HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 458, July 5, 1927No._ 959'--- --- .
Proceedings of.. " 130,•!',D_OF.cguYTC111 hNCity of Paducah _ JIiLX 5th, 1927.
At an adjourned meeting of the Reard of Councilmen held on the
Third Floor of the City Rall, in the City of Pednaah, Eentucky, July the 5th, 1927,
Presl•lent ',:atson being absent the meeting was callad to order by the Clerk, and upon
t'- call of the roll the follcwin; answered to tlicir names: Budde, Cridor, noherty,
Duvall, 'dant, Jar,ons and 3towart.(7).
Yember Jacobs visa elected President Pro Tem of the Board.
I'inutes of the previous meeting were adonted as read.
Liewbor Davell offered motion to receive and file connunication from
Ccrz;,.:nicr.tion from. thn L:ayor relative to signing 6ontract Ile. 5 with Fraser & Cooke, for Grading and
Fraser h Conke graveling streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
contrrnet. 'to. 5.
Same offered motion to receive and file communication from the
aayor relative to signinr,, contract with the Southern Roads Company for hard surfac-
So,ithern ?otl is Co.
Harr: ,.arface ;+ernheiarn,- Bernheim Avenue and 12th Street. Adopted on the call -f the roll: Yeas(7).
Ave. an•l 12th -t.
Same offered motion to receive and file communication from the
L.3.RaglanS. Nayor i-lAtive to notice served on him from L. B. Ragland. Adopted on the call of
the roll: Ytar M.
Lember Doherty ot'fered motion to refer to the City Solicitor
S`Ir:^.ons served on
samrsns served on the Eayor. Adopted on, the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor commhanication
t:;rt Yc`=reror• from Robert LcGregor, reletive to increase in taxes without being notified. Adopted
on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same.offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, communication
from Y.ary z;, Mallory relative to sewer assessment on property at 5th And Husbands
'try F. M=allory.
Streets. Adopted On the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, communication
I Ross 1'. from L. B. Ragland hnd Rosa I. Ragland, relht-ive to property at 15th and Sent>acky
Avenue, being ex-Apted from paying street improvement. Adopted on the call of the
roll: Yoas (7).
Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, cmmmunication
S rrtle F. `]winr.<,y.
from Syrtle F. Swlrnsy rpl!ltive to inereaso in the assessed valuation of property
at !.'1742 Harriaor, Street without any notificaton of same. Adonted on the call of
Yet's (7).
.3ar.c offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor communient,ion
;.Irix cn •`os +ivy se increased assessment on Persons' nrorerty.
1 r call of the roll: Yeas (7).
i.:•::.:er ,;ot., rr.;; r_oe.ion to refor to the Finrnec Qac:^;ittee,
:-:nt.•:r:r a^ n�!!u�tlnv, sower asseusment against t.te aronr.rty
.• - .. . _.. . ,t•. w! ni .....•i::rn-19 ..LDeCt.n, F.dopted on the Cali of :.he
offr;ret n:• ;'cr: to r, -ft -.r +r: *o City -•oliclior`, :-,!,Inn
:. i vz ... .r'. v,: _..., ::!-`:f:!: aT.:ii; i{L,,. r:+. Cl; lir •+
"<•r:::7 ._.._.:r: c tom.. r;g.Y Soli^i',
cr :;ina• tt... prol. -ty cf
No. _ .5A.
Proceedings of En r i o •r eill-' •r
City of Paducah i3o ,rD of Coti}1`i;1L1':a'.
Same offerod motion to r.for Lo the Cit; Solicitor cota;unicr..tion from
ercerson relative to increased an enc:tcnt on nr•ope:•ty without notification. Ldonte.d
on the call of the roll: leas (').
!:ember L'ant offered motion to receive and file report of the Chief of
Tier;^t r police for the month of June, 1927. ,dopted on the tali of the roll: Yeas (7).
a o
Saize offered motion to receive and file report of City Jailer for the
-onth of •wane, Z9•, adopted on Lha call of the roll: tar... (7),
"ember Do::erty offered motion to refer to the Light E: 'ater Committee,
netition Srac: .^itizens living in Utterbuck dditior: requesting the extension of City
-"In'•'•:a'„er• ❑nlns. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
„c,c.s of
Sw-c offered notion to refer to the City Engineer and Fire Chief,
raoo^tso" ?nd•ac-n -ater Company under lt:tes of Jubg 14th and July lst, 1927. Adopted
'ar Co.
en `.^ call of the roll: Yens (?).
en_ natnr !:rnber ,^.:v%,ll offered motion to refer to the Light- & 17ater Committee, I
c:, 'a^:cs°° . tilicn for •anter mains on Jackson Street from 25th to 28th Streets. Adopted on the
call of the roll: Yeas(7).
?'ember East offered motion bb receive and file Estimate No. 4, In Zone'
c' F'lvn" :c. 7-.,, Estimate No.2, "!.one :1o. 6, of crork done by the McKelvey Construction Comuan;y
Ccr.s•., t;p.
^:tri -3�•r�•
In 7n_n L, prior• 'a Jul;,- the 1st, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7),
7_A, ,+r.1 v. 'ember Doherty offered motion to receive and file Final Estimate ar.d
-o:,ea::.;rrt Lists fo^ se,:nrs in '!.one No. 7, constructed by the 1'.cFelvoy Construction �
::do"ted on ti:e call of the roll: ^_eas (7). J
?(ember Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of i
milt --}ie to the:City paying. server assessment against property fought for the
+;Pn uc-.•:r,'c.., cf 20th ;t;ruc'— :•dopted on the call of* the roll: Yeas (7).
n i:ec:eer 3tenrrt offered motion that the City Solicitor be instructed to
a _esblution for hard surfacing, Clay Street from loth 3treet to llth Street.
1,- -,. .r.•-: call of ;hu roil: Yeaa (7).
._.,...'C.Cl' Jlvel- -!,'t:d :an,or9inpnce entitled <.!'MESSING aLL
_. ..... :i Si0:1::. ;?7,Iii 31 'B ,ION "A" OF ;E.;ER DI57RIC"
.., ..r .. _. �'. ..., -,•, , '. .... t. t;C :.
CT -1 i 1. It CUi -�li
- ... .. ., :.- . ...
.. Y, .... F. -'RIOT) OF T 17 Yi., . 'NOI:
- ..•.'cY, - .i ,...:. •... •. c:^., uj,on the call of the roll:Yet.a(7)
. .-t,• 14", : r.'i arl rz�ncc read by title upon
;,. ....:., r.. •. ?. ;:.. 1 ;..,.:.,•:=n upon the, call of Phe
NO. 4,;:'.
Proceedings of -City of Paducah
vn i,.otion sikj,n upon the er-11 or tl:e
0!, Uotion U10 Vales wo,-t, siu,pr:ndud and ordinance react by title
-.run th, of the roll: yons (7)
Or: motion setae uas riven second and final pR31111f,-C upon the CPU
Member Doherty offered motion that the City Enrineer Rive
the proper and tacks when asked for by the contractor, G. Katterjohn &
n C-!-,
Son, e.nd also a compotont Inspector. %dopted on the call of I.he roll- Yean(7).
:.eriber offered motion that Patrolman Robert Thornton
be allowed 530.00 for waiting on the General Council for the past; six ronths.
Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offered motion that L. R. Debold be allowed one-half
L. 7)eFoil.
montn'd pay for running
., elevator at night :when the General Council meets. i.dented
on thu af:ll of tlt(i roll: Yeas (7).
Lember Budde offered motion to refer to the ji,-ti,t & "rater
Committee, petition from citizens for street lij-,ht at the corner o;' Cr-- and
Lincoln Street. Adopted on the call or the roil: ye..q t -f).
!rbo'r I)oherty ofrored notion to acrcub in tic ac -ion of the
Board of .+Idermpn In accentirr, $80.00 front Elielton Bros., in full settlement for
sewers in Sewer Zone No. 2, providing they will permit the City to construct a
sewer connection across one of their lots for the benefit of A. L. Diller. Adopt-
ed on the cull of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offored notion to concur in the action of the Board of
Alleyt;en relative -to the Board of Public % orks being authorlted:to purchase
gravel for filling and grading the streets where new curbs and r,,utters have been
con3'riicted, same not to exceed $1000.00. Adopted on the call of the roll:YeaS(7),
;ember Wvall offered motion to concur in the action of the
Board of Lidermen in referring, to the. City Solicitor, with power to act, the matter
of n,!jua-:jn:7, settlement with ChR3. K. ','.heeler for sewer a33ossment ar.r,inqt pr000rVi
located or. "a" Street. adopted on the call of the roll: fees (7).
came offered motion to concur In the action of the Roard of
Aler.r-n In rec.;Iving and filing communication from the City nolicitor relative
to nrt r^P,-nllnw, 7j4 of newer assoasTont to Lyourgus P.ico, hdonted on the call
Y,,x'n (7).
2are Offered notion to concur In the action of 'Ye -Acnrt of
nyor to ;r*.,,r contract with J. V. Rouse for the
r -!,."_n o,.* 14,,j, ::Ire(,t awitting tho property of the Vose a,
nni ortort13th ak.,ittjr..,! 71ilttier Fehool (.-rorty, �� 0-rerty, r- t
'-;n:l. 0"'10WJ11. Gn 01c "all Of the. roil: yeas
."Amo rfff:,: f mo'Ucn to r,(,r,cur In the fiction Of t.hr- Board of
n7. -.n r, tj nt I n- e,' Tr. - !t Pulliam o f 5100.00 fc) r :3 P, I P T.- e n t
S. v zc.; : Va. 5, uz'. property is
t rtt t rttwa ea E.r
No. 1.
Proceedings of- City of Paducah JULY 5Th, 1927.-
",mber DobctlF offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Alderm.en in as3,I5?ir.!7 Herbert Shechan for sewers on South 4th Street, in front of his
pronerty, and not assessing him for seviers in alley, as recOMmendnd by the Finance
Cem-Attee, Adopted 6n the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offered moti^n to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in
q1lov;in7 P&y rolls in the amount of $10817.88; special pay rolls for '}2221.00. Adopted
on the Call of the roll: "cas (7).
Fember Llavell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Alder(hen lWallowing claims for X50604.92. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(7).
Yember Crider offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of
Alldenmen in alloying interest on School Improvement EFbnds of 1926 in the amount of
ler $4156.25. Adouted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offered motion to concur in the Potion of the Board of Aldermen in
interest on School Improvement Bonds of 1920 in the amount of k4687.50.
Mooted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in
allowing I'c-ielvey Construction Cov.pany '18277.37, amount due contractor for the con-
z"rintior. of seviers in Sewer Zone No. 8. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(8).
Some offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in
911cwin.7 interest on the Third District Sevier Bond in the amount of $15037.50. Adopted
• on the cell of the roll: 'leas (7).
lipmber Divall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
areaaia Allarmen in aciontir.p. renort of the City Treasurer of deposit mado in the Arcadia Scho 61
Sinking Fund, of ,2725.26 received from the retiring School Board. Adopted on the cti.L�
t'na roll: Yeas (7).
..ame offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of' Aldermen
Improvement 1 a
" rrants issued to the Southern Roads Company as follows:.
Contract No. 2, Tennessee, high and 15th Stru. 12105.57;
4, Jackson and 19th Streets,
5, Fountain -venue, "3602.214,
.,:nted on th,.. call of the roll: Yeas M.
V.�m`_er D, wall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
ljr. y.r -;e City ;'.3:iisjor to employ an extra assistant for- four Months a7:
L", '0 e7.CeWi $9C.Cr T)"r month, z;r.mp to be charged to the Board of Equnlizetion
-:l on pall of do roll: Yecn (7).
.a" offered 7 to cornar it,. 'nr r .tion of the Board of Alder-nen
in `.nv CA lzprnv,,r.". riirinte 'sn,icd ',c T. Ryan Construction ,naipany
:!,;. 2., !:n. 5, Cla,! Street, $5922.61;
6, Tr1r.bl'. :,tvint, $,11843.66;
fitt'. Sf.re,at, .,708.024"
A,I,)-!P,i nn of
%itz '.111 of V&urice Marko, xi is to
to 1011fiV. perjfkjf.y 'n 5a". on t_nn ttall. rf LI.,_• rz.Al: yeun (7).
antjon tc cr,.%j.,r In the se,-IQja of %.-J, `'.(.s,rd of z.ld"rmcn
in referri#; tr tn cccrittee, W;&Or Cf AUF1i,3t
i.10;1f.Ad or,
the call. rr .e rr!". Y, -&R (7).
Uxe offered matjoa to conlur in the action or the ftnrd rf Allerm-r,
to refer to the Fiftoftee Cr-,.- With pezr t�:; sc'o newer tax r.,n or i%
Upl.ad onn the e*;. dao
- Proceedings of— F_,Q,0'D_OF'_cgrtc:Lid;a City of Paducah . _ Jui.Y £,- 1927,
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Aldormen in referrinr• the tax bill of John Scott to the City Solicitor to collect
penalty anri interest. =>dopted on the call of the roll: Ycas (7).
i:embor Doherty offered motion to concur in the acticn of the
Board of nidermen in allcwing I. Sullivan to pay u40.00 in full settlement of sewer
assessment as his property is low land. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(7).
Sante offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of .
Aldermen,; in receivin:* e,nd filing agreement from Mrs. Yate Rudy and Ida Fay Clark
to pay extra costs for constructing side•r+alks on North 7th and 8th Streets where
their property is encroaching on atileets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas
Jo1::. Scott.
I. Slllivan
IIs '•q^7 Clark.
1.cmber Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the
^ts P7,AMb. Go. Board of Aldermen in allaaing Koller Plumbing Company $590.34, 24 days interest
on 5147584.79, Improvement Bonds issued against Sewer Zone No. 4. Adopted on the
call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Soard of
Aldermen in issuing improvement warrant to G. 1,. Katterjohn for :'15.30 on
_ :;r^ant.
aidewa.ik ccutracts Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, idopted or, the call of the roll: Yeas(?).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
- u^rst. Oo. Aldermen in receiving and filing 1,ngincerls F:stii,:ate No. 2, of cork done by the
^r.., ;b. 6.
tic{elvey Construction company in Sewer Zone No. 6, prior to Judy the Int, 1927.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offered motion to cona:r in the action of the Board of
Alderron in issuing improvement warrant to G. ;7. Katt(%-John for $+6401.64, on
".?a?.ter john
... ;tar . , sidewalk contracts Nos. 2, S, 4 and 5. Adopted on the call of the roll:Yeas(7).
_. -.
_•tree^.a 2,',4, Sane offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
in iscuinr improvement warrant td.Yancey & Johnston for $6504.05, on
contract No.l. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeac (7).
Same offere•i motion to concur in the action of the Board of
1.13erm,rn in accepting sewers in Sewer Zone No. 7, as completed, as recommended
c;; `.-re 3oard of Public :'arks, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Same offered motion to concur 1n the action of the Board of
i:r]r:n in reeeivin;- anti filing'Bnrineer's Estimate No. 4, of wcr'r d,nn by the
• _...^.;i ;rn-1.n1ct1Un tcmpnny in Sewer one No. 7-A, prior to July the 19t, 1927.
.- i ,.. ... ^n•1_ <,;' t.�: ,._. "ens (7).
offered motion to concur in the action of
r r'
art<.' filing; the report of the C,,ief of the
.. r..,..t ;rnl i e:' that roll: Ycao
Nuc.__. :r;ueil 4ffcrcd motion to concur in the action of the
... c: - - .... .r.. ,...y..t:e:•y Cr.rq;i`,:tr,a to rruvul .,trent near
10t: G!' ! LiJ"I r't of
. .. , - ... .,... .. ., .... -.. .... .', .Gn?: re r_L f:U• . .. i' ... lr td. fir:
No. 463.
Proceedings of City of Paducah
JUL Y STII, 192-.
;:ericer Ll.Ivall offered motion to concur in the taction of the Board of
ai'e=on in reeeivinf. anA filing report of the Tt•easurer of cancelling street improveront
I�cnls ani coupons in the amount of 920106.06, sac:e charged to Special Street Improvement
1. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
Sate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
in allowin 'Koller Phrmbinr Company A77.17, money collected from Sesser `Genes Nos. 4.
anI 5. Adopted on the call of the rill: Yeas (7).
Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
"• r to a'_lo:.in Koller Plumbing Company ,'11739.63, money collected from Sever Zone No. 2. ;
nn^,. 3C.
°.3ept�d on the call of the roll: Yoas (7).
itember Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Aldermen relative to riaLing settlement with L. Beasley for sewer assessment agrinst
hia eroDerty located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Cold:,ell Street and
Cai'l::ell Avenue. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7).
On motion meeting adjourned.
YRI:i't90.tiL OF C;t!.