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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 39, April 21, 1924.. '. .:F' ...r... .. No. _39. _ Proceedings of__o..Tip w,_h TI1''=7, —City of Ata re�nlax lactim- of o Cw7n) : 11:..:7, ha1?1 on thr- third floor of that , city IS'.Lt. in ,1:<i City 0" .: ll;d']h, •.y•, 071 ...all'._;, _,Li'1i :.:?C e.1:1 t, 192 r., .I Y• _' . •u az .:r i:y tr:'si lint :iattS. t Ur'on th.. c-11 of oh - roll the to 1:^'i.r 11 d4 -s: .. .ttJ, 13 r) '!^'. ... , .... , Cri.let , Jacobs, .":"r tl, :.•aoon, Lort icon, 0,,!. n, 3l '_'.... -r r, ;(iCa1' :11) „t° i t. i :..1:+i1.ti'.d 0`. •''. i' ., -Gin:' Of April t;L 7th, 192'1:, "1rl'C. u.ionted :tj Ci: A. That Lb.•.'. com.'uni.L7T.i On from tih' L.:,:T01', in 1• ,.rd referred to the Joint I,i,ht a ,pater Com.:.iitte,,. ­lOGt':.? on th,< c:ll of the roll b :n foll...iil-'iote: Yr::,:,. (12)• :_e::lber Jacobs of-_: rcd motion that the corz.:nnicat-ion _roll: i::lr: Layor in ri: and . Jc'"h icCFadden, be received and. the Chief of the. Fire Des,?rtr.,.iat, be itlsth":Ctnd L.c adder to :ror' April the 2,nd, 19.'2.4. 1 <. r.hz:r ::oo'r_ran offered an amendment to the fore,.oin, motion that thr a' ove i referred bac%, to the Bolice in.* :ire Committee r,iih por;Pr to act. Adopted j .-on t' -.n cLiil of the roll by the follo-Aii- vote: Yeas: Watts, Lou. (Cno, COelhr,n, l:ri.der+ D, 13on, 0:7Pn (U). 1_'layo: Jacobs, :erth, Ri[-Cleeber,nr, cricer _.._ ::tu!art.(5) f � I ." 't• Laiaon not votinE., Iiember Cochran offered motion to concur in the recomY nd;�tion of the 3oard of I E 1>'r. in rP 2rd to LLr 7..ayor si ninr a contract .lith the United bt_tos _-Public Haa.lth .,vice for operating a Venereal Clinic at Riverside Hospital• r_don_ted on the c -a11 of 'ch, toll h -r th•-+ f0110171nrvote: Yeas: (12). i i 5•;miie offered, motion thL:t the communication from the Board or H::alth in re:�•ard� ". ?_-intir.' i:f:: !nst House,, be refr.rred to the Public Improverr,ent Committee, ':ith i ia3trrctior_a to report back. Adopted os: tih, c,ll of the ,.oll by th. follat-rin- vo.(4: i ) S_-nj of'_er6d motion that the coii:::.unicat ion from the Ini:Pril_.tional i7xOS:I15.1';100(t� , _-ISc rib '..1 .,orer,; be received, and that the: City bolicitor be instructed to illi'- _ � to tl;:- c resi:nt ordinnuce so as to require permits to be obt:zined _ . In_' ecror of s -1 City before insYaalin ^ xxly electric"liriu, . Adnnted _11 0_ roll. Yeas': 12). i r rew5 .,:h ordinance anL"ita••d "Aid 01-MITAIWE ..'?:,'.;bA`_'T?dC 1 CI_'Y 0. rdAUCAfl, i:Y.; :`2::21d, A LIC.I A-_.....� . _ _ lL::'_10:: _.: r.c:0 •" On motion i1i11::< ivev "ir'.:t _. .':11 ,r 'L'i.i:;, 3oil—n0, COchr-n, '.rl:':r, .. .., , ... ' -.... -, .. 11 L -r :J7.. •; tC. _,:irt• (1:). Ul! 111711 O: title upoll ti 11 0 '.- t ... .r.. - ', JO' r' :, �: o:'I:T ��n, CT1.: �•, J .. 'tl: ._ `I'1. J., ':1 ._ ,.. _ .. .. .. ... ... -i 1, i. IiUDlI :�'. exll :S l• ..,. .'ci1 �-. .::�/, , ', � ..a�- ._'71•x' .. 9iL";)^P. '1 1::1)3;1 On .•.._ .. ,' : i. 1;.. 1,. �; _.. ,';r .. . LE!d fed roe, a. Adopted upo . Proceedings of— -'.------City of Paducah 192 .i -..:on i.o I r to ti-.r:�o_rd o,, rlY) is :.or L,_ Ltnj 6treat -e On CJ,3,.: 10th, from ci tiz )I:". �v0t allez, Z,- roll y wove: Y C 1U,i motion-tition from citizens us:in; 1'or jn exLenzion of: zo be referred to Joint ztreet ti:. , c 11 of rho roll.(I ye�,S 2 "A67!0Ilii lido ' enel1 0 !::C:.':::; 7. 0': 01, LMINME STh-17'2 0 i -I 21 ,IDE OF 0j: '.,.--Y 103H 6=7T, 'i0 '2H L L 2, P, 0 R,� NE 2 TH T' 0 11,.- 6 'Old L1H,. 1, RTH -H Y LI 0- y 1'. 0 bTi-E--T, TO . J.q ., GETH"R ,!'--'H .LL !'EME68A::Y IN4A:2- 6 D PIPE CO-.::: C ION IN Hj CITY OF PADUCAji, IN EER oil 6_-% TD pECI-_ IC-,,�I0116 BE FUF-.',%'IbHED _--Y T%7,H E CI'Y ENGIV !-'H PLAN .1N 'SD PROVIDED �;.4j_F SHaLL BE ABUT'_'ING PROI'EaTY 0'7 ERS, Cob'- 0' UPON -1-E 10 YEAR On motion of same, the ordinance was Liven iii r9 upon the call of the roll b,r the folio.,.-inq vote: Yeas: Watts, BouCeno, 0,)c,, j_r,I' -or, 6y icer and btewart. jacobi3, ' erth, 1:ason, 1-orrison, Owen, Ripg'.esberC On a -f th., rnles 'sere susppnded and the ordinance was _ iven passage v - -an, c,11 of roll by thefollovlili,,: vote: Yeas: 'Natts, Boil,ano, Cochran, ::erth, :_;on, T.-orri3on, Owen, RiElEIsberFpr, T.icer aiii -te',rart. (1-') - Or motion s_:;__ Liven second and :incl passage upon the call of thr. roll b in vot 0 ;iarts, Bo11Lc-11o, Cochran, Crider, Jacols, erth, Lias On, 3.1 wart.(12). 61oicer `IOH if' -'0'- reaCi a resolution o.. -_titled "A REbOLU' ',OLLO' IN� STREETS IN '-IF" GI'_'Y 0 ;U.;_H, _Y INC _H_1 Y .11 — - 1..� 20 2H 2�`_1 I' _C'­� `:. -,(;,,:y _,,U� TH to 25- 0ET' ; CLe-,.Z b��z 11 01- 17 to H M L'W (;ij ,o ll'_1H b2 E`T, nn�l 11TH 1TRE-2 F.O:- 10 !N., _ON Oil 19TH bTREET1 Z.D .'0 25TH b,21r _711) 23RD 2 :-.01 _Q7 1�' -"113, 01. BIMADJAY 10 .:5:..T 7 Y -10146 Oi Cl y :I;,: ,:"4 IN AC::'J_ ..... . 10 Y_PL:gid;"On notion of c..1:,;mc4 or,iin_-;noe vote'. Youj'. R -I b icg.r JAvoll old On p ' 1or«u Funj^ -is` to folljvioc i07 Lot! .',,uo6ruTh-F�r....,....,,.,.,,...,,.,.., 45.00 ' Iza�*ntur.......,,...., ...,.,.. ,,..., 68~58 ' -;_,.......................... 57.50 ' .,,^,,,^,,.^^,..^..,,...,.,.,,.,,..l43Y~5O ................ ,,,,,.,,.,........ h5.00' ,,,,^,^^.,.,^^,^^,^,,,........ I4?r.15O' ^�^^^^,.,,,,,^^^^,^.,,,..,,.,, 936.41' �.,..,,.,.,...,...,.,...,,...^ 93^ 60, `^^,^^^,.,,,^,,,,..,.,..,.,^.,.,,^ 302^ 50 �.��' ,.....,....,,.,...,...,.,,°,.,,,, 85^ . ..^,,,...,..^,,...,^..^.,..,.,.,,..^^^^ 6I°50' ^'.. .^,,.,.....,,,'^^^ 57.50/ ' ` �....,,....,...,...,,,,,..,,...,,...,.. I00~00/ �`.,.....,.. I.....,,......,,., -5. TV c..,,...,.,...,........,.... �.r...,.......'..............., ,............ .......... J�-,- .�`,,^^,,,.,.^,.^,.,,.,,.,-,. .``^'`'^^``^'``,..,...,.....,,..,... :�l~/. ,',,^,,,,°,,,,,,,,`, �63l9.�� / �. ^.^'.,,^..,,^^,^.^^..^,^^^, ^ ' ,...^...,,...... ^.^^,^,^^..,,.,.,�.^. .,,..^..^,,.,.^^^,.,,..,,^ � ^ -.,,.,..^,...`'^.,^^.,`.^.^,,^', - ' .^^^.,...,^....^^^^,.,,...,^... ^° .' ^ - ..^,.^'^.,^.,^'.,.,.,.,`.. ^ � ......,.,^,,^,.,,, . .�....�,,.^....,...^..,^...^., / y . , ^ "� _ _iU7�, rr%ivn :b,, -t "bids Cor tor p,winj of Yir~ QW.tinux Cou°l, faintirg rlr* 2, 1 �"« 5 �� , -.rrrd �� ` x\o' dire uu! �ozi�c Cnumfor zo�orcon ittro Yl�ti�;�nrt�U i ion. Stations l, 2 / and 5, ou ��` c^Io^ �., loll i.Ie�o� ' Lr -her l,rKxno nyf"r� ,*4nu tbot Ch, Dnorx of Adwrnen at ,, 'i 7YAr - �Qo oi ':C -�o /� �� �" ?np`/.;' '�\ �t. a� ^�.�i;ioua� hJ tb: 3oor� nr �u''u./il/''u, � Change of � ��`�'' � m 5` c ll o^ ��'� roll. xr ��' ra!l��io vote* Y�uu� oo��r�u ' � meeting nights. ° Dour -no, Wobc so A jh`yr"ldi|, /.`r I.-orrizon offered motion that; the fiudio,,-a of the Joint Fiu-�por Cor-i-ltte"' rp?nrt, be Alo-vo8 and the Clorl: ivatrndte8 to ixuoo prvyr 7:rciot 12 12 to !.r ;L- z,syn,tivp enonutVpn ahomu tkerriu: ' 2 -A er ....,,,....,,..,.,r53,g5/' �nn?ll:a.,,,..,........,l156.8O~ .,.,.,...,...,..,,..,,..,.,. 90.00' z2ic LOS ............................... 464,87/ ,.,,..,,,,,,,,.,,.,..,3�5.85� CIu±so allo'."iod. ����� �'`^li`z 488 YY ~ ` � .�.^,,,,^�,^�.^�^.,. � ziI ...,..,,,,.,..,.,.,,,,...,.,.,.,,~,284.26' 7,.^,'^,^,,,,,,,,,.,^.,..,,..^....,,~,4lO.00� �- sli�o..,...,.,.,..,.,...,.,... 3Y.lO. � lies ,.,...,,.,,.,,,,..,.,,..., 9I.50* ' / f��' . ^�^^.^��.,^.,,,�^.^.,,.�,..,,.,..,,,.., l~S5 � `. / ^,...,..,,.,.,...,,.,..,.,.,.,...... 4.O6� ��' — ~ ' ^````'^..`'`^'``^''.'^^``'^` 4°YO' | :�.- � �z ' `i'�...,., . , , . 85.03 - � ' ` ` ` `` '`'````^`'`^'� i , - � `''�''�^``^^^^`'``'``'^^``^ ° u"- '� � � ���l 889I 6O 2 ,`` W. ��lou,.^.,,,,. `'``^^ } ,..,.., Y5 ` `^^ 6 ^ ! r:' ���°^,`^^''^`^�,,,,^,�,-,..,..- llO^0O/ . ,lips ..... ,,.............. ..,. 49.66' Gane/al Ch'rl�' Account" ....,,,,......,.,,., 530.3I� Costs and :::it,: ,,..,...,,..,..,.,,^,.,,..,., � Too ;5961-n ' 1or«u Funj^ -is` to folljvioc i07 Lot! .',,uo6ruTh-F�r....,....,,.,.,,...,,.,.., 45.00 ' Iza�*ntur.......,,...., ...,.,.. ,,..., 68~58 ' -;_,.......................... 57.50 ' .,,^,,,^,,.^^,..^..,,...,.,.,,.,,..l43Y~5O ................ ,,,,,.,,.,........ h5.00' ,,,,^,^^.,.,^^,^^,^,,,........ I4?r.15O' ^�^^^^,.,,,,,^^^^,^.,,,..,,.,, 936.41' �.,..,,.,.,...,...,.,...,,...^ 93^ 60, `^^,^^^,.,,,^,,,,..,.,..,.,^.,.,,^ 302^ 50 �.��' ,.....,....,,.,...,...,.,,°,.,,,, 85^ . ..^,,,...,..^,,...,^..^.,..,.,.,,..^^^^ 6I°50' ^'.. .^,,.,.....,,,'^^^ 57.50/ ' ` �....,,....,...,...,,,,,..,,...,,...,.. I00~00/ �`.,.....,.. I.....,,......,,., -5. TV c..,,...,.,...,........,.... �.r...,.......'..............., ,............ .......... J�-,- .�`,,^^,,,.,.^,.^,.,,.,,.,-,. .``^'`'^^``^'``,..,...,.....,,..,... :�l~/. ,',,^,,,,°,,,,,,,,`, �63l9.�� / �. ^.^'.,,^..,,^^,^.^^..^,^^^, ^ ' ,...^...,,...... ^.^^,^,^^..,,.,.,�.^. .,,..^..^,,.,.^^^,.,,..,,^ � ^ -.,,.,..^,...`'^.,^^.,`.^.^,,^', - ' .^^^.,...,^....^^^^,.,,...,^... ^° .' ^ - ..^,.^'^.,^.,^'.,.,.,.,`.. ^ � ......,.,^,,^,.,,, . .�....�,,.^....,...^..,^...^., / y . , ^ Proceedings of._ �Li:L�_City of Paducah_ __.;TBi12L :i c._ _192 : a ion: ".,':: - bocome ]1?e on 11 -ay thc( : +i)•' ,.>.' •:i:.) ... � : ..:a_', 01iL) igJzvo.d >-ay ....., c, ... _ Chesa enke.,;; ::.... , '; ": ,cart• +rc1ro sand(20 000.00)Do.114s rs "ita accrued ir.tcrmit w Chic Souti:- 9' u t:cstern Ra?1re13 Bon:is, x;, a': _ :'u Iiunlrcti (.;,r50.0O)Dollwr_. 'I .o' :' ,._.;.t rarer be _nthorized to tr, na:for fron the t eneral i _r.ns :.o t:?e :,3T1:in -1 ;!lou�send One Hundred _.r?d ::oventy-Nine anal i '`'jzI, %he. J.^oimt now ii. the enBT?1Sink; 111; fund Of Treasurer !, .:; _t�rcnby and 65/100(9270.65)Dollars, will be sufficient t-7ansfer _ 1179.35. o:1 :hc above date. Also that the-ini:in fund d J' ti:P I. -:'or ani rresiaents of both Bos3s, be authorized t0 issue t0 pay from si-.i:? u171:i1T1 !!und, the am01 I1t dile aS Y ... ..." ..-. r1D�•'.::i O?: the CiM O -i 1;`Lo roll: Yeas: iatts, iBou,_en0, Cochran, 1 _ ^_, l.iaa?, ::.oritson, 0':,en, Ri ;;losber&.er, Spicer and':!art.(12). i -me Offered notion to alloe" the bill of '3. C. Seaton for !;21.50. Cost i the Git,; of Yaducah VS: '.'. L. Yancej, and Clerk be instructed to issue ".C. Seaton, , i t F ^1.50 costs. _ 'xsi o_. rea., - Tor same. isuopted on the call o� ti:a roll: Yeas: Watts, ., CridCr, Jacobs, _girth, Lason, :.:OrTison, Oaen, RiS,Ie SberCer, Spicer ::er Ri.:le.3ber er read a resolution entitled "A RE60LUTIOIT DECLARING .Ii:i(Y oE.iEIIII IIF SE'tEER ZOIZ 1T0.7.`10, IN SUB-DIVISIOiT "B", 0E.aR AC 30. :]`.:17er ^n;i n o rT�w• r, n gone 2, 'ub- __.._.._._ .:0. ---_•_• >0 -Y, ;uD SETTING OUT IIT ^ Eid�_.AL .d.:a, _H_ division " " O _].:._.'_ '"1 ._ ;Gra_ OF '21Z :" On motion of Same, same was •*iven first � llwaer D'ist.3. _:_ call of the oil by the follocring vote. Yeas: Watts, Bou�eno, Cochran, :.:.:cion, Loraison, O-uen, Riggie Sber,�;er, Spicer and .bte.Wart.(12). i : On ,notion Of Hann the rules :Vere suspended and the resolution was given i I _. b:; >itle upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bou�eno, Cochran, Crider, i -tn, I-a.30n, I Qrtison, 0'::en, RiE. l:sbero:er, Spicer and Stewart.(12). 4 On :lotion same was given second and final passage on the call of the I Bou -ono, Cochr4t, Crider, Jacobs, i:erth, Cason, . OrriSO?l, 0776-I1, i 1 . ;.icer ...:III .. te,:"art.(12) i a r•:3i1lutiotl entitled "ii RESOLU`'ION DECL: I _.. .'i 1:1*._ ZO::. .;!a1, O1Tr, Ii SUB-JIVISTi1IT C, ., ., ii DT:,_.:I _ .iU!;,:a :i 1'43G.4,:er )iv _...'..'Y -,:L Z02 ;O hist. 3. „ On _ i :-ir: t pas a, 4 upon iilc: _,11 of the ._`-ison, I.orrison, OP:en, .. -UE rr;','Y �•d p?]d fc:<•. resolution 1aas 3ou, et:o, Cochran, :'(i: Dodge cur for r.e'-; car foI` Police Dept, not to etcecd 1C:0.00. No.. 43. Proceedings of _ __ �_ `1,.. 7_1"13T .City of Paducah_- ..__. _ _ i% IL _ t l Y. 192 .._ "cad _ t-:"A _?:,cOL',':I01: 1,LC::::JlS:C _ii;. C; ikl1: G^' Resolution, Sanitary sc-Crs IV. ,..;i r, ;,_...._.. Se::er Zone 3, _ Sub-Divisor: MzB ::.':. ..:_. :_ :. y� L'i .:::i_1-.. L T. Y _r� , .: .._�..- _.. _ ..._..._...� _ :.o sic; ,_ :�_.. ... Sewer District Oil of .. ....., i7i22 'i Y naa .re or - c;oll o' roll by the Bo, ello, Crna ,, Cr.idor, yjacobs, i.erth, I,..wam2, 1-"raicon ,I "C rubra rlere ju,i1,(�.nded and t(1E: ce3ollitiou ";ho ::all of moll: Yeus: Batts, Bou; ono, Coehr-:u, Crider, Jacains, i Oren, Ri 1, sbergei, bpicer and bte'aart.(12). On J:O`sion of saiae,same .,ias iven second ;:nd final -passage upon th,-.. call of the `oll )':!i:;: vola: Yeas: :+arts, on,-eno, C-)ehru., Crider, Jacobs, ::ertil, acc, r� icon, Orn:n, Rifple sberger, bpicer anI 6te••Mrt. (1°) . �:�s I -i a L-0.20111" rnt:itled "A R SQLUiIOid G''C� �:i:; : _ .. C' .. __.u(u "Joii ZO_; _. POUR, IN X03-)IM:IOid A AND C, _: DI- :.I0 I " Resolution. Sanitary seviers _...:.: _J �� ., ..� C:: cI_Y" n:yam .-_.�;: OUT I,'d _id:, ;Y Y u. '.0 in Sewer bone No. 4, Sub-Division-_: Go A. & C. Server Dis$. No. 3. On notion ,o !c s.r,:: .. ::: :firat yas.:age on the- call o' L!_•S io11.: Ynaz: i _ ;,no, Cochran, Crider, ,7:.:�"os, Lerth, Liason, :-orrison, Orion, :iia :.l On motion sa..e V: rules mere suspended and the rc�ollaion gas _i,,:,: ,,.�•;:ze 1 t:' `.'le upo:: thc: call oi' the rcli:. Yogi's: ','/ tts, Bou ono, ochr:n, Cridc-r, Jac,)Ibs, ::nicer and btrrrwrt.(12). 0=•s ;,, '' '.incr r l 'nssa,; r•.J'on t:ao c:.11 o_ th= X011: I :...,. _ .. 'no, Cochr-n, Crider, = :c r s, ::or 1, !_-son, :..orrison, 0"ren, a :e read a resolution entitloO "A RESOLUTION DECLA-HNG THE CONST RUC 'iIOid Or' +1'..8.:UiResolution IS�-DIVISIOiA, Seiner Zone ":o.5. -�, -0 s� .. ii�CEa�I_Y ...: .,..`1'_ 'i,'G GU_' IN GENE i-:L `_' ?i..b n:; _:.i)i�. b i iY U�J_CC ,0 Su`-Division A, Serer Dist. 3. .•. _.:Y_:..._ 0. firo� pasoaf-e o'.! r:11. 0'.' V.:- ro11: : :, Gilder, i-acobs, 1:,xth, Lcecon, t U-. .. :,`711'i'.,en s, 3o ono, Coe, n, Crider, Jacobs, i ..-< .. -._ _, .,. .., .. _, :.! �ce'r ..:�i etc::art•. (1�.). : -.. .. _' .. ,._:r..n, :riut2_, s: .:girth, I _ .l, City Ztc:bleo Ece hanpe of Dodge cur for r.e'-; car foI` Police Dept, not to etcecd 1C:0.00. Proceedings of - City of Paducah 192 __ . Umber Owen offered z,)otion to rr;,, r to :..:. P,,_.r' a. 1nbI : .. r::: and Joint i P. R. Hardir.,r, -., - :. _ _ _ttee ;a: l Ci : vl, ineer, tori _, . &:.r ilii r : ): in ai Se'ser]y encn• c a o" :. _ _ J � ..., .... , _ ,ro , r i o:. , ::, ... .,:+r i•, c:;'- .:c i-ia;_ ,�... t:.• ooard n i i' to ri ':•tri t 1_:• tro. is Att(: "u' i.v L.i:..•.tion, ti):, appli- Apnlication .. o" .. J, or _.. o.: . ;m o.. � yt.� V1 ._-� • hil ,) I.. t: ..,T) o.:' Dave Council. Yeas (I., bo: offered motion to concur in t?:,- _c!tion o" thr: _�o rd of :'arckl report liverside _ i r ,std to thr, ;;arch re':ort o" xi?it<:rride :i os p.tal ireivl recEived and filed. I'.ospital. i ,. .... 11 of the roll: Yea,. (12). offered. notion ;hat the }iospit_,1 Committee and �uporintend.ent of Ri',::r.:l:lii Supplies , for IFospi-•- it::'_ • •. i ,: x,c ^d to buZ, all supplies possible fro -,I local wholesale. concerns. tal to be Ij purchased ^d 0 .: 0 .11 of the roll. Yeas (12). � from local co:cerns• :.ilae1 J..cai;s offered motion ti concur in the action of the 3oard of i i -•_ _ r ir- r' .-.x1 to rac: i:•ink and filing the communication from thr--• Joint Li: ht � CY ittc;a, ir re,•ard to movimr :street Li ht at 11th c: Burnett, and 12th � Street Light 11th & surnai-on. _ Jopted o:_ :. c_lI o'_' t-=" roll: Yeas: (12). i and 12th & Harrison. S_.::o offered :::o':ion to concur in the fiction of the 3oard of hldermen bill of t:• 6t ;:d :rd Oil.. Company for t:':e sum of '..136.42. Lotion lost Standard 0' c-'_? i of the roll by t:-_ follo::lith, vote: Yeas : Spicer and Ste;raTt (2). rays: } 011 Co. Bill f Crider, Jacobs, :_'girth, Lason, L:or=i::on, Owen, and Hi �lesbargc�(10). i -- .. ._ .;ocizr,an offered motion to concur in ure action of the Board of i i and _ilinfr the re_oort front the Judiciary Co::_Ii tGoo Gler'r. to W ::-':=::. i:. t:• :action of the Cormnittee in not reoealinr the ordinance of Cler_: Cit;; Jixdge . :_Otion lost unor_ the call of the roll by the follo:'rin- vote: Yeas: - f1i• :• ;atts, Bou eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacob'o, Berth, Lason, :,_or,.ison, _.:d ctcr:art•(11). :::bei t ocs:.0 of:frred motion to concur in the action of the Board of in the 1c •, n in ie_dcrd to co-:c-:ri:^g reeommendatian•i the Joint Hospital, :;ewer & Sanitation Dr. Ernest :- :e a'.' oaring Lr. FOX, Ci., Ir::alth Officer, `,'300.00 per annum, payable •d25.00 Fpp,Clt:i Lieult_].ry, _... to be ch: r�d to tl:e conLin 'ent fund. hdopted Officer. r�1I. fell) : L , vote: Y• :,: .aL'ts, Bou-eno, Cochran, Cri t -r. _. , .. '.] t . .., .. : r -` � A:, .. ::r, ,. ?1!re:. .7i:i �tetiert• (ll liL - in .:.r; etiun of ,. ,. .Board of :Idem„n in 3-c,. ;:i '.o ..:ploy >>: a aistaxrt :'nr the honthz of •�ssiet7nt allo':r i ;filo ..a a , I -Aar,, of(` a100.00) ,y -}. by tit-. iolloal:'� L:orrij021, Owen, w Proceedings of ::::, o;::: �....•:.ity of Paducah___ . ,: .. i roll: .. o i 4., lN4:1 - F .. .., 8011 I —no, Cochr,:. , �'1•L•. .I , .- �: �)Ij. .• _ ., .-. _. ,� • .. �•�. a. Il i.�, \. ii, Ri., , lVuU(:r v, ili f:r r.i�i .'l. (?,.ai: rl•.(1F:)• rd Boone Fore: -an ,& nic, . o_ ._ r _"or )ond for Cit., . ,: aes or L': ., _.1D17n of .Lackey bo:d for , :Mali lo.; on ti.e QVII of tiu: roll: 0:-'l, ichr(2� Cit;, assessor not _ . .. -,. .. •., ., ., -:;�, LJ,6,r l.n, (hider, dacoi};, ,:,ortii, Lacon, i..orr L: mO a i.',r 1. �i•F':r. r ... ... ,:icer offered motion to concar in ncc action of tno- .:o ".r i a'" i .Uoo Tc•m in - bill of Boone, Fora,:lan w Lackey for rromium "or bond .'or t' ^.n Trn—,avr i Bond for Treasurer. li)(,_ . .'.1):,ed. Lotion lost on call of ;:i_a roll: yraj: ieer (1)., Crider, Jacobs,--arth, i.aonn, L.or. i::on, Ti«l lber,: cr Same off::r d motion to concur in tho action of the. Board o: ._l'err••.en in t0 bill Of u,;iith.'for the. pre::,ium of bond for the City !)ler._, ;,t,onntin Bond of City Clerk to �,;;0„0, not ba allo:fea:..l otion.lost or, T -h -c c:M of the roll: Yeas: ice • (li. Crider, J^cots, ._ert , L:ason, :-_orri.'-.oI2, 0,.vem, Jtev!—art (11).. . offered ii0tign i•o,conour iii z0l.e. action of the ;,;ot.rd OL Claim of S. 9. Gott. _i. it r_:. rd to the cloim. o: U. B. Gott, County Jail,.r, beir_r rc_"erred to the i ittee, aud•tf:-', reit”, :solicitor, 'lvith instrvetions to report bac:c.-d�n_ted 1-. roll:.. _c_ :. (12) :1- :%C'_' '!:r offered %lotion. to conc,ir in .3Gion of ::.e •, n'?Td i to the City :solicitor bnint ing' in a resolution exemptin,,- the Paducsh Ice Co., _ _.`,;_ lee Comn�%ny from taxation for t'r_e term of five years, �s per thr:ir taxation. __-lopt'd on the c'.11 of•the.roll b,/ the fo11'7::ir_ vote: Yana: (12). 1 : Ls -(tint- recesred at 11:10 to t;o into joint session. tt•.-cone=ned 11:50 6r_ VIOLion meetin adjourned. i�ttr•st.^-'-'--J`'-' ✓'......... 3✓2._.. • `p'�..�..��%_tr ;.%. --- -. cur ae,K.; Presed.n,at Rna;