HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 406, March 7, 1927Proceedings of :'L. 1:' City of Paducah 1cH 7TH, 1927. At t: rt lar meetinr of the Boerd of Councilmen hold on the Third Floor i of the amity hal 1, in the City of Pcdunah, !.entucky, torch. the 7th, 1927, President at�on presided, and anon the call of the roll thA folloa'inr answered to thetr names: ;:arson, Brumipett, Crider, Lrtrvell, Last, Jacobs, Johnston, Kerth, L:att.ison, Owen and :.tewart. (11). !'inutes of the previous meetinr were adopted as read. �s Club. Vember Jacobs offered motion to receive and file communicetion from the Pubic Tiealti+ +"omnnts Club relrtive to the Public Fkealth League. Adopted on the call of the Leacue. roll: Yeas (11)-. 1'emher Duvall offered motion to receive and file communication from the T`ississinni Yi:;sissippi Valley Asnociation, askinr the uit-y for :100.00, donation for river Vs11='y '.scociat!cn•irnrcve,rent.=dont.ed on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). :J:Qre offered motion to refer to the City P,olicitor corraunicatien from the City Assessor relative to a refund beinr made to T'rs. S. J. Billington o i .:22.2.3 on property on the Cairo Road. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ?!.ember Kerth reed a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTIOIT PFCVIPIT'G FOR I'P°OVEEENT^OF F01I1:7'�,I1! ,;VMTUF (17TH STREET) FROL1 TFF. NOWF FPCFLPTY LIVE OF _n .ve. RP(..' ;v STHF.LT 'TO THF: SOUTI! kOIEFYY LIT F: OF !:Ol'1 OF STF.F T, IT' TFT -CITY OF P N'C1'F� BY ^H. CO... 91CTION OF i. HARD 2UPPACF, 1O+TY"PY, TOGHTFr- "ITU :.LL EECFISPAPY i I k;XHOLt S, INTI K! S, Cr• TCH BliSINS AFT) EF."RR PIPE C01.'FF.CTIOT'S, AND FLSC T,:E, RECOT'- C`"ICT: OF CUBS +:ND GUTTEF2, VMEREVE.R NL:CESSi:PY, AS Sf!O"T! OV PUFF, IF ':CCCR- i -1;•T•CE "I"'Fi h_F. FLf.T'S -D "PECIPICLTIOVS PIWIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENCINFS'R AT j -Pr. C(i."T OF 'i'f:i•. +.BUTTITIG P:!CPF.pTY O`NRRS kT'T) P14OVID_11•G TF+T TP� COFT OP °PCH t'CTICT' is P,.ID LIPDER TM, PROVISIONS OF THE T1.31 Yhi.F P0'iFYT FLAT'." On motion same was riven fire.t passape upon the call of the roll: On motion th«. rules were suspended and resolution read by tittle upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Or rct.ion s"cc 'v,,s riven second �rnd final passage upon the call of the ?eas (10) . J;hys: -,.-.,en (1). Member Johnston offered motion to refer to the L1rhr. £ 'Teter Committel rte^,i"icr. for ntreeb lirht at 22nd and L'onroe `:treats. -dopt.ed on for cnll of f.he rn:l: -'N,(: of stud mn+io:. to refer 1,o the Lj.rht £ Later Cov it.;ee, n-t.it.ion or. 21st :'trnr: f.= F-inkleville Road to P'ildred -trees. :9e^tel roll: 71.1 : , off• r,... <' .•.r: t.c refer 1.o thr City Rnrineer f,r-i Fi:•e �'hirf - -.r.lr.; f_r-.. pr.'i':ens•.-.c��,*.• nr.der •in,.r• of L^arch 71'h, 1RT7, of :rn t•?r " rvi.. lG. :"l1 of Ulf, 1'011: ynq.. f : n• t.:. ,__":.:. i. � ••i'• r •+ �'•. "..orl• I:Ca:L`.ittee, r. CittOn 'O .. T f"r, 2CPders on ':(". -t fr(.^ Yr<t.... "111., 'ti 1, f„i 10 1. l.t�tJ'eil .`t:ec i'.. 1130 01 f:. !•�i( Y!?7,3 No. -1C- - - Proceedings of _; n .•-c ";;lisp 7: City of Paducah !_..i , r 7TH, 1!11!7. Re: of }••ember 'East offered motion to receive an1 file the monthly renort of the Chi^ Chief c Police. Adopted on the -all of the roll: Yeas (11). Of Same offered motion to receive and file the monthly report of the "?ty 7ee1F1'. :.dorted on the call of ,be roll: Yeas (11). Saute offered r-otion to receive and file the report of the Chief of the p x-xt: 1«, t 'r .. %rnartment, iulonted on the call of the troll: Yeas :'ember Br=rtett offered motion that 16th Street from Broadv:ay to UAion <?cn be named l'arkhsm Avenue, in honor of the man responsible for the Illinois 1 Reilro4d shons. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ➢'ar.'.er %, va11 offered motion to coneur in the action of the Board of r .. .. "1'?e«m.en in seecptinc rir=,ht of v.y crsnt from J. Y.. Ferguson end allowinc the cost. of sewers constructed on the n«onerty of said J. K. Ferruson, as shown by the nn,ineer's Estimote therefor, an -i euthorizinr the Treasurer to nay same-, to Koller lur.�in^ Cemnarr, Contractor. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). T.:ember Jacobs offered motion to concur• in the rection of t:ho Board of _ it -wren in refondint•, to Edward and Eoti:t,rd Glisson, ;3.00 poll tax, Adopted on the c•>:,1 ci be• roll: YeFs (11). °arae offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in ^^ni win^ and filing communication from the City Solicitor relative to purchasing I atrip of ground for alley on Flournoy between 13th t.nd 14th Streets, from Pill and • Jor..['ie Clem.^rt:s is psi Ulvia.and Georgia HaPven. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yesr(31). ^ao.e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen !n reforrin.: to the, Finance Committee, the matter of ad valorem tax-oxemption of YcEee- 31?vin Rut, o., t'• 'livin Button Ccmnr,ny. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). � l'or'•er Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of .ldc ^'en «r.l ciee to ':cc City Solicitor brinping in X resolutions for sidewalks, curbs n-1 ^+!'•tern on the folie::!n, streets: 14th 5t. from Clay to Tricble; 81114 Street from 10th '.liia to Firnt Street- west of Palm; 9th Street(south side 1-r. Trimble to Boyd; Burnett !tract from 9th to 10th; iluabonds :ttreet,(7th to 11th north side); (9th to r1•et, Jones to end of 10th �,Lreet; 8th :greet,, Trimble to :`illett, south side; 13th street, north side, hanpton Palm; i.v�:,•.1', rOrtYt mrde, 12th to 15th; Greet- itvv.,1Mth to 12th; Ashcraft . ,:"nue. Yc.;e1: lop`,ed cr: 1!1:11 of the roll: Yeas: :"atson, Bror•rett-, ?nr.ns'.. n•. ,.',, .;:c:; cr;'1 c;tevrart. (10). Kays:=•erth(1). Lr+'Of. of the Roe:l•'l of ildermen ...Ug ir: :-'e:;r'iut.lc.r.e for aide+alas, curb ctrl :a'ters snen 'c Horton: 12th. •1.groet, Jt.c%son t.o . -':a=.:? r.r-, • , '1 .,; ... r;, , . 'tweet, 15+::e: to 'r,? e*, &'adison Etr•eot, 11th f«rr. 1.!111.) ?'. .. .., Old sitiewal.l. to 21st of }tt: rnr! ra to 11 It; ,ampt•ell to V")Jlcw k, ' .1 •� .. .. .. :est f B. t^. �r....> } No_ --- 408,: Proceedings of_.ao:.'; cL' Glr,:c 1L.:Li; City of Paducah_ r.:i.tc(_717111. 1927.. Lcml,cr John_;ron offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard T"Igor. of Aldermen in referring to the City Solicitor summons served on the 4'ayor. Adonted on the ct:I1 of the roll: Yeas (11). L_cr:.ber Jacobs offered motion to refer to the License Cca.mittee, com- murication from the i.?ayor relative to licensing motor busses. Adorted on the xk2xKAx1arrxxx cell of the roll: Yeas (11) . lf.,.,.i ,.a,.r.,„•.4 femher Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Allercen relative to selling lot at 6th and Terrell Streets, to lfred ":arren, for thr sum. of F195.00. r•.donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). t.:er ! or Stewart offered motion to concur in the a^tion of the Hoard of Aldein,en in alloainr G. C. a-artin, refund of ;;4.95, paid to Riverside Hcsnit.a, G.G.-^rt.ir, r•^ i• as he was hurt while in the employ of the City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). A'.ember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard of G• G. °r+• Aldermen allowing G. C. i:artin 499.51, for time lost ;:hale sufferi.nr from injuries sustained w!A lc on duty for the City. kdonted on the call of the ro11.: Yeas(11). Vember Jacobs offered'motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in alloe:inc the following: C1aim...:1457.48 ; pay rolls ..410835.45. Clsir.^A tri ro'r_ rolls. I.donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). E.emher i:erth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINVICE PFGCIDI_IG FV TH?? 7?.PFO!'1•.?C?a'T OF TRIL'RLE STREET BY THE CONSTPPCTION OF CONC°'FTI• °I' F"'i LK" r."r�• O*.' aOT1? IDli5 IT °BOF FP,01.: THP -'iiST FrOAt'FTY LINE OF 9TH STREET TO TFF. EAST :`Y LINE OF 10TH STREET, 6.1'D 011 THE SOUTH SIDE THFr?hOF FFO1•: THE 7FST FT'Ots':RTY ::•c;e; LI"' C;' 10TH STREET TO THE hi ST P?IOAEFTY LINL OF 16TH STREET A1:D 01 THE VViTH SIDE cr> THF. "T:.ST PROPET'TY LINE OF 10TH STREET TO THE IAST CORFTF OF OAK GRel'F. ".SL:CTIONS HEI`i• CFORE CONSTFPCTFD r.?.D F.XCEIT THAT PO?TION Y"RICH 1iL HERr:TOFORE BEEN 71'PFOVL.D; ::LSO RY THE +.i?:1 GURM (P F.ITT , 1� GO?'C'' TF, OF G' l.1:ITE, -.. , FT'01' T?:?• -"r. T 11EOP! TY LII:, OF OTR STrTJ%T TO TAF FAF7 lf1 i•.T, TOOL TI F' "7TH r,I.L 1 F'G!•.:: i pY i'PO?.L"', I1"P!{ F It: i.. CITY OF PATRICAH, gk?.TtGo:Y� I1: lCt:C ri•:: 11 OVIDED THT.RPFOR BY THE CITY L.1'GIi:ELR, fT F1'('VIt)l1IG TFI:T THE CO".T OF ':'CIT is "ITH TAT; ITC VISIOitr; OT' TP 1:r.t: v;.;, fL•st passage upon the call of t.' -'c .­perded and ordint,nce re,d by title uron -h- T. .. „c.r.,± emi finol nassbve upor. rt•e 11 Cr rl:A vett• t�21. of rrr Lire 'V,'DPrr.- t :), Yayr. a.47 feet ernre -r,; I:` ­Fj- N,, Proceedings of City of Paducah 7TH, 1997. 7,erri,ev An ovlir.:,ncp entit),ec! ",ai: oFj1IN:1._C1,; P"OVIDUr, FOP I SO LITU P1 01 "iTY 1.1 t'i-(. F Ll 11n: 1X7,.Y '110 TIN, ;IOT TF OF 1, 1J(:,%1', 1;E*7TCUY, BY TM CO177Tl-VCT1QI; LVO CUPBS i.]:) GUTTM1,8, OF iI1THh1` UOIVITTr. O^ ::Gi, "'ITF - L: 1", 2X0 UfGIFIC.:1TIONS PT?OVIP-F-".D TfIEFEFOR BY TPF —T7%. CO"T OrP OVIDING THAT THE COST 51 TTI1:C- jT,10PERTy 01­1*1':TIS, P li(MCIN _,Y ITH TLE HoViliol:!. OF THE TrX' YESF On .ol7ion s%iil .-,Ivan first, pas:,.aCe upon the call of the.roll: Yems (11). On ro*ion the rules viere suspended and ordinance read by title upon nnll of Ivil­ roll: Yeas (11) On motion same %,.,as ;-iven second and final passsre upon the call of i I..eintler Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ...... in 'Adopting the plans and specifications for hard surface or, ?.onroe Street "roin 12th to 13th —reets; 13th Street from Jefferson to Yonroe; 12th Street froa. to Kentucky Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11) Y.ember ',erth offered the following: ­.'.hereas, an assessment has been To o—inat the nronerty if Frs. Emma Sears for -the cost of the construction of Bridire rest ubut',Inr her property, ich consist of the low ground located just on and beyond ijn,: of -jie Uornorate livita, Lmounting to the sum of j,875._; and, 7."herces, the said Yrs. Emma -'ears has refused to pey said assessments thp follovir.�- reasons, to -wit: (1) The greater nortion of the (improvement lies rit:v Limits and the (,Ity was not Authorized to fix a lien therefor; (2) ­­;1lon of t;.e ^ronerl;7 lyinr ;,Ithin the corporate limits is a ravine and nracticolly r It In no-.-.- pronosei by .n,y of compromise apreement that Yrs. 1, :,r 1CO.00 on the coct, of n,.1d Improvement, and that the Uity or % � of cor". , I" th( special Lax hi 11 the refer, cont.-netor, I). J. Ryan fonstvue tion - o., and hears n•.' `,i of 10" thereon: Aa iT ro" VIEFOLVED BY Thl, 'I GC.11:(" F?'.OP DFU101t. Bi. AC(J I'T". F, the Carnerie P10,11c Liti-ary h,retofor-e pronented for sa=id ortlonrcput f'or- the y(-ir 11 LV vary In Q,- rur 1 1 rd 1y 'ril Proceedings of City of Paducah 7, 1027. 4,n9 r„ o`o t ju9,7e:ent is entered in i*.h tr_; terr.�r hereof nffoctinr i inst tre Ct ty In fr.vor of sail Lihrr.ry up to this-iat.e. =} he i.— or he, rand he Is hereby, nuthorized, as n part consideration for roil conn �i-i or.+, to execute and deliver to said Lihrery Board a Cnrne-ie ;`Wr3ic deed of core:;^:.ce of the nronerty located at Moth -'treat het:recn Fro,dr:ny and P.vcnue, n^ovided it is stipulated in nz-id deed that sell rrrnet•ty abnll : t- used for Library purposes only, and shall not be gold without the consent of the Genersl Council. Ldopted on the call of the roll: Yens (10). On motion mectinr adjourned. A.DO?•;FD: ' 1927. f.l" VED: