HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 368, November 15, 1926Proceedings of..._.BD.= r of scarc11u.11_, _City of Paducah NOV.- 15, 1926. .
. rc,nlc .Bernheim.
'.Ye• from. iith
^.-•s in alley
Jeff. and
on cert lti-
or Governzart.
.. 201
^-nx r„r....l.
it a regular meetinc of the Board or Councilmen held on the Kiri
Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, November ljxt, 1926,
President. Johnston presided, and upon the call of the roll .the following answer-
ed to their nan,cs : Johnston, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Kerth, Oxen, Stevrart,
Vogt and ',':atson. (9).
&inu+es or, the previous meetinF sere adopted as read,
Member Owen offered motion to receive and file letter from Frank
D. Bernheim, relative to donating forty tons of coal to the poor of the City
of Paducah, and that a letter of thanks be written to b:r. Bernheim. Adopted
on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
Satre offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the 1.:ayor
in regard to not building 36" sewer between Bway, and Kentucky Avenue from 17th
to 19th Street, %cross the property of V. . F. Bradshaw and Mrs. John K.
L'.cDonald. .adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor to make report,
the co-mmunication from, the Fayor, relative to bu`lding seers in the alley
between Jefferson and t:onrce Streets, and 19th and 25th Streets. Adopted on
the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
S:,,Le offered motion to receive and file election certificate from the
County Court Clerk, sl?oviing that Commission Form of Government was adopted at
the election held on the 2nd day of November, 1926. Adopted on tt.e call of the
roll: leas (9).
Same offered motion that the communication from Ed, Hannan, Choirm.an
of the PlaninE and Zoning Commission, relative to the City securinr ground to
open 20th Street, from Clerk street to Ldams Street-, be referred to the Street
Committee. Ldopted on the call of the roll: yeas (9).
t:ember riatson offered mOti0n to refer to the City Engineer and
Fi^e Chief, the report of the Paaur&h 'toter Company, under date of November r.he
Par., relptive to wotcr mains lei1 onl fire plugs located. Adopted on the call
of the roll: Yeas (9).
:.'.ember Loherty offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor
^cr poll ray. refo r;; of bars. Lou Boyd, las. Pat (Iror_,sn and F. C.
iic r-^lir. e•:lcpted en the call cf the roll: Yeas (9).
l:emher 'etron offered motionto cocas in the Fetion c" ',?,e
or. ':e.e. .r int, 1?2F, instructing the City Solltltcr
L t' '.n, Ztcrm Mater Sewer Or,iin,nce.s. ,ionted
.,... rear: an ordin"nce entitled ":.. OF.LINA:r'C .,. -
..•� _, - .. i.o'i,1-rr:,., or ?�9t' ... !' FROM .. 1'{:-i, r,•!1 i'i•:""i i
call :.r
i , tail by
Proceedings of_
City of Paducah 15, 1926.
A:cmbev fi� o'"f.•:: +:.otlon to concur in chs t.etion of the Board of
,. ,,. Iacky %1-iet-con ir. allewir..- 3oore, rorc•a::•^ &Lac;ey to connect witkt tL.e ae::ars on 21st and
Ars c^. Ci d on the 311 of the roll: Yeas (9).
.. G .a. t ^CCts. !•.dOntC
offered motion that the F:entueky btilities Ccn:p,ny be
.,,t. rem.tired to move the old street c,r rails from Yeiser Avenueand Bays Avenue Immediate;
ve. 1: Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
1..ember Kerth offered motion to grant the request of /`� property owners,
permittin, than. to ccztstruct concrete sidewalks on the East side of 22nd Street from
,he South nr^pert• lire of Kentucky I..venue to the North property line of .ashinfton
.araeti. +•dopted on the call of the roil: Yens (9).
tember Flea•ing offered motion that the Paducah ':'rater Company be required
.; to fix 1pa!ky fire plug on Bridge street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
;!ember Doherty offered motion that the City of raducah deed Lot Yo. 49;
in Bloc!: 4, in Oah Grove Cemetery, to Jos and *:ary E:cCullough, for the sum of $50.00.
dopted on th^ call of the roll: Yeas (9).
^Crllcu?h. Some offered motion that the City of Paducah deed Lot No. 3, in Block
.15, of Oa=: Grove Cemetery to Mary D. l:a:rkins for the sum of w90.00. i.dopted on the call
r'• cf t^e roll: Yeas (9).
1.:embdr ',.arson offered the follo::irg: "P.-hereas, on June 17th, 1926,
General Council of the City of Paducah authorized and cmnc,:ered the idayor of the
of Y8'tl.`ea6 to execute a ecn'rect -ilth the Illinois Central Railroad Company,
a ee of the Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad Company, but in said
r•`rolution scl,1 "avor :vas directed to execute said contract with the Cvicago, St•Lcuis;
nni "_w Cr>ann P.cilroad Company, :.hen in truth and in fact said contract was with i:he.'.
iainols Ccrt:•,L ',ilrc • 7 tonrpany, as Lessee of tho Chicago, St. Louis &New Orleans
Pnilroa` �--T..•any. ::G':., :M%RUORE, :
3-� 1`. resolved that the Vayor of the City of Paducah be, and he is
hereby r;`r.. ize i sr•; en:puv+^red '.e execute srid contract of date of bnrll 2nd, 1926,
t•: 'YU_ a:'ilroRcl Company, as Lessee of the Chicago, St. Louis and'
ny enA the Ci!.y of P<.lucsh." Adopted on the cr.11 or the roll:
`M1^ .c:• Cwen'effered motion to concur i:, the action of the Boord of
:, i:: aC^.er•Sirp, ct,r:,et contract J'3, cf D. J. Ryan Construction Lompany, on
et,, "rcrW C's. !tic cpex'ty line of :cnrcc Street to Ube :,est pro,.^e^ty line cf
_e'.t. f.,iaq'e•: c�, ,- ".1 ;.f '.?.•• .ell. "•'•.,_. (?).
.. •,P 7' .' lLl. '.v rC,nn. it 1l. .. action or the Bosr•d of Aldermen
_. S' .. , .... , of ... ,onsl ruct.lon "ompeny,
107$._.21, . rylt.r 6% int.cresC.
Proceedings of.
__ City of Paducah _ _ Nov. 15, 192.6.
On u,ction sane 'cas riven first passa(*e upon the call of the roll:
On motion the rules ware suspended and ordinance read by title upon
the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
On motion same was viven second and final passage upon the call of
the roll: Yeas (9).
L-.e^.ber U;.;en offered motion to concur in the action of the Boor9 of
Proceedings of ''�' o== ��' City of Paducah ;ay. 1571{, 1926. _.
d:c er �.;en offered ;notion to concur Sr. the actio. of the Board of
re _
1'•ercen alloc:inc-pecisl '-.ngir.•ering Pay roll from Hard Surface ztreet Improvement
rand 'or -„234,33, and 'ilbur i':atson Fe Associates from Island Crack Bridge Fund,
;:300.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
Sase offered motion to concur in the etion of the Board of Alder -nen in
"`'nk nllowin;7 the claim of Fronk :ar,,stus for 1,20.40, for.repairInF City Jail. Adopted
,on the call of the roll: Yc.e3:61inston, Crider, Fleming, Kerth, O•rren, Stewart, Vogt.
an-! -n.tson. ?lays: Doherty (1).
l:embor .'rtson offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Aliermcn in allowinr Boone, Foreman. 3 Lackey X1329.21, insurance premiums. i.dopted on,
�e cell of the roll; Yeas (9).
I*ember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of.Aldermen
in .ilowinr the following: Claims ...... �-83288.72; peyroll..... 0115.85. Adopted on
th" call of she ,tell: Yeas (9).
"'.ember Stewart offered motion that 13th Street be made a boulevard, frdm
`t Jefferson Street to Gillett Street, and that the Chief of Police be instructed to put
P. :— to line through the center of same to keep the traffic on the right and left sides,
rated on the call of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Owen,
^rt, Vogt and '"atson (8). Vays: Korth (1).
Same offered motion to refer to the Ordinanbe Uommittee, the matter of
._....i^, building ordinance. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
Board recessed at 9:15 o'clock to go into Joint Session.
F.d-ren•^Med at 9:30 o'clock P. Ll., and on motion meeting adjourned.
t a r'lwulal• a. -I tint/ to be held on the Third F1ooP of the City liall, in
'-l" of P""nh, K7., :reenter 6th 92S
+ '' + there was no 9uoram present, and the
Iccm?:Ger the 9th at 7:30 o'clock Y. 6:.
.. "e �-J' �. ^.. �u-�.L�' 't/.`•:6.