HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 389, January 17, 1927PrDceedings Of-BoAn OF cOmicn.'r3?? __ -City of Paducah JANur.RY.17-, 1927. . At a 1'e9Ular rf.etinq of the Board of Councilmen heli or, the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, January the 17th, 1927, President j °'atson presided, and upon the call of the roll the following; answered to their names: Ratson, Bru:rT.ett, Crider, Dorherty, Duvall, East, Jacbbs, Johnston, Kerth, Vadison, Oren and Stewart (12). 1:'inutes of the preirlous meeting were adopted as read. ''e ber Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the ?.:a -or In the employing of Posey & Cocke to audit City accounts. Adopted on the call of the roll: Cotler, •Tali. n,.n, `teas (12). Sane offered motion to receive and file Inventories of property belonging; Invcn`cr'ca of City to the City, as submitted by each Department. Adopted on the call of the ro1l:Yeas(1?.). Sarre offered motion to receive and file the application of ."alter Coleman for Pest House Keeper for the City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll:Yeas(12). ?,ember Duvall offered motion to receive and file the application of 'ohn Thielmen, for position of Sanitary Inspector. i:dopted on the call of the roll: as (12). Sare offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee, communication from Toard of Health relative to a municipal system of garbage disposal. Adopted on the of the. roll: Yeas (12). ?.',ember Brummett offered motion to receive and file communication frori Yat Board of health rewarding the budgety for the Health Department for the ,year 1927. ed on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Y..ember Doherty offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor and Relief. communica'.ion from S. B. Pulliam, relative to sewer assessment against his ^t.r at 7th andel Harris .^streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). M, eyy. SVIM �-r d.pn nc e t ed "AN OPDP+INCF, AE'F11DING AND �5k'!;�+�ORnZ.r rL,: IjTI?'G PU9LIG ":Hr'F.F ;iN1 ";H.,FF 11A`;TL•H, T !/?'ATAPTcii u TFii'. G};HF:R}'.L COUNCIL APRIL THE, 21st, 1908. Same lo.^,t f rs: fsn•:; upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ...etson, Duvall, bast, Jecohs,Johnston, en^: Omen. (6). :7Hyn-. Brumm�, Crider, Doherty, Kerth, Mattlaon and Utewart. (6). Yember 3te,*ort offered n.ction that Jackson Street, between 19th and treeta, be ca`?e 60 feet 'aide instead of 66 feet tide, as prwioualy designated. or '.hn cu:l of the roll: Yeas (12). John3+:ox cffcred motion to refer to the Liaht 3 "Pater Committee, 1cr, for St"re.c 11.7, t at •.Ye, ?ntersection of Jec?:r'on and 25tb Streets; also .h •, a•. wh•Pr or k'srlio',c:. ....%,t• +•..;,r.. 1..,+1h tc 1`+h ^trerts. F.dopted on the call of the ii� • �' . .r• .•^r"'-^•• .::n' r1"+"'i: ', -r,11on t:0 ..,. .. +:G tYIP POl Ice $' Fire Committee, eG11- r ...;i Cation$ f—Tr "••': o.` .i:E !'b?.ice i!;fdt7`L4..•1'f'.*, f'^ ,. ..'.iriV, increare in salaries. ."•. •. a.q^1r'i Cn -he Cul.. C." tf1P, rGli: Yeur (12). Ew er �wb:. offer,,, a.ot c.r of thr. it�26. ..'.-•r •'ohnstcn Gfrere mot'Gn to fincr rU'. •. .. . :... . ^!^ ,. !Cli Or• `iIP . - ...,.., rnticel:ii:r tax rag.1 a;birsf: .'saes l.: c:: ......r ., r.r.. T;!-r:"y r)urei:rae•1 free, ti.em ty ox 4a.r;ury liup4 -.A t.r :ail cf •h^ a'oll: '!!^ta8 (12). 1 @@b@r :.ct:6rt7 crfere: mo.'Gn "r! c. -r." ... gra be:tjor, of +•e !'o--1 brrpn 3n rr'errin •e r>.e :ia,,. 5 ..a a: Ga i'. ec i r. frG• • :f.. 5' ll•t aT.'� .C',"C.�='.ala j'. E..9pt.C- Z:. :nw c rP ,'r `.'645 (1::}. Proceedings of. B04J'D_OF COONQ-1 U, I'li- City of Paducah J,,­(i-FY 17, 192q. Vembcr 7oherty offered motion to concur in the fiction of the Board of ',zotn. Aldermen In receiving and filing communication from the International t.sFociatlon Irlor-cst, of Fire Fighters, Local No. 168, requesting increase in salaries for wernbers or ,In Inl-,ri-s- the Fire Derartment. Adopted or, the call of the roll.- Yeas (12). Yernber Ewen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in accepting bid of Payne & Burnett to furnish Studebaker Special pn,:nc-!Irnett CO. Fire Chief's Roadster. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Special Fire chief's Road- ?,!ember Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDITIMF FIXING THF' SALARY ster. OF THF ASSISTbNT CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTTiCKY." Ord!-nqnce. Salary As,istsnt On motion sane was given first passage upon the call of the roll: yeas: Chief of Police. Brumme-t, Crider, Doherty, Jacobs, Johnston, Kerth, Owen and Stewart. (8). Nayp: Matson, Tiuivall,East and Yattison.(4). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the poll; Yeas: 1.7atson, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, East, Jacobs, Johnston, Kerth, V.attison, Ower and Stewart. (12). On motion same was given second pnd final passaue upon the call or the roll: Yeas: V.Tatson, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, East, Jacobs, .Johnston, Kerth, Yattison, Owen and Stewart. (11). Nays: Duvall (1). Member Duvall read an ordinance entitled "AN OPDINAMCTi FrOVIDING TEAT TH7-'PE RE, A17T) WERE IS HEREBY ELIVIYATED FPOY SK."ER 7.01*. NO. 2, TPF PROPERTY OF LAUGSTAFF ORMF YFG. COUPANY., `L-EST KENTUCKY COAL COMP? NY AND 1MR LORD TIF COPPANY 2 t n-- 1IT1T;_1T:r1 Al,D LYING BETTEEN SECOND STREE T AVr) TILE, OHIO RIVER. AND FIVERN TENNESBEE STREET MID 77ASHINGTON STREET IN TRE (;ITv OF PA DUCAFE, KUTTICKY. Sarno lost first passage upon the call of the roll: Nays (12). Yember Stewart offered motion to concur in the ction of the Board of Aldem.en instructinF-, the City Folicitor to bring in a resolution for the hard surfacing, of Jackson Street, from the west line of Guthrie Avenue to the east line of 21st Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of tile, Board of Aldermen instructing the City Solicitor to brinf, in a resolution for the bard surfacing of 12th ILreet, from t1re north line of Tvirrtle to the North line of Pernbeirr. [venue from the west line of 12th to the east. line of VKth Streets. on the call of the roll- Yeas (12).. ?O'ne Offered rection to ccrel;r in the action of bhe FoPrd of f1dern-en Pi Z:ollcltor to brinr, in a resolution for the, herd surra P In I-rcr 11-,c north line of, the vvyrie7d Road to the inter;:.er.Lion .tre,,t frcn,, the Interr'section of Guthrie Avenue to the on the ci,ll or the roll; Yeas (12). nJ)' 1 on -1, elor.o.%r- In the action of the Roerd of en q lie,!`. or 'c r? in r, revolution fov the hard ^urf&cl ng frc- lt,. can, r1r .alt lire of 10-h; -!r­71, fr­ r.- _'ir-ni "11!­11 to the south line. of ;-treet. h, roll; Yeiis (12). p 0,1.1'r, or fj­ repr.lij' icn for farinv of t-er t. or it.- V.-a i mc. I r ­ r. oo r:, , r T. '?I, ',:�-Arn lc,.rd of 1,14.prrn zurrapin;, 1rt cf Cr v6-1: N,. .'.1. Proceedings of :;�,:: a of Cer•1;C_I, .'.': City of Paducah T --j-_ 17TH, 1927. same offered motion to concur in the _etlon of the Board of Aldernen N. 4t; inntr+.ictina the City Solicitor to bring in a resolution far the hard surfacing., of North fr.",, 11 Fon fro:.,. 1,z-• 4th 'tree'- td the south line of Lladison to the north line of Clay Street. Adopted on the call o1' the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen instructin:. the City Solicitor to bring in a resolution for the herd surfacinc of South _:'r:r t• 6th Street from the south line of Tennessee Street to the North line of Clark Street. Adopted on 'he call of the roll: Yea^, (12). rember Kerth read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION P17OVIDTtC FOP ,'ution. "'H! P'F"U'? ;"C OF 13TH STREET FROV THR NOwTF YP.CYERTY LIh'E; OF JEFFFRSON STREET TO THE _- .Uth 1'OM1TF Y^rFETTY LIFE OI' 1'0)'T'0?s STREET, 1.'ONFIOF: STP,E:F;T FROL' "'HF ': L•Ffi PY,UPFF.TY LINE OF 12th I�T"FRT TO 'fF F.P? PR.' PF'''Y LINL OF 13TH STRh,ET; 12TF. STREET FRO& TP.E SOUTH ?'sW�`;'>Tv LIt!=OF R;'O.,Ii::i;Y TO THE 110RTH YROPIiRTY LIP?E OI+' KENTUCKY AVEINi'L, IN THE CITY OF :Ti'IVCKY, BY THE CONST-71:TIO14 OF A HARD SIl' FACE ROAFgCnY, IN ACCOwDANCE; 7.1TH THE rHCIF'ICATIONS PPOVID(D Till-REFOR BY TflF CITY L•P!O1VELF. AT WE COST OF THF ^ T 1?7G F-('?T^TY 0"P?ERS, AND PFOV1DING THAT SUCH COSTS MAY RE' PaID UNDER THE PROVISIONS 0;, TF.-' Ti':' YFAI Pt:',T IIIT PLAN." On motion same wb s given first passare upon the call of the roll: Y-ae (12). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was given second and final passare upon the call of Yeas (12). Yemher Stewart o!'fered motion to concur in the action of t+e Borrd of - .. 'n a•:thcrizing the Street Committee, and Board of Public lr'orks, to f@rnish and neuirnent, and two additional men for the sewer department. Adonted on the tail of the roll: Yeas (12). ^-R.•re offered motion to concur in the action of t:he Board of Aldermen y,. y "o. in nr=+rdinr cor.'.rant for the constructions of sewers on which bids were received Jaruery 13t:n, to F.'cKe.lvey Consrruct-ion Compary of St. Louis, Mo., at a price of anproximetely `252PW(.00, an per reco¢cr.endar,ion of the BOLrd of Public ti•ori;c. Adopted on the call of're. r•611: 7 -ac: '-ntson, Brunaett, Crider, Loherty, Duvall, Last, Jacobs, Kerth, Owen a;rt ".enar•t. (il). ••ays: Johnston (1). kemt.er '1A;vul.;. offered motion to concur in the action of the Board ` or er 131e1trcn 11: receivina ant fillnl' ros.runication from the Board of Public l':orks, rel,rr! F. Ardornrn, Street Inrnector for t --.e ycar• of 1927. Adopted .rtt. offereul ro':irn tr,� cor.rnr In the action of t.he. Po+rt 1r: _ -• Fite b Y"nnev for trradlnv rind arovel.ine 24th street, f^.. .reet to L:ay 'he 1.:'t, l:i?'.. tdt,pted on the call if .-ertl c"! -FeRcticn to rrfev t:ie Fire ani Iplit:e Cocr.Ittec, tC rerC.^• par;, :.,, rf t..•c:. t'r, r.. ;ar. . �S'ti. , of For -1 etd6r. to err, i- Of !n. 2 -rax-.,, . .. .. 'f ... 'i.^ call of :.,. �'o,.. 'r,. ,. 1 ). 4 Cff-?rt: . • :f ., ncl n ?'aai oaf'. Of t:rr a..t_ + , o r se a C7peari to r• G•n tr•a i c •. . .• }.�•...... o�ec cff-re. :: 'i•.. i h7�.^.. sae.:.. -,o:fL` •.r.se^C.i^tnf- cr -- Proceedings of -0,-.^ CcF co.w.ciix..rr; City of Paducah j.q..,-_A y 17, 1927. Fember Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in al.lowinc from the General Fund Bond Interest on the fol.lowirs interest due February the 1st, 1927: ;•-r. Bonds 631,000.00 N.O. & 0. R.R.R.Bonds x;,660.40 is 109,000.00 Street Imo. Bonds $2160.00 3onds. 21,500.00 city Hospital Bonds 430.00 21,000.00 Varket House Bonds 420.00 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Y..ember Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in accepting report from the Treasurer of collections cede in con- nention with the D. J. Ryan Construdtion:Company's Comtract No. 1, for paving, Bridf.e Street, and authorizing; the Treasurer to make final settlement upon sale Van onst. ^cnt.ract 1. of bonds. Also authorizing the Vayor and Treasurer to have bonds printed and sold Pc:•'- 'o be prin- tel. in the amoiant of ;;24161.90. t;dooted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of of Treas. Aldermen in accepting, report from the Treasurer of collections made in connection Gholson —at Yo. 3. with Adams & Ghelson Contract No. 3, and instructinrr the Clerk to draw warrant on the Treasurer for '067.84, due from cash collections. Also authorizing the r.ayor and Treasurer to have bonds printed and sold in the amount of ;183.92. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ion Aldermen authorizing the cancellation of Special Street Improvement Ponds and ""'I;s• Coupons in the amount of }7950.03. Adopted on the call of tl,e roll: Yeas (12). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the actIcn of the Board '•rn• V. T. "ouscr•of Aldermen in alloe:ing.Vrs. V. T. Rouser $16.32, whdch was erroneously collected for 6treet improvements, etc. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Crider offered motion to concur in the aet•don of the Poerd ,'Iurnb.Co. of Aldermen in alloaring Koller Plumbing Company 1122722.23, City's portion for cost of construction of sewers in Zone No. 5. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur In the action of the Board of Al er-.en in allowing the D. J. Ryan uonstructld)n Company :,5775.82• Gity's portion Co. of vont fcr hard nurfacinv Clements Street. Adopted on the toll of the rcll: Yeos (12). Ve.mber Prirmett offered motion to concur in the actior of tr:e C1ala1. grhr; of tl.ier.n:.n allcvfin; clair. s in the amount of ,:8347.87. Adopted on the call of t*. roll; lean (12). D•®r.[,er 4rider o:'fered motion to concur in '.he actIcn of ,he Boord or :I1er.-.er it r11c,;Inn/pay rclls In the aoount of 1;7702.59. ;dortrd or, the _all of '.:. ro '.?•a.tAr :�:} e.rty offored metlon to concur in rt:e action of t:he °"' r•f ,.:. 'e r-.�r i❑ Tari^1'+._..^.r, trig •_P:9'.1 T. Tennessee Telenhone 1.'cTrery to move Its Poles on Vc:-h 8th r _. e, chr•; 1 e nide r." l•e efjre,t. repte.j on(� f.h all A rail: ('2J. Cr. T.,' if)G ee• t'r_ � I jntjrred.