, AND ALSO FOR THE PAYMENT OF INTF•PFFT THFREON. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeaa (8) On motion, tho rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas to). Or, eoticm Bhp!: was given ascend and final passage upon the call of the roll: Year (8). '-ams read an ordinar;cc entitlad "Ali OW)INANCE ASSESSINO ALL OF THE: LOTS 0" •`'�;:.'-^t.'-. rF 4:?(,"ND ;.t,,,... D IN ';Ir,7E.1: Zf4lE; 7-A, HE'EINAFTE:R DE:SCRIRED, FOR TNF. COST i19a^9. C� 7—Y.(.. av 7 rN 7_,,, ti^,•s ( �F a.. . ...."^"„ a.(_v .-NE, N_:ARY `!hXj:Rfi I11 3l,ID 81;71iR /!7_A, IN MIB -DIVISION ^.ch-•liv, A i:: '•, IN ".iiU:` ,... „ . .... ..: _C: #3, :N 71:1i CI'T'Y OF fit li!C .f[, KENTRCK.Y, I.I1D PROVIDING rir.^'f:r Ili';) -!1 1IJ!TAL!XFI;T3, 4XING ONE ('a•' Tl:E: f'kOhRw OE' Ar (,n m4ti,�n aax,: %N_ 1`:v@n Upon *11.e call of the roll: Yeas (B) Ur: motion t.e a~,les "e a au3ponded ar,d resolution rears by title upon the csll c+ 'he roll- Lasa (8;. Cr. cct;cn 9aL'� •b9 ni,ver, aoccnd and final a " rel'_: Yes9 to,,. T s -aha upon the ctrl of the \N0. 475. Proceedings of Hoard of Councilmen City of Paducah Aug. 1, 1927 The same read a resolution entitled•" A RESOhiITP'N PROVIDING FOR THE IY* Resolution Imp. of PROVEMENT OF SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET, FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF BROAIXIAY .TO THE let', at. NORTH pROYERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE.', IN THE CITY OF YADJCAIi, KENTUCKY, BY THE GRrDTNG AND GRAVELING OF SAME, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECES"ARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SEWER PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT TRY COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 0WNSRS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION M.',Y BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRO- VISIONS OF THE: TEN YEAR PAYAIF.NT PLAN. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas Brummett, Budde, Davall, Fast and Stewart (5), Nays Watson and Doherty (2) Member Crider not voting. On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas '3atson, Brummett, Budde, Doherty, Duvall, Fast and Stewart (7) Member Crider not voting. On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas, 'Watson, Brummett, Budde, Doherty, Duvall, East and Stewart (7). Member Crider not voting. The same read an ordinance entitled " AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING Ori•_nence. PROPS"TY ON 30TH. SIDES OF FOUNTAIN AVENUE (17TH STREET), FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY Asses. Iron. on ­. ave. LINE OF BROAD -AY TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREFT, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Broadwa•. to Y, F'U3 THr. COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROA17I1AY CONSISTING OF A CON - Monroe sts. Cr." r 7 E FOINMTION 71:ITH SHEET ASPHALT TOP, AS SHOVFN ON PLANS, TOGETHER WITH THE NECESSARY M',", OLES, INTAKES, D3IVF. ".LAYS, CATCH BASINS AND SEVIER PIPE CONNECTIONS, AND ALSO THE j PE-CONSTR:FCTION OF NECESSA"Y CURBS AND M TTEIRS, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY, THiw CI'TY OF PAD:'CAH, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID COST MA" BF PAID FOR IN TEN ANNUAL IN- ITALLY,rNT� IN COMPLIANCE' "!I'1`H THE PROVISIONS OF THE KENTUCKY STATUTES APPLICABLE THFPF- T0. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8) On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Pace read or, ordinance entitled " AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING Orlinonce. +.area. of "Opgr:TV I N 3i.`:`H 3IDES OF T1If9L'L STREET, 11101, THE TFEST PROPERTY LINT•': OF 19TH STREET rr-.n,on :'rlmlt le at, '^p Tt;E 'r'.c, ;i F?OFE°'. ' '.ZI:!: OF 15TFI STRE_.T; 1113011 THE: WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 15TH STREET lrn�; I^•:h ' "•? i'., 1'.•:h T, THF.' WFIT PROF'R•'T:' "_Nr: t 17S"R STNEi,T, IN THE CITY OF 'r;.DdCi.H, Eii;N9t!CKY, FOR TILE: .j 174F• t. 137 Or' CO2:"""':C F A Hi."D r'!RPACE RuADMAY, CONSISTING OF A CONCRI,.TE FOUNDATION Tl'n A i.^FHALT TOP, A") .^HU". t ON PLANS, TOG:J`i T' "'ITH CURBS AND C.IITTFR`;, AND THE N✓G'_':"AeY !'A2Jr!CiE':, IN'I:,r.:%Ci, CATCh MU *,INS, D&IVB'WAY:: AND 3E.'IF.R COIJNYCTI(,NS, rXCEPT iSiAT P!. 'N TO '.�: Yr.:D FCR tY ?i.. CITY OF PAT CAh, ANI) t`-OVIDING MAT St•ID COST WAY :'AIC tN :'%H ."+:1 "A:. Ili `.i'.^h L:b:i,2: ^.:; IN C(M.-LIANGE. 711:11 THE. PROV.`. 1011.^. Of' TFIE•: Ki1411!CKY `.TAT!TE3 AFP:*_CA71 ." lEnETO. On m -tion sere waa pivcn flrn� passa.e uncn the call of the roll: Yeas (8) On n- cn tne r:lr,, were, xier•.:nded hurl revolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeb, 03, On gntirin rsamt was ulnen secan,d ar.-! final ;.ansa+^e urmn the call of the roll: feaa W. Proceedings of Board of -Councilmen City of Paducah-Augustl, 1927...... Member Brummett read an ordinance entitled " AN ORDINANCE ASFJ?S"ING Crdiaance. THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF WASItINGTON STREET, FR(dQ THE RAST PRO- •.sses, nron. on '.t.'ashinCton at, from PERTY LINE OF 7TH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 6TH STREET; FTF STREET 7th to 6th; 6th from :a^h. to Clark. FROM,THE NORTH PROPERTI' LINE OF }'WASHINGTON STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLARK STREET, I14 THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUC.'Y, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE IWAD71AY, CONSISTING OF A CONCRETE FOUNDATION WITH A SHEET ASPHALT TOP, AS SHOrlN ON PLANS, TOGETHER KITH THE NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SEWER PIPE CONNECTIONS, EXUEPT THAT PUP.TIUN TO BE PAID FOR BY THE C17Y OF PADUCAH, AND rHUVIDING THAT SAID COST MAY BE PAID FOP. IN TEN ATINUAL INSTALLMENTS IN COE:PLIANCE WITH TEL PRUVISIUNS OF THE KENTUCKY STATUTES APPLICkHLE THERETO. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yea's (8) On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (a). Same read an ordinance entitled " AN ORDINAt!CE AS'ESSING THE; ARiITTING Orilriarce.pROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF Clay STREET, FROM ThE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 9TH STREET Assess, prop. on Clay from 9 to loth; TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET, AND THE A=WTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES lOtn from play to Trimble at. 11 OF 10TH STREET, F'ROM1 THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF Cay STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY l LINE OF TRIMBLE STREE', IN THE CITY OF PADUCi:H, KENTUCKY, FOR THE COSY' OF CON= STRUCTION.OF A HARD SURFACE ROADMAY CONSISTING OF A CONCRETE FOUNDATION WITH SHEET ASPHALT TOP, AS SHOWN ON PLANS, TOGETHER I"ITH THE NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, DRIVE:YAYS AND DRAINAGE CONNECTIONS, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID COST MAY BE PAID IN TEN ANNUAL I113TALLMENTS IN COMPLIANCE 4WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE KENTUCKY STATUTES APPLICAPLR THERETO. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8) on motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Vem^er Stewart offers motion to rofer to the Light and Plater Committee ' :veer Car. petition for water mains on Jackson at. between 21rst and 22nd Streets. Adopted utan call of the roll: Yeus (6). Zama offered motion to refer to City Engineer to give grades, streets •nvInner. mentioned in h CGm UniCntl0n from the Paducah Water Co. under date of July 20, 1927 .'+)Dted upon call of roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to refer to City Engineer and Fire Chief report of the 1''f• Fa,' -.rah .Tater Co., dated July 30, 1927, of water rating laid and fire plug, located• r,dopte.3 Cron call. of the roll: 'foes (8). Uesbtr %aat ,£fore! motion to receive arul file report of the Chief of the rtenart of Chief r.f p;. :nF;ar;ment for the month of ;,ugust. Adopted upas Cull. of roll: Yeas (8). Fire Der-er taeat. ::arae offere•1 m^.tlor. to rerelve and file report of the Chief of Police for "evcrt of Q':.nf of e'rliz o• t'r:R'._a. th of i:uguat. ioiopted ::(,^n tabs call of the roll: Yeas (B). aff%:re•1 n7'-lon to receive ani file. report of the City Jailor for Far.'rt of", .!ty Ti::r.^. the ca::h of •v:F_+st. Adrr:ted ulon the Cull of the roll: Yeas (8). No. 475. Proceedings of.. Board of Councilmen City of Paducah August 1, 1927 Member Budde offered motion that the city of Paducah deed to Lizzie Parkor. Parker, Lot. N. 5, in Block 14, of Oak Grove Cemetery, for the sum of $90.00. Deed. Adooted upon call of roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion that, the city of Paducah deed to J. F. Rassmon nassxon and Robert Stalls, lot No. 4, in Block 14, in Oak Grove Cemetery, for the sum of k R. Stalls Deed. $90.00. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion that the city of Paducah deed to Ctrs. Sarah Mrs. Sarah Rossully, Lot. No. 1, in Block 14, in Oak Grove Cemetery, for the sum of (595.00. �.0991111G Deed. Adopted uron call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Purchase of Aldermen in authoriging the Mayor to purchase portion of land from the Chicago of land ' frcm Chic., St, Louis and New gleans R. R. Co., lying between 8 Goebel avenue and Tenn. St. St. L0nis, 3 Crleansfor the sum of $1200.00 same to be charged to Contingftent Fund. Adopted upon the Co. call of roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in action of the Board of Aldermen Mrs. Lola relative to allowing Mrs. Lola Yratt $450.00 in full settlement for damages Pratt. sustained at 17th and Jefferson St., starch, 1927. Same to be charged to cost Damages. and suits. Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas (8). Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ordinance. Aldermen referring to the Street Committee, an ordinance for the closing of a 0109. of s?:ey in fifteen ft. alley in Afton weights Sub-divison. Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas (8). 't-- t Same offered motion to concur in action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing J. B. McGuire $13.73 refund on city taxes. Adopted on call of roll: Yeas (8). J. q. LcG"ire ).!ember Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ! Soli tha rn Aldermen in awarding, contract Ito. 7 for paving 'Jefferson'st, from 17th street to ads. Co. 19th street, to the Southern Roads Company. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas, Jerf. from 17 to 19• Brummett, Doherty, and Duvall (3) Nays, Watson, Budde, Crider, East and Stewart (5). Member Crider offered motion to reconsider action on awarding contract Xwardinc No. 7 for paving Jefferson from 17th St. to 19th St.- Adopted upon call of the roll. r;nt.%. 7. Yeas, brummett, ;]ud•le, Crider, Doherty, Duvall and East E8) Nays, '1.'atson and Stewart (2). 96mber 9 Duvall offered motion to concur in action of the Board of Alderman in awarding contract No. 7 for paving Jefferson St. from 17th at. to 19th ^opt here ,do. Co. at., to the ':ovthern aoada Co. ,Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). ':warded cnntr• Bamber !�oherty ofrored motion to concur in the action of the Board of Ald"r•con ingtr•cr,ttnu the C1^.;� .",elicit try or to bring comdemnation proceeding against "al1cItnrr X. Liv_reston & Cc, for nece ssury grocnd for opening Ky. avenue from 11th to 12th st. '•�' r`• Adopted upon the call or the roll: YOaa (8}, i7esrbnr D.rvall offered motion to concur in action of the Board of Alderren in ac^.optir:v de::d frcm J. P. 2cith Ex'r, for a strip of eround on Ifunbend at, betiveen .. L find 7tr: streets. Cast of acme to 8c cSarYcc! to SpecialSpecialSewerewer rural. Adopted on . a•A. t4 . • a;ll of ro.3: Ycsa cg}, Je Whpr ^xher;y motion to core;r in tilt action, of the beami of Aldi.mt-z n fid;ptinp a rn.acl r tics ir.9tr.rtS.'.F, .`.rte, Yadueah 7:fiter too. to lay Its water c:aina or, ;axtryn at_ frcz avc.to A1eran-'.r &v.;. Adnnted on tho callor the roll. Yeaa (8). kem^er Fast r..r'r: c:r.,;icli to c;;r.c:r In setlon of the Board of Aldermen ':'-'i''t referring to `ne street 'c_zzitteb petit/:.;: fr. p.r-llna finI 3ra.velinR, ?aeh.ln^inn at. : c. frcm - th st. to 2?t' at. .•.:cote:! tips:, ca11 of to rnl_. Yeas tfi). - Proceedings of_ nos-d of . Councilmen _ City of Paducah August 1, 1927• -.. Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Yancey & Johnson Aldermen in-allowing 6N improvement warrant issued to Yancy and Johnson, for G� Imo. warrant. $6007.60. On estimate No. 4, Contract 1, sidewalk curb and gutter on 24th at., Trimble at. and 21rst at. Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing 6% imnrovement warrant issued to Fraser & Cocke, for $508.95. On Fraser u Cocke 65 imp. warrant. estimate No, 1, Contract. No. 4, for gradibg-25.th street. Edopted upon call of roll; Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in Fraser & Cocke allowing 6% improvement warrant issued to Fraser & Cocke, for ti2145.n0. On 6% imn, warrant. estimate No. 1, Contract No. 5, for grading 25th at., Ky. ave. and C.ashington st. Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas (8). . Same ofi'ered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in Fraser h Cocke allowing 65' improvement warrant issued to Fraser k Cooke, for $2187.25, on est.l 66 imn. wanrant. contract No. 2, for grading "A","B; "C, streets, 20th at, and 21st at. Adonted upon call of roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing 61 improvement warrant issued to G. W, KatterJohn do Son, for x9054.15, G.W. KatterJohn & on estimate 2, contract No. 2, for sidewalk, driveway, curb and gutter on On. 6% imo. w'.rrant• Ellis at., 10th at., 9th at. and Campbell at. Adopted on callof roll: Yeas (B). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board off Aldermen in approving and accepting paving on 6th at. from Washington to Clarkst., on th constructed by D. J. Ryan Const. Co., 'lashington at. from six/to seventh streets/and Fountain ave. from Broad to D. J. Ryan const. eo. Monroe at., constructed by the Shuthern-,Roedtu=Comprr(y', .o. Adopted upon call Southern. Roads Co. of roll: Yeas 18). Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing 6� improvement warrant issued to J. M. Rouse for $3059. 91, J. M. Rouse on estimate No. 1, contract "o. 1, for sidewalf, driveway, curb and Rutter on 6'� imn. warrant. Trimble at. Adopted upon call of roll: Yons (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen J, M. Rouse. in awarding Contract No. 7, for sidewalk, driveway, curb and (Hitter to J. M. `.warde.d a,c,irb, . 7 :ta slddNalc'r Rouee. Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas, Brummot.t, Budde, Crider, Poherty, driveway, auttar' nlvell and East (6), Nays, Watson and Stewart (2). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of J. rie'1 Nict:ols A=derr.or. in allowing, J. Bell Nichols $1100.00 Judgment in case of J. Rell Nict:cla vs. Ci!.y of Paducah. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member 'Xivall offered motion to concur in the action of the F;oard of Aceentior. of 'v-,:. ?. L!e t��•t: ir. he :n gtirir a<::r02' zone No. 7-A from the h!c Ke hvoy Construction a. +.one no. J 4a�,elvey r. nn, co. Ccr^nay, idopted upon cell of roll: Ynaa (B). Rerbnr Cri,ler offered moticn to concur in the action of the hohrd of Mary. 4. compteiY. Aldercen in referring to tine City Solicitor coev,unicatlon from Mary R. Cas.n':e 11 relutive to '_ncr*.ased xsseaned valvatlon on property at 2:12 North Gita at. f.dcpted uncn call of roll: �eaa (8). _..no. d. _ .. ,.. •rarrsr:.. Sc:LCar: ^cads l',Q. 9,0 .•r :r im et.L r.ffered mntion to cone!,:- In the act,!an of the roard of '.111,?rcen !r, all"win,> F:¢ !n',rr.vtment w,,rrhnt isa•:ed to D. J. "ye,n Construction Co. fcr 15843.::1, cr c3t1muto i.v. Contract No. 7, atrent paving. on 6th at. Adapt -rd urcn call Cr roll, 'Aau (ei. xce cffernd a.tScn to concur jr, the action of the L -oar:' of "'ldei•aen it alle•ir:g £-L" imp:rewLct aarrm:,ta i�a.ed r.r thr, <c,}there acade Cc�reny Adonted upon call of roll: Yeas (8). Mem"r Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Kollar P1. Aldermen in allowing Koller Flu ming Co. $667.41 collected on delinquent.sewer Co. bills in Zones No. 4 and 5. Adopted on c:+ll of the roll: Yens (8). ,Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Claims. Alde,-men in allowing claim for 11419.40. Adopted on call of the roll: YessW . Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Payroll. in allowing pnyroll of 0113, 455.32. .Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas(8). St. Imorov. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Bonds & in elloviing Streets Improvement bonds and Coupons cancelled in the amount of Coupons. 934.72. Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion, meeting, ajourned. ADOPTED: &w 1927. APPROVED: C8�1n� PRESIDENT, BOARD OF COUNCILMEN. City Clerk. No— 477. - Proceedings of _Hoard of Councilmen City of Paducah August 1, 1927 Estimate Pio. 3, Contrcct No. 2, Tenn. at. High St. and 15th St., $2257.23, n n 1, n n 3, So. lith at . ..................... 113.75 " 21 41 Jackson at. and 19th at. ........ 7057.39 ;, 6, 12th and Bornhofm sta. .......... 2387.77 Adonted upon call of roll: Yeas (8). Mem"r Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Kollar P1. Aldermen in allowing Koller Flu ming Co. $667.41 collected on delinquent.sewer Co. bills in Zones No. 4 and 5. Adopted on c:+ll of the roll: Yens (8). ,Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Claims. Alde,-men in allowing claim for 11419.40. Adopted on call of the roll: YessW . Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Payroll. in allowing pnyroll of 0113, 455.32. .Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas(8). St. Imorov. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Bonds & in elloviing Streets Improvement bonds and Coupons cancelled in the amount of Coupons. 934.72. Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion, meeting, ajourned. ADOPTED: &w 1927. APPROVED: C8�1n� PRESIDENT, BOARD OF COUNCILMEN. City Clerk.