HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 46, May 5, 1924Proceedings of 4OARD OF City of Paducah _ __._LiaY 6TH,__ - __ 192 .4• .t a recular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held on the Third Floor %. tc.i S--+(. /o1 oY the City Hall, in the City of Paducah., Ky.,ILthe meeting- was called to order by P,esident .,'atts. Upon the call of the roll, the follorring answered to their names: i atGs, BoW:eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Zerth, Mason, liorrison, 0,.•Ion, Rigglesberger, Spicer and z. ecrart. (12) . ,.ead. On motion the minutes of the meeting of bpril the 21st, were adopted as ':ember Morrison offered motion that the report of the Joint Finance Report of Committee be acceded and allowed, and the Clerk instructed to issue proper warrants Joizit Finance Committee on the Treasurer for the claims listed thereini a' lowed. PAY ROLL OF Legislative & Executive ...................1322.00 assessor. ... 75.00 License Insncactor ......................... 62.50 City Hall Employees ....................... 57.50 Police Department.........................1353.17 Dog Catcher ............................... 55.00 Fire Department...........................1477.51 Board o3 Public '::orks. .....................24.99 Streets ................................... 920.04 New Construction ......................... 110.00 Serrei's.................................... 152.10 1' r ' .... 302 50 - LiCht Plant ............................... 1.'.arket House .............................. 85.00 EnEineering ...............................127.50 Parrs. ................................ 61.50 City Scales ............................... 37.50 Oak Grove ................................. 223.50 CityJail ................................. 100.00 Riverside Hospital 488.44 Health Officer ............................ 250.00 T;P,lto MirRF .............................. 105.00 Sanitary Inspector ........................ 41.67 Wiest House Heeper......................... 25.00 Incinerator.. .......................... 45.00 Third DistrictSewer ...................... 340.16 Special �e:rer Fund ........................ 51.00 CLAIMS AGAINST THE FOLLO71I1:G DEPPRTE-ENTS. City LiFht( I. C. R. R. ) ... 296.54 Health Departr.:ent......................... 21.60 Streets 12.28 lever Dist. �r3.................. 3.87 i'^t Home of Friendless.. 300.00 1:ccrac.en County Court .................... 100.00 1_others Club .............................. 25.00 ac-ttlemisnt House. .................. 25.00 Colored Home of Friendless ................. 25.00 ::domed on the call of the roll by the folla.'rirC vote: Yeas: watts, Bout ono, Cochran, Crider, J.�Cobs, Zerth, !.',ason, :'o-rrison, O:icn, Ri -glesber.,er, Spicer and Stcaart. (12). Same offered motion that the report of Treasurer on Cashiers Fund, iir_ich is vctifiod by the; City Auditor, and recorrrended for allowance by the Finance Committee, bo allo::ed, arta the Clerk instructed to issue proper warrant on Treasurer to reimburse Posta:'(:, nrintinU ands cupplies........... 6.00 Police iepartr!:c,nt...................... 9.40 r Fire " ........................ 1': 32 i=urc. 9tr et " .........................285.13 Li;ht ......................... 9.00 'rams .................... 88.92 `pecitxl .:e..er : uS 7 . -Paj Holl, 4%2e/24 ......................170.40 =ay 5f3f 24 ......................::1'1.27 .dopted upon the call of the roll: Yens. BttS, Bou'P.` o, CocrrC.n, Crider, Ja6Oils, :.girth, '..,son, 1'orrison, C'uFn, e:i,glesberrer, -ricer and :ate:aart. (12). L.ember ::o--.i3on offered motion tb.>>t the mo!:thly reports of the -ngineering Dar.3rt-:=nt of work :ione durir :.pril 1924, b:• =sccepted, and Vne C:e.:rk be instructed to April i58110 proper :,arrant on Treasurer ::C CL _:• ... 1: _.. ro., tY.6 ar, o unto t for th ^_ }};mer-t.acccnted. 4: rYLrl._A,tb :o11o:+S: 3-.. Sorer Cont_eez......................7 .E4 Trunk Line Extension .................. ..1:.03 No... 47 70ARD OF COUtICIii.,_',ii LiAY__.5,- 1924• Proceeding o£. —City of Paducah and claim for use by the City of Key Stone Shovel x,135.00. _dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas, Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Zerth, Mason, 1.1orrison, Oren, RirClesbere.er, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Member Oven offered motion:: That the bill of the Chief of Police for 0`313.41 Bill of Chief of Police of ;;3•x3.51 be referred to the Finance Comr,.ittee, to report back with det�;iled statement. Adopted rcfe_Finance tte . on the call of the roll: Yeas: :'latts Bo veno Cochran Crider, Jacobs Xerth Mason, I.:orrison, Owen. RiEglesberger, -nd btewart. (11). '(ays: Spicer (1). L:ember :ierth offered motion: That the estimate Ila. 1 on contract irl, and Estimate ;T6, on contract T3, of the City 'engineering Department, for work done by Yancey & Johnson, Est.�l on Co::t.,71, contractors Yancy & Johnson, during :-oril, on Street constructio n•+ m be accepted and the Est.rG " #3• 'Mmprovement accented. Treasurer be authorized to isane JarrTnts to the above firm in the amounts of: Contract #3..................p9713.34 Contract r4l.................. 1236.01 same being 65:o bf the total amount of work done, as provided by law: Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Earth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Nember I.torrieon offered motion that a refund of ;5.00 be made John J. Dorian John J. Dorian on account of duplicate payment o=' auto license for 1924, and Clerk be authorized to refund of :;5.00 issue proper warrant on Treasurer for same- Adopted on the call of the fall: Yeas: Idatts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Zerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Riirglesbdrger, bpicer and atewart. (12). Member Jacobs offered motion: That the bill from the Tropical Paint & Oil Bill❑ of Topical P..ir.t & Oil Co.„31.30 Companyfor "31.30 and the claim of Liunell Smith for . painting parking lines, be & '.unell Smith alloy:- ed. allowed, and charge same to Street Department. L:ember Kerth,offered an amendment to the above motion: That the labor bills for paintinE parkiriF lines, be referred to the Police and Fire Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll : Yeas: 'datts, Bou;*eno, Cochran, Crider, Zacobs, Kerth, Lason, L:orrison, Owen, Rir—lesbrrger and 1-teaart. (11). Mays: Spicer (1). Llember Stewart offered motion that the following resolution be adopted' Clerk authorized to issue khat the Clerk be authorized to issue warrant upon the requests of the heads of depart- emergent:y warran . :tents, approved by the 1:_ayor, and counter- aigrted by the auditor, and the Treasurer be instructed to pay same and make re_oort at the next regular meeting of the Council. Thi: a plies only to emergency bills. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follo:rin 70 "9'. Yoas: ,7atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesoerger, Qpicer and u-te-cart. (12). I.:e::ber I I —leaber;•er offered motion to adopt the follo:�in�r resol•:tion: .'hat the Cit',- :.n<•ineer be instructed to prepare and bring in for consideration at the Storm wattr sewers on 1'adiaon & I arricon nest regular mf;etin;* of the General Oouncil, plans ani specifications for storm -rater Streets etc. ' 0n tee PollO:yin• streets: Liadison & }dardson :,troots, from 3rd to 9th street; Clay street fror. 8-2 Street to Ohio River; Clur.:, ndamu and Ohio treet from 9th stz•Eet to 2na atrnet, an, thence to the Ohio River, sucho plans to be wor'.ted out ::o as best to se.ve tt_F• reo.irements of said 7istrict for storm mater drainafe, ait'n an estimate 0 L.— aprroximate cost of such construction. Adopted on the call of t_(; roll : Y :s (lz). Proceedings of __ . BOARD_O __ aU:-c=' .__—__City of Paducah _._Itt.Y b,.__---192.4. I.:ember Ri:_filesbcrger read an ordi'.ance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULA'T'ING THE Ordinance UZE OY S?R3 12S _,:;I` SIDE 'TALKS 9Y PEDDLERS ARD V`'NDfRS, IN '_IT:: SECTIOTN BOU"DED ON '!HE Use of side- •eds s peddlers S: NOR^H _-Y ;:O:iROE STR3::T, OTT '!ITE 1OUm BY CLARK STREET AIdD F.X'iEDDIING _ROI7 _'i? EAST SID: pedd .'ende:'s in ��F FriST S'.'__REET ''_0 3H-- 7.1ST SIDE OF 6TH SORE::T IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, -Y." Same lost CC --t: In see - tions, fist passage upon the call of.the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, and ::erth (6). Nays: Mason, I.Iorrison, Owens, Ri,-U.1-sberger, zapicer and atei-xrt (6). Lember Rigglesberger read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR `:IT_: Resolution rZZ OVE:':.?:;'a' OF VASS3UR AVENUE, BY G.ADITIG AND GRAVELING SAI:SE, IN'ACCORDANCE :'JITH '!'ITE Improve:::ent _LfiTNS :;.D• SPEICIFICATIONS FURNISHED BY THE CITY ENGINEER FROM BRIDGE STREET( NEAR THE 4assour Ave. by grading k JONES- COLD S'_ORA^E PLA:7T) 'CO THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, OR AT CENTER OF Graveling etc. "H= CONCRETE BRIDGE NOW CONS=RUCTED ACROSS THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID CITY, IN THE CITY 0 P-1DUC. Hip -NTUC1Y, AT THE COSTS OF U:F O.7LIERS OF TIE ABUTTING PROPERTY, AND _ iOVIDI_;' _r'.z= SAKE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE TEN YEAR PAYB1EN`1' PLAN." Upon motion, same was given first passage by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, 30U:-0, COCHR N, CRIDER, JACOBS, I:ERTH, MASON, ITORRISON, OVIEN, RIGGLESBERGER, SPICER, Upon motion of same the rules were suspended and the resolution was given passage by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, ::erth, Lason, I.:orrison, Owen, Rigglesbeger, Zpicer and Stewart. (12). Upon motion ,same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: 7atts:, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Omen, Ri:glc�berger, Spicer and ot-ewart. (12). Same read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE DECLARING A CERTAIN ALLEY FROM SANDERS AlrENUE BET'.: N 9TH AND 10TH STREET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KY., LACIR ; T S N T TO HE LINE OF 'MILLIARD D^�14Id'S PROPERTY AND RIINTIITdG THFNCP t'Jil li ea%Doar. Dedicationr ;Gn� ;,^_ RI Hi r�1J 7J 4 '.:I:H SAID ALLEY, OVER AND ACROSS ANOTHER CERTAINLOT OR PARCEL OF of :Alley. i GROUND BELONGING i'0 WILLIA_RD DEAN, FRONTING ON 9TH STREET A DISTANCE, OF 225 FEET 20 917 STREET, SAID ALLEY HAVING r_.1IDTH OF TEN FEET, TO HAVE BEEN DEDICATED AND HEREBY R ACC=`r_ING fiH- DEDIC.'_ION '!HEREOF." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno^!, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Idason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, -wpicer, and Stewart. (le). Upon r,:otion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance was riven passage by title on the call o4. the Troll: Yeas: .lattb, BouC,eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, :bath, Lacon, L:orrison, Owen, Rieglesbexgor, Spicer and ztewart. On motion same was r^iren second and final paosaFe upon the call of the roll: YGa;;: Watto, Boui-eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morriso•i, Owen, RTF,?1F=:besla:r, picer ani bte:art. (12). i< Tibor i. ,-1 eobor,-er read a resolution entitled "A R::SOLUTION PROVIDING i'OR lie C CU�Zs-& gutters THE �` ;' BY .i': CO...__... .:IOTi OF BURB ..IND GU__ -RS OF COIICK.'M :j.1D STREET OF ROCK Of concr•:te a n'° street of : iiSHPAL., 0:' 155E :T i:iv:: _rr SOU`_Ii _::OP'R Y LINE OF BiiO iD.IAY iU '! SO"� roc.. . aH CURB of OF''." 'C 15t*- ' y I. . _ z'Y .:'T::.._ _'0: i r T'Y tT HODS', III ,u.�S, CA'T'CH BASINS, t, ..., .... r.... ..� I... J�•.44(l.a I..Ll.f ff I.. eIPr. J:IO:N D I'l:; AY, IN :H* CI^Y 0 ' PALUC H, By i': CITY 6GIid S:R, AT I I..'s w�47.r i _All ShaLL BB GOTI _:cU� -.D J. PU<: AGR =...._.._._ _'F.4d." On WOtioi. .;as siren :first ras,.avze upon the Cal! 01 zne roll: Yoas: ."Atts, Bo'ueeno, Cos :ran, Crider, Jacobs, ::erth, 1. ason, Lorrison, Ogen, Ri ?lejber¢:er, npicer and 4taaart. (12). Proceedings of of Paducah--____ _?�� Y.- 5 _ .. _. 192 4 On motion of same, the rules were suspended and reolution w as given pasjage by title upon the call of the roll; Yeas: Ilatts, Bougeno, Cochran,crider, Jacobs, I:erth, L:ason, Lorrison, Owens, Ri_glesberger, Spicer and btezrart. (12). On motion stmie was c:iven second and final pas.:a,e upon th(: call of the roll- Ye. oll: Yeas: watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, berth, Mason, laorrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and -teriart. (12). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING :'OR ''H': I1IYROVETZ-21T Resolution providing OF :.URRELL BOULEVARDS. TEIITH ST. ), FROM THE SOU' --'H LINE OF TENNESSEE STREET, '20 TF.", Improvcment 7:u_'rell Blvd., Caldwell St. SOtiTS LINE OF CALD17P,LL STREET, 1l1D 's'HFS7CE :•/EST ON CALDrl3LL STREET FR01.: k.URRELL BLVD., frog '..'urrell Blvd. to 12th St., etc. TO 12TH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ICY., BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRE-'T .;.ND GUTTERS, AND CURBS EITHE3 OF CONCRETE OR GRANITE, IN ACCORDAIICE 77ITH THE PLANS ND SPECIFIC:__IONS PROVIDED BY '''HF CITY -ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF 'THE ABUTT`''ING PROPERTY O,7NFRS? AND PROVIDED THAT 3H.9LL BE CONSTRUCTED ON `_'HE TEN YEAR ?Ar.! : -,ITT PLAN." j i On motion of same, same was Eiven first passage by the following vote: j 1.7atts Bougeno Cochran Crider Jachbs Earth Mason, Morrison Owen Ri. lesber.er ,Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and resolution was given pasoaa�e by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: "latts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Perth, Lason, I;forrison, Oren, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: I Yeas: ',datts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, berth, Idason, Iorrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Same read -a resolution entitled " A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE I1li'HOV71.7:11IT Resolution for improve3Y THE' COI :RUC''ION 0: CONCRrE.TE SIDE:•IAL:CS; CURBS AND GUTTERS, INCLUDING :,LL INTER= inert by construction of concrete sidewals, SECTIONS NOT HEITTOFORE CONSTRUCTED, AS FULLY HO','N BY THE 2LA118 OF '_HE CITY ENGINEER i Curbs and gutters includingirtersectiors EE' ^ OR, TOGETHER :ICH InH :'LL NECESSARY MA'HOLES, INT ALES, CATCH BASINS, SE'. 11 •PIPE on both sides of 13th Te;:nessec, 11, 11th ' CONNECTION, AND CAST IRON DRAIN PIPES OF `:'H=: FOLLO'-7ING 1191;21) STREETS TO -:'IT: BO'T'H i st. etc. IDEIS OF 13TH STREET, FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE Or TENNESSEE STREET TO _H; cOUT`H CURB 111E 0. J_9CLSON STREET, BOTH SIDES OF T^:I1I1;'SSEE STREE12 FROL WE .;EST CURB LINF, OF 16"'H 5T'R'ET TO THE NORTH CURB LINE OF GUTH_RIE AVEBM; BOTH SIDES OF I:OHHH 11:'H STRE 'P, FRO: NORTH ?ROP:,RT11 LINE OF wADISON STIR? 1'00 '.PRE SOUTH CURB LINE OF TRI113''.ST; BOTH SIDES OF MONROE STREET FROM THE 71_EST PROPERTY LINE. OF FOUNTAIN AVENUE- (17th St. ), TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF 19TH STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 20TH STREET, 21ST STREET, 22ND S". , 231RD S r_:E'T', 24TH STREET, A ITD 25TH STREET, ON THE EAST SIDE only, FIIO:.i THE NORTH ::'.'Y :,III: 0=' BROAD1AY STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINL OF J.F=sR ON STREET; BOTH j CII,..._ '��' I_..''I:.O,. .�... 1'e'L i•Tv r 5npE^_.n¢.F20:.: '.. PU ALqY LI_7v OT' 12TH STREET, I TO 1a' L..._:. a"I LII:;, OF HA-hRIHAN BLVD., (15`T'H STREET) ; BOTH BIDES OF .SOUTH FIFTH _:FEET FRO -1. THE SOU2H CURB LINE 01' •.'ACbS0I1 STREET TO THE IIORTH CURB LI T:. OF BOR'''ON ' 0:r_ :.I:..... OF 20TH STREET FROM 'TF.-" £OU'''H PROPERTY LINE OF BR0:1 ..,AY, to THE [ Or 1; _:: ^l ..V :: U O:H E.ID' S OF NOR'T'H 6TH STREEfi' AID :10 +TH 7TH C' RB LI 0 - TO ?II_" SOUTH CURB LU . OF TRIMBLE -� 0:C.._C 0._ _ _. CURB LI1*: OF 19TH 6121iI:J2 '20 'iH:; ::ASTT _I:•.. :, '_', __ ...._... ..0 .,_. 1:' GIYY 0' _ . :(_I!, bY., I11 ACCOiaD:�iCE Si3:r .s'f CI_'! I:,!:..i:, i _1I:: ("OS? OF TH:` b3". _..:X 0 ..._. :L aI. CO':' UC..D UPOi1 "ai' I-1EN On mo+:ior: :: • ::e vires ;:z: r:r firut MS—: age ?non the call bf the roll: Yeas: 7s:ts, Ba::eeno, Coe-nIr;.p,C ides, j?_cobs, berth, I.:ason, .'.orriJon, Ow ­n, Rir-gleabexrer, zpicar a:: i ewar t. (1%;. Proceedings of- C -1":!q CLL__.—_City of Paducah–__ On motion of s, -:me the rules were suspended 4nd resolution was ,ivon passape by title, upon the call of the, roll: Yeas. Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kertii, ;.anon, ::orison, Oaten, Rigglesberger, bricer and Ztewart. (12). On motion sz:me. .'Jas Elven sedond and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yr;ao-: viatts, Bougezio, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, 3erth, Mason, l[orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, ricer anti nteivart. (12). :Esme read an ordinance entitled "AIT ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CARNIVALS OR `PENT Ordinance SHO :8 0 H1'3IT OR DO BUSI:_;:S Iil '_ _ CI,2Y OF P i:"-Ci,H, 7Y. On motion of same, the Prohibiting Carnivals ordinance vias received and filed, upon the call of the roll by the follovrlrl vote: or tent shot s Yeas: Uatts, Bout>eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, ::girth, Idason, T-orrison, Rigglesberger and z.te:rart. (10). Bays: Ogen and bpicer. (2). Same read an ordinance entitled."AIT ORDINA1110E REGULATING THE TURI;IITG OF LIOTOR 'r: ICL`S OIT BRO A_D 'Y STREET, JEFFERSON STREET b_7D i_EI:TLUCKY :_VF.., FROI.i• 1ST STF,-:ET TO Ordinance regulating 1011H STR .'P, IN :'Ha CITY 05 PADUCAH, :'Y., :.ND PROVIDING A Pr:i;ILr,^Y FOR ANY VIOLA'_'ION turnin,r of motor vehic- _;:"EE'•=. ! on P,road*.,,a,;, i Jeff.& Ky. Same offered motion that the above ordinance be received and filed: adopted fron 1st to 10th Sts, on the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, aerth, Mason,'' i.:orrison•, Ovien, Rigglesber;�er, Jpicer and Stewart. (12). Same read a resolution. entitled "A RESOLUTION EXEII-TING FROI.i 2AXATION THE '1D.U0,?i ICE is ,:"J?,1C`_'U?IPTG COM -STY, LOC: TFD N'r.AR UNION STATION IN iH CITY OF PADUC H, Ordinance exerr•ting I�,II_iiC Y," On motion same was adopted upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Paducah Ice i'.fg. Co. Yeas: "atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, hason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, fror: taxa- tion. ::ricer aria wtewart (11). ITays: Zerth (1).. Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of =-ldermen in regard to accetLiP-r the vork coverbd by the trunk line extension contract and E. R. Sardine. Company, being paid the balance due them, on this contract,•includin. the T.. Hardinr; CO. special fund of 15;0, with the exce tion of 2A' to be withheld, in accordance with the con"ract. adopted on the call of the roll by the following v)te: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Bochran, Crider, Jacobs, Eerth, Mason, M6rrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. liember S:;ewart offered motion: That the Pest house be painted and carpenter work ? be done that is necessary,by the Improvement Committee. Adoptod on the call of the roll: YEAS (12). Member Liorriaon offered a :-otion that the Treasurer be authorized to transfer Transfer of `612000.00 from t_e time deposits of the 3rd District sewer Funds, to the chec'xing x12000.00 account, to pay t .e clairr.3 as allo•ried at this meeting. Adopted on the call of the frov tine dep. of 3rd roll: Yeas: Watts, Bov.,cno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, /:erth, l;ason, I.,orrison, Owen, Dust., Sewer Funds to iti '1!sbort'sr, �,picor and. :,tewart. (12). Chcc%in, art. Lar::giber -wr.icer offered r.:otion to concur in the action of the Board of 'aldermen In reFara to slloning rar2sL:o Lor Cornnuny y1200.00, balance due on Chandler car Hanks iioto*, Co. c;arch:a3e'd for Lhcl -olice Lepart:rent. AdopLed on the call o tri; roll by the :follo%,iing vote: Yeas: '.iatL3, I'ou«.eno, Coahr&n, Crider, Lason, Lorr°ison, and "ficor. (7). Nays: Oscobs, i:erth, O•.vi;r., Ri i lesberE er Lha Stbwart(5) . Le::ber L:orricon ofYered motion to rucei7e a:nd file tho +.Iril report of the ADril rerort C:nief of Chief of the Fire Lepart'rEnt. s:dcrted oz: the call or the roll: Yeas (12). Zaire Dept. rec. <c -'Iles. 1,iember .:ricer offered motion Lhit the resiFnution of Patrolman y. G. I::itchell, ?�3i,-natet: :z .red iverry, be acceyted tlz:d r u+. ol.- •-r tL:ir bsnde ordered c rcelled. L:ember Berth a`fered an acrudCient to t^r_• above motion that Lhp resiEnt:•tion i'rt-1 cr"y. Of L :. tv;o sLrclmen be refeired to the rolice ani Fire Corr,:nittee for inve3tir•ation and iorort. :dotted Uton the Call or t.'�e roll' Yea::' Watts, Crider, Jacobs, i:erLh, hi �,' JQnn , 0:irn, Blgg.l8sb er,; r-: _:;.•: ;.te`AFyrt(F.). :::•r eno,Lochr_.n,'...orri�_won bn(I :; iJi C6T(•rl. Na. .. _ •. _ - --- Proceedings of _ _rD;sD_ City of Paducah__.___ __ FAY _5 Tx_ ___ _ __.192 4. May report of Member Spicer offered motion to receive and file the Liay report of the Chief of Chief of Police Police. adopted on the call of the ro 11: Yeas (12). received and filed. 1[ember L°:orrison offered motion to refer to the Street Committee, a report from :ieport from Hoary Henry ,. Pulliam, regardinf the costs of operating a horse drawn street flusher and the Pulliam regardof operating a motor driven street flusher* adopted on the Gail of the roll: ' Ing Street Flushe �Pa9: (12). Llember Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Public ':forks and Street Committee Bids on Street get bids on :street Plusher and Oiler, and report back at next meeting with recommenda- Flusher and Oiler. tion. Adopted on she call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member I_orrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of [aldermen halt & Cereal in regard to granting Malt & Cereal Beverage License -to William Dunn on Brom 1:treet. Beverage license, granted :filliar.: =-dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: (12). Dunn on 3ro;rn St. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of -ldermen in regard Malt & Cereal to granting Malt & Cereal Beverage License to Bud Turner at 105 S. 2nd Street. ::dopted Beverage License granted Bud on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Turner, 105 S.2nd. : •ztfEeredaca�otion to.concur in the.action of the Board of Alderman in refard to granting H. Banners of 100 Broadway. _ldalt_&.Ceres'_ Beverage _License-` Adopted i on tae-ca11_:0-the roll: --Yeas (12). ISember Berth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, Comx,unication in regard to referring to the Joint Telephone and Telegraph Committee, and City from Telephone Companies. Solicitor, the communication from the telephone companies, with instructions to investigate and report back. adopted on the call of the roll : Yeas (12). Member Stewart offered motion that the repairs of the Pest House be charged Pest House to the contingent fund. Adopted on the 0111 of the roll by the following vote: i Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Mason, Liorrison, Owen, Ri,cgles�er€zer, Spicer and Stewart(ll). Prays: Zerth (1). Y Member Cochran offered motion that Geo. H. Wilson be allowed the privilege to land ferry boat at the foot of Elizabeth Street, or near thereto, to be operated Geo. 11. '.7j3 .20 between Livingston Point and Paducah Xy. :;dopted on the call of the roll: Yrlas: hember Zerth offered motion that all printing be let to the lowest bidder. Printing. All bibs, :;25.00 or over, be placed by bids only; all other bills to be placed by over aced 0 Auditor, City Clerk and Acting Purchasing Agent. Adopted on the call of the roll. be placed ng �- g p by bid(nY002 012). only, !te. L:ember Rigglesberger read a resolution entitled "A R28OLUTIOIr ,?:;? ' �, I^ IS • 7. ORC :PAPA' 0"r 'ir`' a';S IPP AHP. CI'Y OF PADUCAH, _'1'C: Y, :;2,D I;. :.J=:C.iClr .::::Ilrbi C'.tILIr iD :LILlIrrr,TIOPr Op CRIISINALS FROI. ;'.:Ill CI:Y, `,0 "noes for Dei%ctYve Gervic«. -=`1'..' iOR Dr-,Tr0YI`E . Y1Cs .irL FOR TH. SERY3CE r Or _; RS0248 TIr AID In Pol9co L'9nc:: L• -, -•- -.- .....1, AIiOL'Ir i:I; '.0 ,::OU^ ;150.00 PER I OIrTH." Said resolution to ;t c: -:a ; c, on tr::; first rc: rsinF: upon the. call of thF: roll by tho folloain, vote- Yeas: Bolveno, Cochran, i,orrison and ..nicer. (4). Trays: 71atbo, Crider, Jacobs, :.erth, Eason, Cbfe?n,c-n'.1 ($) �] rL- L,rmber I.:aoon offered ::;°tion to concur in the action o* the �;oard of :.1dormcn Gl:ti,_' Of J.[).G°tfih u•I1 I• :.zne the claim Of ::. R. Gott vs: Cit; Of P"-Weah and !..cCrac::_en -ounty. :Adopted on L:c` roll b"i tl:e f011".. irli' vGtP.: Yeas: Watt3, 17011: eno, Vochran, Crider, J-'CObB, :e_ -t%, Lasor., «iorriiO:l, 07i, -n, is •1<.Lberger, .:.picer a`id ..tewart. (12). Proceedings of _ BOARD OF COUNCI12, r_ � City of L;ember Rerth offered motion that the Auditor and Treasurer be allowed to employ Asst.allowed i:elp to,- the purpose of mtti:ing out Poll Tax Assessment List, tax notices and any Other Auditor E dutiesr.ertainink• to their office, for a period of eight months, beginning I_ay the lst, Tress for period of 8 at a salary not to exceed )80.00 per month. Adopted on the. call o:i the roll by the Motths. followin, vote: Yeas: Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of =aldermen of April 21st., in regard to the p emium of bond of Dr. Bailey ;50.00, Carl Denker, :,10.00, and Pro::iu*:•. of Jam:.s Coyle ;:20.00, being deducted from their checks, and the amount refunded to the bond of Dr. Baijoy' Carl City T,.easurer. s:.otion lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Korth, Liason, and Dcn%er and Jas. Coyle. I-orrison. (3). Nays: Watts, Bou�•eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Owen, Rigglesberger, rnicer and ztee:art. (9). (.:ember Rigglesberger read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE Oiling of OILI3 : 0_ -_VEL STREETS IN ';'HE CITY OF P ADUCAH, KY., AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING travel streets at cost of P )rE"2y O:nrzg8." abutting property ov .ers. On motion same eras given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bou eno, Cochran,, Crider, Jacobs, Lerth, I:iason, I.:orrison, Oven, Rigglesberger, Spicer i and ;�teaart. (12). On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance was given passage by title upon the call of Vile roll: Yeas: .:arts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, t L.orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Steuart. (12). On motion same was given second and final passage on the call of the roll j i by L%e follor:ing vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, s:erth, Mason, L o_,.ison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and ztewart. (12). On motion meeting adjourned. K j i a wi K