HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 411, March 21, 1927No.... 411. Proceedings of BOARD OF COUNCILYFN City of Paducah MARCH 21ST, 1927. At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, March tho 21st, 1927, President "atson presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: ':atsor., Brummett, Crider, East, Jacobs, Johnston, Mattison and Stewart (8). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Mayor relative Ccnt:ra c t D.J.Ryan to accepting, contract with the D. J. Ryan Construction Company for the delivering of Cont. tp deliver dirt excavated from Trimble Street to Kentucky Avenue at 10� per yard. Adopted on the ai rt., call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to refer to the Fire and Police Committee, communication City °ervice Truck. from the Mayor in the matter of indebtedness on the City's Service Truck of the Fire Department. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Y.ember Crider offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, summons served Sammons. on the Mayor for the City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'Yeas (8). Member Johnston offered motion to redeive and file communication from the Fayor Carr.-gie Public relative to Carnegie Public Library accepting the offbr.made by the General Council Library. on larch the 7th, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (e). Same offered motion to receive and file report of the Libary Board Sor the Library ,,card. year 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Board of Some offered motion to receive and file the report of the Board of Realty h Realty & Imrrov.Eval. Imrrovement Evaluation. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Kerth came into meeting. Some offered motion to refer to the Street Committee, petition from citizrns h11ev t:tw. m y. l,F:y. and nroperty owners for the paving of alley between Broadway and Kentucky Avenue, and Ave. 4th ani 5th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). •:a is of Member Johnston offered motion to receive and file the audits of the City City ::^pies Hospital, City Scales and Yerket House, as prepared by the City Auditor. Adopted on b'ar douse. the call of the roil: Yeas (9). Sete offered motion to receive and file the audit of the City of Paducah Audit of Pinancen, as prepared by Posey & Cocke. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Posnv d -Cocke. ^are offered motion to receive and file communication from the Illinois "a^• Central Railroad Company relative to parcel of ground necessary tp extend street from L>p �.rvpl of -r1 as ey.- roehel Avenue to Tennessee Street. Adopted on the call of the roll- Yeae (9). r i;_ Ave. Sane offered cation to concur in the recommendation of the City Solicitor is rerciv1nr. ar.,i filing, the report of the •judg¢ent in the matter oi' annexation suit r_rar.v :,r.r.r.rr_ ' v, rinvy, Paintif, vs. City of Paducah, etc. •• •� i •lIrl n llhtllf, and directing that sate n be rercrd•.d. Adoptr1 or, the. Ball of the roll: Yeas (9). f r.• ier Eerth of•'ered rotian to approve thf: action of the Mayor in re- in;:-, rstlf;:inv hn•) conf7rcing. tEe contract previously executed between the City bnd the rcrelvey Conntruction i.ompany on tnc 19th day of January, 1927. Adopted on tr." r811 of LFe roll: Yran (9). Y-Inber Ja:rnctan offered motion to allr..w the ei,ait, oi' l"r::. % J. Billington. for ref,,ni cn tbaes of t22.2.T., as property on the Cairo Road, an snare won ovar anses:ed. A'?acted an `.ire ^ali c« t.re real, va._e (9;. 7t, :ae cf«•:red mo'aon '.c receive at;:7 Pile ccrsaniration frac thl. floarn of .s1th ^a'a !^e ::o s>c a pro ^iv'ir:, of "j �4 rG for. •h,n {?.alt.k: It;•artz.-ra for th',. year I491. +'iC"Ci Gr: !.'ie Cbl. cf -h-i rG:/. ffin (J). V Yemter '.ewer`. :flew;] C_•::iC.'. tG rc-n.;n^„ to Ray Peeale sl'.00, fine f.eid "RY fe ,,, `isa i:- Fc'.'_•:e -a1.r' • i „ , i • •h L fur ..per.=i rg, a,= 'r:^.: r� ,c nv Y',. a :cc ,... a�.aQ,rd an e cal_ Yegs k.a% iext>er j&a r -- Proceedings of BURP OF COUNCll E.N.- -. _ City of Paducah hAPCH 21:ST, 1927,.. Member Johnston offered motion to refer to Fire C> Ief and Gity Engineer, Rerort of Paducah report of the Paducah Water Company, of water mains laid and fire plugs located eater Company. under date of Mardi 18th, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeos (8). Same offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee communication from the %nrd of the Woman's Club, relative to assessing their property on Kentucky Board of 'lemon's Club. Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (6). K.ember East offered motion to grant the request of the Chirf of Police Dog catcher. in employing a dog catcher, itdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Stewart offered motion that a Committee be appointed to confer McKelvey 1,on3t. 110.with the fcKelvey Construe tion 'Company, to. suggest that they employ Paducah labor. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Committee appointed. Stewart and Crider appointed on Committee. Member East offered motion to refer to the Board of Public Works with 21st and narrison Sts, power to act, the matter of moving obstructions from streets at 21st and Harrison. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (B). Member Mattison offered motion that the City of Paducah deed to Mayme B. yayr,Ye B.Egrw ster, Eggester and John Ni. Eggester, Sr., Lot No. 7, in Block 3, in Oak Grove Cemetery and john '::'.Ecester, Sr. for the sum of $50.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member East offered motion to receive and file report of the Riverside Riverside Hospital. Hospital. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Koller Plumb. Co. Aldermen in accepting final estimate of work done by the Koller Plucbing Company Sewer 4,one No. 4. Final Estimate. in Sevier Zone No. 4, District No. 3, and authorizing assessment ordinance being brought in. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Var-elve<^ const. (,o. in accenting bid of the McKelvey Construction Company for the construction of sewer bld on Sewer Lone 7A. in °ewer Zone 7A, as recommended by the Board of Public l"forks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen D.41 Ryan Co:.st. Co. in accenting bid of D. J. Ryon Construction Compary for street paving on Contract Conjit:•ar,L 1io. 3. No. 1, as recommended by the Board of Public Works. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yean (9). ^.ace offered motion to concur in the action of the Boerd of Aldermen allowinr $1950.00, semi-annual interest on the Paducah, Tennessee and Alabama Q. R. Bond Isnue, due April the 1st, 1927. Adopted an the call of the roll: Yeas W. Veaber Korth offered notion to concur in the -etion of the Board of dns. !• ^^='r' Allermer, In recelving and riling orreement fres Jan. G. Wheeler .nd Herbert Hawkins evreeinv to pr; abwcr assesnse•nt wizen their property Is Include -i in the city ].Seita Aral 1n a Sewer Zane. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). off -red motion to cor.our in the action of the Boar:.+ of Aldermen Rsaxixs-tr�ar, in ollcwinq stre.;; 1�nrovea.,-,nt i.onls enl coupons naf,i in `hr• omount of t15.Se coupenI ra11. su^.. ::Y^„ei ro .:pr c':ol ..tr--e:: Iv.r-r, fr.cr t Funl-q. Adopted on the call of the roll: y"t'Or Cr"tr of:`rvr•rft F.0"01l '.n c4K-Jr it, tie action of the Pard in 6: r.wintr tsF Cushi9rf a f,nr i $191.12. Aro;-,tett on the er ll of the No. •;13. Proceeding's of BC1,a. D OF .COUNCILMEN. _ City of Paducah - -MARCH 21, 1927. Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Pay rolls. Al:lermen in allowing Xp( claims for $16498.72; also pay rolls in the amount of Clni-s. X7973.16. Adooted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Crider dffered motion to allow settlement made with Miss Freda Freda Cline, for injuries sustained by failing at the corner of 12th Street and Bernheim Cline. Avenue, ns sDeroved by the City Solicitor, A. Y. Martin. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ycns (8). Member Kerth offered motion that the Liaht do Water Committee, investigate Fire Dlugs• water plu-s in service and eliminate all unnecessary plugs, ndopted on the call of the roll: Yess (8). Member Kerth read a.resolution entitled " A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR TF.E CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDE";TALKS, AND CURBS.AND GUTTERS OF EITHER CONCRETE OR GRANITE, TOGETHER "'ITA ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DRIVEWAYS AND SEWER PIPE CONNECTIONS, ON 30TH SIDES OF 9TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPE17TY LINE OF TENNESSEE STREET TO THE NORTH CURB LINE OF NORTON STREET, EXCEPTING THE INTERSECTION ALREADY Reso. Sidewalks, CONSTRUCTED AT JONES STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF 12TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY etc. 9th, I?th, LINE rF JACKSON STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TENNESSEE STREET, EXCEPTING THE IHTERSFCTIONS ALREADY CONSTRUCTED AT OHIO STREET; BOTH SIDES OF ADAMS STREET FROM THE TEST PROPERTY LINE OF 19TH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 21ST STREET; BOTH ,IDES OF CLARK STREET FROM THE !?EST PROPERTY LINE OF 19TH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 21ST STREET; BOTH SIDES OF JACKSON STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 9TH '0 THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET; BOTH SIDKS OF 7TH STREET FROM THE LOUTH PROPE?TY LINE OF WASHINGTOIi STREET TO THE NORTH CURB LINE OF JACKSON STREET; ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HUSBAND STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 6TH STREET TO THE 3447 CURB LITE OF 11TH STP.ERT; AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HUSBAND STREET FROM THE TEST P?^PERTY L117E OF 9TH STREET TO THE FAST CURB LINE OF 11TH STREET; ON THE EAST SIDE OF 10TH STRE-'T FPOM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JONES STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF ELIZABETH STRE T, EXCEPT THE INTERSECTIONS AT CALD';'ELL AND HUSBAND STREETS; ON THS "I:;_ OF 10TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JONES STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF 7:: 80 FOOT LOT BOUGHT BY PADUCAH BRICK AND TILE COMPANY FROM GHEIST LIEBEL, EY.CE- ;r CALDL'ELL AND HUSBANDS STREETS; BOTH SIDES OF CALD7ELL LINE OF 8TH STREET TO THE; EAST CURB LINE OF 9TH STRF,tT; s.IDES OF 12th STREET FROX THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE: OF TENNESFFE. t"''%F:i'i'Pf LINE OF JONES STREET, IN THE CITY OF PALUCAH, KF,t:TUCFY, I': :+JCO'•L ZTi n.. i':, ;.i: ;,ND PECIFICi.TIONS PROVIDED THERPYOR BY THE CITY F.NGINFF.? .T -17". !.n?'." C,r T;": A-P..UTTING PROPERTY 071:F. -S, AND PROVIDING THAT FUCP. COST kt.Y PLAN. ,. Un "tior: zu,.:` was ni+ren first pnn..nage upon the call of the roll: On a.otion the r,les were 3uspnnled and renoldtton read by title uDCn t r.:•ll of the rcll: YC•ha (G). nun alven second and final paaa:,gc upon :.he call of :e roil: .ar : r•,: [ c: r=:enlution rntitle9 "A rE:'Ailt I0.': PP( .VIfdNO FOR THr CCF- STP.UCTION OF 4,.=;,:". ; i•. "I;a:"':.._ :':, AA."i P7URR4 ANT4 Gl TTt.F-r, OF EITH', a Nt," i.: OR Gh!1NITF:, CA GH @:� IF. I'1F.::.'� hSh rr'r. EPEE = r�� SIDES'r:c .'t:.... ii,i4. TEF. :...�-... wr.j ..I ,.S 0:•' 7 i LINT. 24TH 1 - - LINH OF T n2;' . - '.':Uc GUItIa.:^. •- ^. 5, No._ ^414. --- Proceedings of BOARD OF COUNCILMEN City of Paducah MARCH 21sT, 1927. PROPERTY LINE OF ''ILLETT STREET; ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 14TH STREET FRO),' THE 7'EST Mildred St, Jones PROPERTY LINE OF BU'?NETT STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE. OF FLOURNOv STPEET; ON THE St. NORTH SIDE OF MADISON STREET FRO),' THE OLD SIDETIALK, CURB AND GUTTER ABOUT 270 ID•:`iiL;1S ONLY 13TH STRE.FT. FEET "`EST OF 19TH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 21ST STREET; ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MADISON STREET FR0M THE WEST CURB LINE OF 19TH STREET TO A POINT 296 FEET 1D'EST OF 191rH STREET; ON THE WEST SIDE OF CAMPBELL STREET FROM THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF 6TH STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET; ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 7TH STREET FROM THE NEST PROPERTY LINE OF CAMPBELL STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF HARRIS STREET, AND FROM THE TEST CURB LINE OF BOYD STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF FINLEY STREET; ON THE SOUTH SIW, OF 7TH STREET FROG' THE TEST PROPERTY LINE OF CAMPBELL STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF FINLEY STREET; ON THE VEST SIDE OF ELLIS STREET FROM THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF 10TH STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREET; ON THE EAST SIDE: OF ELLIS STREET FROM THE NOPTH PROPERTY LINE OF LOT NO. 6, BLOCK NO. 5, NORTHVIEN ADDITION, TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREET; 0.11 THE SOUTH SIDE OF 10TH STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF ELLIS STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF LOT NO. 7, BLOCK NO. 4, NORTHVIET: ADDITION; ON THE. NORTH SIDE OF 9TH STREET FROM THE NORTH CUES LINE; OF TRI'BLE STREFT TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF BOYD STREET; (ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 9TH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF BUFNETT STREET, EXCEPT THE INTERSECTIONS AT BOYD STREET; ) BOTH SIDES OF 8TH STREET FROM THE i NORTH CURB LINE OF TRIIBLE STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF BURNE.TT STREET, EXCEPT THE INTERSECTIONS ON THE: WEST SIDE OF CAMPBELL STREET; ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 13TF. STREET FROM THE NEST CURB LINE OF HAMPTON AVENUE TO THE EAST CURB LIKE OF PALM STREET; ON THE ".'EST SIDE.OF LANGSTAFF AVENUE FROM THE SOUTH CVFR LINE OF 13TH STREET TO THE NORTH CURB LINE, OF MILDRED STREET; ON THE SOUTH SIDE. OF YILDRED STREET FROA: THE: TES" CURB LINE OF 23RD STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF 247H STREET; ON THE NORTH SIDE OF JONES STREET, FROM THE !."EST PROP17TY LINE OF 11TH STRF,"r:T TO THE E,,ST CURB LINE: OF 12TH STREET; SIDEVALK ONLY O1' WE IzOUTH "ITT OF 13TH STRE"T F"01' THE "WEST CURB LINE OF FAXON STREET TO THE FAST PPOPER.TY LINE: OF :"ILLETT STRE:F.T, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN ACOOPpANCE T'ITH TRE PLAVFAND °PECIFICATIONS PROVIEE D THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF PADUCAH, AT THE CO.^.T OF T.;E ARUTTING PROPERTY OTNERS AND PROVIDING TWAT SUCH COST MAY HE FAID FOR T;NI7 R TI1F. TEN YFY:P PA)WENT PLAN." On motion sere was siren first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (6). On notion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the eal.l of the roll: Yeas (8). On notion save wan given aecond and final passace upon the call of the tell: Yeah (8). Sacci rea,' a resolution entitled "A. HR301,13TION P!•OVIDING FOR THE v "{,;r•�TQ}N. l:C�N^T'+i.�l iTDTd OF c:ONCT,E?E °i DFS:i.:.%;.`: :1'.'! TR'r. N!':f.E.^>F:A1rY CIPIR:' AND GUTTFR5 ON MONNOE lid'v arrow. L . et^.. Ft -, ON -He. :.GL H 'IT,. O. , FOV T} P ` E:. T P 0,PRRT LINE' O; ,' FNTY FI. T Mnrrnn Wt, .. . :'4 Y^ Wit. T:'_Fti.T ':0 F; 'rF'.u:'• OF 77NTY-FIFTH F:i.T, ON TT1F: rIOT F gIDF: THERE- OF, FkOV .. ! C; ... • ? 1' ;'l"rER'"Y LINE ,.,..-'ri, .. 1. *Y LINT? DE' -•1 - .. �'•. {v1! !'Cali ^z;.^. i^ - , I:. PIPE, ::RIVi':"e •. `Ek PI PF cc?;-,: :, 3is iiia C_u, J INAet ;c r I.t .. '1TH THE PLANS ANDaPyI :• t::'I:N? F`^OVIOF:D •!'.e:- a •: ::s E.F "AT` CITY. No. 415. - Proceedings of ROARP OF COUNCILMEN - City of Paducah - FIARCH 21ST, 1927. AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O'::NE';S, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH COST MAY BE PAID FOI UNDER THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN," On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEIIENT OF JACKSON STREET FROM THE ;;EST PROPERTY LINE OF GUTHRIE AVENUE TO THE EAST PROPERTY Ordtnence, LINE OF T"'ENTY-FIRST STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE CONSTPUCTION OF Jackson St:. A HARD SURFACE ROAI7+!AY, TOGETFER 11iITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DRIVF'IAYS ANI) Sr:7E9 PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE ..'ITH THE PLANS AVD SPECIFICATIONS P°OVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 07lNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE p�aVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion 'same was given second:and.-•final'.passage upon the call of the roll: Yens (8). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEVENT 01 ^'I -RLR STREET BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ON BOTH SIDES THEREOF FROM 7-7 PROPERTY LINE OF 9TH STREET TO THE; EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET, AND ON ?. 013-3 SIDE THEREOF FROM THE 71EST PRUPEPTY LII:E OF 10TH STREET TO THE EAST PRuPEFTY LINE OF 16TH STREET AILD ON THE NORTH SIDE THER*OF FROM THF WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH -?:T TO THE PAST CO-TTFR OF OAK GROVE CE!ETERY, EXCEPT THE INTERSECTIONS HERETOFORE "T'>T'CTFD AND EXCEPT THAT POPTION THEREOF ABUTTING CALDUELL PARK, WHICH HAS HERETOEORE IVFtOVED; ALSO BY THE CONSPRUCTION OF CONCRETE GUTTERS AND CURBS OF EITHER CONOPE:TE OT' G-F-NITF., ACCO -DING TO BID ACCEPTED, FROM THE ".'EST PROPERTY LIME OF 9TH STREET TO THE EAST P?OPERTY LIKE OF 10TH STREET, TOGETHER 711TH AL1. NECESSARY VANIIOLES, INTAKES, SF'E9 CfiI:dECTIONS AND DRIVE^lAYS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN ACCORDANCE '•MITE! THF. PLANS ANT> SPFCIFIGATIGNS PPOVIDEID THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABIT-TING I'POP^:°TY 0•'•MR3, AND PPOVIDING THAT THE: COST OF SUCH CONSTR' CTION MAY BE PAID IN ACCO'' 4•.T?CF: "'IT?' THE' PT'OVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PAvV.F,NT PLAN." On notion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On mo+:ion thn rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of t.tn roll: Y.yes (8). On motion sear Was ^iven aecorvl end final pessape upon the call of the roll: Yeas (iii. C:,cn reed an or•:Iinen^_e entitled •'AN OPT)Il,: t:r'} F e(VI T411" FOR THE: IMPT-0 iNE.NT OF FIFa p' :_ - :'.,:,N! ;> ;b TPP. NORTH PHOPFRTY LINE .. OF � �_, , .: , ;; : v - ;: . s :, i-, is"f :iir I:OH,^.Tkt1CTlOti OF iT }IAr'U :T I:.F":-,,CATCH Bunn?:.:, IkgIVF.t,Y9 CONCRETE CR Gov N7'''E, IN ACCO ? -.. A liN. F ':•:POR BY TnFCITY RNGI`+.R, AT fir_ COS- OF '.. IN;7 F. Rr:L: y :, AN!, i T!i::T i'Hi•: 0093' OF 'l'CH CONI -r!'C toN VA7 i n, II. A^C F.""...'ra::E ' I:.. .... iU? °. OF ..'r TEN YE:A" Fi.YN!;:TaT PLAN." Cn m^tie^ sure •s3 pi:.ec. '•r.=.t nasn&ge upon th-, cell c:' ^ne C_^. .v.oticn the :.les *ere eua,r..s:3ed at.; ord:r:er:ce regi og title upon the ,,all of roll: Ye. -as (8; _ .r.^.t'cn exw-- wasp1•...._ seccc. an- fln", ansa _r iiper. the ^.alk of ,^e roll: ^a C•r;iinance. Guthrie..�ve. 19th -it. Proceedings Of . BOARD OF COUNCILYEN _ City of Paducah MARCH 21ST, 1927. Member Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IYPROVEVENT OF GUTHRIE AVENUE FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE MAYFIELD ROAD TO THE INTERSECTION OF NINETEENTH STREET; NINETEENTH STREET FROM THE INTER- SECTION OF GUTHRIE AVENUE TO ThE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE. OF BROAD'8AY STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, 'f.ENTUCKY, BY THE CONST"UCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROAD!,AY, TOGFTHF.R ^ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, INTAKES, DRIVENAYS AND FFTER PIPE COAT MONS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER., AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 07.HERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION VAY BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE: WITF TEE PROVISIONS OF TF.F; TEN YEAR PAVVENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IYPROVEYENT OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPE;?rY LINE OF TENNESSEE Ordinance. STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLARK STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, j3ar: su-face. So. 8th St. KENTUCKY, BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE R.CADWAY, TOGETHER :"ITB ALL NEC- CESSARY MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, INTAKES, DRIVEWAYS AND SEWER PIPE CONNECTION'S, IN ACCORDANCE '.':'ITH THE PLANS AFD SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O'I;NERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE WI1'H THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR Phv1TENT PLAN:" On motion same was fiiven first passage upon the call of the Pell: Yens (8). On v.etion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call 01' the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (B). Sane read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE It'P"OVb''?.fiT OF TENiIF.SSEE STREET FROM THE FAST PROPERTY LINF OF THIRD STRP.PT TO ^ i' • ••- Tr. E: '?.2^. PIOFR: TTf LINE OF SECOND STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, FEI-T(TCKY, BY THE C4"" ''r'CTION OF t HARD-VFFACH' FOAPA"AYj TOGETHER ITI; ALL NECRSSAFY Y.At;HOLFS, C;:TCR :-.':IN::, IPIVF-..AYS AND ^ESR PIPE C0NNECTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE ?:ITH Ti? ?'-N- 'I : GIFICLTION.^. PFCVIL-FI) 71:EP.IFOF BY THE CITY ENGINEEF, AT TPE COST OF I!;G J:;:;C}cRT­ 6"'*1 ^ AND fPOVIDING THAT THE COST OF CUCP COPSTRUCTION i':1Y i'i•. r, IN AC1W I7AIICE ',,_r J! ;E:c. i-CNI5JONS OF THE TEN ,-P.,:R PAYMIT FLAN. On motion sbs.e war. vi:•+•r: first pussi.ge upon the cdll of the roll: Yes ''rtaer., Prurrrt.t, Crider, East, Je)inntor:, Nattivon and ste*er•t. (7). Nays: Certh (1). Cn r.uticn tl.e rales were, au::nendtd and ordiri"ree read by title "ren th.,� Call. bf '.11.? -ell: Ye": :Sat9Gn, .rSrj:Ea'.PLt, Cr1.pier, East, Johnaton, Vattlaoc as: 'ae.art. (7). ::e,. Ecr:h W. sr. 60"Qu map.' was .•Seer, aecor.•i -n` fin+,1 Ta--ve uron the ca11 rcl:: Yea. "•a -stn, Br;:crett, Crider, East, Johnston, vsttlaon 6 r No. 1' . Proceedin,gs of Ri .R^ CF COUNCILK.EN ...City of Paducah __ rARCH 21ST, 1927. Or'iinance. Eich 5t. Nember Kerth read bn ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING F'OP. THE IMPROVE 1'F":T OF HIGH STREET FRO],'. THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BROADWAY STREET TO TRE SOUTH P7 0PERTV LINE OF JRFF11.RSON STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE. ROAN,AY, TOGETHER 7.ITH nLL NECESSrHY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS,: DT?1Vr..7AYS AND SF:.'ER PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE T-ITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS P70VI TED THFPFFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 01-'`WEP.S, ANI) PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE "ITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PAYI.+ENT PLAN." On motion Same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Vember Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Wiest 'effer- Alderxen that the Board of Public Works be instructed to put West Jefferson Street son Street. in Food condition as early as possible. Adopted on,the call of the roll: Yeas (8), 1.1ember Brur..mett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in granting the Columbia Amusement Company a permit to erect an awning and electric sign in front of their new theatre building on Broadway between 5th and 6th Streets, and also permission be granted them to rope off sidewalk during erection of same. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion meeting adjourned. 4dOI,MD: r y Z �L1 G� 1927. APFROVED. PF•F.'S'!-3FNT—i�'"r{iJ'OF�Zal7NL'ZiT'i:l� 07'."y CLLR'.