HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 399, February 21, 1927No. -n: Proceedings of R :' QF COUNCILVFN City of Paducah FipTTRTtAT'Y 21ST, 1927. At a reeulRr meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, February the 21st, 1927, Pbesident ':'atson presided, and upon the call of the roll the followine answered to their names: "atson, Brur ett, Crider, Duvall, East, Jacobs, Johnston, Korth, trattison, Owen and '�tewert.(I1). 11ember Crider offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor summons served on the mayor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). 1'ember Owen read en ordinance entitled "AN OFDINt.NCE FIXING THE SFLARY OF cief. TiTF ,55°.1"P!PNT CHI' -F OF POLICE OF T;iE CITY OF Pi;DTJCkH, UYTTICKY". On motion same was riven third and final passage upon the call of the, roll„ Ynyor's veto notwithstanding: Yee.s: 7.`atson, Brimmett, Crider, East, Jacobs, Johnston, Kerth, 'ta`.tison, Owen and rtewsrt. (10). Nays: Duvall (1). `?oma offered motion to receive and file the communication from Ed. D. Hannan, Inninr k Chnlrman of t'•e Planing end Zoning Commission, relative to the General Council setting! c.r:inr Cosr.ietion, aside 87000.0.0 for the year 1927, for a comprehensive plan to be made for the City of Paducah xrl the out lying districts. f:dorted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). (ember Korth offered teotiibn to receive and file communication from the C;nr•„=cwt: !'.Y -or relative to annointing Capt. Robert H. Noble, as a member of the Park Beard. ',?toble, ei on the c:�ll of the roll: Yen (11). Sane offered motion to receive and file the communication from the Vayor —1 -rive to communication received from the I. C, R. R, employees regarding. the li,,nrovement of 12th Street from Kentucky Avenue to Broadway. Adopted on the call of •.he roll: Yeas (11). °s^e offered motion to receive and file communication from the American ?cn rola*•ice to letter written to Col. L'.ilus Ste:art not being., from the American :.donted or, the call of the roll: Yeas (11). P,r,ber brummett offered motion to receive and file communication from the o7an'^ Club relative to the apprepM ation to the Public Health Lcaruo. Adorted on the callof the roll: Yeas (11). &emher forth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE' PROVIDINr THF.T TFFRE r. Y '.:I"T_HATED FPCtV :?ti"'ER 9OF:E NO. 2, THE PROPERTY O1'' LAT:OfT/+F' OFA' ✓F''":''):'Y COAL COYPAT7 i• 11) AYER LORD TIE COE'Pi,NY ^ITMt TED -FT) oi.,t....I,:FN Tb VFI,.FIFF oTPVFT r,t!D (+s votlr..n nrr'- ;ren firm nasaare upon the call of the roll:Yci-.s (11.). 6n. ^otion thri rnlf2:1 :.st•e nwperded and ordinance read by title upon the !'g11 fir ,'..,. ,I: V(—'7 (I1). On ect.ton Rag,, er:n tiger: c•ra-.d rind finnl nannare upon the call of the � 1E' - •--,.. ... _:.'fiiT- (:,k lt. 'C!' tJl'"v 01• .n it _ v f:.... :.a'..• rq'l _r .. •r- ,. `• cr:..... ri^t:^. 't,:• viSle ❑pr'•r !r'� • .. .. ,C re' .. .. '. , .. _ ..4:':3��, -:,•_ .. •!, a �. eF, _> Proceedings of _. BOARD OF COUY+CIL:,.hN .-City of Paducah FERE'i'1 °Y- 21, 1922. Member north read a resolution entitled "A PFSOLUTION PCOVIT11I, FON "HF P'P'-'(' ^.'ENT OF FIFTEEN'T'H STREET FROb. 'PHE EOUTII PROPERTY LINE, OF BROi.i!'f:Y STFE:ET TO aF's1`:` 1 0^.. ^ i ccrfacc T8t?: T? = NORTH PROPERTY LI11F: OF KENTUCKY AVFX TF IN THE CITY OF P+!DIJCAH, KEI'TUCKY, BY +: to "cv. Ave THE CONSTF'UCTION OF A 1!,'.rD :�URFACE R0f•TJ;:AY, TOGETHER '.'ITP, ALL VECESSARY MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, INTAKES r.11 SL::ER PIPE CONNECTIONS AND ALSO CURBS AND GUTTERS OF EITHER CONCRETE Oji GI'vi'TS'r:, IN ACCORDaNCE h.I.TH PLANS nND SPECIFI,I&TIONF PROVIDFD TR;:-dFOw 1Y TH'. CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OC.'NERS AND PRO- VIDIIG THAT SUCH COSTS IIAY BE PAID UITDER THE: PROVISIONSOF THE TEN YFAF Pts Y1:ENT PLAN." On motion same t%•as given first passage upon the call of QC- roll:Yeas(11) On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion same was given second and final passr[?e upon the cell of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read a resolution entitled "A RL-90LUTION PROVIDING FOP THE r.!PROVF,- 1'TXT OF HIGH STREET FROr THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BROAD"AY STREET TO THE SOUTH rolut.ion. PPOPEgTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE: CON- su^"rce Rir'h . "M to STPUCTION OF A HARD SUEFACL ROAD'li:Y, TOGETHER "'IT}I ALL NECESSARY CUFFS AND GUTTERF, InNHOL-_ES, IND.KES, CATCH BASINS AND SLT:ER PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN ACCOFP�.I:CE : 401. No.. - Proceedings of . no:,'=^ GE' Col 'c.IL•!..FN City of Paducah rl::Rgti,%- Y _21, 1927. yeTbe- Kerth rend a resolution entitled "A RhSOLUTION PPOVIDINC FOR THE: cp^n:':•'c„.. h.�...�•.... i'' '•OtiTH 1JXTH 'TRF:.T F'ROTTHE >'OU'fh PI'6Pl•;'TY LINT; OF TENVESSEE: STREET frcr Tcrr. T{) ... 6OR':H—,-)re?=TY LITE OF Cl.<,T'C ',THPA-T, IN THE CITY OF' PP.DIICfH, KENTUCKY, BY ao ..ark. T9T Cl?N`�T�'tl%TION OF A HARD SIMFACE FOPTI:'AY, TOCETHI-P "'l iii ALL 1:EC1? °FHP MiNHOLES, INTAK73, C:'.TCH RASONS, AND Sn.`.111 PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN ACCO".DANCE WITH PLAITS ATID F'OV1D!`M '1FETi-FOR BY TIE' CITY hNGINEER, AT THE COST OF THF WITTING e p"OPERTY 0-711:11 : "P P-OVIDIIIC THr.T SUCH COSTS Mi,Y BE PAID UNDER THE PROVT"IONR OF THN TRT: Y:•i,n p: vzc•T,T pi,,LT•." , On motion snme e:"s riven first passage upon the call of the roll: On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion same was given second and final passnlae upon the call of the roll: Yens (11). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PPOVIDING FOR THE: If PROVE- T OF GI'-ri^IF AVEVUE FROK. 'PIIS NO^'TH PFOPERTY LINE OF THE %r:YF'IF.LD ROAD TO THE INTEF-: ^r"iu-ion. ^"C�70T: OF T:IT'PTFE2I' li STRXKT; NINETERNTH STREET FROG. THE INTERSECTION OF GUTHRIE AVEVUE .t.. `;�,, "• !.. i"' YERi� LINE. OF BROAD:Y.Y STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR '!'ION OF ,: HHRD STIFFACE POt,I7;ihY, TOGETHER '"I TH 1,LL NECESSARY rANHOLF,S, IE'^1PhES, "r;R PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE 'ITH THE: PLANS AND SYECIFTCATI01'S THI 'R=FO' BY THE CITY i:2:GIIi•;LR, AT THE COST OF ThE ABUTTING PPOPFFTY O:CFERSq "I THAT SUCH COIzTe t'AY HE PAID UNI' -.F THE P`:OVISlONS OF Tl TEN YEAP Pi,"f:FET, On rotlon same lens riven first nassa?e upon the call of the roll: On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of *.he roll: Yens (11). On mbtion acme eras riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: 'eHr (11). `are read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PNOVIDING FO" THE ^r'T` .1,F".C? 'f'. P 0t';.;:TY LINE OF GUTHRIE AVFNUE'TO TEII? E[.F ' '-i: cT' vi Y`DGC;, , xlti2:'CUCICY, BY TRY: CO2:. Pl' :02, .,� .. ._ _7"�, ... i, ST r , 7, ;",:RY b'ANHOLMIS, INTAKES, Ca'PCH nr,sr.: ,.2'D SPFCIFICtTIOUS PPOVIDED ?;l :TING PFOPERTY WNF:RS, altii No._ 402-• - -- — — --- -- Proceedings of _r'('_:"D GF COVECILVEN City of Paducah --.FEEil ur LY 21,. 1927... Or. motion the tales were suspended and resolution rnad by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion spine was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINAi:CF1 PROVIDING POP THE III - OF 13TH STREET F!'OV THE VORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JT:F:-ERSOF. STI'EET TO THE Orlin^nee, .Teff. Nii PROPF;RTY LINE OF d'017ROti STREET; T'Ot??OF °TNE:ET FROM. TRF '.'ERT F(OPISi'TY LIVE 17th froT to *1orroe; 7'onroe fro^ 12th to 12th; OF 12111 STR.F:HT TO THE. E..ST PROPERTY LINE: OF 13TH STREET; 12THSTREET FROt° THE 1?th from *'say. to l(Y• r.ve. SOUTH PIOPERTY LI14F OF BROAIX'.i,Y TO THE NORTH PROPEF'.TY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE i � IF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BE It'.PROVED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF t- HARD SUPFACE ROAM -AY, IN ACCORDANCE '.':ITH THE PLANS :iND FFECIFIC!i"'IONS PROVIDED THERE- FOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER 6T THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O'.'YhFS, AND PRO- VIDING THi:T SUCH COSTS VAY BE PAID UNDER THE: PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEF.R PAYMENT PLAN." On motion sane was given first nassbec upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion same was Given second and final passirge upon the call of the I roll: Yeas (11). ; Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PPOVIDING FOR THE IMPROVE- l'r I:T OF 1102TH FOURTH STREET FROh THE SOUTH PPOPERTY LINE OF MADISON STPSM TO THE f^err. NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLAY STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE inc.r: to Clay. CO!1'�TRUCTION OF A HARD ^URF'dCE RM T.'AY, TOGETHER :"ITH ALL NECESSARY VANP.OLES, IN- TAKES, CATCH BASINS LIM SE'aiR PIPE COMECTIONS, IPI ACCORD:a:C! vaTH flips AND SPECIFIC:;TIONS PRCVIDE:D TBEREFOIr BY THE CITY PXGINL•'ER, AT THE COST OFTHE :,BATTING P^OFF.P.TX 07NF7S AND PROVIDING THhT SUCH COSTS VAY RE PAID UNDFR THE FROVISIONS OF THi: TEN YE:,1? Pi.Yl..'hNT P1.01." On motion sbn.e was Fiven first passnre upon the call of the roll: Yeas On motion the rules were suspended and recolution read by title upon the cull of th? roll: Yens (11). On c.otion sar.e pas riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: 'rr:, (11). n,!- reed a resolut,iea entitled "A PISSOLIiTION PROVIDING FO" TPF 3F01`1'TY LINE, OF FOUPTH STrcFT -,C, •_llf,; I?' ;i+; CITY OF P, DUCAH, KENTUCF"Y, E'0" "F:!• v, MI ^,fb.i' ' I'PH r LL N'c:ChSs,."1' S; 1.t ROI F T(itlS, IN ACCOF D. -INCE. !:ITY F.t:GI1:lFR, AT Tf: i' i(`T F :Si 1 te. r;Tr.R ME G : c c' 1;; : a`.e --:t river: fir'!t ra,:aorr: upon i e nr, l,l r.:f tie roml: r-ot'.cr r+.lr we" nrr,^r 1•.:1 nn i rea,.i by +i' le uren •�-:.. "'c e`. ;+ .. SeChr.'3 !,n"l 4r,1 r89`i'r-o upon t'f. nail of No, 6t':'. Proceedings of. _Bow" of colalciulvi1 City of Paducah FF. BRII:,SY.21, 1927. Yember "erth read a resolution entitled it RESOLUTION Pt•OVIDING 1•10F THE O'r '71'11.'TH •`1TPEE^1 FRO1; THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE: STREET TO THE :! S or. No -,F F^OFE?TY L2177 OF BRT'E1HE'Ir. AVENUE; BERNHE.IA:• AVENUE FROM THF. ";ESIT PROPERTY LINF: i;. T -IIF -H ".Torr' TO ',11th' BAST FFOPFFTY LIVE OF 13TH STPEE:T, IN THE CITY OF 1'AUUCAH, KvN,•'TCr", FOR THE CON='TTTCTION OF A MiRD SUFFF.CE TiO.AD"AY, TOGETHER ':'ITE iLL NECESSARY IFTA ;F. Cd'PCIi BASIL'S AND SE"'ER PIPE: CO11t1ECTI01?S, IN ACCORDANCE: :"ITH THE PROVIDED TFTE;R 1'OR BY TTE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE: CO ---T OF THE 9:1:*T 211M P".�1}1:.--'�' C:-';P_t",S, AND PROVIDING THdT SIKH COSTS b'.AY BE PAID UNDER THF; P. OVI"IONS PLAN." On motion same was riven first passarc upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion same 'abs riven srcond and final passare unon the call of the roll: ',.'eas (11). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTIOT; Pf?OVIDING FOP THE ILiPROVEVENT OF T''.I1'T�LF `:T?EET BY THE CONST'r'UCTION OF CONCRETE SIDE7.LLKE C;1 BOTH SIDES THEREOF FROM. PPOPEPTY LINE OF 9TH STREET TO THL•' EAST PPOPFIRTY LINE OF 10TH STREET, AND OF n!D' THEP:•.OF FROM THI- ".:T?ST YF'OPEF.TY LINE OF 10TH STPEET TO THE EAST PROPERTY r.. t7 16T'r STF.F."T AT'D 01' THE MORPH SIDE THEREUF FROM THE T'E"T PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH T. '.7T CORNER OF OAK GROVE CET!ETERY, EXCEPT THE INTERSECTIONS HERETOFORE. :�7 '; EXCE-"f MH T PORTION THEREOF ABUTTING CALIXMLL PARK, TMICH HAS HERETOFOSE " -..'I 1"i "OVE;D; LLSO BY TAE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCr'E•TF. GUTTERS ,IM CURBS OF RITRFIn CON- fF, ACCO"DING TO BID ACCEPTED, FROV THF. WEST PROPERTY LINE: OF 9TH STREET -0 , .? tT'4PE:"'."Y LIFE OF 10TH STREET, TOGETHER '•.ITH ALL NECLS'ARY MIJNHOLE:S, ITITAKF£, 10,: 1,.70 DRIVL::'::'f.^., Ii: Ti?K CITE' OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN ACCOI::PMYCX "'ITP F:. ;'_1 '_C-TIOIIS PIOVIDED THEREFOR BY TEIE CITY ENGINEER OF SAIF CITY, PT 0 ; ?:RS, PND P"OVIDING TWT SUCH CO°.T YAY BE PAIri r- - ;:as river. first passage upon the cull of the roll: Yeas(11). Cn n. .. r. t:".e :,ales were suspended and resolution rend by title upon the call :an ri er. second and final nass,,ee upon Lbe call of the roll: Yr.us (11). r•,•^�:' it,n r•r.tltled "F. ''OL.UTION P*;OVIDING FOR THF: I6'P1-30VF1.'F,NT I•.., t .D "TRFFT TO THE "'F''T PPOPERTY 1. f rPOT' T11- COY"T'ACTION OF A ... ... .,f I. :'.-<.�`, I. .:.f: �. .:, C;•.TCh E:,^iiiS Io; 1'-nvir*:D rr, etrn ,•-r:. 'aG.. ..i ,�r.> ffn. La^.' -n, Br. f'. `}.n. Cnll �^ •. fid,'; tI'1' rul'c.were 1::1 tit.ir• Villin tht ^az-. aaa 71*;e_n =.e,o,ni eni ",nal r-asna a upon. ... ce,ll of the roll. 7C vr' (l`), ven't,,er !.@:"t:: HY.1ti�^. f<'!:6- er..:. �.q+•:.T. Proceedings of zo;•Rp OF courclu-7,x No... 904. ---'-- — City of Paducah __FER?DiFY 21, 1927. ".ember Johnston offered motion that the City Solicitor be instructed to brim... in a resolution for hard surface on Kentucky Avenue from 10th to 15th Street. i;c. .:ve• fro-: if-? .c 15te: 'Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to refer to the Lirht & ':aster Committee, petitions for street lights at 22nd and Jefferson Streets, and Ashbrook and Bridre Street. .t nr.^hrecr &nl Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). ;..t, Same offered motion to refer to the Fire Chief and City Engineer, report ,�enort of Fsducah of the Paducah C:atcr Company of crater mains laid and fire plurs located. under "'rater Corrreny. date of February t E: 20th, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to refer to the Public Improvement Committee end Street Committee, petition from citizens, requesting the opening of 25th Street in -i rrr.vel'_:-:- and Fradinr- and graveling of same from Tennessee Street to Elm Street; also for 25th St.frc.r 'ern. `.o _ street lights and water mains on 25th Streit end street light at 24th and Jones. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). i. at ].'ember Stewart offered motion that the Public Improvement Committee be authorized to have plastering on malls of City Hall repaired. Adopted on the --7Ha II wsils• call of the roll: Yeas (10). Vember Owen offered motion to receive and file report of the Riverside Hospitul. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to receive and file Engineer's Estimates for work '.Ione by the Koller Plumbing Company on Sewer Sones hos. 2 and 4, prior to February 1st, 1927• Adonted on the call of the roll:. Yeas (10). Eember Duvall offered motion to receive and file communication from Alfred 7.arren relative to purchasing lot from the City at 6th and Terrell Streets. on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). !'ember Jacobs excused from meeting. ?.ember Arummett offered motion to concur in the action of the. Board 0^a;. niece or of Alderr:en instructing city solicitor to proceed vith nroper action in low for ;'enlela:+m Cere- t"ry• %:aressinc the property of Chas. Rieke or G'aplelewn Cemetery for street imnrovemerts on 15t%: ^street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: P:atson, brurrmett,, Cridey, East ar,d 1.atticon (5). Pays: Duvall, Johnston, Owen aand Stewart (4). Vemtwv Johnston offero4?_motiun to refer to the Mayor and City Solicitor, the matter of purchasing strip of ground in alley from 7'i11 and Jessie :cr.cr.`.r: '.•..i 6lviu and Oeorr,ia Iinrven on Flournoy between 13th end 16th ;,trretr,• cr 11. of th,, roll: Yeas (9). c.f ferc.l motion ':e cne,,r in the action ot• the Bode-;? of 'Ider—n i:. Y•:••;:.: ',. Fren',fr•nt. of Yo«h. Boanic, the matter of selling lot at ith t-,-! ".'erred to Georre. Cuter, dqF°ae<t or, she: vell of the toll: Ycsa (9). r Rn;,—!tt offered roticn to noneur in the action of the Board Iderrer !n ,.. tr_is.Sr.- -., i.ity :'clinitor to hrinr in (,:I ordinsmce rerrittlnr Fsc.,r:] of i ft.l.i^ ':or✓s to fix capE't: to Cl: raid to all at.raet. ea•rloyeen exeunt :r: rF.c••.r. ._[:rt upon, the. c.311 of too- :0'i: Yee,s: br,ann:et', r.:uv,+ll :rd .. ,. :;,.�. :: cr.n, ..e ., t.a'.•irr.r, ..:':ar. .. ! ..^.t:eaart. (`�). '.er.iet. .- . •F'.G'ra s... EP..: '•.i,T, 1 0.C. /.p .. !!. .._ het SCr: C.!' ^t r. r:)ri rd of t ....... .. ,. -..ti:: ••,. F,:m,'Ut c'.er l:osrer.y ¢c lay Its Watt .... / ..''... _ �f. `. °.' .. .. ... ..YEG..a tr, i'al:^ 5see .arta— rre.^ 4th p'ionte'1 No - Proceedings of no oy cor.;.c' L: ` City of Paducah 3,',,.`Y 21, 1927. Fembcr Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the A w+rd of aie:^er. In accent:inr. the report of the Treasurer of partial settlement made vrith I Koller Flumbing Company, on Sewer gone No. 5 contract, and authorising the clerk to ism:e ::arrant or. the Treasurer for ;;48362.39, amount due contractor, same charged ,-o lower %one ?.o. 5. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). t'ember Johnston. offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aide ^ on in accepting the report of the Treasurer on sale of the ClemFnts Street Improverent Ponds, and the settlement made with the D. J. Ryan Construction Company; -r. Co. Also authoriainp the Clerk to issue warrant on the Treasurer for 4172737.92, amount due contractor, on Contract No. 2. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Yemher Brummett offered motion to concur, in the action of the Board of s 4lderr.en in accenting deed from George 17. Greif for strip of ground at 29th and JackFcr .rrr. Streets. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Bamber Duvall offered motion to concur III the action of the Board of Aldermen ir aliowing refiner claims for '10101.01; Spedial claims 4251.63. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen ..1; i allowing the recular monthly pay roll for x;8071.80. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion rpeeting adjourned. 1927. PFLSIi;7:T 110;YD OF COUJ,CILP:fP:.