HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 346, August 26, 1926Proceedings of se
No.__""�- -- -
City of Paducah ".:'t'•, 192c,._ -
,:t t, Cn.11 , eetinf of the 3o.ard of Counciltocn hold on the Taird Floor of
the City hall, in tiro City of Paducah, Ky., August 2Gth, 1926, President Johnston
presided, and upon the call of the roll t,o follo::ing answered to their names:
Jo,inston, faun<.vtt, Cridor, Flominr„ Doherty, Jacobs, Kerth, O,scn, towart,
7o^t ana :atson. (11).
Eayoraa call received and fildd.
i.;ember Owen offered motion to roceive and filo renort of 615,ck 1, Veatch
Black & Veatch.
of bids received for street oaving. Adontod on the call of the roll: Yens (11).
. Kenicer north offered motion to receive and file the recor_m ntlation of tho
D.J.Ryan Construe- 3o,ircl of Public ••orks to accept hid of D. J. Ryan Construction Cortnnny for nrtvina
tion Co. Contracts
5,6,7 and 8.
Ccntr::cts os. 5, 6, 7, and 8 for ;;121989.46. Adopted on the call of t e roll:
Ye^.s: Johnston, Brumrrtett, Doherty, Kerth, Vogt and 'Jutson (7), ilava: Fleming,
Ogren and 3tewurt (3). Jacobs not voting.
:;embo r ,,crth offered motion that the bid of the Southern Roads Company
of :121N6.30 be accented, ani contract awarded to them. Stonc or gravel to be
Southern Roads Co.
used as a mineral aCrCreRate in the wearing surfnco, as may Tse selectod by the
City nngineerinC Department. Adopted on the.call of the roll: Yea:,: Johnston,
8runr:ett, Crider, Doherty, Kerth, Stewart, Vogt unt':atson. (8). Nays: Fleming
ani Ogen (7.). Vr',:bcr Jacobs not voting.
°ember Owen offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Board
Fite & Yancey.
of Public forks and Joint Street Committee in awarding Fite & Yancey Construction
Company con,.ract for Trading and graveling streets atecorling to provisions set
forth in specificet,ions. .+dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11).
Eenter Ogen offered motion to concur in the recomr.,ondation of the
Yancey & Johnston.
ec,r of Public '.:orks and Joint Iitreet Committee in awarding contract for ni:?,:
curb an r{utter to Yanecy and Johnston. Adopted on the call of the toll: Yana:
Br,: -ct:, FleminP, Jacobs, Owren, �terrart and ••atson. (6). Nayo: Doltertp,
Jo.r:stor. !,n: Vo -t. (3). l•.era,ers Gri'1Cr and Korth not voting.
Ece to offered motion to concur 1n the-: rocoa men,D,tion of the
,Tess Rolman.
rind FIrP Co=mittee, in dismissing ebur,?ea proferrocl anains?. .Toss Holman
Por .._.,._..:art Smile on duty as patrolman. Adontad on tic call of the roll:
•red notion to receivo and Cilo t.h, corr„unicar.ion
W-st Kv. Coal Cn.
' .. ,....,,. ., :.: ". - -..=+: - anntra^': :riot tine '.:e::t •:ant.„r:':;,-: Coal Corpany
C ,nt.rnCL•
l an -a for the winter of 1926-27. ::don i on
',i -,at contract for coal be tvuur<ied Rradlr!v
�:rn<ll,ry Rros.