HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 393, February 7, 1927No. Proceedings of '0-. Cr Ct?iT CIL:'Lsl City of Paducah . - r;.n,� T111, 1927,. . At a rerulnr mectinr of the Board of Cotincllmoc2 held on the Third Floor of the city Hall, 121 the City of Paducah, Kentucky, February the 7th', 1927, Fres-dent -atson Presided, and upon the call of the roll the following anscared to their nnrr,a; "'etson, Brnmmett, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, Fast, Jotutston, Kerth, L:attison, Cwer. and Stewsrt.,(11). II nutes of the previol:s meetinp, were read. I'emhct• Duvall offered motion to re -consider action on ordinance is re39tinr to public wharf and wharf master of the City of Paducah, which lost first rt• rasnarc at a regular meeting held January the 17th, 1927, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeao (11). Yinutes of thr previous meeting were adopted as chenf-ed. I:ember Duvall offered motion to refer to the Street Committee and Re-snrfrc- Finance committee, communication from the Mayor relative to re-surfecirp Kentucky innAvenue from 6th Street to 9th Street; Broadway from 5th to I.C.F,.R,tracks• Jefferson; f err 6 from 5th to I,C,R,?,tracks; 6th Street from Broad: -,Py to Jefferson and 7th and 9th tc Streets from Jefferson to [;entucky Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(11). tc, I`cmber Kerth offered motion to receive and file communication froz C. Duran, Iirector of Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, relative to Sanitary Sewers Cnr '•ones 6, 7 and 7"A". Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to receive and file communication from the Payor r-rl»t'ive to the resisnetion of J. V. Reed, as member of the floardloP Plumbing Examiners. '.ed on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ,:ember !':girth offered motion to concur in the action of the L;ayor `.' nrrc:'s,cS.r.: r'.3. S. Greif as a member of the Board of Plumbing Examines, to fill the xrt term/ of Jas, Y. Reed, resigned. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ,ale offered motion to receive and file the communication from the as ;•r,r re"fin*.i•te `:o the term of Dr, Allen Shemwell and Schultz Riggs ,rembers of the Bcard exr,rirs; January the 1st 1927, ?'ember 0•er- offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the .;e to fro. Lens T'Ickus, heirp t!r•anteq a fre:e lleense, as candy mnnurecturcr, ofrul].: Yeas (11). eraer Oc^n of' -, red motion to corcur in the recomn:endat:ion of the for u,tt:07:nh3 1_ P licen.a e for Oscar Price For use of :'+inn •: - or• arty crners for *he Roard of Lquelization, same t.c Ldcnted on the call of the roll: Yeas(ll). ion to receive and fl Is communication .Pro.- rr^. of the Friendless, tltan;tinp f-iless - - .. -.. - _. i'�=; c%nntruct.Son of sewers, *ewer on P :•c-:. :;: �',.:.. - vent. ."'� • ... 't.cP nn•i • trance f;crci!!eP, cc•rr ,..._::• fr::. �- - .. .. .-.. 2r..-. .. "err..r,r..t ,,..;.harry, 2.,,].•,rSCe _' fue^1 aur?acins'cracssee _,;`PC+. ,..r,_ , On 'be Dull. ye -r. �^: °O .. .: 'rl 311,,:° •r.tr IlVe •-rmt-ger Jazr.;: � P.:.�e i�.!, ;yeF•.':. . a Proceedings of _BG-•__- eF_cGe:xz a: City of Paducah No. -=9'_ __ . . FEBi.L•,'.CY 7.TH,.1927,-- S:e:mber berth offered notion to refor to the Finance and Street ..: .'•:•3 St. Committee, the matter of ro-surfecinr Third Street frcn. Jefferson to Broad btreet, to and Bro:,d Street from 3rd to 4th Streets, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yfl!?s (12). Lember Perth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE F!:F't'nlNC !,11D C-1'':7, SECTIO',: 16 OF FlN ORPINAt:CF. RELATING"TO THE PUBLIC Y.HARF CAP ':'.RARF PASTER OF TV' CITY OF PADUCeH, KFAMICKY, ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL APRIL 21ST;1908. On motion srime :R's river. first passepc ';pon the call of the roll: (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the cell of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth offered motion to refer to the License Committee and City Solicitor an ordinance relating to retailing merchandise from railroad cars by non -itinerant mercha:•nts. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same read.an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE CPFia.TING THE CF FICE - OF W?ALT_H OFFICER, IN THE CITY OF PAPUCAH, KENTUCKY; PRESCRIBING THE SALARY HE IS TO RECEIVE A14D THF: DUTIES FIE IS TO PBRFORf%" Or motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion the rules were suspended And ordinance reed by title upcn the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was riven second and final pasnare upon the cell of the roll: Yeas (12). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REF; LI1,TG Al' g7,, Ier. tTITh i ..!•:" ::, c T ORDINRIXE CRF,;,TING TRI, OFFICES OF CIT4 PHYFICIAN AND AL90 "v v- ^4r•i G.'LIN::hCE, :.;, sar,Ci`; " JsSairq CZ.^.T,i:T CITY PHYSICl,'N IN THE CITw OF PnlUCAH, KENTUCKY, PRE°CkIEING THE TERM ANF) [.UALIFIC-TIOUS AND COVPF Si."'ION OF Si -ID OFFICES." On motion same- teas riven Cirrt pannare upon t.ho call of the roll: Ye:,n (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upcn +.h^. fall of the r, 11: Yeas (12). Or .notion snrnf: was riven second and final passare upon the call of 'kc rc l: Yeas (12). 'acme read an ori #range en'..itled "AN OPDIN%.NCE C° eTlti^ THF .T 6 'G Ui 7'rEi 1: "di• (.I'_. OF y:.It'CI.H, RT.:DCKY, AND FFKFCRIT(IN.G IR':. ZF'I';.-.IO!i; i,t Glumyr!ii. .IS:I: 0 ...'.T:' Ci'''ICh:." Gr. _ _' icn r. -e xea rivt+r: f !r,;i, pen•ape upon t! -,e c,':l (.n ' etien .aha Fere nu r,.n-lt 1 an! brt';--nnra• r -.n ! :]!:fin n J.^. GI'7 oar. i !inn 1. r f... LT,nB ", i1 Na.. . aq s . Proceedings of -o''• 7 Q" - City of Paducah FhBRUA-PY 7TH, 19217. 1:erth res -1 an or U nence entitled "AY 0 DIW410E P','OVI DIX F01' TPP (W ". T, 1-701? THF CITY HALL, 114 'PHE GITN' OF' Pi--I'UCAF, KY117UCKY, '.`HO 'YLL -03" x117^ CMVTIiOL OF VIE, TVAYOR OF ",'.ID CITY; AND PRESCRIBING COT'V`,­: 7 1011 OF S'.IT) OFFICE. Or. Tno."ion same urns riven first passage upon the call of the roll:Yeas (12). On irrticn the rules were sunpended and orrlinsnce read by title upon the roll of 'he Poll: yeas (12). On motion zrt7.-^ *.,,s given second and final pansaCe upon the call of the roll: Yen-, (12). Fare read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE CRFATING su.,.'ER ZONE #7"1", IN ^711-D171�Ml "A" OF `,A­IT;,^Y DI7T1'ICT #3, IN THE CITY OF F'i-')11CAH, KET711-ri:V, 7 1 -D S,,NITAPY SEVER.". IN COVRTT FlOVIDI'M 7, CONSTI _-TION 01 T6M,! AN ;ED FO "B' IN 75` C0177 OF Ili i'iPFRTY O!"NERS 111,hrEIY, t.11D P1,CV7DI1'G TFfT TiID `�7 (;O;`T-VC7"D Vjjj)BR 71 11POVISIONS OF VIE TEV YLAV PAVVENT FLAT:, AND Air ST1?-,_-'ETS AND ALLEYS ALONG ..ND UNDER 171ICH .' ID SF," -ER STWLL BE CCNFT1'rCTEj.), -:1) SuTTI1M OUT IN GENERAL TFPVS THE P70PEITY BEKEFITTI,D TPETO-BY ;ND SUBJECT TO ASSF.SS- 717 ?AY"ErT OF T111F. COST OF ZPV.R." Or, motion same ems given first passage upon the cell of the roll: (1l). Vember Jacobs not voting. On motion the rules were susnended and ordinance read by tttle upon tia -11 of the ro:!: Yeas (11i. ;.ember Jacobs not votint.,. On motion same %,.ras given second nd final passage upon the call of the. r(.1.1 '::.as (11). Kenber Jacobs not voting. Ve-mber :,,.rth off -.red motion to refer to- Lhe Finance Committee and Com-nitteo, resolutions for hard surfacing 15th Street from Broadway to Kentucky, rje ,vcnue fro!r, Road to 19th z4reet; 19th Street from Guthrie t- Y: Jz-r'. ): Street from Guthrie Avenue to 21st Street; North 6th qa Ztrcet'q; Clay Street from 4th Street to 9th Strcot:,,; :street to (,It -.y _➢treet and %uth 6th Street from Tennessee on the cell of the roll: Yet -a (11). Lember Jacobs n offered motion to refer .;o the City Engineer ori -I Fire cc f` ­r Company under dote of January the 28th, 1927, local -Ad• ld,,Pted an the call of the roll: Yee r f, to re -f,!; !.o the Light 6- Zater Committee, petitions Tenneonce Street fro,, :Itrftnts. i.4onte(l on thi> Holl 6r 7 S r Proceedings Of "-'_ i' °i': C0i'`- ='' ._City of Paducah.F.EBRUIFy_ 7TH, 1927. T."ember Kert.h offered motion that: the matter of asscnsinc the pro- perty of Chns. Rieke for Vaplelavm Cemetery, for street improvement. on 13th Street, be referred to the Boarl of Public t•:orks, Street Committee. and Sewer Committee. Adopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (12). wember tinttison offered motion that the "ity of Paducah trent deed v Oak Grove ierretery for the wast half of Lot No. 37, Block 4,/to George T.iat•sha'll, and the east half of Oak Grove Cemetcr, Lot T'o. 37, Block 4,7to Edna T:ocl, fyor the sum of ';37.50. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Johnston offered motion that the President of each Board appoint three members of each Board to investigate the cost of street markers for the City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). sor.c'-�:`•'t• Johnston, Jacobs and Oven appointed. ;.ember Oven offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in authorizing the Vayor to issue a cash warrant for expense to Frankfort torr.^to tort o;;ra• cr.=e, for arguing the Sewer case before the Court of Appeals. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). &ember Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in referring to the Street Committee letter from George Guier, relative to purchasing a lot from the Cit- at 6th and Terrell Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen authorizing Street Lirhts placed at the intersectionsof 11th and Finley Streets; 19th and Broadway; 25th and Jeckson; 10th and Boyd and Yayfield Road and t"heeler. Avenue. i+dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of - Aldercen in adoptinr, a resolution directing. the Paducah '.•tater Company to lay its water mains on 11th Street from Boyd to Flournoy Streets; North 22nd street from TrlTble to l.ildred Streets; Terrell Street from 10th to 6th Street:; and ...Adison Street from 14th to 15th streets. [:dopted on the call of the roll: •lees (12). Znme offerers motion to concur in the act.i.or, of the Board of Aldermen relAt,ive to :;99.04 rower ,assessment against the Mothers, Club, be paid by the City. ^-der+.e,i on 'he call of the roll: Yeas (12). i:r-^.T2r nrur.:mett offered motion to concur in tho •,otter• of the f;o�r•ri r•:•r !r. }�orizinr +hr ?'reesurer to pay Koller Plumbin: (,cepuny, ;48164.:55, sc,ver l.e!ersls in zone Fc. 5. Also autborizinr7rr reyo:• end 3 7 7. f# .•wfi „ .^ '.n tr.•arr orira.cd r n! sell rcnda in the amount of7^"kwF f,?or?:ea a: .. .._ ..(' `• pea.:. •(r.aa rr: offrred r.:a:A or. to concur in the action of iho Poeri of "r•cr:surer ac une tl,e amount of ;4321.96, -tur the City l:Pr Plua.oirc ry in %rne No. 5, by che.ckinr a+da':e loot. r2 s: hC .. of `,}-:+' on ha No. Proceedings of. soy: -r Qi.-- I,,, h, T;, ,•,i City of Paducah 7TH, 1017.- _ d,? '. -..-tuber Cri'-c.r offered motion to ecir:,rr in the action of the Ponvd of A14erm.en is referrin;, to the 4oninia and Planning Commission, deed from George 717. I—If and :.Annie Greif, for stain of ,g -round for the extension of 24th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Yember 3.erth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of n in receiving .enc', filing communicati6n from, Black 8: Veatch to the Board of o_ks, in regard to account for engineering, on sewers. Adopted on the cell of Yeas (12). L.ember Gri:i(r offered motion to concur in the action of the Board! o.f r13er+:Pn in referring, to the City Solicitor, request for Poll Tax refund for Harold gn, lde:n.ra Glisson. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Vember Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the '?oared of Alderoen in extending the time of the Equalization Board forty-five days. '.don'_ed on the c211 of the roll: Yeas (12). Yember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board. of Aller -Len in allowing Black & Veatch, „11860.21, same charged to Special Sevier for new zones, i.donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of rr r.'_dcrren Allowing Black & Veath :1791.02, same charged to Relief Sewer No. 2. j,donted on 'he call of the roll: leas (12). L:ember Dutall offered mation to concur in the action of the Board of ;-Idermen in receiving and filing Treasurer's report of final settlement vfith tdans and Gholson for street improvement on 24th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'fear Member (,rider offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard of Aldermen in accenting renort of the Treasurer of collections on the D. J. Ryan er'v:tion Cr -nosy Contract 11o. 2, for pavinr Clements Street, and authorizing : 1 settle^r;rt upon the sale of bonds covoring ten year agreement. Also authorizinr +'-.• ^a rrr v t ,r raasurer to l ave printed and sold, bonds in the amount of ;;,12597.13. ' L cn of roll: Yeas (12). offered motion to concur in the action of the Roard of in all,.+Sr. W. Rouce '1305.60, vf, me charged to Island Creek Bridge Fund. r;n tn- r•nll of the roll: Yeas (12). ^amo cf!•r•red motion to ccr:cur in the action of the Board of �,d•ierr,:e❑ r,ii.crvir.g 'air Cacrr.i+:r'e Fund .,P,9.81. e,dcr.ted on the call of the, roll: Yeas(12). offer+sd r._�.'a:r tr, ,:r.razr Sr: the action of the Roard of in alloar,np D. J. ;hyen (;cr; • r.,' ..... - <.rar, USP.6.55, balance on Centract 1. Z'UrfAe'nr Fri'i•e '.tra_et, C, :'�" Cr ....cegi. -treat Iv*r:rovement Fund. on th raI1 of the roil: if.aa (zo). Offered nOtior• to o„near 7r. t:;e, action of the Rof,rd of claimo In ti.. hmour' Of l3✓0.55; soee;el clf,in:a In the . ._ ”, r•�d moticr, in ':he a;etion a,, ' i..• ?pn r• i - - ....f 31.6 ;C,rac1 cn eha cellof the roil. Yeas (19 r iA Proceedings of _ . Bo.- D OF c0_Utx-. i-,, N City of Paducah 1' v 7 , 7, 1927 _ fembor Korth offered motion to refor to the Finance Committee and Street Committee, resolutions for hard surfacing 12th Street from Trimble to Bernheim; Bernheim from 12th to 13th Streets; Caldwell Street from Twelfth Street to Tenth Street; Tenth Street from Caldwell Street to Tennessee Street; Tennessee Street from 3rd to 2nd Street; High Street from Broadway to Jefferson Street. ;.iso a resolution for sidewalks on Trimble "treat from 9th Street to 16th Street, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). j Pember Kerth read an ordinance entitled "All OFDI(a.IdCR FFOVIDING THAT j TRF: 0":NhHS OF I: 12`0VED REAL ESTATE IN SANITARY 'ZONES ONE r:ND THREE, IN THF CITY OF PADJCAH, KKITUC!',", :.2:D I17 ALL OTHER SANITi:HY SF:'."LR ZONES IN Fi.ID CITY SHALL P:ITH- IN P '7'TY-FOUR 1'ONT11S FROt:; TH'• TIIE OF COMPLETION CF THF SYgTEN OF SANITARY OR COMBINED STOFI tifD Se.i'ITAFY SE', RS, I. ANY OF SAID 201... , CJi;ivFCT SAID It'} _.- ' 11TH THP: SANITARY S'r."ER IN S ID 7.ONES; AND PRESCP19TNG A PEP'ALTY FOR ='.NY VIOL+,TION HEREOF." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same vias lciven accord and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board ... of Aldermen. of January the 17th, 1927, in allowing the claim of Ars. J.V.Slauchter for `;:78.00 for use of Ford car in Fire Department. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in referring., to the Kentucky Utilities Company, petition from citizens on Guthrie Avenue from "C" Street to 21st Street for extension of ass mains. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). tember Johnston offered motion that the matter of refund or, street asses- ent. of A. Butler on Clenents Street, be referred to Street Com-:ittec and City Engineer. Adopted or the cell o(' the roll: Was (12). r'eetinr, re-cessed at 10:00 o'clock P. I.%, to ro 7r4c .Toint :'ession. tie-dcnver.<;d at 10:15 o'clock P. k., and on motion a.cetjAIE adjourned. ":15:7. APT'FOVED: