HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 439, May 16, 1927No- ._-439.. Proceedings of _.Bo.,RD OF COUNuILwEN City of Paducah - MAY 16,_1927. At a regular meeting or the BDard of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of raducah, Kentucky, May the 16th, 1927, President Watson presmded, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Watson, Brummett, Budde, dittdaa, Doherty, East, Johnston, Kerth, Mattison and Stawart. (9). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Member Kertn offered motion to refer to the Street Committee, petition from 'klley from citizens protesting against the paving of alley running from 9th Street to 10th Street, 9th to 10th bt.w.Harr1- between Harrison and clay Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). son sni Clavi St. Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUUTION OF CUNCRETE SIDEPJALY.S Ar+D GUTTERS, AND UURBS OF EITHER CONCRETE OR GRANITE, ON BOTH Ordinance. Sidewalks, SIDES OF BROADWAY, FROM THE WEST CURB LINE OF 25TH STREET To THE EAST VRUPERTY LINE OF PIC. , on Rrc-1wav 28TE STF.EKT, EXCEPT THE PORTlOf1 ALREADY CONSTRUCTED VInICH CONFORMS TO GRADE AND LINE, T'uGETnE:R '71TH ALL NECESSARY MAZ31OLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DRIVE'."AYS AND SEVIE:R PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN THE: CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIJTU.KY, IN ACCORDANUE V1ITn THE PLANS AND SPECaBI- CAT'IONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 0•1NRRS, AND PROVIDING THaT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE: TEN YEAR PAYMENT YLAN." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Crider came into meeting. Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE: IMPROVEh'.ETT OF 25.111 STREET, FROM THE SOUTH PRvPERTY LINE OF BRuAlYlAY TO THE NORTH CURB LINE OF Gradingck. JaC•f.SON STREET; Y.F.NTUUKY AVENUE, FROM THE VJEST CURB LINE OF 25TH STREET TO THE: EAST CtTwB LINE OF 281'n STHE�T; 24TH STREET, FROM THE SOUTH CUPB LINE OF KRNTHuKY AVENUE: n.ash. TO THE SOUTH PFGPERTY LINE OF WASHINGTON STREET; YJAntlINGTON STREET, FROM THE WEST (;URB LINE OF 24TH STRKET TO THE. FAST CURB LINE Or 25TH STREET; LITTLE AVENUE, FROM THE: SOUTH CUvB LINT; OF PAXTON AVENU"r. T'0 THE PRESENT CITY LIMITS LINE, IN THE CITY OF PA WuAH, KF.NTUuKY, BY THE GPAi:INO AND GRAVELING OF Sikl:h, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHuLES, INTAKES, CAT'Cn Br:SINS ANJ) SFV,:;'R PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN ACCORDANuE WITH THE PLANS AND ::rr.C1rICATIONS PROViEf%D Tnc::rSFuR H` hth CITY ENGINE'EH; AT THE COST Or THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OTNhHS, Ar:D PiOVIuINU ' llwt THE COST OF Ruh CON:•,•,:JrTICN MiY BE PAID IN ACCOR1k1NuE WITn THE: PROVI- 6ION OF TH:•: TEN Y,AR PAYN :1j'i p1_11.11 On motion sane was given first pasnuga upon the call of the roll: Yeas(id;. On motion the aIle:s were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of tn'. roll: YeAs(70) un r011on s+;re was given second fine! .final passage upon the call of the tell: Yetis (30i. Verher Johnston offered mr,tion to refer to the Lipnt & Water Committee, +'.^^ rains F:Ctitlon frr wat6r -mins alonp Jacj[6on Street to 25tr. .'treAt, Jackson :.'trent to to 25th:"t,r",t; Eir.. 'itreet to 24tc and 24tH ,treet to Norton .".tre:eats. AdooLed on th. call of tbt+ roll: yens (1C). .ani Ione affe-rel mo•icn -0 refer :o the (A ty rnv,ineer and Fire Chief, report Of tnb ra',acah ;ager Cc,€party of Ytater icains laic! ar.r fire p1nF•a located. tu;epted on Pa .-:ir the Call or t«,, roll: Yeas (Ili). ns<er Co. `er.e arfert': xotion to refer tr, the ASF; ,. :"ater Cccs.itteP, petiticn lliznt for street lit..^.t at e 1 lig tr rtersactice o: 22-: ft-nd kanroe ....recta. Adopted on the call L -C the rc12i: Y:'aa , Proceedings of.-Bos,":D OF COUNCILIVEN No._ 140. __ City of Paducah I'iaY 16, 1927. Ge orae Overstreet. -- ?~ember Stewart offered motion to award contract to George Overstreet for painting the offices of the Mayor and City Clark. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). G.^.'.Lane License Member Doherty offered motion to refer to the Licence Committee' the refund• matter of refunding G. Y:. Lane lunch stand license. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Jacobs came into meeting. Member Mattison offered motion that the Cemetery Committee be permitted Oak Grove cemeteiq to erect a wire fence and plant a hedge along new improved street from gate to improvements. the west side of 17th Street line, same to cost about !§100.00, and to be charged to Oak Grove fund. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Report ofMember East offered motion to receive and file report of the Riverside Riverside H"soital.Hospital for the month of April, 1927. Adopted on the as 11 of the roll: Yeas (11). Member East offered motion that final Estimate of work done by the 1'.eAelvey Construction Company in Storm Sewer Zone No. 8, be received and filed, McKelvey Const. Co. and sewers be accepted as completed, as recommended by the Board of Public ?'Works. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Kerth read an ,ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING ALL OF Assessment ordinance Sewer THE LOTS OR PARCELS OF GROUND LOCATED IN.STORM WATER SEWER ZONE NO. 8, SUBDIVISION Zone No. A. B OF SANITARY SE:?Eft DISTRICT NO. 3, IN THE CITY GF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF STORM WATER SEWERS IN SAID ZONE, AND PROVIDING THAT THE PAYMENT OF SAME MAY BE MADE IN TEN ANIMAL INSTALL;tENTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS, UPON EXECUTION BY THE PROPERTY O4:NERS OF AGREEMENT REQUIRED BY LAW." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Doherty offered motion to receive and file bond of Charles A. Charles A. Bo•rd Boyd for the replacing of streets excavated by him. Adopted on the call of the bond. roll: Yeas (11). Vember Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board YiNt,,r front of Alder+en rflative to tne- Board of Public Works being instructed to clean up T." be !Ivbn,•q w&'. -r font or all rubbiah and lurch stands between Kentucky Avenue and to a un. point at:cut seventy-five feet north or tircedway. Adopted on the call of ti•.e roll: Yeas (11). ame effamd a:citon to co(;cnr In the seti-n of the Board of Aldermen n•' 6th ar.1 ,Taff. re1a�:.e "`� ir-e ? n I I c e areI F! re (. Orr. 1t.t<.; haidg Inntr-ictod to peat 0atla:atea on erecting a traffic 1-1;7ht at 5tn & Jnffe:•aon interaection end report hack at next meetin,7. Alio;lted en r.= call or .h'' roll: Yeas (11). Vexttr P.e:•tn nfrered motion to car.cur in the action of the AoNrd r._ferrinv to trf) )'.ayar are: Finance (,omnittee., wite, pr•r.er to .rete . �r:.::•s; .. .. vc. .,-.e CP:,i..PS^U t. Cr :r'SR.ctedr.f:n9 '.c .r:o r',er,erul i'.er:-• tae t;: rine Cor:(^.• g of ^t. Lae, ko. , for to bnno d z_ cn aerv•.ct nr.ae;c fc r Fire :-,partment. Adcp.ed an th+i cNll of tt:e rol? : Yea n ill_ Na. 441. Proceedin-s of Ro:.aD OF COtlNClLVEN City of Paducah MAY. is, 1927. Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in referring to the Cemetery Committee, communication from the West Kentucky mP?t ?ty. Mausoleum Company relative to contract entered into between the City of Paducah and the ?•ansoleum •gest Xentucky rausoleum Company under date of April, 1920. Adopted on the call of the Co. roll: Yeas (11). Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of, eater mains on 17tn St. Aldermen Ir. adopting a resolution directing the Paducah Tlater Company to lay its water from Clark St. " " " " S` from 17th to (FUthrie "A" frog coins on S.17th Street from Clark to A Street, and on n �.•, 17tn to Avenue. Adopted on the call or the roll: Yeas (11). G+t tl, r i e . Member Brttmmett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Stre^t ler"overent. of Aller:sen in allowing street improvement bond coupons cancelled in the amount of Rnn3 Co`t- Donscar.- $54.57. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). celled. Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board BRefund from eller of Aldermen relative to re•fund-due the .City of $1225.00'collections of Sewer='bills. in:Zone #4 Fl,imbintr Co. also authorizing the treasurer to transfer from the Special Street Improvement & Sewer Lateral Fund to the General Fund $1225.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen. Koller in allowing Koller Plumbing Company 542856.70, collections made on Sewer Zone No. 4. Plumltina 80. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Witkiar of Allerren In paying $5206.85 , refund from Koller Plumbing Company on note to the:City iYawi:xofa . ' Note 'amity National Bank. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). N*.tion=�1 Bark. Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing, $113.01 , delinquent sewer lateral tax collections in Sewer Zone Note FI -sr NAt'1. We. 3, paid on note in First National Bank. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Bank. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Chienvo, in allowing interest of $1750.00 on Chicago, St. Louis and Paducah Railroad Company gt.Lo•iis t4 Fnl,ine. R.T'. Bonds. ado,ted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Cn. Send In -or -9t. Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Cashi,:r's Board o: nlderm.en in allowing the Cashier's Fund $173.10. Adopted on the call of the Fun3. roll: Yeas (11). kcrber Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Pa:• relU . of Aldermen in allowing the pay roll in the amount of 57844.43. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). keener ZK)herty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board C1a1as. of raneazen In allowing claims in the amount of 41C931.68. Adopted on the call of the roll.: Yeas (11). offered motion to concur in the action of the Bot,rd of Aldera.en ve7 in rccentIng st*,!rs in :rawer Zero no. 8 as completed by the McKelvey t:onat.ructlon Cerett^tcticn `o• Goerany, as r8C�i2^"r.iw,d by tree hoard of Public Works. ,dorlted on the call of the roll: Sewer r"ne a "'^=_'"t"' -l• yeas $ember Lri=:x.tt of.^erf,d inion to nfricur In the hetien of the Board }.� of Al'.:er en in awar•`ling contnac is lica. 2, •',, 4 anti 5 for sl.iuwalka, drivewav i, Cltrt'ia and Katter!&..n ratter3 to G, . e.fitter!rhr;. •.'tented on -h:, Call or tr:t= Pall: yeas (11). ntsacr s k+eronr LNnerty offered cctirn to concur in the action of the Board of .k_!emen a?.;:ting at re a::iutior, t:ire^t: r.; •.re Pe9ucai. Fater Comrany to lay Sts we Ina '.aarr main+ North On "lAt on 213. Street frm 'r_er.t.=c'l•,t Ave rue to -:a.k :rw,.,t, hr.., cn%21st 9tref..t fvcm Hi.nkleville frox )I.V. to Clark, N. Rosw to vii:rei ;:•reef. e510%itecd on +:e:e, :'Oil c`=' :ne ro11: Ytus (11). 21st frm Fini1e Proceedings of BOARD OF COUlWILMhN City of Paducah_ MAY 16, 1927. Member Budde offered motion that the Bo.rd of Public, 71„rka be Rcnsir Y,irreil Blvd. and wager fountain instructed to repair Murrell Blvd., thorougnly,bo fore its condition gets any worse; at Burrell Hlvd.,& have the watering fountain at Murrell Blvd, and Broadway straightened and put back Hrcnciwac, A y g in Its original position, and replace ornaments and fixtures that have been re- moved. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11) Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action or the Board of Plan for driveways, on Contract Nos. Aldermen in adopting plane( for driveway, curbs, gutter and sidewalk on Contract 2,3,4 and 5. Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Johnston excused from meeting. Grade on 20th St., Member Stewart offered motion that the City Engineer be instructed from to ckson St. to give rade from Jackson Street to "C" Street on 20th Street. Adopted on the to C Street. A A call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED: / 1927. UITY ULER.f,. APPROVED/:: FRESIDENT HOARD OF 00 N'ILt'E11. -- 6