HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 464, July 18, 1927Summons Proceedings of. BOARD of CCUNCILMEF No.__ 404 _ --City of Paducah . __TuLy 18,. 1927. . At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., July the 18tPi, 1927, President 'Matson presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: "!atson, Buddo, Crider, 4oherty, Duvall, East,, Kerth and Stewart (8). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Member Doherty offered motion tp refer to the City Solicitor, summons served on the Mayor for the City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (a). Member Kerth offered motion that the President appoint two membors t,, Buis for coal. serve on a committee with the Mayor for receiving bids for coal for the City. ( Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Aivall and Member Budde appointed. Member Kerth offered motion that the Mayor be authorized to execute contract with the McKelvey Construction Company to remove gravel from parkway t'e'e1veF Const. Co. to ¢;WO on 17th Street between Broadway and Monroe Street, as per letter from J. G. remove eravel. McKelvey under date of July 13t -h, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(8) Member Doherty offered motion to receive and file communication froc the Mayor relative to executing contract with J. Lt. House Construction Company for ¢�. Sidwaalk, c�irb & gutter building sidewalk, curb and gutter on 14th Street opposite the Home of the on 14th St. and 13th St. Friendless, and sidewalks on 13th Street along the property of 77hittier School. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Liember. Brummett came into meeting. Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor commimication L.r..liarmeling. from H. G. Harmeling relative to refund of taxes on property at 717 Harrison. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Duvall offered motion to refer to the Sewer Committee, with power to act, communication from J. B. Acree, President of the Board of Health, relative to bad condition of sewerage at 15th and Kentucky Avenue. Adonted on the ca:l of the r6ll: Yeas (9)' Same offered motion that the Board of health be allowed td employ ".'vie ssr,iter_v two sanitary inspectors so long as they stay within their appropriation, i.donted inspectors. on tete call of the roll: Yens (9). Sarno offered motion to concur in the recommendation o1' the City ^oliritor in red•icing the assessment on personal property of T. S. Hendrixaon from W,0.00 to ;:4.00. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Lterbar Kerth offered motion to concur in the recocs:encintion of :,olicitor in refunding ;12.49 to Myrtle F. Sweeney, taxes on property ca n -;:n asnesserl valuation waa lnt:renand without notification. Adoubed on the rail c:` the rr, l: yefta (9). L,,rner Jivall off,.rer1 motion that, L:, N. Clark be not allowed to V.N. ;';.uri iqy '.'.1 'ee:rcr aaae,ascent r,aae i on nis Lortr; 7ti,-)troet frcntave, as rocom".nded t:y .... Finanre Cri~r,`.ttee. ..cer*r r.d or,, t!in call of tnA roll: Yees: (R). t''.*¢:;er :,e r:[: not vC,Inr. !�aeA O:`ere.: cation to ren':'::' in trip art.Srn at' rr.e Iiehr:t of or ,.,.), S'. ti ..tom, .._.wive to Adolph •:e:. 1. payinF Sewer sanessyc nt based ch his 5;t1: ...rY :. .n.r:".ase, as recnitm,rnlei by ?.%n Yfnance i.em@ittee. Adnnted on .,e ]ai: ni -r'° r .1, •iaua (9). No. .465. Proceedings of g0 OF COUNCILVEN City of Paducah JULY 18, 1927. - ------- --------- Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen of J. P.SoIt1s, July the 5th, 1927, relative to adjusting street paving and sewer assessments against Trustee. the Pronerty of J. P. Smith, Trustee, located on South 6th Street between Norton and Rushan'is Street, as recommended by a,0ommittee composed of A. E. Cole and W. M. Rieke. Adopted or, the call of the roll: Yoas: 1.7atson, Brummett, Budde, Crider, Doherty, Davall, East and Kerth.(8). ?lays: Stewart (1). Member Kertih offered motion to receive and file communication from Cecil Cecil Hurhes relative to the Clty cancelling 55.92 penalty and interest on Sewer Assessment Hu riles . avainst his property. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor communication from Collier requesting the cancellation of Tax Bill No. 768, as same is a duplicate of Tix Bill 767, Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). t1f Co.nefin- Same offered motion to accept the bond of the Gulf Refining, Co+ -piny of nv $1000.00 for the opening of sidewalks and streets when installing gasoline stations. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Crider excused from meeting. Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVE:kENT n"Ico OF JEFFERSON STREET FROM THE :!EST PROPERTY LINE OF 17TH STREET ( FOUNTAIN AVENUE) TO THE . eetc. rson F. S^ PROPF.BTY tLINE OF 19th STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE CONSTRUCTION .. 0E' A H,M SIRFAC E ROA7,77AY, TOGETHER T1ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND S:clr.R PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN ACCORDa,IWE ':IITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED AMF6W.FOR BY THE CITY ENGIRF:ER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPER -Y OWNERS, AND PRO- VIDING THAT SUCH COSTS MAY BE PAID UNDER THL PROVISIONS Or' TRE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAIT." On motion sane was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas(8). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call ,f the roll: Yeas (e). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Brummett excused from meeting. t'esber Kertr read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING RULES rI')abInv %!Ili ) 6S:L L..:IUN ,:ND dr1hR,MO11 OF PLUMBING aND .9E:d11.1RAGE IN TRI? CITY OF On motion sane w,.s ;riven first pas3alte upon the call of the roll:Yees(7). On motion the rules wore suspended and ordinance read by title upon the Cell e!' the 1~111: Yobs (7). On votiOn N,,rn wan given aecon'i Anal fin"1 passage upon the Call of the roll: Y,e3 (7). 'ia trC tae i a rn3,,1,:tion entitia•1 ".- ^. F.':: Ui'tl'U1l AUTHM'IM11r, THE MAYOR ?,Y r,r ?1,,7.'!1,H, E...-•. .>.Y, TO BOFRU91 AVOUNTS AGGREGATING nirr• .". 'r* r.F SiO,^''..�:•� ,.. .... .- .':,Y .... ... �.;) !•:..'i` .Hi, NEED. OF Sall: Cl'Y .n cc'.:.,: Hann. '-s rive^ ff.ra t pa3an;e upon the call of the ro'I1:Yea„(7). fn c,c.cr: the r+des sere 31:3.ren`^)a ani renol::tion read by title upon the -•):: .. �Y.� roll: ':'tad ("). C n cceicn sera Ass -'. ra•. , c n i ar1 final lAf):;a.^,9 upon the Hall of the roll: Yeas (71. No.--4,05— Proceedings o._-4,05 PfOC2C'(;If1 S Of B0,1PD OF COttNUTLh1EN ___-City Of Paducah- JULY _16TH, 1927, Member Korth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE, AYEIMING SECTION 18 OF +1N ORDIN,,NCF., ENTITLED 11,11 ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAVEL ACID TRAFFIC -- THE USE OF STREETS BY VEHICLES, STREET CARS AND PEDESTRIANS; CREATING A CENTRAL Urdiu�;t)..c. ce,.:a ++•. .aril TRAFFIC AND BUSINESS DISTRICT, ESTaRLISi,ING BOULEVARDS, SAFETY ZONES, /:ND AfITHORI`l.ING TisF. MARKING OF CRO9St7ALK3 OR AiiY ZONES HEt?EIN PROVIDED FOR, AND THE ERECTION OF SIGNS AND SIGNALS; REGULATING P„RKING, AND DESCRIBING THE STREETS OR PORTIONS OF STREETS Tii;YP KAY BE USED FOR PARKING, AN THE t!ANNER OF UTILIZING SAME, IN THE CITY OF Pi+UJCAH, KENTOCKY, AND FIXING A PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION HFI�'W". I On motion sane was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watson, Budde, East, berth and Stewart.(5). Nays: Doherty and Duvall(2). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance reed by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watson, Budde, East, Duvall, $erth and Stewart. (6).: Nays: Doherty.(l). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas:,Vlatson, Budde, East, Kerth and Stewart. (5), t:sys: Doherty(2). Same road a resolution entitled "A RESULUTION PROVIDING FO' TRF IMP7OVE11ENT OF WHEELER AVENUE FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JACKSON STREET TO I i Resolution. THD ".MST PROPERTY LINE OF "B" Street, IN THE CITY OF PADUcAH, KEPTUCKY; BY THE `:heeler Avenue. GRADING MM GRAVELING OF SAME, TO'IETHF.R YTITH ALL NECESSARY MAHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS +.11D SE"FER PIPE COPNdECTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE. ;"ITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS PROVIDED TiiEHFFOR BY THF. CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COFT OF THE ABUTTING PP.OPERTy 07NERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THF, COST OF SUCH CONSTRiiCTION &1AY BE PAID IN ACCORTmNCE '"T'i'll THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YSAH PAYMENT PLAN." On motion same was Riven first pasnage upon the call of the roll: Y -as (7). On motion the roles were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas(7). On motion same was Riven second and final pansace upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINAHCE PROVIDING FON THE CGN-.r'IC'sION Or UPNURF:TE SIDE"%LKS -ND GUTTFIRS, JID CURBS OF FIT'HER CON(;TF.TE Op GR;;NITE, ON 130 TP 3I i:4 OF GREER STREET, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINK OF 12TH STREET "0 :n, `.itilPii P'?UP[:?TY LINE Oe 11Th STREi;T; ON BOTh SIDES OF BRIDGE SYRE''f FROV TiF LIN % OF FIA -'A .,TREF.T TO THr; SOU111 PROPERTY LINE OF KINKF'AD AVENt)F.; %u:.t .."•; C;t! ::TREE.^„ 'rPG17 TPc: —EFT PROPERTY LINE OF CLEMENTS STMLTS TO ?ii:•. OF -T,; -ETT ::T �i,ET, 'e'Ur F; i'HE;R 41I'fh ALL NECESSeirY AlAtliiOLFS, IPM^ 't .'., '::.; 7iti ., .,SNS, DHI'!P' ..YS , t; i) %h* -SER PIPE: CONNECTIONS, IN Th' CI'"'• Or' Pi.DIGAV IN :'CUOB^A,NOF; "t,. eL..iL', ..U:r "i'i.CIFI�i:ii0id5 PROVIDED ThER.'-:FOR BY ThE .. .,....�, .. :::. ::,... t .... ,"!'i!!Pr Pt'l'.19:ifTY U'"It:ItR.^+, AI:I: P�•;t:1 Di`i:: ThE ar FAIR IiN:1hR Ti(;- t^'OViSLONS Or 'PriF: '"FS YF.'AP i'MYMFNT Cn ratan save was pivrn fi:•at pas.a o upon the ,.x&11 01, the rule: YQaS (7�. (,r, r.ctto:, >,:.� 1-a Hern s':sp'rt:foa and orlinanem reart spy title f� ... :e ♦i ia' .lir rr,.:'. Feud (7'1. On rO:tr,r. I-*-. W43 rivCn 5ecOn`: -n'l finer?asae, p e upon the erll No. 467. Proceedings of _nO,,D OF CODN�SLM`T City of Paducah. _ . JIiLY_ 18, 1927.. Member Korth offered motion to adopt a resolution directing the 13on+3 Tss❑e. City Solicitor to bring in an ordinance providing for submission to the voters of the t'er..n:` i nl ;elftllaaa City of Paducah, at the next regulnr "November election, the matter'of the 5200,000.00 soliters c- , Sr 1=o s' Bon! Issue for a kemorial to the Soldiers and Sailors of the World Y1ar. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Llember Atvall offered motion to refer to the Light & Plater Committee, Faducatt and Finance Committee, communication from the Paducah Water Company relative to City `rater Co. 'Engineer furnishing grades for the installation of water pipe. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same ofr'ered motion to refer to the City Engineer and Fire C}1ief, Eerort of report of the Paducah "tater Company under date of July the 16th, of water mains laid Paducah and fire plugs located. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). 'rater Co. Same offered motion to refer to the Light & Water Committee, petitions '.rater mains for rater mains on "B" Street from Guthrie to l'heeler Avenues, and on 27th Street from. ".lV It. un -1 2"th It. Jackson Street to Tennessee Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Cr!{re !n t`!1 Member Budde offered motion that the City of Paducah deed East half deedto oseti^.i.•e of Lot No. 10, in Block 14, of Oak Grove "emetery, to Mrs. Josephine Jones for the sum Sorer. of $50.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the city of Paducah deed East half of Lot Cesetery decd to No. 11, in Block 14, in Oak Grove Cemetery, to D. ;N. Segler, for the sum of $50.bO. • cn�lfa .. Adopted on the call of the ro.1: Yeas (7). ,. Member East offered motion to receive allyl file the report of the "'' P.iverside Hospital. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). 'ember Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of T. A. !'iller Brack Gwen. :rl-ternen in referrinq to the Mayor and Street Committee, with power to act, the proposition of T. A. Miller and Brack Owen with reference to the re -location of Coxyy Street, edopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen. to C.C.Fetty ^.G,pe tty, in refunding v5.28,/taxes on account of assessment being increased without notification. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas M. Sate offered motion to evn..ur In tue Hut:lon of the Board of Aldermen ^•+eon, In accepting check of E. z. FergLsorr for City taxes, as recommended by the City Solicitor. Adonted on the Pall of the roll: Yeas (7). Sasc offered motion to concur In the action of the Board of AlderSen °-i in referrla;r to the Finance Committee, the matter of exempting the H. E. Shelton Fact-inery Company frrm city %ox^.s for toe next rive yearn. Adonted on the call of the roll: Y«ap (7). aza cffered mn;icn to concur !r the action o4' the Board of Aldrrren i1a: ,:.l;r.:p req;..r,ts for riacer au`-na ir. territory in new City Limit's r +•«p•i •. cn. ..•-1. - rn' ::« !'.Gil Of the roll: Yetr:a (7). _aaa: off•:r•o'I co%ien to coneir in •:nr, action of the Bobrd of Alieraen Sr. re:arring to the City °c "ei^or and Cemetery Committee, pntiticn from �:�e:• T. .. ...Ler . 1a -':t :.G COi'reC •, :•. f. r'. bn erri- i:. 9 dBs• I ^.!:U ; wLa riven to nim on i3•h 3y c:' c:,]... Z,.hn Jr,c__ a::i x:=ai. hlirai°.eti: Pcwcll fco- 1'��i�e I%7 .OL NO. 2 In 71cr.k :.4, Cak^ai: c: no rc:,l: =ace c=''-'e'e: r•;`:.�n •.c in *,r:r uCCicn or the Fo',r': 01' ni?rr•arn it reau:,..tior. rt:rect:r:; _ :'a:... :.a�.rr +:r:mr;ar.y to lay Sts Water aair,a crl ::=rat ism},cr:to Boyd, 14o, :»re et from 4tr. ::»reel to £.tri • !stet , and 5t: - stet. ,'e. ;n ne ca:^ of the roil: Ya an (^;. No- _468. Proceedings of .�W, Rn OF COMRAI1•IEN - City of Paducah JULY 187`11, 1927. Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Street light on Aldern-en ins:rueting the Kentucky Utilities Company to place light on Lincoln Lincoln Ave. Avenue where Coxey Street; connects. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yess (7). Member Duvall offered Motion to concur in the action of the Board of noathAldermen relative to renting coal bin at the old Electric Light Plant to C. R. rent coal roal bin. Cresthwait at $15.00 per month. =adopted on the call of the rill: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Bor.rd of Aldermen Cochran. in regard to allowing W. E. Cochran to pay 17296.00 in settlement of sewer assess- ment. Adoptred on the call of the roll: Yess(7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Gus Jacobs, in allowing Gus Jacobs to pay $175.00 in settlement for sewer assessment against property on 5th Street between Caldwell and Husbands Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Frank Petter, in allowing Frank Petter $100.00 for sewer right of xray over property at 4th and Broad Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(7). Sas:e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of E. Boyd. Aldermen in allowing A. E. Boyd to pay $250.00 for sewer assessment of $549.00 against oroperty at lltrnr,nd Husbands Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Cloy St. . 1dermen in accepting street paving on Clay Street from 9th to 10th Streets, and 1Rtb St, on 10tn Street from Clay to Trimble Streets, constructed by the D. J. Ryan Con- striction Company as completed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (^,). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen In alloying, the I. C. H. R. Shop Band $110.00 for public concerts riven I.C.�.R.Shop Rand. July the 10th Nnd July the 17th. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of i,ldermen authorizing the Treasurer to effect final settlement with the Koller Koller Flumbina Fl;.4vbin7 "omnuny for the construction of Sewer 'Lone No. 2; also authorizing.. the Co. Payor anti Treasurer to have printed, executed and sell bonds in the amount of 439255.84. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). 'sme offered motion to concur in the action of the Bobrd of Lh^+nn ailr.,rizir,v tree Treasurer to make final settlement wit.n U. J. Rynn '^..T. 117un Gcnst. 0*104i)Ruetlon Company on Ccnt:ract No. 1, for hard surface on 13th Street. 12th .Yntrac'. t:o.l.:;treet and 11.,nroe Street on the sale of bonds; also authorizing the Vapor and , Treaw•rer to have printed, executed and sell bonds in the amount of $6126,38. A.ie csel on the r:a11 or the roll.: [ear. (7). ,name orrerel mo'.Son to concur in the bet:ion of the Boerd of a tersen autr.nr•izin: ;nc Tr.:as•:rer to effect final settlem,nt with D. J. Ryan r r.Rysn r; .,r.P.0 Cer.s r:cticr. Ccmaany on C+::nract t;o. 4, for hard surfacing Caldwell Street. Also C,-ntruc•; s,.;t:;criz!nc, tt.e Payor :.r.: Tressarer to have printed, ex.:cuted and sell bonds in ti:., oatrnt. of V4`9.25. Adopted. on the call of ane roll: Yeas "ac^ cffoere! motion to core,v in :.hr. action of the Board of peetcl ''zt.Imorov, ? r.la x C tecr,s. gl;ermcr. !r, sli:c;in8 ocisl !:Erse: Improvement Banta and C t. ' _ P pens cancelled in the am..... of �4::�..... ,.[.r,•.a; +:n .:.e •..all of tt:++ roil: .eas (7). No. 46,,? . Proceedings of ;io Jr..,:.t, UNCIIX!r.N City of Paducah JULY 18th,. 1P27. Same offered motion to cones in the action of the Board of Aldermen Noiler -in allowing Koller Plumbing Compan Plumb. Co. y $708.47, delinquent sewer bills collected in Zones Zones 4 A, ':os. 4 ani 5. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeus (7). 5. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Bourd of Aldermen in Fay rolls. all�wirr pay rolls of 58401.97. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered notion to concur in the action of the Bourd of Aldermen in Bond allowing bond interest of 53690.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). interest. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Bourd of Aldermen in Clsims. allowing claims for $31101.77. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). on motion meeting adjourned. LI 1927. l ~ i!' Ci. -13K A ,.PPROVE]D: FrIhniDEN BO Ril O'rUOUNUILMEN.