HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 348, September 7, 1926Proceedings of _. _ : . _
City of Paducah
Same offered motion to concur in the reconx.,endsltion of the 'rnu ror
Condemnation pro-
ceedings against instmictinr the City Solicitor to bring condemnation proccndinrs ar,,'.inst M.
M. Livingston & Co.
Livingston & Co., fora strip' of group: at 11th and Kentucky :'-venrte to be used
for strcet purposes, !doptcd on the call of the roll: Yons (lo),
Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor and Fire Chief,
Report of Vaduchh renort of the Paducah ..star Company under date of :;entelnber 4th, 10211, of crater
V-ater Company.
Tc+irs laid ecnd fire nlug,s located. ,:donted on trio' call of t1hc roll: vm.rs (10).
mber ,.ertih offered motion to accept neer Pierce :;rro',. City Sorvice
Pierce Arrow City ^_ r,,c;t contracted for from the (ienoral i"nnufacturinr Company of tet. Louis, Tlo. ,
Service Truck.
..s reeo�Ls-.ended by :ho Chief of the Fire Wnartc:nnt. .idopted on the call of the
roll: Yc+s (10).
::ember Ovren offered motion to refer to t;xe Police Fire Cormittoe,
Extra ren to r
operate Hook and ^^ort hc.ek, tnc request of tho Chief of the Fire Dennrtment to enploy two
'Adder ixvek.
a i litional ::en to opo •••r :e new Hook, ana Ladder Truck• v*bptod on ;:ho cull of the
roll: Yean G).
Report of Chief -e .e:r :.e ,.. offal, :1 r,otlon to rnco.ivo nr t file tlrr' rnnort n1' th,,
of Fire bent. r,o:ah oi' :,u;;+lut, l r:. J. ion`.ne: on *.'rlo call
tip.. 'n - ot'Perr;l motion to receive mrl fir,. of
Report of Chief
of Police. cf .•.t,.,, 1Sr2 :iwt(.d on tiro
icn l:e i'oGa VO ullt 1't le `.ht
rM;pert at vlty
Jailer. :up<<:,i on ,..ra,onli of
t,:. t !'I lc
E^tti'f�,tt,:s of
P,1eey r, rem Ech• Sr: ".,:•., . •v r ^, :;, , .; �
_ _ + -. ., .. Lix7 ::all u;' •.... � '.1,
.....;n 0
Sun Pabllsnir„a
Co. traffic s:;_
nava aceeptel,
of :nc Board of Courcilron hold ou thf! :hi:^d
11, i.e:'7 Qlt]r of PFId'lcall, Ky. , :it:'l`l:^'.1 0x' %r:'S, 1926,
preaided, rind upon the will of t:e roll tiro following, an.9,wered
!:o ..r n 1,:..., Johnston, Crider, Della-ty, Flomin,,, Jncobs, ?;erth, Owen, Ster:nrt,
inutes of previous mee:tinpSwere adopted as read.
City Auditor to
Member Korth offered motion to -concur in tine recon+^en,latien of the Yayor
audit books of
the. City Auditor to audit the books of the School 9oard for the Fisch
School Board.
_:r.'.lm; June 102C. .. ionted on the coal of the roll: 'fees (10).
offered motion to concur in the, recommendation of the Mtyor
Condemnation proceed-
t,•• Cit; 'olicitor to bring condemnrtion nroceelin s :l;•ainnt Che
ings against E. E.
Lewis' property on
,,, ,,.. -' r of Lc'sis on Bro rdvnY Y
tnear 16th Street extending back to Kentucky
,;.,,hue, to obruin s:.r:c for street nurnoses. Adonted on the call of the roll:
Same offered motion to concur in the reconx.,endsltion of the 'rnu ror
Condemnation pro-
ceedings against instmictinr the City Solicitor to bring condemnation proccndinrs ar,,'.inst M.
M. Livingston & Co.
Livingston & Co., fora strip' of group: at 11th and Kentucky :'-venrte to be used
for strcet purposes, !doptcd on the call of the roll: Yons (lo),
Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor and Fire Chief,
Report of Vaduchh renort of the Paducah ..star Company under date of :;entelnber 4th, 10211, of crater
V-ater Company.
Tc+irs laid ecnd fire nlug,s located. ,:donted on trio' call of t1hc roll: vm.rs (10).
mber ,.ertih offered motion to accept neer Pierce :;rro',. City Sorvice
Pierce Arrow City ^_ r,,c;t contracted for from the (ienoral i"nnufacturinr Company of tet. Louis, Tlo. ,
Service Truck.
..s reeo�Ls-.ended by :ho Chief of the Fire Wnartc:nnt. .idopted on the call of the
roll: Yc+s (10).
::ember Ovren offered motion to refer to t;xe Police Fire Cormittoe,
Extra ren to r
operate Hook and ^^ort hc.ek, tnc request of tho Chief of the Fire Dennrtment to enploy two
'Adder ixvek.
a i litional ::en to opo •••r :e new Hook, ana Ladder Truck• v*bptod on ;:ho cull of the
roll: Yean G).
Report of Chief -e .e:r :.e ,.. offal, :1 r,otlon to rnco.ivo nr t file tlrr' rnnort n1' th,,
of Fire bent. r,o:ah oi' :,u;;+lut, l r:. J. ion`.ne: on *.'rlo call
tip.. 'n - ot'Perr;l motion to receive mrl fir,. of
Report of Chief
of Police. cf .•.t,.,, 1Sr2 :iwt(.d on tiro
icn l:e i'oGa VO ullt 1't le `.ht
rM;pert at vlty
Jailer. :up<<:,i on ,..ra,onli of
t,:. t !'I lc
E^tti'f�,tt,:s of
P,1eey r, rem Ech• Sr: ".,:•., . •v r ^, :;, , .; �
_ _ + -. ., .. Lix7 ::all u;' •.... � '.1,
.....;n 0
Sun Pabllsnir„a
Co. traffic s:;_
nava aceeptel,
Proceedings of
City of Paducah 7TH, 1926—
offared notion that it Jo:TaInittec of tao, ono from each 13ottr,ll
".1, 0 , ith the 77ayor, be Inati-lacted to draft it lev:ur of aymptain,
r. 0 the luorc,-Ve
y of the late Councilman Geo. :.Itts. Adopted on the call of tiro toll:
ortli sas annointed.
cr -urth excused from iio(.jtin!7,.
Fill on
r ',;Rtson offore.1 rot on that the Bo.a-d of Public'•;orks be witnoi-ized
Ashcraft to
:i—:n Uons'.naction Gomp-riny to buill it fill on A slicraft ::venue between
Ave. btw.
Sowell &
i -x a!%va,z-9. icetcd on the call of wie roll., Yeas
-riltze Sts.''
1.!er-.1hQr Doherty offered faction that Mrs. Billingtont,'Soxton of Oah,Grove
Crushed Ocnetcry,
be instructed to buy one car load of crushed stone for use on the Cemetery
to Ie paid for out of Ccr-ctcr,,, Fund; also one book for kooping records Rn,1
and lawn
nower for
Lawn 1 -ower. .,donted on the call of the roll- Yorts (9).
3w%e offared notion that the bitying of one tanvaps 16 X 20, be reforro,l.
Canvass -o Cs--.etcry Comi-.ittee *7ith ro,.,4er to act. -4opted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
for C07e-
Vember Oxon offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
in vllo;in� the Fire -Chief 1=.00 to Pay his expenses to attend the Kentuch.7�
-znc:!i:ton to be held in Louisville, ::y., -ontomber 13th to 15th. Lost
:1 0' the roll: Ye:13: Johnston ami Jacobs (2). --,y3: Crider, Doherty,
Ste:iart, Vo -t an .'atson (7).
S --:e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
Bos rd of
of 140.00 for use of car by T)
the Board of Evaluation. ',do ted on tho`
w, Yeas (9).
:'ember Criier offered motion to concur in the action of the Boarl of
.,;..In,7 the clal,,.. cf T. Rouse of -j7015.05 for work on Island Creek
work on
i on tae, call of tiro roll. Yeas (9)
of`prol motion to concin, In thu action of the Board of
r, n.7 of Blick & Veatch for 050.00. Adonted on the w.11 of
-inn to concur in ti,n action Of the T.103r'!! of .,lrlex en
.,%'r Utimr:.ittee, petition floc llipiit at tbo corner of 14th
at corner
14th anal
-1-1 of "an roll, Yens (9).
Tu Sly Ave.
'Q11 0 on to concur In tlio :—%ion of t1w lo r l of
0 it
Boarl of
oP ?,„.10 .or... !vvf-tiso for 111,1.9 fwi
Works to
npon the call or Or
tide for
Jacohs, rtw"Jart , 'V0
01' the 01*
to put
house -cn-
Proceedings Of- _HOsi,i%JB City of Paducah _ .z l"i'. 7, lop&.
of"orckl r,o*.lor: to concur in the action of tha 130ard of
Koller Plumbing Co. 1:iar;:.vn 1locia; ;;eller Plusv ing Gomvany ;?20732.27, fin::l settlonout for the
eonstniction of se:aer lAtcruls in Zones Nos. 1 and 3. ;doptod on the nail of the
roll: Ycus (9).
Member Owen offered rotion to concur in the action of .he Board of
so Claims. lien:xcn in -,t11o•:inr, Blains in the amount of $$"811.46. adontod on thr call of
tir: roil. Yeas (9).
Pay rolls. 1dc:moer Flaming offered motion to conetu' in the rtction of the 9oord
of .-.idem:en in. allot:inn, pa,; roll in the amount of 8,10274.78. Adopted on the
call of the roll: Yeas (9).
l;emtbor Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Hard surface ?c'<:on in nlloraint; hurl surface street irrnvovament claims anti nrt.r rolls in
street improv.
claims and pay r6lle,_,✓ a,rount of •;6016.41. adopted on She cull of the roll: Yens (9).
1'cr.ber Ov;on of 'creel notion to concur in the action of tate Bo:,rd of
Special Street Improv$., 1 , in ulio:.ln ,;23,82 for t!to cancellation of �,eci^.l Street Imnrovea:ent
Bonds and coupons
cancelled. r.1 .ci:no? s. ..lao • 136.76 frog tic 3nceia1 Street I.rprovea:;unt Fund to the
Snecial St. Improv.
Fund to General _.:..1 i':rQ, iopted on the cull of thu roll: Yeas (9).
D,z::o Awaart offered motion that the City Solicitor ho inrt.'"-tcted
Herd surface on to '.;ritn:; ir. a r,�jclutton for hard surface on J,lckson Street from 19th to 21st
Jackson St, from
19th to 21st Sts. '.r,rceS_. donted on the ca._1 of ,c roll: Yeas (9).
On motion meeting adjourned.
30, 'i